
By Dharmiebae

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Jolayemi Jabita, a soon-to-be-16 year old girl, who was definitely not a child has had it rough. She had been... More

The Prologue
Chapter 1: The New Dawn
Chapter 2: The New Girl
Chapter 3: The Other Twin
Chapter 4: The New Uniform
Chapter 5: The Weekends
Chapter 6: The Introductions
Chapter 7: The Invitation
Chapter 8: The Project
Chapter 10: The Shack
Chapter 11: The Confrontation
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: The Sleepover I
Chapter 14: The Sleepover II
Chapter 15: The Sleepover III
Chapter 16: The Outing
Chapter 17: The Controversy
Chapter 18: The Cry For Help
Chapter 19: The Truckload Of Regret
Chapter 21: The Consequences
Chapter 20: The Mistake
Chapter 22: The Celebration
Chapter 23: The Family Dinner
Chapter 24: The Move In
Chapter 25: The Presentation
Chapter 26: The Letter B
Chapter 29: The Big News
Chapter 27: The Uno Reverse Card
Chapter 28: The Study Session
Chapter 30: The House Guest
Chapter 31: The Talk
Chapter 32: The Fuck Up
Chapter 33: The History
Chapter 34: The Office Visit
Chapter 35: The Perfect Dress
Chapter 36: The Camping Trip
Chapter 37: The Flag
Chapter 38: The Indoor Games
Chapter 39: The Reconciliation
Chapter 40: The Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 41: The Lobby Fight
Chapter 42:The Relationship Problems
Chapter 43: The Confession
Chapter 44: The First Date
Chapter 45: The Birthday Present
Chapter 46: The Cabin
Chapter 47: The Christmas Eve
Chapter 48: The Pain
Chapter 49: The Miracle
Chapter 50: The Déjà Vu
Chapter 51: The Memories

Chapter 9: The Party

44 11 0
By Dharmiebae

It was Saturday, the day I've both been dreading and looking forward to. The twins and I had gone shopping the previous day, don't blame me, they practically dragged me there and insisted we shop for clothes to wear to the party. Starr was very enthusiastic and wouldn't shut up about the it. I wished I could share some of her enthusiasm but as the day grew nearer, I was nervous, mostly because of a boy. I couldn't stop thinking about the library, and what I'd done to make him mad at me. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was Gabriel's brown eyes boring in mine, breath fanning my face, as our face was just an inch apart. I licked my lips, how would it feel to kiss Gabriel? To feel his tongue entering and caressing mine? I'd never know. I cleared my head to clear such dirty thoughts, God, I sounded like a pervert. What the hell is happening to me?

I glanced at my phone. 9:15am. The party was by 1, we'd made a plan that they'd come pick me up by 11:45am. I sighed, I better get ready before they come. Starr would kill me if I wasn't ready by the appointed time. By the time I was done in the bathroom, more than half an hour had pass. I hurried to put on the clothes I'd bought the day before. It was a blue pants, slit at the knee, and I shuddered to think of what Mum would say if she ever saw it. It was a good thing they weren't at home, they'd gone on a business trip.

Skyy had picked the white top, and the blue jacket, and handed it to me, saying I should try it on, while Starr picked out my Nike sneakers. The clothes were very comfortable, and I didn't argue with them, cause I loved it. I went in search of Dare, who was watching the news downstairs. I rolled my eyes at him, before taking a seat, waiting for the twins. I resisted the urge to hug him, he'd been good to me when I told him about the party, so there really was no need to annoy him. "You look beautiful", he complimented, and I smiled at him.

"Do you want me to drop you off?", he asked. I shook my head. "The twins would pick me up soon", I said glancing at my wristwatch. Dare eyes shone. "The twins you can't shut up about?", he said. I nodded. "Yes", I said. He wanted to say something but was interrupted by J, who'd just cane downstairs from her room. "Jola, is that you?", she asked, her eyes lit with surprise. I rolled my eyes at her, and smiled. "You look amazing. I haven't seen this Skyy, but if she can make you dress like this, I love her already", J said, circling and inspecting me like meat she wanna buy.

"You have a date or something?", she asked. Dare stiffened, and I blinked, before bursting out laughing. Me, a date? Yeah, right. "What? Did I say something funny?", J asked. I nodded. "No, I'm not going out on a date", I giggled again at the mere thought. "I'm going to a friend's brother's birthday party", I said. "A party?", I nodded. "You didn't tell me", she said, looking hurt. I'd forgotten to tell her about it. "Shit, I'm so sorry", I said, looking it. Dare stared at me. "Language", he hissed. I sighed, as I stared at him.

J folded her arms, as she looked at me. "Sorry?", I replied awkwardly. "Uh-uh. Sorry's not gonna cut it, young lady", she said, taking my hands. "I'm going to do your makeup", she said. I opened my mouth, but shut it immediately when I saw J's face. I looked to Dare for help, but he just looked away, staring at the wall like all the answers were there. Asshole. "Thanks for the help, brother", I said bitterly. He had the audacity to smile. "You're welcome sister", he answered, before winking at me. Oh, I'm so gonna get him back for this. He waved at me, as J dragged me away, that stupid smile still on his face. I sighed, this was gonna take long. Damn right, it did.

When J finally declared she was done, to say I was happy would be an understatement. She passed me a mirror to look at myself and I gasped. That wasn't me, no that couldn't be me. I wasn't that pretty. I blinked. A blue-eyed beauty mirrored my actions, no pun intended. J had given me blue contacts, saying it'll bring out my eyes, and it did. I had no idea makeup could make someone this pretty. She'd also styled my hair, and curled it. My hair which was usually straight, and confined in a ponytail, was pulled down in curls, framing my round face. "Man, I'm so good at this", J said, taking one last look at her work. "Thank you, J", I said. She hugged me."You're the prettiest sister I could ever ask for", she mumbled. I felt tears build up as I hugged her back.

The bell rang, and I knew it was the twins. "Coming", I screamed, before running downstairs to see to them. I glared at Dare, who still had that smile on his face. I swung the door open. "Wow", Skyy said, Starr's mouth was opened. "What?", I asked, suddenly feeling self conscious under their scrutinizing stares. "This", she pointed at me, from head to toe. "Is amazing", Skyy finished, Starr's nod supported her sister. "I could say the same for you", I said, as I analyze both of them.

Starr was sporting a crazy jeans, showing off her thighs and legs so long, they seemed endless, and a red crop top, showing off her abs, with a black biker jacket. The jeans enunciated her hips, and the crop top was a little bit higher because of her nice chest. Her nails were painted red, the colour of her top. Skyy wore a short free gown, which still showed her hips, a necklace on her forehead, and black sandals like Starr. "I'm sorry, where are my manners?", I face palmed. "Please come in", I ushered them in.

It was at that time my brother chose to get up, obviously tired of the game, flexed his muscles, his shirt hiking up to show his abs and his Calvin Klein underwear, what a showoff. I face palmed, when I saw Starr and Skyy take in this sight, their jaws wide open as they stared at Dare. I would have laughed at their action, if I wasn't so disgusting that my friends were checking out my brother, and ogling him like he was a snack or something. I shuddered. Dare also ogled them, as he emitted a non conscious whistle, while staring at them, before smirking. Someone kill me now.

I cleared my throw loudly, and motioned for them to wipe their drool. They looked so uncomfortable caught staring at Dare, and I glared at Dare, who had that stupid smirk on his face. His smirk was even more annoying than his smile, and that's saying something. He took a step forward, and brought out his hand for a handshake. I gaped at him, was he willingly extending a hand to shake them? Was I dreaming? If you'd live with this guy as long as I have, you'd understand my complete shock. "Hey", he said in a sultry voice. What the fuck? He doesn't talk like that. "I'm Dare, Jola's brother", he smiled, showing pearly white teeth. Starr stumbled a bit, while Skyy shook her head, before bringing her hand out to shake him.

"Hey. I'm Skyy, this is my sister, Starr", she said. Skyy elbowed Starr softly before she shook her head and said in a low voice. "Hi". I groaned. Wasn't it bad enough that I've had the displeasure of seeing girls bedazzled by my brother, but I also have to see my best friends do it too? "Okay, now that we are done with the introductions, let's go, we have a party to attend", I said, grabbing Starr's hand. It was my bad luck that made J appeared at that time. When she saw them, she gasped and ran to us.

"Hi, I'm Jecintha", she said. The twins introduced themselves, this time without drooling. Thank God. The silence was awkward. "Guys, we have a party to go to", I said, dragging them out the door. "Don't be late, Jola", J called. I looked back, just in time to see Dare wink at Starr before going back upstairs, knowing him, it was to get his sanitizer. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Seeing my brother all flirty, made me wanna puke. The twins didn't share their thoughts, as they were silent, still bedazzled by what just happened, as I dragged them to the car.

"Where to, ma'ams?", a man asked, as he opened the door for us. I told him the address, and he punched it in the GPS. I turned my attention them, just to see them staring at me. "What?", I asked. "You didn't tell us you had a greek god in your house", Skyy said. Starr blinked. "Those teeth, God, those teeth were so white, I could see my reflection in them. His muscles", Starr touched her arms. I gagged, but they didn't stop there, and went on full describing him in such a way that made me so disgusted. I didn't vomit, but my stomach fought with me.

"Its too bad I have a boyfriend", Skyy tsked. "God, I would have let him take me right there", Skyy sighed. I felt it come up again and I closed my eyes as I pushed it down. Starr nodded. "Too bad I'm in love with someone else", she seconded. "Look, we've arrived", I said, wanting to distract them. Anything, God, anything was better than this torture. Starr started fumbling with her clothes. "How do I look?", she asked. I blinked. "Tell me, tell me, do I look okay?", she asked. Skyy sighed. "You look okay", she said. I took her hand. "Beautiful", I said, truthfully.

I fondled my clothes too, as discreetly as I could. I would never admit it to them, but I was nervous as hell about seeing Gabriel. It was the first time I'd see him after school hours. "We are here", the man said. The house he pulled up in, was indescribable. It was a magnificent building and we gaped at it. A man answered the door. "Who's it?", the telecom asked. "Uh, hi. My name's Jola and-", the door opened immediately.

"Hi, Jola", Gabby said, hugging me. I laughed as I hugged her back. "You look very very pretty", she whispered. "You too", I said. She was wearing a tight fitted gown, hugging her features, with white heels. Starr and Skyy looked uncomfortable as they stared at us. "Right. Uh, Gabby, this is Skyy, and Starr. Guys, meet Gabby", I did the introductions. Gabby hugged them, still smiling. "A friend of Jola's is a friend of mine", she said.

"Come, let me introduce you to my parents", she said. "And the celebrant too", she added. When we'd gone shopping for clothes, we also decided to buy presents for Jared. I'd bought the latest PS game for him, Starr bought an arcade game, while Skyy opted for a wristwatch. "Mom, Dad, meet my friends", Gabby said to some adults as they turned to us. Two of them turned to us, as the others excused us.

"Jola, Starr, Skyy, meet my parents", Gabby introduced. "Its very nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Brown", I said. The twins curtseyed, and I smiled. Mr Brown stood tall, and looked in his forties. I could see where Gabriel got his looks from, as Mr Brown stared at me, I looked away shyly. "Please call me Marissa, and this old man here is Harry", Marissa said. Her eyes shone as she smiled at us, and she was stunning. Even with their reputation and status, they were accommodating, and very nice.

Marissa looked at me. "So you're the girl Gabriella wouldn't shut up about. You're really beautiful, just like Gabriel said", she smiled. I blushed hard. Gabriel had talked to his mother about me? But before I could pay much attention to this, Marissa had turned to Starr and Skyy, and she gasped. "My, how do you tell the difference?", she asked. "Gabriella, you didn't tell me your friends were this pretty. But who is who?", she looked confused. I laughed.

"I'm Starr, this is Skyy", Starr smiled. Her eyes lit up. "Ah, wise parents you've got", she smiled. Just then, a man approached us, before whispering in Harry's ear. "Sorry girls, but we've gotta see to something", Harry said. We nodded and Marissa leaned down. "Thank you for being my son's friend, Jola. I know how he could be sometimes, so thank you for putting up with him. He talks so highly of you", she whispered. I blushed as I watched her disappear through the halls with her husband. "What was that about?", Skyy asked. I waved it off. "Nothing", I said.

"Okay, time to meet the birthday boy", Gabby beamed. We went into a room filled with candy, and I smiled, as children were running around, some were seated on the floor, stuffing their faces. Teenagers were also milling about, discussing with one another. "Jared", Gabby called. A black haired boy turned towards us, before running and jumping on Gabby, who carried and twirled him. "How's my favorite brother doing?", she asked. "I'm fine", he said, eating a candy. Jared was a cute little guy, who looked just like Gabriel. Looks like someone's gonna grow up to be a player.

"I wanna introduce you to some people okay?", Gabby said, before turning to us. "That's Jola, Starr and Skyy. They're my friends. Guys, meet Jared", she said. Jared blinked as he stared at the twins, before wiping his eyes, and looked so confused, it was so cute. "Gabby, I think I ate too much candy, I'm seeing two people instead of one. Why are there two of them?", he whispered. We laughed at this. "That's because we are twins", Skyy answered. "And we brought presents for you", Starr said, handing him his present as Gabby dropped him. "Thank you", he said softly, while collecting it. He teared into it, and gasped when he saw the arcade game. "I love it. Thank you.", he said, putting it aside as Skyy gave him her present.

He tore into it again, when he saw the watch, he smiled before putting it on, and admired it. "Thank you", he beamed, glancing up at Skyy. I stepped forward. "Here's mine", I said, giving him. He stared at me for a second, before looking at Gabby, then looked back at me. This time, he didn't tear into it. Instead, he took his time to unwrap it, and when he saw the game, he squealed in happiness. To my surprise, he kissed me on the cheek and hugged me.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you", he jumped. "I've always wanted one, but Gabby says I'm too young to have it", he explained. I glanced at Gabby who shrugged, and smiled. He then turned to Gabby, and poked his pink tongue out at her. Gabby faked gasped, hand going to her chest. We all laughed when we saw this, and Jared reached to hug me one more time. I sighed in contentment, as I hugged him back.

"Hey, you never hug me like that", a voice said. I pulled out of the hug, before turning to face Gabriel. "Gabriel", Jared squealed, running to him before jumping on him. Gabriel caught him, and twirled him like Gabby did earlier. Starr fiddling with her clothes distracted me from the exchange. I gave her a 'calm your tits' look, she nodded and heaved a sigh. Gabriel put Jared down, who turned to show his friends his new games. Gabriel turned to me, and stopped. So did I. Before now, I never thought it was possible for someone to be more handsome each time you see them but Gabriel proved me wrong.

He was clad in a fitted jean, with an oversized grey hoodie, and a grey sneakers. I smiled in contentment as I ogled him. He hugged me. "Well, if it isn't my nurse. You look stunning", he whispered, and I blushed. I turned to Starr. "Gabriel, meet Starr and Skyy. Guys, Gabriel", I heaved a sigh of relief, as I'd finally introduced them. Gabriel gave them a nod. "Hi", he said. "I have some classes with you", Starr started. Gabriel smiled.

Gabby clapped her hands, drawing our attention to her. "Now that everyone's introduced, let's eat. I'm starving", she said. I chuckled, as she guided us to a table. I sat down beside Skyy, Gabriel sat down beside me, while Starr sat at his other end. I sighed as I dropped my towel, I enjoyed lunch. Gabriel smiled at me, as we were directed towards the pool. Kids were swimming, splashing water everywhere, and giggles filled the place.

My eyes found Jared, who was talking animatedly to a girl, who sighed in awe, and stared at him like he meant the world to her. I giggled at this, guy's got game. He met my gaze and blew me a kiss, before turning back to the girl, who frowned at me. I raised up my hands in mock surrender as I laughed my heart out. "Looks like my brother likes you. How do I compete with that?", Gabriel said, pouting and moving closer to me. I laughed again as I punched him on the arm. I shrugged. "I don't know. I think I like him. He's cute", I indulged him.

He wore a hurt expression, as he placed his hands on his heart. "Oh, I've been betrayed by my own blood. He made the one I love, love him", he inclined his head up, before hitting his chest. "Only a duel can solve this. A fight to death for the one we love", he said, looking all serious. I laughed yet again at his theatrics. He was just so damn good. "You should laugh more, Jola. You look even more beautiful when you do", he said, gazing at me.

I froze. This wasn't the first or second time Gabriel had called me beautiful, but it still made me hyperventilate when he says that. He stretched his hands. "Come I wanna show you something", he said. I put my hands in his as we went inside, people were seen on the dance floor as a slow song was playing. Just then, a hot guy stepped in front of us. It might have been my imagination, but I think I heard Gabriel mutter 'fuck me'. I looked at him, but he was no longer smiling, instead he glowered at the boy, his body language tense. The boy looked at our enclosed hands, and smirked, his eyes lighting up.

"Hi, I'm Jeremy, this punk's cousin", he said, stretching his hands towards mine. I released my hand from Gabriel's to return his handshake but instead he kissed it, and winked at me. I blushed. In all sincerity, Jeremy was hot, but Gabriel was hotter. Gabriel put his hands on my waist, urging me away from there but Jeremy sidestepped him. "Why the rush cousin, I wanna get to know this beauty better", he said. "Fuck. Off", Gabriel said through gritted teeth.

Just then, a man came, bowed in Jeremy and Gabriel's direction, and nodded politely at me. "Master Gabriel, your father seeks your presence", he said. Gabriel groaned. "Tell him I'll be there in five minutes", he said, still staring at Jeremy. "I'm afraid I can't do that sir", the man said. "My orders were to bring you with me", he said, bowing slightly. Gabriel pinched his nose, and let out an angry breath. "Don't do anything stupid", Gabriel threatened. Anyone would have been scared of him just then, even I was. But Jeremy just smirked at Gabriel not looking the bit affected.

Gabriel turned towards me and smiled stiffly. "I'm sorry, Jola. I promise I'll be right back as soon as I can, okay?", he said. I nodded, smiling to ease his tension. He glared at Jeremy once more before following the man out. Jeremy turned towards me, and bowed, holding out his hands. "I would be honored to be your companion for the meantime, even though my life's at stake. That's if you please", he said, looking at me expectantly. I couldn't help but laugh before giving him my hands.

"Are you always like this?", I asked, giggling. "Only when I see a beautiful lady", he said, and I smiled while rolling my eyes. "But I could modern for you", he said. "Ah, how about we start all over?", he asked. I nodded. "That'll be nice", I said. He took some steps back and I gaped at him. What's he doing? He sauntered towards me. "Hello beautiful, the name's Jeremy and I couldn't help but notice your smile. May I buy you a drink?", he asked. I laughed at this. "Yes, yes you may", I indulged him.

He took me to the bar. "What would you like?", he asked. "Soda", I replied. He inclined his head but didn't say anything, he ordered wine for himself and handed me my soda. "I didn't quite catch your name", he said. "Jolayemi but you can call me Jola", I smiled. "That's a beautiful and unique name. Just like you", he winked. "Thank you", I blushed. "What about you? What's the deal with you?", I asked him. "Well, I'm Jeremy, my friends call me Jer. I'm 17, I have a younger sister who's 14, um, I love fast drives, partying and just having fun in general", he quipped.

I inclined my head. "So, what's the deal between you and Gabriel?", I asked. Jer sighed, before rubbing his temple. "Gabriel and I haven't always seen eye to eye, we always disagree on everything. But we are cousins, and I guess that's how cousins are with each other", he shrugged. I shook my head. "I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that. My cousins and I have a very good relationship as I always spend holidays with them. We are actually very close", I said. Its been a long time since I saw them last, and I was looking forward to spend the holidays with them.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually liked Jer. It turned out he was actually a great guy, a very good conversationalist and I found out we liked the same things. I checked my wristwatch, only to see that it was 5:34pm. I gasped. I didn't realized that much time had passed. "Man, its getting late, I didn't realize so much time had gone", I said. "Yeah, its been fun. I had an amazing time talking to you", he said, lips parting as he smiled at me. "Thank you for keeping me company", I said, meaning every words. "Please, it was my pleasure", he said.

Like on cue, Gabby advanced towards us, alongside Starr and Skyy. I hadn't seen them for hours. "Jer, hi", Gabby hugged him, before hitting him. "You didn't bother to look for me, did you?", she asked, pouting. "I'm sorry", he said, not looking a bit sorry. "I lost time talking to Jola, she's really a fun girl to hang out with", he said, glancing at me. "Its been fun hanging with you Jola, but I gotta go now", he said, then hugged me. He pulled out of the hug, stared at something behind me, then smirked, before hugging me tightly again. "On second thought, I might just stay here a little while", he said. I frowned, what was he talking about?

"Let her go", an angry voice said. I looked back just to see Gabriel staring at Jer. Whoo, he was livid. Jer smirked, still unwillingly to let go, as he held unto my hand. For a nice guy, Jer was kinda an asshole. I could tell he loved making Gabriel mad, and by the looks of it, he was making progress cause Gabriel was beyond mad. I quickly removed my hand from Jer's. Gabby gave Jer a scolding look, before sending a pleading look towards Gabriel. It was awkward, as the two boys couldn't stop glaring at each other, whilst the rest of us stared at them. The testosterone in the air was just about chocking.

"Jer, didn't you say you had someplace to be?", Gabby broke the silence and I shot her a look of gratitude. Jer winked at me. "I'll see you around, Jola", he whispered before kissing me on the cheek, while maintaining eye level with Gabriel. I grabbed Gabriel's hand, hoping it'll calm him down. "He was just keeping me company", I said. "He's actually a very nice person", I said, hoping to put in a good word for Jer. Gabriel scoffed. I mocked gasp. "Are you saying you don't believe my judgement?", I asked. He laughed, and I smiled, happy he wasn't mad no more.

Skyy cleared her throat and I suddenly remembered that we were not alone. Starr looked so sad, I knew why. The whole point of introducing them is so she would get the chance to talk to him, and since we've been here, she hadn't got the chance. I turned to Gabriel. "Speaking of, Starr said there was something she wanna talk to you about since you guys are in the same department and all", I said. Gabriel smiled at her. "Yeah, sure", he said. "Okay guys, let's leave the nerds to do what they do best", I said, urging everyone out, so they'd have some time alone. Starr shot me an immense look of gratitude, and I gave her a nod.

Gabby's phone pinged, and she smiled as she read the message. I cleared my throat as I gave her a knowing look. She rolled her eyes. "Fine, its Collins", she smiled. Skyy frowned. "Who's Collins?", she asked. "A guy we met at a pizzeria", I answered for her. I wiggled my eyes, as I elbowed her. "Collins, you say?", I asked. She laughed. "Stop, you're being weird", she said. Her phone rang, and she picked it, excusing herself. "Girl, how come you have all the hot guys wrapped around your finger?", Skyy asked. I smiled. "What are you talking about?', I asked. "Uh, your brother, Gabriel, and now this Jer", she asked. I rolled my eyes. "First of all, please don't call Dare hot, its just ugh", I shivered. "Second, Jer and Gabriel are just friends", I said. She face palmed, she looked like she wanted to say something, but stopped short, and sighed while shaking her head. I ignored it.

"Hey, I'm sorry I left you guys", I said. She smiled. "Its not like I didn't have fun", she said. "How about we both we go steal some candy from those children, and then we pretend we are children?", she said. "You don't say", I said, loving the idea immediately. We went to the room we'd seen the children earlier, and we shooed them to make space for us, before literally burying ourselves in candy.

We stayed like this for some minutes, giggling, and chuckling as we buried our faces in candy, stuffing it full while making funny faces at each other. "And what do we have here?", Gabriel said. clapping his hands for effect, as he stared down at us. "Uh, bah bah", I asked, mimicking a child. He laughed, alongside Starr and Gabby. "Really? That's all you could come up with?", Gabby asked.

I pointed at Skyy. "Don't look at me, she did this. Its her fault", I pouted. "Hey", Skyy disagreed. Gabriel pinched my cheek. "Y'know, too much candy ain't good for your health", he said, then leaned down. "If you fall sick, who else do you want to take care of me, my nurse?", he whispered. I rolled my eyes, before dropping the Skittles I was eating, reluctantly. "Fine", I said, taking his hand as he held me up.

"Guys, its getting late", Skyy called. Gabriel and Gabby saw us to the car. "Thank you so much guys, I had fun today", I said. Gabby hugged me, then hugged the twins. Gabriel smiled at me, squeezing my nose playfully. "Take care of yourself for me", he said, before opening the door for me. I shot him a grateful look as I entered. He nodded to Starr and Skyy. "See you guys tomorrow", he said.

On the drive back home, I groaned. "I'm beat", I said, then turned to Starr. "What did you guys talk about?", I asked. Starr beamed. "I thought you'd never ask", she squealed. "It. Was. Amazing", she said. Minutes later, I regretted asking Starr the question, as she couldn't shut up about it. My head was banging, and Starr's voice wasn't doing anything to help. "I asked him to be my tutor in Chemistry and Physics, and he said yes", she continued. I rubbed my temple as I smiled at her. "Do you know what that means, Jola? That I'm gonna spend more time with him. Thank you", she smiled. I nodded. "You're welcome", I said.

I sighed in relief when he finally pulled up to my house. "Say hi to your sexy brother for me", Skyy wiggled her eyebrows, and I rolled my eyes as I didn't even bother to dignify that statement with a reply, and I waved them bye. "How was it?", J asked. They were watching a movie. Well, J was watching a movie, Dare was reading a book. Dad and Mum weren't at home yet. "Will tell you tomorrow", I said. "Goodnight", I climbed on the stairs. I could feel an headache coming on and I snapped my door shut. I got ready for bed, once tugged in, my phone pinged.

I'm really sorry I couldn't show you what I promised to today, but I promise to show you some other time. And that means, you still owe me a day, no arguments about that. P.S I got your number from Gabriella, who couldn't wait to give it to me. Your patient.

I smiled, I read the message a hundred times, before I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Author's note
I'll upload new chapters every Sunday. Here's another one, hope you love it, I know I did. Thank you for your support and love. I love y'all.

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