Picture Perfect

By LivThaWriter

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One unforgettable night in Cabo results in Tristen becoming a single mother. After a year, she stops trying t... More

Coming Soon...
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Bora Bora, Tahiti
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Picture Perfect Ending


4.7K 235 74
By LivThaWriter

April 3rd
Roddy's House

Tristen Ashley
"Okay so, Keefa, Relly, Donbo, Bird, Cleo, Mason, Lauren and Kross, then DaBaby and Serenity. Thats it right?" I asked Rodrick one more time.

"Yup," Rodrick said not looking away from the tv.

"Do I have the pleasure of meeting all them before the party?" I asked him and he didn't respond.

I sighed grabbing the remote from the table and cutting the TV off. He looked at me like I was crazy and I gave him the same look.

"Aight man, talk yo shit," he said.
I rolled my eyes and proceeded to talk my shit.

I repeated what I had asked him a few seconds ago.

"Yeah that's cool. We can set that up for tonight if you want to." He said.

"Didn't have to be that soon, Rodrick. You didn't even check with them."

"I'm supposed to link with the guys tonight, except Lauren. You can tag along though."

"What about Milo?"

"Shit, he can come too. We ain't going nowhere but to the studio." He said.

"Okay.." I said, "So, my mom is going to be doing the food, is there anything that you'd like to request her to make since y'all are best friends?"

He gave me a stale face, "Man, chill." He ended up smirking. Him and my mom, it's like a tv show when they're together. It's disgusting.

After those two weeks of staying at Rodrick's house, I still found myself over here almost every other day. Only time I didn't see him was when he was actually busy. But for the most part he always made time not only for Milo but for me as well.

I wouldn't too much say that feelings are there but I mean, anything could happen. Like just watching how he is with Milo, it makes me want to have another baby by him so he could to the same with our daughter.

The theme of Milo's party is Wild One. Cliche, I know but he wouldn't remember it anyways, it was really just for me to have fun and take a break.

"What she making?"

"Pasta salad, meatballs, ceviche dip and chips, hot wings, veggie trays.."

"Can she add pigs in a blanket to that list."

"Uh, sure?" I chuckled, "pork or beef?"

"Pork. Who the fuck eats beef piggies?"

"Oh my god, I can't with you," I said, "Anything else?"

"Nah... she know how to make punch? Like with the ginger ale and fresh fruit kind?"

"Mhm, she's already making some."

"What kind?" He sat up more interested in the conversation now.

"She wouldn't tell me but if you asked I'm sure she'd tell you in a heartbeat."

"Stop being salty, Tris." He chuckled.

"Not being salty." I said, even though I was.

"Then what you call it? Tart?"

I gave him a stale face again ignoring his comment, "have you even talked to your mom lately?" I said.

He told me about when he let her know about Milo and I but she wasn't having it without proof. I mean, I was fine with giving her proof but she had a nasty attitude about it, according to Rodrick. So I just dropped the issue. I only brought it back up to see if she had a change of heart yet.


"Okay," I simply said leaving it at that. It wasn't a issue I could really press on unless he wanted to talk about it hisself.

"I'm not finna get proof for her just because she don't wanna believe it. We agreed that we didn't need proof and that's straight enough for us, right?" He reiterated to me.

I nodded, "But, I still feel like your mom should be there. Even if she was kind of a ass to me. I just think it's important for Milo to know his grandparents."

He sighed, thinking about it. I wasn't trying to pressure him or change his mind, I just wanted him to talk to her once more, before I send these evites out.

He picked his phone up From the table and started FaceTiming her.

On the fourth ring she picked up.

"Hey ma? You busy right now? I needed talk to you," he said.

"Oh Jesus, let me sit down, this sounds bad," she said and Rodrick shook his head no at her chuckling.

"Nah, this ain't one of them convos, ma."

"Then what kind is it?"

"It's about my son, Milo. Tristen and I wanna know if you coming to his birthday party in a few weeks?"

"Rodrick," she sighed, "I already told you, that is not my grandson unless I see proof. I'm not condoning anything that isn't right and I just don't feel right about... them."

"Ma, listen your yourself, you sound crazy right now. You can't tell me that Milo isn't mine, he look just like me. But aight ma, I just wanted to double check with you. We sending out the evites."

"Well, I don't need one," she said snarkily before hanging up.

"There's your answer." He said. If she's gonna be like that and not take my word, then she don't need to be there. She think you were just some quick nut but you weren't."

"Okay but it was, when we met." I reminded him.

"Yeah but Tristen, it was definitely more than that and you know it. A baby came from it." He said seriously.

I wasn't sure what that meant, like was he being literal and figurative?

"But we don't need proof. That's one thing you gon' learn about me if not anything else. My word is bond, no matter what" he said.

"Okay. I understand," I said not wanting to press the issue, "I'm sorry," I bit my lip. I sort of felt in trouble with him just because the bass in his voice changed.

"Don't do that. Don't apologize for something you had no control over. It's all good." He said, "She'll come around, trust me. It was the same way when she found out Cleo and Mason we're together. She thought I was gonna end up with Cleo." He shrugged.

Okay.." I said and went ahead a fixed Milo's bottle. He should be up a few minutes.

We both heard thumping around coming from upstairs and checked the iPad. Milo was up, and already playing with a few of his toys. Rodrick went upstairs first before I followedbehins him.

"What else do you have going on today?" He asked and reached for his bottle. Rodrick got down on the floor with him while I sat on the pouf.

"Nothing. Just chilling with Claire a little later, we haven't hung out in a while and I can tell that something is bothering her. So I think we need a heart to heart or something."

"So since y'all having y'all lil girl talk or whatever, can I talk Milo for the afternoon?"

I bit my lip, "Take him where?" I said, corona is still real.

"Just to the studio with me. You can follow me out there just so you can meet who's gonna be at the party. Then I just bring him to you when y'all done." He offered.

Milo giggled reaching for his cheeks while he was in his lap. My heart. I held my chest.

"Yeah, I guess that's okay." I said, "I guess that means it's time for you to learn to pack his bag." I said getting up.

I grabbed Milo's baby backpack, Louis Vuitton, courtesy of Rodrick, and opened it up. It still had tags on it, so I took the plastic ones off leaving the leather ones. $800 for a bookbag? Yeah, that's was definitely all him.

"Can you tell me what you think he'll need? Considering the time of day you'll be having him?" I asked.

Rodrick got up coming over to where I was. Milo was content, holding his bottle for hisself for the first time.

"Wipes for his face and his butt... I'm gonna guess three bottles. Two for milk and one for juice. Purified water for the milk, formula... and his duck."

"Mm, look at you knowing your stuff." I grinned putting everything he said in the bag, "but you're missing one thing."


"DIAPERS MAN, diapers!" I said throwing four in the bag for him.

"Oh shit, diapers. Definitely need that," he chuckled. I playfully rolled him eyes at him. I started to leave the room go to add formula in his bottles.

"Tristen. Tristen, look," I heard Rodrick say in a hushed tone causing me to whip my head around.

Milo was standing freely staring at the both of us.

"He's about to walk.. he's definitely about the walk." I said quietly.

"Yeah, yeah, call him, get him to walk to you," Rodrick said crouching down.

I did the same, "Come here Milo, come on." I coaxed him.

He was iffy about stepping forwards. The most he would do is pull himself up and take like two steps then fall to the floor and crawl instead.

"Oh my god, I should be recording this," I mumbled to myself and opened up the camera on my phone. I propped my phone up against the wall behind me, hitting record.

"Lolo," Rodrick called making him turn his head to him.

"Keep going. Go to mama." He coached him my way but he had other plans.

Milo looked back at him before grinned a toothless grin. He took off running towards Rodrick crashing into his arms.

"Oh my god," I was surprised as he held him in his arms.

"My baby just walked for the first time." I said in awe, "Milo come here, come to mama.

I looked to Rodrick and he was grinning back at me. I honestly wanted to cry right now. This was milestone.

Milo let go of Rodrick and turned to me. He tripped over his feet and still kept standing before he ran into my arms.

I let Milo go and he was still smiling at me. I turned him around and Rodrick started calling him. He walked back towards him fumbling only once before he gained complete balance.

Rodrick picked him up, hyping him up, "Let's goooo, my boy walking now!" He held him up in the air and Milo went into a fit of giggles.

I remembered that I was still recording and stopped saving the video to look at it again.

I smiled and got ready to post the video to my Instagram story. I captioned it, y'all my baby just took his first steps.

I posed it and was instantly getting comments and reactions on it.

I locked my phone and put it down.

"Milo, go to daddy, I gotta get your formula." I told him as I got up.

"Nah, I got it," he said taking the bag from me.

Milo walked over to Rodrick his hand out and he picked him up. He handed me Milo while he went down the stairs to finish his bag.

Roddy Ricch
"Hey Roddy, welcome back-who is this cute little thing?" Erica the receptionist greeted us. She pulled her mask down slightly because her glasses would fog up when she spoke.

"Wassup, E. This Milo, and this is Tristen. You'll see them a lot more so don't give them no problems."

"Well hello, I'm Erica. The receptionist for this studio," Erica was on of the nice ones that worked here. All the other ones who worked at the front desk with thirsty as hell. Erica already had a whole husband so she wasn't ever checking for nobody. In fact, she usually kept it a bill with me and everyone else. She didn't play no games about nothing.

"I'm Tristen," she introduced herself, "Your nails are so cute, who's your tech?" She asked before they went I still a whole spill.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt but I got some business to handle."

"Oop, Sorry." Tristen said, "We can talk later." She said before Erica let us go. We walked down the hall bucking a right. Milo wanted his mama so I passed him off to her for the tome being.

"Wait, y'all ain't gon' be smoking around my baby are you?" She asked turning her nose up. I was sure she could smell the weed from upstairs cause we had just passed the elevator.

"Nah. That's the second floor. We'll be on the first floor, with all the no smoking rooms."

"That shits loud," she said and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I ain't been smoking to much lately anyways, so to be in a smoking room it bothers me a little.

"Oh so you stopped smoking?" I just thought you didn't do it when Milo was around."

"Nah, I stopped completely when Cleo found out she was pregnant. We made a pact that's e wasn't smoking until that baby came out.  She better be here before 4/20." I said lastly and Tristen laughed.

We made it to the door with the number 1106 on it. I turned the knob and entered, the music blared through the room, but it stopped once they seen Milo and Tris.

"Wassup y'all?" I greeted and dapped up Keefa and Relly who were sitting on the couch.

Bird was off to the side, sitting behind the boards.

"Who this is?" Relly single ass stood walking over to Tristen. I deflected him, sticking my arm out stopping him at leas two feet from her.

"Chill bruh, she off limits, that's babymoms."

"Oh shit, you babymoms?" Relly said licking his lips at her.

Tristen looked at him weird before nodding, "Yep, and like he said, off limits." She said and everyone laughed.

"Yeah my fault about him, he's newly single. Tristen, this my potna Relly, that's Keefa over there. That's Bird over there. Where Mason at?"

"Cleo got him tied up." Keefa said, "I just got off the phone with him."

I nodded, "Aight, we y'all

"Wassup, Tristen, I'm Bird." He formally introduced hisself, "and this must be Milo, who I be hearing all about."

See that's why I fuck with Bird the long way.

"Mhm, Lo baby wanna say hi?" Tristen coaxed him out of his shell he withdrew hisself into.

He eventually lifted a hand and waived at him.

"You alil why ain't you? We gon' get you up out that she'll real quick." He said. I chuckled.

"Don't have my baby out here wilding out." Tristen said to Bird.

"Don't worry, I got you," he laughed, "He gon' be real comfortable around us, that's all I mean." He said.

"Okay. Rodrick." She said to me and I looked at her, "I've gotta go," she said and I nodded. I took Milo from her after she gave him a lot of love.

"Aight, ima call you when I leave from here. Milo, tell mama bye bye. You finna hang with the guys." I made him waving bye to her and she left soon after.

"Rodrick, spill bro. Bird said you had a baby but we ain't believe him. When the hell you had a baby?" Keefa asked.

"I tried to tell you," bird chuckled.

I sat down on the other couch, "It's been like what? Almost two years. He finna he one in a few weeks. Oh, yeah. Y'all invited to the lil party too." I added.

Say less." Relly said, "I already know what ima get him.


"Nigga why would I tell you when he right there in front of you?" I asked.

I shook my head at him and put Milo down. He was still iffy about being around these new people so he stuck to me like glue.

"Bird, mustard sent you that track yet?"

"Yeah, it's on here. You tryna run that real quick?"

"Nah, uh," I thought for a second, "Run that shit NLE sent me. Hand me them headphones. I said and he passed them too me. I slid them over Milo's ears so the loud music wouldn't damage his ears.

After hearing the beat a few times, just nodding my head to it, I finally caught the vibe so I went into the booth.

I slid the headphones over my ear, pushing them back so I could still hear around me.

"Run it back real quick." I said to bird and he restarted the last part so I could do my verse.

Nigga, I was posted on the corner where the J's at
Roll up in a four by four, pull up at the corner store
Look man, I got red in my drink when I pour up soda

Milo has finally ventured away from me and was touching all over shit. Luckily, everything he could reach wasn't something that was too important, until he got over to Keefa's bag.

"Aye, aye," I stopped rapping, "Keefa put that shit somewhere else man" I said to him.

Keefa was known to always keep a strap on him or in his bag at all times and luckily I had just remembered that shit.

Keefa did what I told, "My fault bro." He apologized before putting his bag on a self out of reach.

"You good bruh, just be careful with that shit man." I said. My heart low key wanted to jump out my chest cause of that shit.

A few seconds later DaBaby walked in, Everybody dapped him up and I nodded my head to him from the booth. I went ahead a finished my verse, and stepped out.

"Wassup, nigga?" He said dapping me up.

"What's good, man?"

"Sorry it took me a min, man, I ran into your baby mama our front. Tristen?"

"Word? She sent out evites to Milo birthday party, you got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I did actually, that's what I was talking to her about. Wassup lil man?" He said to Milo who had just came up behind me.

It was crazy how this nigga just started walking today, and how mobile he was now. Hadn't even been a full day yet.

Milo did behind my leg but I pushed him out in front of me.

"Milo, meet DaBaby," I chuckled telling him.

He got down on his level with him and started holding conversation with him. See, that's how you knew he was a father just cause of how he responded to him. Milo ate that shit up too.

He might be shy but he loved the attention that he got from everyone. He started reaching for his chains and I grabbed his hand pulling it back.

"Oh nah, we ain't finna start that, not with someone else," I told him and pick him up.

"He got a thing for diamonds." I said.

"Word? Them him and Serenity gon her along perfect," he laughed, "You ready to work?"

"Hell yeah."

Soooo next chapter will be the birthday party 🎊

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