Promise [약속] | PJM βœ“

By -minserendipity

37.7K 1.2K 329

- "Interwine our pinkies, and promise me now" - π™…π™žπ™’π™žπ™£ 𝙭 π™ˆ!π™§π™šπ™–π™™π™šπ™§ - sequel to 'First Love' some... More

bonus chapter~


897 27 8
By -minserendipity



"Ah hyung" You groan, head thrown back in complete desire. Jimin moves in and out, going as hard as he could, because hey? that's how you liked it.

"You like that?"

Looking over your shoulder you see sweat straying to submerge itself from Jimins forehead down to his neck, it was hot to be honest.

"Yes, deeper-ngh." With your eyes almost rolling to the back of your head, you feel another deep whine coming to make its way out your throat.

Jimin just looked down at you, amusement written on his face while his plump lip was held in between his teeth. He took his hands and made its way to the back of your neck, pushing his fingers in your skin and out, like you were a squishy plushie. But, fuck it felt good.


You both jump and look behind you to see Seokjin, his hands on his hips, and his eyes narrowed at Jimin. "What?" He scoffs, slightly annoyed from getting interrupted.

"The kids are outside and I think we all would appreciate if it didn't sound like a porno was going on in the living room." Jin rolled his eyes before walking away, but you definitely heard him snicker as he did.

You hop off of Jimins lap, a grin on your face and an not so innocent smirk on his. "You were gonna fuck around and get off just from a massage, huh?"

You gasp, hand on your chest dramatically. You thought about it and maybe you would've, but that's just how good Jimins fingers felt against your skin.

"Uh no," you frown looking at Jimin as if he slapped you in the head. "I just really enjoy your hands, okay?"

And Jimin just laughs, his hand over his stomach and his head thrown back, the squeaky, yet deep pitched laugh coming from his throat.

"Aish shutup hyung," You roll your eyes, but trust and believe you weren't ashamed or embarrassed of your statement at all.

"It's just funny, that's all." He laughs. He opens his arms once he's done with the laughter, indicating for you to walk forward and take a seat on him; you do so.

You look around at the empty living room, but also look over to the back door where you could easily see Yungguk and Yoonmi hopping in a bouncy house, smiles on their faces and excited squeals coming from their voice box.

"Is chimin hyung and yoongi on their way?"

Jimin just nods, looking at you and back at the tv, a game of football was on now, and he was waiting for the other boys. You didn't typically watch it, but you weren't the only one because Seokjin didn't either.

"Why don't you tell Joonie hyung to come and watch with you?" Your head cocks to the side as you roll your butt to get more comfortable on Jimins lap.

"Because he's helping Seokjin and I could wait." He looks at you for a second then back at television.

"Ah," You nod. Taehyung and Namjoon both were in the kitchen helping Seokjin out with the dinner you all would have in a couple of hours.

You go and wipe a drop of sweat on Jimins forehead and he sighs and thanks you. Busan heat wasn't going well, even if you were in the house. "Let me go and turn the AC on, i'll be right back hyung." You hop off his lap and walk away, but not without laughing at Jimins dramatic whine because of the emptiness of his deserted lap.

When you walk down the hallway and check the AC, hearing all the voices of your friends and family around the house you couldn't help but smile. Today was You and Yungguks last day in Busan and you were gonna miss it. From being in the house and just simply the memories of it.

It had been months, and months since that day Jimin came and told you everything — and you remember it clearly how you forgave him and how he looked like the happiest puppy.

That's the funny thing about it though, you and Jimin were still not necessarily together. No one ever initiated asking the other if they were ready to be official, ready to finally be boyfriends.

You and Jimin still hadn't kissed, or anything like that. Sure, you were touchy, and many more things but he still gives you that space that you asked for almost a year ago and it was comfortable, so so comfortable.

He never pushed you to doing anything other than maybe hugging and cuddling one another, and that honestly made you fall in love with the elder even more. You guys have been patient with one another, of course, and you would think that's why what ever your relationship was; was going so great.

You felt as if this new journey in your life, finally moving away to seoul was going to do you good. Not only with yourself, but with Jimin aswell. You didn't care if you both agreed to not move in with eachother yet, you just cared about the future where you did.

"Fixed it?"

You jump, hand clutching to your heart forcefully. "Taetae, you scared me." You frown looking at the now, blue haired boy.

"Aish sorry! you were just taking too long! i don't know if i'm gonna pass out from the heat or from Seokjin hyungs scolding." He laughs, hand going to wipe his face.

You also bring your hand up to your head, wiping it aswell. While the other hand went to go and turn up the Ac. "It should be kicking in, in just a second." You turn to him.

Taehyung nods, a satisfied smile on his face. He then goes to throwing his arm on your shoulder and walking you back towards the rooms. "Uh, don't you have to finish cooking?" Your lips were pursed as you talked.

"Yeah, but I have something to show you." You could immediately catch the giddy vibe off of taehyung and you knew whatever he was about to tell you was gonna be happy news.

He reached in his pocket and you glance as a small velvety black box makes its way into your face. "I love you and all but-"

"No!" He laughs, "For Joon."

"Awe! Taehyungie!" You squeak, jumping on your feet and your bestfriend doing the same, mimicking you with the boxy smile on his face. Once you two calm down, the air had finally kicked in and you both were breathing, chest going down and up with silly smiles.

"You're proposing to Joonie?" You whisper and Taehyung just simply nods. "When?" You ask.

"I was gonna do it today, but , someone already has something planned." Taehyung has a smile that reached his eyes, his skin flushed.

"Oh my god, Chimin or Yoongi?" You gasp, but then goes to grin. Taehyung tilts his head to the side, chewing his lip that was still quirked up.

"Yeah! Ch-chimin and Yoongi." He nods.

The stutter makes you squint your eyes at the older but you shrug it off. "Okay well, I'll go back in there with Jimin and tell him the news, they should be-"


"Huh?" You ask.

"Don't tell him the news." Taehyung stuffs the box back in his pocket and throws his hands up in caution.

"Why can't I?"

"Because he already knows, it's his brother, duh." He says, playfully. You shrug and nod, liking the fact that Taehyung was somehow cool on the topic of Jimin.

Yes, it has been almost a year but Taehyung held grudges, especially if it had to do with hurting his bestfriend. He and Jimin had never really liked, like eachother, as if they were bestfriends but you were glad to see they had gotten closer. It made you really happy.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now." Taehyung says carefully still eyeing you.

"Okay, i'm right behind ya." You smile and you both trudge in the living room.


"Yungguk-ah! Yoonmi!" Namjoon yells, his brown haired slapping its way across his forehead. The two kids, close in age comes, smile on their faces to walking in the house that smelt of food.

"Go and wash you hands." You point out, looking over to the kitchen as you take a seat at the table.

When you look around to each friend, even Chimin and Yoongi who had just arrived — You couldn't help but to think of your big brother. Jungkook would be on the end of the table, a calm expression on his face, as he looked around at his family.

You missed him, you truly did.

So you were gonna do everything he wanted you to do, everything you wanted to accomplish. Cause you know if he were still here, he'd support you no matter the situation.

"Dig In!" Seokjin exclaims, a smile on his face as he picked up his chopsticks. The kids followed him aswell, hungry because of the playing they did all morning.

"So? Y/N, excited?" Yoongi asks.

You look over to him, and quickly swallow the rice you had in your mouth. "Excited? Yes," You respond.

He nods his head and Chimin and Taehyung began to argue over the football game they had just watched. The conversations go from one to another, asking this and that, and talking about this and that.

At this point everyone was done with their food, backs against the chair and hands on your stomachs from the fullness of it.

"Last dinner in the house!" Yungguk babbles, breaking everyone from their own thoughts. You watch as Yungguk raises an eyebrow at Jimin and that makes you snap your eyes to the older, who had his eyes narrowed at the young boy.

"Yeah!" Namjoon winks at you.

Jimin places his hands on the table and you couldn't help but to notice the fact that they were so jittery. "You okay? hyung?" You look at him, his face pale.

"Of course." He smiles. "We should get up, right?" He darts his eyes to you all around the table and you guys move, getting up with your plates and taking them to the kitchen.

The two kids again, went outside, not the bouncy house though; Namjoon explained some scientific thing about getting cramps and after eating so Taehyung told them to hold off on that.

All of you were now in the living room, sitting on the couch that was gonna be trailing with you to Busan. Everyone sat with neutral faces except for the couple of glances they sent eachother.

Not gonna lie, it bothered you. Like it was something they were keeping from you.

And we all know what happened last time they did that, right?

"What's gonna on?"

"Huh?" Jimin retracts his arm from behind your head, a fake confused frown on his face.

"Why's everyone looking at you like that?" You turn at him and back to the others sat before you.

"I don't-"

"Jimin" You say glaring at him.

"Okay, Okay" He stands, and you follow his movement as he disappears in the hallway. Your gaze moves to Taehyung who had a shit eating grin on his lips. You look away but not without furrow your eyebrows at the boy. Seokjin sighs, a little happily and crosses his legs over one another as all of you look to see Jimin standing near the hallway.

He had a bouquet of roses in his hand, a envelope gripped tightly in his fingers. Your head tilts to side as he walks nervously over to you, then getting down on his knees and handing both objects to you.

"Hyung." You pout looking down at them.

"Open it," He says, knees still attached to the ground.

You smell the roses and sit them to your side, Chimin who is beside you also sneaks a sniff and gives a thumbs up to his brother.

You go to open the envelope and pull the card out. The card was a yellow color, and it wasn't so regular it had three pages in it as if it was a book.

Opening it, the first page had you and Jimins name on it, and a drawing of you two — you smile and turn to the next page where you were met with pictures of you both. From when you were younger, in highschool, in college and even polaroids from just recently.

You coo at the memory of 16 year old you finally realizing you had a crush on the older, 'rude boy'. Turning the page words are flowing on it, urging for you to read it.

"Read it aloud."

Nodding, you sit up on the couch better so you were leaning a little towards Jimin. You feel your eyes growing wet even before starting it, shit you were a crybaby.

"December right before christmas break when I first met you. I wanted to mess with you because you were small and cute, a fragile boy who looked done with everything but also wanted to get into everything." Your voice is highly pitched as you read.

"I always lied but i've liked you way before senior year. I've liked you since eighth grade, and the correction is i've loved your ass since 12th." You laugh, of course Jimin would be romantic but he had to add his cursing in there.

"I know i've said this before." You read, squinting your eyes a bit because of Jimins sloppy handwriting.

"-But, there will be never be anyone, or something that makes me feel the way you do and no one will ever make me love as much as you do." Your voice cracks and you turn the page, nothing was there. When you put the card down, Jimin is still kneeled but on one knee, a tight-lipped smile on his face and moist eyes.

"Okay, guess it's my turn." He laughs, nervously. He pulls out a red velvet box, and you fell yourself hold your breath. "Okay," He mutters.

"Best friends and lovers, that describes you and me. I can't wait to see how bright our future will be. I've had my share in drama and you picked me up and took me back, I thankyou so much for that." He opens the box and a, silver ring was sat in it with a sparkly and big diamond on top.

"When you look at this ring, I hope it reminds you of my promise to never stop loving you."

Jimin, You and nearly everyone else was crying now, you were lucky the kids were still outside, you could hear the teasing from them later because you were a ugly crier.

"I know we're not ready for more right now, so this ring symbolizes my intent to marry you some day, and one day I'll replace it with an engagement ring and a wedding band." He breathes, his eyes now red from the tears streaming down them.

"Please accept this ring, as a promise that i'll be the best i can be, the best boyfriend you'll have." He takes it out, and you nod eagerly, eyes full of tears. "And i promise, i fucking swear Y/n, that i'll stay true to you, from here on out it's me and you."

He finally slips it on and you can't stop yourself from letting out a choked sob, your hand going up to cover it. You hear the claps from the elders around you and you smile, letting your hand drop.

"Could I kiss you now?" He asks, a teasing grin on his face.

You laugh, "Of fucking course, Kiss me."

With that Jimin lays his lips right onto yours — they were still soft as your remembered them, and of course they tasted of cherry. Your lips moved in sync before Jimin pulled back, smiling at you.

"I love you," He said, eyes twinkling in nothing but love.

"I love you too," You smile, and can't help but let out a laugh as you look at the boys still crying.

This was it. This was your family, this was your boyfriend. You loved him, with your entire heart and anybody could see that from a mile away.

And you promise, nothing was ever gonna change that.

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