The Assignment (Kylo Ren X Re...

By kylokid

62.8K 1.7K 2.2K

*STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS* You've been training with Emperor Palpatine for years. You've gone on assignments... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 7

2K 45 63
By kylokid

Today was the day. Tonight you would become the official Commander of the First Order. For the past week you've been preparing for this day by making your rounds with stormtroopers, fighting the Knights of Ren (and kicking their asses) to the almost intolerable meetings with General Hux. Today was the initiation. Of course after today you will still have to train with... him, but you could handle that. All that mattered now was becoming Commander.

The day was full of dress designers, hair and makeup people and Forest. The dress designers bothered you with fittings and by making you try on each and every dress. The makeup and hair people surrounded you and continuously violated your personal space and made snippy remarks and Forest was frantic about your schedule.

None the less, everything was perfect. Your dress was stunning, your makeup was absolutely gorgeous and your hair was perfect. Nothing could ruin this day for you.

Here is your full outfit, hair and makeup:

Your hair was done up in a half up- half down look and the hair stylist added flowers for the elegant touch. Your makeup was a simple nude eyeshadow look with winged eyeliner and red lipstick to match. Lastly, and your most favorite part of your look is the dress. Your dress is a gorgeous black dress that makes you feel so sexy. You loved everything about this look. The workers definitely did a very nice job.

Forest scrabbles in the room and looks at you. He gazes for a moment while it takes your beautiful look in.

"Commander, i have come to remind you that the ceremony will start shortly." He mumbles. He's looking at the ground. Careful not to make eye contact.

"Thank you Forest. Please take the rest of the day off. I'll notify you on your Datapad if I need you." You say to him. Shortly after you finish your sentence he nods and scurries away.

After everyone leaves your room, you end up having a few minutes to yourself so you check your Datapad. On the screen it reads: 1 Message

From: Forest Lockwood
To: commander y/n
Hey! Just wanted to say thank you for letting me have the day off! Let me know if you need anything and good luck!

That's nice that he sent you a message. You reply with "thank you Forest, have a good rest of your day" and you head off to the ceremony.

The walk to the stage wasn't too long. Once you arrived you were met with Hux and Kylo. Hux has his fire red hair slicked back and is dressed in his usual black attire. Kylo was standing next to Hux, towering over him in his full outfit, minus the mask. His face was cold and emotionless as Hux's was anxious.

The backstage had many employees running around, their job was to mainly make sure everything was running smoothly. As you came up to Hux and Ren you greeted them.

"Good Evening, is everything on schedule?" You asked, mainly directed to General Hux because he always controlled these sort of things.

"Finally, you're here. At least you don't look as dreadful as you usually do." Hux scoffed.

"Says the bitter Ginger." You snapped at him. You had enough of his bad attitude.

"Says the girl who couldn't even finish training before she was thrown to the wolves." Hux replied, it was a bad attempt at an insult but you couldn't let him get the best of you.

Without thinking you used the force to propel him in the air and without warning flung him into a nearby wall. Smashing his head into the wall and you watched as he fell to the ground.

You walked over to him and looked down on him as he lay on the ground helpless.

"Says the annoying Leprechaun who, might I add, is at this point below a WOMAN in rank. So Hux, if you want to keep your life intact I suggest you shut the hell up and figure out that I am above you in rank. So stop talking to me like I'm a little girl." You couldn't help yourself, you needed the last word and you got it.

When you turned back around to go back to your spot next to Kylo he was gaping at you, obviously amused by what you had just done. You gave him a small smirk and then silently stood beside him, not daring to say another word.

Eventually, Hux brushed himself off and found his place next to Kylo. Just as you thought Hux would say something to you, you were interrupted by a worker. She was a small, blonde headed women. She stared directly at the floor, never breaking eye contact with the black, shiny tile.

"Excuse me, sorry for the intrusion but General, you have a minute until you are up on stage." She muttered, then walked away without warning.

Hux coughed then fixed his clothing. He took a deep breath then a stepped from backstage and through the curtain onto the stage to address the First Order population. Stars, he's so dramatic.

Now you and Kylo were left backstage by yourselves (okay not by yourselves because there are dozens of workers around you) but that didn't stop you from having to fight the urge to jump him right here. You wanted so badly to feel his lips on yours, to have his hands feeling you, caressing you. Most of all you really wanted to run your digits through his hair. To feel it's softness between your fingers. But, you knew you couldn't. Not here. Not now.

"Did you get my gift?" He asked. His voice interrupting your daydream of him. You glanced at him and he was still staring straight ahead, giving nothing away.

"No, I didn't. What is it?" His question peaked your interest. What could Kylo Ren get you as a gift?

He didn't reply and instead your conversation was put on hold as Hux's voice interrupted you two. "Now introducing the Supreme Leader and your new Commander." His squeaky voice spoke. This was you and Kylo's que to step onto stage and you both did so.

On stage, was Hux at the microphone and on the back wall by the curtain other officers and the Knights of Ren. As you and Kylo stepped out and found your place, Kylo slipped in between you and another officer and leaned down to your ear.

"Good luck, commander" his voice was low and seductive. Not here. Not now. Keep it together.

You said nothing as Hux turned to you with a hand out. This was a clue for you to begin your speech. You stepped to the microphone and began your short speech that was prepared for you.

"Today, I stand in front of you as your commander..." you continued on your speech and just as you got to the point of what your plans will be for the First Order, you felt a tingling sensation on your clit. You knew this wasn't normal and so you turned to the only other person you could think that would do this. Kylo Ren. When you peered at him from your side view you noticed his fingers twitching. He was using the force on your clit in front of everyone. He's crazy. He needs to stop. Shit. It feels to good for him to stop.

You had to stop yourself from letting out a moan. You knew you couldn't just let him get away with using the force on you in front of everyone so you chose to fight dirty. Slowly, with your hands behind your back, you were able to manipulate the force to apply enough pressure on the bulge of his pants that he would notice. As you did this the force on your clit was increasingly getting faster, more sloppy. So you did the same to him. Each tingle to your clit was met with another stroke of his length.

"Thank you all for attending. Dismissed." You finished your speech and quickly turned and gave a glare at Kylo. He smirked in response. Asshole. Correction: Hot As Fuck Asshole Who You Want To Fuck At This Moment.

You really needed to shut the fuck up in your own head. You cleared your head of those thoughts and continued on. Moving swiftly to your quarters.

You were interrupted by Forest.

"Commander, you got a package. I set it on your bed." He informed you

"Thank you Forest. Do you know who it's from?" You had an idea of who might have sent it. Kylo Ren.

"No, it's just a velvet red box. No address or who it's from. One of the Knights of Ren had told me they found it and it was addressed to you." You knew one of Ren's knights couldn't have just "find" it. It's compete bullshit but I guess you had to keep whatever you have with Kylo a secret.

"Okay, goodnight Forest." It wasn't actually that late but you wanted to see what Kylo had gotten you.

As you walked down the dimly lit hallway and to your room anticipation was filling your head with thoughts of what he could get you.

As you opened the door and gazed over at your bed, sure enough there was a red velvet box on your bed. With a black bow on top. You walked over to it and when you opened it you couldn't believe your eyes...

(HEYYYY! Wow it's Friday already! Sorry for the little cliff hanger there😉 I promise there will be a longer chapter on Monday!)

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