The Assignment (Kylo Ren X Re...

By kylokid

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*STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS* You've been training with Emperor Palpatine for years. You've gone on assignments... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 12

1.5K 33 25
By kylokid

It's been two days since that night in Kylo's quarters. You decided not to confront him about your realization. You haven't had the chance to talk to Kylo since that night and you've honestly been avoiding him.

Forest walks into your room to wake you up but he notices you're already up and dressed for the day.

"Good morning Commander" he greets you with a smile.

"Hey Forest! What's my schedule for today?" You asked him. This had become a routine for you. Forest comes in usually wakes you then goes over your schedule. It was nice to finally have a constant routine going.

On Exegol, Palpatine would wake you and Leo up at random times then make you each do different training each day. He used to say it was for your benefit because "the real galaxy" life wasn't in a routine.

Your train of thought was derailed by Forest going over your schedule.

"The time is currently 7am. Today you have a training session with Ren at 8am then the final meeting with Hux, Phasma and Ren about your mission to Jakku at 1pm and the rest of the day is free for you to decide." He explained to you.

"Thank you Forest." You said as he left the room.

Even though, it's 7am you thought it would be more productive if you went to the training room early.

You quickly got dressed and left to go to the training room. As usual, the walk wasn't too long and once you got there you were let inside by the stormtroopers.

The first thing you noticed was that the mats were set up. He must have come in here last night or earlier this morning and set up for today's training. You figured he must have planned to do either some more hand to hand combat or you'd finally get to battle him with a lightsaber.

You figured there wasn't much you could do in the main training room so you went down the hall to where you'd lift weights and use the treadmill.

This room was about the same size as the main training area but had none of the battle training tools as the other room. Instead it was for body building. This room included treadmills, dumbbells, and other exercise equipment.

For the next 45 minutes you lifted weights, ran on the treadmill and focused on pushups, sit-ups, crunches, and pull ups.

Eventually, you figured it was time to head into the main training room to wait for Kylo.

When you stepped into the room he was waiting for you. He was standing on the mat with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Hello" he greeted you

"Hey" you muttered, a little nervous for what he might have planned.

"Today we will be focusing on Lightsaber combat." As he said this you joined him on the mat.

You grabbed your lightsaber from its holster and positioned yourself into a fighting stance.

"We aren't using real lightsabers today" he said to you.

"Why?" You asked, a little confused, you'd been used to using your real saber when training because the Emperor didn't care if you got hurt or not. His motto was "if you were weak enough to die or get hurt, you don't deserve to be trained"

"I don't want you to get hurt" he explained to you

"What about me hurting you" you mumbled, not wanting him to hear but he did anyway

"Not likely" he rolled his eyes at you, now he's just cocky.

"Wanna bet?" You challenged him.

"Maybe next time, but today I want to actually train you." This was a little disappointing but you understand why he wouldn't want to play around, you both had to go to Jakku tomorrow and it was a stressful mission.

He handed you a plastic lightsaber and then got into a fighting position with his own fake lightsaber.

You moved first. You stroked downwards and he quickly blocked you. He was pushing his fake saber against yours, aggressively fighting back. He wasn't going easy on you, so you had to give it your all. It's difficult to fight someone as large as Kylo Ren but the Emperor and given you a few tricks to defeat someone who was larger then you.

First, you strike the stomach, then you kick them out from under their knees. Usually, by this time the opponent is down and all you have to do is strike your saber through their abdomen or the occasional neck.

You used this move but Kylo was quick to defend himself, he used the fake saber and swung it over his head and into your chest. You attempted to block him but the attempt was unsuccessful. He had won.

"That should be good for today" he told you.

"That's it?" You asked, it was a little surprising he ended training so early. It wasn't as if you needed the training but it did help and you had a mission tomorrow.

"Yes. You're ready for tomorrow. Plus, we have a meeting and we need to shower." At least he had confidence in your fighting capabilities.

With that you both left the room. You immediately went to your quarters and to your room. The time on the clock read: 9am.

You ripped off your clothes and shoes and climbed in the shower. You turned the water as hot as it goes and stepped inside.

After you had cleaned yourself and shaved to your liking, you stepped out of the shower. You wrapped a towel around your hair then slipped on your black silky robe.

A knock at your door interrupted you from getting dressed. You were still in your robe so you opened the door.

Forest stood staring back at you. "Hello Forest!" You happily greeted him, you motioned him to come inside.

"Hi Commander, I just came by to see if I could get you anything for breakfast?"

"Yes, please. Anything would be fine thank you." You instructed him.

With that he turned and left the room.

You stepped into your closet and slipped on a long black gown. Then you blow dried your hair and put it in a high pony tail.

Another knock came at your door as you strapped on your black high heels. You assumed it was Forest.

"Come in Forest." With this he stepped inside.

"Commander, your breakfast is ready and is on the kitchen table. I made pancakes and bacon."

"Will you be eating with me as well?" You asked him

"If you'd like then yes" he replied.

Your meal with Forest was really nice and even though you had finished your meal rather quickly, you and Forest stayed for a while as you had a deep conversation about your training with the Emperor. When it was over Forest cleared off your plates and checked his data pad.

"Commander it's 12:45, you could probably head down to the conference room."

"Thank you Forest! I'll see you when I get back, then we can continue our conversation."

You sat up and left your quarters. You had a wide smile on your face but it quickly vanished when you realized the impression you had to make on people. You had to represent the Emperor and smiling is not something he trained you to do. In fact, he banned it. The only time you got to smile was around Leo.

Your arrival to the conference room was meet with two stormtroopers who opened the door at the sight of you.

When you walked in it was the same layout as last time, Hux and Kylo sitting next to each-other and then Phasma across from them. You took a seat next to Phasma and Hux cleared his voice.

"Let's begin, shall we." Hux prompted as he began talking about the plans.

The plans for tomorrow were simple. You fly in with 2 ships full of stormtroopers go through the town and find the Resistance members and kill them or take them in for interrogation. On the record there have been sightings of two males and one female. Their names are unclear to you but you knew what they looked like as if you'd known them all your life.

"Any objections for tomorrow?" Hux questioned.

Both Phasma and Kylo nodded and you did too. You didn't have the energy to put up a fight with Hux right now.

Hux then dismissed everyone and you were free to go back to your quarters but you didn't want to. Instead your legs lead you into the training room.

It was darker then usual because no one was using it. You walked inside and went directly to the mat that was laying out. Beside it was a hologram machine. These were used when you wanted to train by yourself. You turned it on and selected the difficulty level easy (you are still wearing a dress and heels and didn't want to push yourself too hard). The hologram turned on and started to battle. You quickly pulled out your saber and ignited it.

After your little battle with the hologram you shut it off and turned to leave but someone had been watching you. Kylo Fucking Ren.

You gasped at the sight of him, he had definitely caught you off guard.

"Hi" you muttered to him and you walked over to him.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked you softly.

"I just thought I could practice a little more." You explained. The truth is that you'd knew you'd be bored in your room but this explanation sounded better.

"Mhmm" he hummed as if to say 'bullshit'

You went to step around him but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist.
You looked up at his confused and he smashed his lips into yours, it was aggressive and after a few seconds you pulled away.

"We leave at 9am tomorrow morning, be ready" he instructed you.

"Yes sir" you said playfully as you stepped out of the training room and turned to walk into your quarters.

Once you arrived in your room you quickly slipped off all your clothes and put on your silky black nightgown. As you climbed into bed the only thought going through your mind was how excited you were to go on the mission to Jakku. This would be your first mission with the First Order and you wanted to do well.

Your mind raced with these thoughts for the next hour or so but finally you were able to drift into sleep.

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