
By Dharmiebae

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Jolayemi Jabita, a soon-to-be-16 year old girl, who was definitely not a child has had it rough. She had been... More

The Prologue
Chapter 1: The New Dawn
Chapter 2: The New Girl
Chapter 3: The Other Twin
Chapter 4: The New Uniform
Chapter 5: The Weekends
Chapter 6: The Introductions
Chapter 7: The Invitation
Chapter 8: The Project
Chapter 9: The Party
Chapter 10: The Shack
Chapter 11: The Confrontation
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: The Sleepover I
Chapter 14: The Sleepover II
Chapter 15: The Sleepover III
Chapter 16: The Outing
Chapter 17: The Controversy
Chapter 18: The Cry For Help
Chapter 19: The Truckload Of Regret
Chapter 21: The Consequences
Chapter 20: The Mistake
Chapter 22: The Celebration
Chapter 23: The Family Dinner
Chapter 24: The Move In
Chapter 25: The Presentation
Chapter 26: The Letter B
Chapter 29: The Big News
Chapter 27: The Uno Reverse Card
Chapter 28: The Study Session
Chapter 30: The House Guest
Chapter 31: The Talk
Chapter 33: The History
Chapter 34: The Office Visit
Chapter 35: The Perfect Dress
Chapter 36: The Camping Trip
Chapter 37: The Flag
Chapter 38: The Indoor Games
Chapter 39: The Reconciliation
Chapter 40: The Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 41: The Lobby Fight
Chapter 42:The Relationship Problems
Chapter 43: The Confession
Chapter 44: The First Date
Chapter 45: The Birthday Present
Chapter 46: The Cabin
Chapter 47: The Christmas Eve
Chapter 48: The Pain
Chapter 49: The Miracle
Chapter 50: The Déjà Vu
Chapter 51: The Memories

Chapter 32: The Fuck Up

37 8 0
By Dharmiebae

I sighed in relief as I came out of the hall. I'd just finished my last paper and as I patiently waited for my friends, I couldn't help but be happy. Now, I didn't have to think about school, all I had in mind was eat, sleep, wake up, and just do it all over again. I leaned against my locker as I put in my books, I wouldn't be needing them for a long while. It was enough to put me in a very good mood. I searched around the hall, satisfied no one was in sight, I did a ridiculous dance, where I was rolling my hand around my waist in a weird motion, I jumped a little and twirled. I knew I looked like a fool, but right then, it didn't matter to me. I was about to roll on the floor, a move I'd seen all those hip hop dancers do when I saw someone looking at me, and I froze immediately.

I cleared my throat, as I looked at anywhere but Gabriel. He looked like he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. "Yeah, I was just", I tried to clear myself. He smiled. "Nice moves you got there", he teased. "Shut up", I smiled. He moved closer to me. "No, I'm serious. You should consider taking up a dance class, you dance like a professional already, so why not?", he said. "I'm glad you find my embarrassment so amusing", I said. "Only because I think its cute", he said, and my heart jumped a little as I stared at him. To Gabby's chagrin, I hadn't find the time to talk to him like Marissa had pleaded. I'd given excuses like I was busy with school work, which was half true. But the real reason I kept postponing the inevitable was because I was scared of talking to him. I feared talking to him would bring out my emotions, and being a bitch was much more easier since it didn't reveal much vulnerability.

I broke eye contact, and scolded the butterflies in my stomach for eating at my organs once again. "So, how was the last paper?", I asked, to clear the awkward silence and make him stop staring at me so intently. "Yeah, it was okay", he said. "Of course it was, its Gabriel Brown after all", I said. He laughed. "I don't think I'm that smart", he said. "Why not? You are one of the smartest person I know and that's saying something since I'm surrounded by geniuses", I said. "I don't think I'm as smart as you say", he said. "Why?", I asked, in confusion. "Cause I don't think a smart person would let someone like you go", he said. Once again, I was caught in his eyes and I couldn't remove my gaze. I'd thought staying away from Gabriel for a while would make all what I'd felt, and feel for him fade away, but that was not the case.

He moved my hair behind my ear, and his eyes never left mine. "I'm the most stupid person on earth cause I let someone special go, I let the person that brought me the greatest joy go. I know I don't deserve you, I've been an asshole to you, I made you cry, and words can even begin to show how sorry I am", he said softly, and I couldn't stop staring at his big warm brown eyes. "I am so so sorry", he said. "Gabriel", I muttered.

"Take that bitches, I am done", Gabby yelled as she hit the door. I whirled away from Gabriel, and as I turned to stare at her, I knew even if she didn't see us, she knew something happened. "So, how was it?", I asked. She shook her head. "Like taking candy from a baby", she said. I laughed as I hugged her. "That easy huh?", I teased. "Hey, what can I say? I'm a genius", she said. "Evil twin", she said, before she jumped on him. "Oof", Gabriel wheezed. "Did you add weight?", he teased, and Gabby looked at him in shock. "Was that a joke? Did my brother, after weeks of ignoring me, tell me a joke?", she asked. He sighed, before he brought her closer to him, and hugged her. "I'm so sorry I pushed you away. I was an idiot, a jerk, an asshole, a mother-", he sighed. "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Yeah, you were all those things", she paused, and laughed, when Gabriel playfully glared at her. "But, I understand. And I'm happy things are sorted out between both of you now", she said, as she stared at me.

Uh oh, seeing Gabby's face, she'd assumed Gabriel and I had kissed, made up, and just in the span of ten minutes that we left the hall, dating. I opened my mouth to tell her that was not the case when the door opened and Skyy came out. "Bitches", she yelled, before jumping on Gabby and I. "What is it with you people and yelling?", I teased, as I hugged her. "Yelling gets things done", Gabby shrugged. "Uh, I don't think that's the case", I said. "Guys, we are done. We are done, now I just want to have fun and forget school exist", she said. "Preach sis", Gabby gave her a high five.

Just then, chattering and mutterings were heard as students filed out of the hall. Some looked happy, while some looked sad, I spotted a girl wiping her tears, while others just looked unaffected. I craned my neck to look for Jer, and beamed when I saw him talking animatedly to Mark. He didn't see me, and I took that moment just to stare at him, he looked so happy, and that made my heart explode with joy. Like he sensed me staring, he looked up. Our eyes met, and his face lit up with joy. He spread out his arms, and I didn't hesitate to run into them. He picked me up, and twirled me, I'll never understand where Jer gets his strength from when he did stuff like that.

"Hey baby", he said, as he dropped me. "Hi", I said, and I stared into his eyes. He kissed me, and pulled me closer. I pulled out of the kiss, and put my arms around his neck. "Someone's antsy", I teased. "I'm just glad I got that over with. You have no idea how long I've been stressed", he said. "I know, and I'm happy its over too. How do you think you did?", I asked. He thought it over. "I think I did pretty well. It wasn't as confusing and difficult as it had been, before you became my tutor", he smiled, and I kissed him. "I'm glad", I said. He stared at me with so much intensity, that I looked away shyly. "Why are you looking at me like that?", I asked. "For the umpteenth time, I'm asking myself just how lucky I am that you are mine", he said. "Aw, you are such a flirt", I said. "I'm serious", he said.

I examined his face, and I know he was saying the truth. "I'm glad you are mine too", I said. He nibbled my ear, and I giggled. "You know what I wanna do?", he asked. "What's that?", I asked. "I wanna go somewhere far away, somewhere quiet and peaceful, with you, like a weekend getaway or something. I don't need nothing, just you by my side", he said. I laughed. "Hmm, that can he arranged", I said. He looked shocked. "What?", I smiled. "Nothing. Its just I was expecting you to wave me off, or just smile, anything but you agreeing", he said. "I'm glad I still shock you sometimes. I don't want to be boring", I said. "Jolayemi, you are anything but boring", he said, and kissed me. "Mm", I moaned.

"And just like that, my good mood evaporated", Gabby said, when she joined us. Jer groaned before turning to her. "Its used to be a delight to see you cousin, but now, its the opposite", he said. "Guys", I called, when they wouldn't stop staring at each other. The others had joined us, including Gabriel. I was glad Jer didn't show me off like the other times, like grabbing my waist, or kissing me just to spite Gabriel. He actually just smiled at me, and I gave him a look a of appreciation. Seeing Jer do that because of me, made my heart soar. Still, that didn't make Gabriel happy. He wasn't mad, or jealous, he was just plain sad. "Hey guys", Leandre said, as she joined us, alongside Mike. "Hey", I said, and Jer smiled at her.

"So, who's up for fun?", she asked. We all gaped at her in surprise, even Mike. See, Leandre was a big introvert, and while I'm one myself, I wasn't opposed to fun, well, once in a while. But Leandre was a different case entirely. I was pretty sure the most exciting she'd ever done was read a book in a park, to her, a book should be read in a quiet and dark place, like that library for example, or say her room. "What? After everything, a little bit of fun won't hurt", she said. I exchanged looks with Jer, who shrugged. "Who's hungry?", Skyy asked. "Me", I said, and looked at everyone. "Sure", Jer said.

We chatted animatedly as we walked to the cafe. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gabby hung back to talk to Gabriel. I was happy he was talking to her again, it made my heart free. I took a seat, with Jer mirroring me. I smiled at him, as I plopped a fry into my mouth. Since I'd made an habit of stealing his food every time, Jer had combined both our lunches in one plate, so we could eat together, and technically I would not be stealing, since it was partially my food. I'd argued but he'd shut me up, and said that should get rid of my ridiculous excuse where I'd say their food tasted better than mine. That didn't stop me though. Since Jer was no longer a target, that didn't mean the rest of them were not targets.

I smiled when I saw Gabby convince Gabriel to eat over at our table, and I saw Mark, Leandre, Mike, and even Skyy open their eyes in shock. "Guys, Gabriel. Gabriel, guys", Gabby introduced. Mike composed himself before nodding at Gabriel. "Hey man, I'm Mike", he said. Gabriel struggled to give Mike a smile, and there was something about it that made me snicker. I saw Leandre become a blushing mess when Gabriel looked at her. "Hi, I'm Leandre, its pronounced Lee-ahn-dra. I mean, I'm sure you don't care, I mean, its not-", she stuttered, and Mike rolled his eyes at her. "He's not that hot", he muttered. I snickered, and even Gabriel smiled a little.

"I mean, not that he's welcome here or anything", Jer muttered, and Gabriel and Gabby glared at him. I kicked hard him under the table. "Ow", he complained. "What was that for?", he asked, when he rubbed his throbbing knee. "Stop being an ass", I said sweetly as I picked up a fry, and put it in my mouth. "Still, you didn't have to kick me that hard", he complained. "Its not like you don't deserve it", Gabby interrupted. I sighed, and I reached for Skyy's soda. Like she knew I was gonna target her, she put it out of my reach just in time and scowled at me. "Fool me thirteen times, shame on me. Fool me the fourteenth time, shame on you", she said, as she eyed me.

I scoffed in disbelief. "You've been keeping track?", I asked. She glared at me in response, and pulled her food closer to her just in case. I scoffed again when I saw the others pull their food closer to them too. "Leandre, even you?", I asked. She shrugged. "Jola, we eat the same food", she said. "But yours is more delicious", I argued. "No, its not", Mike, Leandre, Skyy, Mark, Gabby and even Jer echoed. I folded my arms, as I glared at the people I called my friends. What kind of friends didn't share their food? I sighed angrily, as I took another fry. There was nothing they could say to change my mind, their food always tasted better than mine.

The intercom screeched, and in their moment of losing concentration, I nabbed one of Mark's fry. "Hey", he said, playfully, and I pulled out my tongue at him, as I relished its taste. "Yum", I said. He rolled his eyes, bringing his food impossibly closer to him, and the others echoed him. "Finally, we are done with exams", Mr Ben's voice said. "Not like you went through the torture like we did", Jer said, and we smiled. "I'm sure you know what that means, camping trip!", he screamed. "Okay, I know that this camping stuff is fun and all, but to see a principal this excited for a school outing is so freaking weird", I said. "Tell me about it", Gabriel spoke up, and I stared at him. Gabby looked from one person to another. and she let out a smile. "A week from today, we'll be on one of the most exciting school trip, I don't know about you, but I sure as hell can't wait. Anyway, more information has been put on the board, so go take a look", he said.

"So, camping trip, we are all going right?", Skyy asked, as she stared at us. "Uh", I said. "Don't you dare back out on me now, Jola", she said. "Yeah, you said you'd go, even Gabriel's going", Gabby said. "Uh, I never said I was going", he said. "I did, just now", she argued. "No thanks, I'll pass", he said. "C'mon, it'll be fun. Everyone would be there", Gabby persuaded. "What's so fun about a dumb school trip anyway? I'm sure its gonna be dull and boring", he said stubbornly. I rolled my eyes when I saw Skyy and Gabby staring at me, pleading with their eyes. "Fine, I'll go. Jeez", I said, giving in. "Yes", Gabby whooped, then turned to Gabriel. "I'll go too", he said. "I thought you said it'll be dull and boring", Skyy said. "Yeah, didn't you describe it as a 'dumb school trip'?", Gabby asked.

"I changed my mind. Might not be so boring after all", he said, as he stared at me. I bit my lips nervously, at his intense stare. It might have been my imagination, but I thought I heard him groan. But when I looked up, all I could see was him gripping his hair. Huh, must have been my imagination after all. "I'm going too", Jer spoke up. I turned to him. "Yeah, it'll be fun", he said. He leaned in to whisper something. "Plus, if it means I'll get to spend time with my amazing girl, get lost in the woods, play hide and seek, make out, I'm all in", he said. I giggled, and he nibbled my ear, making me giggle a little more. Gabby cleared her throat. "Leandre, Mike, you are coming right?", she asked. "I'm in", Mike said. "Me too", Leandre seconded. "Mark's going too", Skyy said. "Great, we'll have loads of fun guys", Gabby squealed in excitement, and I couldn't help but join in too.

As we discussed plans, my throat was parched, and even though I had water in front of me, I searched the table for something else. Gabby eyed me, already knowing my plans, and she gulped down the last of her soda quickly, so did Skyy. I glared at them, how could one be so petty? Great, now I was thirsty, and everyone had finished their sodas even Jer. Well, everyone except Gabriel. Without thinking, I reached over, took his soda, and took a big gulp. I was expecting Gabriel to scowl at me like the others, but instead he smiled. Seeing the positive reaction, I decided to not finish his drink, and handed it back to him. If I'd had the power to see the nearest future, I would have just finished the goddamn soda, and threw the can away. But I couldn't see the future, so I didn't realize what a huge mistake I'd made.

Gabriel took the soda from me, his hands caressed my fingers gently as he took it. I watched as the rest of us, how Gabriel drank so deeply from the can, his eyes trained in on mine. Normally, Gabriel drinking deeply from a can of soda would be nothing, just a normal guy drinking soda. But there was how he drank that soda that was so freaking sexy, his eyes never leaving mine, and I watched mesmerized as his Adam's apple bopped up and down. Gabriel moaned a little, his eyes still not leaving mine, and I gulped, as my body reacted so deeply to that. He dropped the can, and wiped his tongue over his mouth, goddamn. I was pretty sure the girls at our table with the exception of Gabby of course, drooled a little. "You taste exactly the same. Sweet", he said seductively. Holy shit, what the hell was wrong with my body?

The silence was astronomical, as we stared at each other. It was as if the others were blurred out, and it was only the both of us at the table. My mind went back to our make out session in his kitchen, and I let out a little moan. I was ashamed to say I was so turned on at that moment. How the hell was that possible? It was wrong on so many levels, but I couldn't help it. I had a boyfriend for crying out loud, so why was my body reacting like that? Speaking of boyfriends, I finally broke eye contact with Gabriel and looked at Jer. Boy, was he mad. I knew how that must have looked like to them. It was more than just basic flirting. It was more like a guy that was not my boyfriend had turned me on, in front of my boyfriend. Yeah, that was pretty fucked up if I do say so myself. "Jer", I called. But he'd stood up, and stormed out of the cafe.

I glared at Gabriel, who smiled, and I flipped him off before going after Jer. How the hell was he so fast, I was just right behind him. I sighed as I took a lucky guess, and turned left. I gripped my hair after minutes of fruitless search. I groaned before turning back, and taking a right. I jumped a little when I heard a smash, and I ran faster. I sighed when I saw Jer breaking stuff in the lab. I mean, what was it with the Brown boys and breaking shit? Did that really solve things? No, all it did was make the janitor's work harder. But I didn't blame Jer either. I was at fault, all these shit was because I couldn't stop stealing other people's food. I really needed to stop doing that, I wouldn't be in this shit if I'd just eaten my damn food, and let others eat theirs in peace.

"Jer", I called, he ignored me as he kept on breaking shit. "Jer, please stop", I said. I jumped when he broke more stuff. "Jer, stop!", I yelled. He turned to me in anger. "Why should I? Huh? Why are you here anyways? Aren't you supposed to be with your boyfriend?", he asked. "You are my boyfriend, Jer", I said. "Am I?", he asked. "Jer", I said. "No, am I? Cause I'm pretty sure I saw you getting turned on by him right in front of me!", he yelled. "I wasn't turned on", I lied. "Really?", he scoffed. "You legit moaned, Jola. Your breaths were hitched, you did that thing with your lips when you get turned on", he said. "What thing? Jer, its not what it looked like", I said. "You know, I always did ask myself just how in the world I was able to make you mine. But I didn't know I was deluding myself, seeing how much power he still has over you", he said.

"He doesn't-", he interrupted me. I gulped when he moved closer, eyes blazing with anger. I've said it before, but it wouldn't hurt to say it one more time. Jer and Gabriel might hate each other, but one thing they had in common was their anger. It was like a tsunami, and boy, you do not wanna get caught in that. "He turned you on just by drinking a fucking soda. If that doesn't show how much power he has over you, I don't know what will", he seethed. I pulled his shirt, as I stared at him. "Yeah, but I'm with you. I chose to be with you", I said. He gripped his hair in frustration, before staring at me. "Yeah, well I think you you made a mistake", he removed his shirt from my grip. "Jer, wait please", I called. "I don't think I can do this anymore", he said, and left the room.

I fucked up.

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