The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.5K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Forty-One

42.4K 2K 169
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

June 7th 2013

Chapter Forty-One - Cloud Stryker

Anguish hung thick in the air of the waiting room and those whom sat inside were feeding the emotion, almost making it difficult to breath properly.

Everyone was crying.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin were crying.

Carmen was crying.

Terrance was crying.

Even Wind, though, he wasn't in the waiting room but he was crying privately in the man's washroom while vomiting repeatedly into a toilet, not able to form coherent words.

How I knew? I had only went and checked up on him moments ago.

And me? I was in a state mixed between shock and trying to get Terrance to breath properly, not that I wasn't sad over Ryder, I was, he had grown on me and I liked to consider him as one of my friends. What happened to him—he didn't deserve and I still couldn't get Wind to even tell me what happened between the two of them. He wouldn't speak anything of it and it irked the fuck out of me.

''He's not gonna die. He's to stubborn.'' Terrance spoke, loud enough to gather Carmen's attention.

She looked like she's been through hell and back with her mascara running due to her constant falling salty tears trailing down her flushed cheeks. Her hair was disheveled and greasy looking due to her constantly running her fingers through it over and over to help her cope and try and keep her head on straight but what really hit me was the pain swirling around in her red rimmed, blood shot hazel eyes.

She loved Ryder and it wasn't in a friendly or sisterly way, either. She loved Ryder like I loved Terrance and I knew if Ryder made it through, she was going to declare her love for him, unknowing of Wind and Ryder's relationship. If I could call what they kept hidden a relationship. Even I wasn't sure what was going on between the two but I knew it crossed over the boundaries of friendship and casual curious sex—for Wind anyway.

I didn't know what ran through Ryder's mind and I wouldn't if he didn't pull through.

I grimaced, tightening my arm around Terrance's shoulders and pulled him close to my side, not missing the disgusted glare that Mrs. Benjamin shot in our direction. I resisted the urge to flip her the bird, only because she was in a state of pain over her son, which only had my grimace deepen because Mrs. Benjamin was making it bluntly obvious of her homophobic tendencies and it pained me to think Ryder was probably succumbed into believing he was straight.

At least her homophobia didn't rub off on her son to treat Terrance any differently but I could only imagine what internal struggles Ryder was going through himself.

''Family of Ryder Benjamin?'' An older male doctor in blue scrubs asked and instantly, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin stood to their feet. Mr. Benjamin had his muscular arm wrapped around his wife's frail shoulders, holding her close to his side while they waited on the news to come.

Ryder had a striking resemblance to his father, the dark brown hair, the dark brown eyes and even a few of the facial expressions reminded me of Ryder. The only few differences were while Ryder had longer hair that hung past his ears, his father's hair was buzz cut and their skin tones were different while Ryder had porcelain skin, his father's was tanned and while Ryder had more of a lithe body shape, his father was muscular and appeared more masculine and firm with his words.

Ryder's mother on the other hand was an average looking Sally with curly blonde hair done up in a sloppy bun and caramel eyes which were still puffy and red from crying, also, she was incredibly petite, especially compared to her husband.

''I am happy to report that Ryder made it through the surgery--''

''Oh thank god.'' Carmen and Terrance both breathed at the same time. Terrance took in a deep breath and sagged into my side, his hand instinctively resting on his stomach and I was thankful he had calmed down but worried about someone pointing out his obvious baby belly. Not even large hooded sweaters were enough to hid the bump.

''--the cuts on his forearms are stitched closed but due to the terrific amount of blood lost, he'd had several blood transfusions and he seems to be reacting well but with good news comes some bad--''

''What's the bad?'' Mr. Benjamin asked, his voice was deep and thick with a mix of pain and relief.

The doctor frowned, his tired blue eyes scanning over the Benjamin's before they averted down to look at the clipboard in his hands. ''The bad news is—he has three broken ribs and one that completely collapsed but thankfully didn't harm his heart or lungs, also he has a fracture on the left side of his skull, severe bruising to his face, chest, abdomen and legs but thankfully he doesn't appear to have any broken limbs.''

''Oh my poor baby,'' Mrs. Benjamin whimpered. ''Can we see him, please?''

''Of course, but we can only limit three at a time.''

''Yes, Carmen dear?'' Mrs. Benjamin asked, holding out her hand to Carmen who finally stood to her wobbly feet and left the room with Ryder's parents and a moment later, Terrance's older brother Lucas and Araki entered the room, making a beeline over towards Terrance but I stood to my feet, allowing Araki to pass but nodded my head to the side for Lucas and he followed me from the room, looking anxious.

''What's wrong--?''

''Can you stay with Terrance? I have to go find my brother but I don't want to leave Terrance alone with Benji out on the loose.'' Just hearing the sick bastard's name pass through my lips, left a disgusting taste in my mouth.

''Course.'' Lucas agreed easily, giving me a pat on my shoulder before he entered the waiting room. I peered on inside after him, watching Terrance talk with Araki, his hands making motions while he tried to stop crying before he seemed to figure out Lucas had entered and he stopped mid-sentence, allowing Lucas to pull him in for a side hug in result causing Terrance to burst into another round of tears.

I wanted to return back to Terrance's side and comfort him but I knew Lucas could calm him down just fine and I knew I had to go tell Wind the news before he heaved up his intestines. I quickly strolled down the hallway and into the man's washroom, grimacing at the retched sound of vomiting.

''Wind?'' I called out, strutting over to the handicap stall where I knew he was hiding. I knocked on the door, signaling he open the door and a few moments later he did, I listened to the lock click before opening the door and stepped inside the space and frowned at Wind's appearance.

Wind was on his knees by the side of the toilet, looking sickly pale with sweat glisten skin. His corduroy long sleeved top was splattered in dried blood as well as his dark washed jeans but I knew the blood wasn't his—it was Ryder's.

''What.'' He gasped out, his blood shot ice blue eyes met with my sympathetic dark blue ones

''It's Ryder,'' I began, watching his eyes flicker with pain. ''He pulled through.''

Wind's eyes went wide. ''He did? He's alive?''

''Yes, but he's not in the best condition.'' I said, relaying what the doctor had said about Ryder's injuries and just as Wind appeared to look relieve, he deflated again and clenched his fists, banging them on his thighs before they whipped up and he gripped onto his sweaty hair, seething through clenched teeth.

''I'm gonna kill him,'' Wind snarled, no longer looking wounded but feral. ''I'm gonna kill Benji, Cloud, I'm gonna kill him! Skin his face, cut off his fucking hands and feed him his own bloody intestines!''

I went quiet, not recognizing my brother, my younger brother that came to me crying because he had fallen off his bike or came to me upset because our father had yelled at him, no, my brother appeared psychotic and thirsty for blood—Benji's blood. Wind panted for a breath after his tirade, his sinister ice blue eyes peering up through his fringe before he seemed to snap from his state of blood thirst and he once again appeared wounded and if not a little vulnerable.

I stared, not knowing what to say because I had never witnessed with my eyes this side of Wind which clearly meant, Ryder meant something to him. Enough so, that he'd kill for him.

''...I want to see Ryder.''

I blinked, staring as my brother clumsily stood to his feet. ''You're covered in blood, Wind.''


''You're covered in blood, you need to change before you see Ryder, I'm calling Eugene to pick you up,'' I told him, watching him carefully for any sudden movements that would indicate him to be angry and enough so to try and lunge at me and do something he'd regret. ''You need to shower, it'll be awhile before Ryder awakens anyway and from the looks of things, his parents and Carmen won't be leaving the room any time soon.''

Wind clenched his teeth and spat out a quiet 'whatever' before brushing past me and out of the stall and out of the washroom, leaving me to stand there, looking after his retreating back until the washroom door fully shut and I took a deep breath before exhaling, pulling out my cell phone and called Eugene, explaining the whole situation.

''...just be careful, Wind is...he's not Wind right now.''


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