Meant to be?(Ag and anna)

By alisha1251

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This story is basically a love triangle. Ag anna,jordyn are best friend they known eachother since they were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7-The Party
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Date?
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21 Fight?
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 20

1.1K 41 31
By alisha1251

Ag pov
As i was waking up,my hands were very sore and hurt i looked at it if it was still bleeding i was shocked someone cleaned it up and puts some bandage on it.No one was home except for me tho i thought i tried to rethink what happened but i couldn't remember anything except for crying to sleep.I not going to school today i thought then mia texted "dude you better come to school today the coach was asking about you" "I not going i don't want to get more hurt than right now"i replied "But what about basketball and classes you can't miss it everyday" she said "Ok then i go" i said as i was getting ready and making my bed something dropped i looked and it was a bracelet it looked familiar....i remembered it was anna's she was probably here yesterday i thought but why.I put it on my wrist because i'm not planning on giving it back cause this is all i have of her.

I walked downstairs and make my self some breakfast,while i was eating i thought about how i could loose my feelings anna.....avoiding her that's the plan i thought.After that i went to school.

Anna pov
I woke up,while i was brushing my teeth i notice my bracelet is gone it was really important to me i looked every where for it but i couldn't find it so i gave up and just got dressed.*Buzz buzz* Want me to pick you up? jordyn asked sure u answered.I went downstairs to go eat then i heard a car honk so i went out and got in the car. "hey did you eat anything"jordyn asked yes i answered "so you still wanna get food?" "Sure i'm still kinda hungry" i can tell she said "Oh wow" i replied *she giggle*After getting the food and eating i was full and had a lot of energy's so we went to school.
We arrive at school and went our separate ways to our class while i was going i saw ag i think she see me too i called her name she didn't look so i walked to her she rushed to her class,the bell rang i went to my class that was weird i thought.Why did she not turn around she always look when she hears her name last time i checked her ears were fine.Is she ok?is her hand ok? why am i worrying i thought.Earth to anna...hello???ANNA!!! Yes mam i answered "will you please go to the library and put this away?"my teacher asked "Yes" i replied "thank you"she said.
I walked to the library thinking about stuff then BOOM i bumped into someone my books fell.I tried to pick it up but the person already got it,i said sorry while looking up and see Ag.Oh hi i'm sorry i said "it's fine"she said giving me the books back and trying to walk away but i asked "How is your hand" "It's fine" what happened i asked "Don't worry about it you don't have to pretend to care about me"she said while walking away.I was so confused what was that all about,I really want to know why she said that, i looking forward to lunch time so i can talk to her.

Ag Pov
I walk to my class and i saw anna she looked at me so i turn and look somewhere else she called my name i didn't answer she walked toward me ,i walked faster to my class so i couldn't see her or hear her voice.It hurts me every time i hear her voice or see her.I got in my class "Yo what's up"mia said "You are finally back"avery said, "why are y'all so excited to see me? I asked "why can't we just be excited to see our freind?" mia asked "idk it's just weird" i said *i put my hand on the table* "Dude what happened to your hands?" avery asked "Nothing"i replied "What that is not called nothing" *she touched my hand* Ouch i screamed "sorry"avery said "It's alright"i said "Tell is what happened plzz"mia said "Ok fine" So yesterday i came to school right "No you didn't"mia said i did i just went home "Oh why"avery said while i was walking to class i heard someone say i don't like ag like taht i never did and it was anna and she also said that the i love you didn't mean nothing to her that when i started tearing up and ran to my car i really wanted to crashed my car but you texted me so i just went straight home "thank god i texted you"mia said when i got in my room i punch the wall cause i didn't know how to forget the pain and i was very angry cause those i love you meant the world to me and that's how i got was bleeding but i didnt care to put some bandages on. I showed them "Ouch your skin is super ripped"avery said "Wow nice bracelet where did you get it" mia asked "It's not mine"i said "Who's is it?" idk i just found it on my bed this morning when i woke up. "Oh cool"She answered.
*Skip to lunch*
Anna Pov
I walked to the cafeteria and sat down my friends came but I was only waiting for Ag.Mia and avery are here except for her, did she leave i thought. "are you ok?"jordyn asked "yes i'm fine im just stress about my class"i said We barely di.....*i gave emmi the look then she stopped her sentence* what was that?jordyn asked Oh nothing emmi replied. "Anna where your bracelet"julia asked "Idk i tried to find it this morning but i couldn't find it" i replied "Did you go anywhere yesterday?" mia asked suspiciously "No"i answered hoping she doesn't know about yesterday. "Oh ok"she replied *that made me relived* where is ag i asked casually "She said that she wasn't hungry and she needed to fix her hands" avery did "omg is she ok"i asked everyone looked at me is she ok i asked more casually "not really her skin was all ripped"mia replied "Oh no do y'all know what happened"i asked "Nope"they answered.
Mia pov
When julia asked where anna bracelet i was very interested cause it might be the one ag has.I asked her if she go anywhere yesterday and she said no but i could tell she was lying,Omg she probably went to ag house and took care of her i thought and i remember ag saying she didn't put any bandages. Anna might of accidentally drop her bracelet while taking care of ag. "Where is ag?" anna asked out of no where "she said she was t hungry and she needed to fix her hands"avery said "OmG is she ok"anna said loudly everyone looked at her cause it was pretty weird how she really cared about ag. "Do y'all know what happened"Anna asked "Nope"we answered even tho we knew. As soon as i got in the class i asked ag about her hands.So did you put on the bandages yourself ? i asked "no she answered" Oooo it might be anna i thought "Then who did"i asked "No one" comon tell me "idk ok i just woke up seeing this bandages on my hands" Oh ok i know who it is "who"she said "Anna and those are anna's bracelet" "what how did you know"she asked "Cause she told us that she lost her bracelet but she didn't tell us about putting bandage on you i'm pretty sure she did tho cause how would her bracelet be with you if she didn't go to your house".Did you guys see each other today yet? "Yea kinda why" when did you see eachother "this morning when i bumped into her i helped her and she asked about my hand and i said "don't worry about it you don't need to pretend you care about me" why would you say that i asked cause ik she don't care about me she said "what how do you know that?have she said it to you" i asked No but she said i love you didn't mean nothing to her so caring about me is probably nothing to her either. "Ag your a dumass"i said "What no"she replied "Did you know that she asked about you during lunch every time you weren't there and did you know that she was very worried about your hands when it had nothing to do with her." No she replied "Exactly ag She cares about you,she probably still like you"i said "No mia she doesn't care about me she never even liked me like that she literally said it to emmi and julia and plz stop talking about her and telling me she still likes me cause she don't never did or will and i don't want to fall for her again and get hurt again." ag did " What do you mean again"i asked. "I'm trying to move on that's why i've been trying to avoid her this morning"she said "plz don't do this ik she likes you deep down she always cared about you"i said "I can't i don't want to get hurt anymore every time i see her the pain come back and remembering "me and anna are dating"it just hurts i can't think of anything else than avoiding her."she said. "I understand"i said even tho i don't really want her to do that.

Jordyn pov
It's end of school and i was dropping off anna.she looked very off and worried today i was gonna ask her if she was fine but every time i did she would say yes so i didn't bother asking. "Do you have anything you wanna tell me about?"i asked while driving "no"she answered ok you can tell me anything i replied "ik"she said when we arrive at her house we said our goodbyes and i left. What if she is still worried about ag i thought,do she like her? but why would she say yes to me if she likes ag should i ask her about this?ughh this so stressing.
Ann Pov
I arrived at my house i went to my room and work on my homework after i'm done i just took a shower.I put on some fresh cloths and watch some tiktoks an edit of me and ag came on it made me think of ag. Why did she say you don't have to pretend to care about me?why didn't she turn around when she heard her name being called?why didn't she come to lunch ik avery said she was t hungry but ik ag she is always hungry questions flooded my head and i just fell asleep.

Ag Pov
Today was pretty hard and rough day. It's hard to avoid someone you really care about,It's so hard to stop looking at someone that make you laugh and smile everyday and it hard to not listen to a voice that you hear everyday that makes you happy and It's hard knowing that the person that you love the most doesn't even love you.I don't think i can avoid her any much longer i have to figure out away i thought,my graduation day is not that far anymore i fell asleep thinking about stuff.

Author Pov
Thanks for reading!!!i hope you like this
it had less tea and stuff but next one is gonna have more.plzz vote and comment cause y'all comments are real funny

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