The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.6K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Thirty-Eight

48.7K 2.2K 1.1K
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

May 25th 2013

Chapter Thirty- Eight - Cloud Stryker

''Why is this so fucking difficult to put together?'' Wind demanded. ''I'm ready to say fuck the screws and hello duct tape.''

''Perhaps you're reading over the French instructions?'' Ryder asked in amusement, carrying on with painting his section of the wall without even looking in Wind's direction, whom of which was scowling at the back of the lanky dark haired teen.

''It's the correct side of the instructions, thank you very much.''

''You want to trade? I'll build the crib and you paint the wall I've started on?'' Eugene asked and I was thankful Eugene was more of a hands on type of guy, considering he was the one who put together both the little kid rocking chair and change table in under half an hour all on his own.

''Or instead leave the painting up to Cloud and Ryder and come hold up shelves.'' Lucas said, wiping his arm across his sweaty forehead and I was also thankful he too was a hands on build it type unlike myself, which was why I was in charge of painting walls and installing the ridiculous chandelier my mother had insisted go in the nursery and while I was against the light fixture, she won over Terrance who then won over me and therefore I had lost two or three hours of my life trying to put the damn fixture up correctly.

''Yeah, I'll help with the shelves.'' Wind agreed, looking relieved he didn't have to paint.

''You're painting on clouds when the paint drys? Right?'' Ryder asked, directing the question over to me but drawing in everyone's attention as well.

I sighed, continuing to roll the blue paint onto the wall. ''Rex wants clouds on the walls so the answer to your question is yes, when the paint drys, I'm painting on clouds.''

''Little ironic, eh?'' Lucas mused.

''That's Pintrest for you,'' I responded. ''Terrance has been all over that site looking for nursery ideas.''

''I think Araki has Pintrest.''

''I have Pintrest.'' Wind said offhandedly, earning strange looks from Eugene, Lucas and I but he didn't seem interested in our disbelieving stares.

''I have Pintrest, too, you find some interesting shit on there,'' Ryder spoke up, averting our disbelieving gazes onto him. ''Got myself a Tumblr account as well.''

''Tumblr's the shit.'' Wind praised.

''Unbelievable,'' Eugene said. ''There are five grown men in this room and we're talking about Pintrest and Tumblr? We might as well grow vagina's while we are at it.''

Lucas and I laughed while Ryder and Wind both glared.

''What are the plans for when we're done the nursery?'' Lucas asked, changing the topic.

''We should go to a party.'' Eugene said.

''What about a bar?'' I suggested, not all that interested in a party.

''Boo, in bars you've got to pay for what you order.'' Ryder said, scrunching up his nose.

''He's right on that,'' Wind agreed. ''I think we should head over to a party.''

''Raise of hands,'' Lucas said. ''Hands up for bar,'' Of course, Lucas and I were the only ones to raise our hands and I sighed, putting my hand down. It wasn't even like I'd be drinking liquor, I really only wanted to go for the pool table. ''Hands up for party.'' He said and Wind, Ryder and Eugene all raised their hands, and all three men looking smug over the fact that they were getting their way.

''Party it is.'' I muttered, not all that thrilled because I'd much rather stay at the house and paint, waiting on Terrance to get back from his day out with Carmen, Araki, our mom's and sisters.

''Bro, try sounding a little more excited.'' Wind drawled.

''Yeah, you're acting like we're going off to a hanging.'' Ryder added.

''I should probably let Araki know.'' Lucas murmured in thought.

''Shit, yeah, I should shoot a text to Starr.'' Eugene agreed.

''I'm going to call Terrance.'' I told them, already leaving the nursery with my cell phone in hand, ignoring the sounds of whipping being taunted after me. I entered mine and Terrance's shared bedroom, giving a glance at Oswald sleeping curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed. I swear, all that damn cat did was sleep, eat, shit and cock block me.

Sighing, I dialed Terrance's cell number, listening to the rings before he picked up and I could hear laughter in the back ground; female laughter.

''Hey babe, how's the nursery coming along?'' He asked, telling someone on the other end to shut up and that he was clearly on the phone.

''It's coming along, everything is mostly put together and painted, really just have to worry about the wardrobe and painting on the clouds.'' I said, taking a heavy seat on the edge of the bed, not caring if I disturbed Oswald from his slumber.

''That's wonderful, I can't wait to add the finishing touches like toys and put away his clothes, it's going to look amazing and you should see the stuff we have got Zayden, he's going to look so adorable.'' Terrance gushed and I smiled, happy he was happy.

''He's still unborn and already being spoiled rotten, huh?'' I asked.

''You have no idea,'' Terrance said with a laugh but pausing as someone told him something which made me frown because I couldn't hear the mumbled whispering. ''You're going to a party tonight?''

Shit. I wanted to tell him myself, maybe get him to help me get out of attending. Though, he probably heard from either Araki or Starr due to Lucas and Eugene informing their girlfriends moments ago by text but I didn't doubt for a second it was Starr to spill the beans to Terrance before I even could. Thanks a lot sis.

''Yeah, but I don't--''

''You should go, Cloud, I'll be fun,'' Terrance interjected and I mentally groaned. ''I'll spend the night at your mom's with my mom.''

I sighed, running a hand through my hair and nodded. ''I won't stay long so you won't need to spend the night, I'll pick you up an bring you back to our home, or we could sleep over now that I think about it, don't want you inhaling the paint fumes from the nursery.''

''Okay, but...Cloud I don't want you to feel like I'm tying you down, I want to you have fun and I don't want you to have regrets spending every moment with me...I don't want you to get sick of me.''

''Impossible, baby, I love you and I want to spend every moment with you and Zayden too,'' I said softly. ''Though, as Zayden get's older that will get harder...''

''I don't even want to think about him getting older.''

''I know what you mean.'' I said in understanding.

''Cloud! These walls aren't going to finish painting themselves!'' Wind called. ''And we need them done before we attend the party which starts in a hour!''

''We have longer than an hour!'' Ryder hollered back. ''You've always got to be fashionably late!''

''Are you sure you're not gay, Ryder?'' I heard Lucas ask.

''Fuck off!'' Ryder snapped. I pinched the bridge of my nose, either these walls were paper thin or they didn't understand the concept of indoor voices.

''I should let you go,'' Terrance was saying in amusement. ''We'll talk soon, I love you.''

''I love you, too, Rex.''

★ ★ ★

The techno dance music was loud—extremely loud. I could feel the beat pulsating through my body and I could already feel an on coming headache in my left temple. It also didn't help that inside was hectic with all kinds of sweaty bodies either stumbling around or grinding up against one another in attempts at dancing or getting laid, and not to mention there was a variety of smells that made my nose crinkle in disgust. It was no doubt drugs mixed in with body odor I was smelling.

Now once upon time, I wouldn't have minded this type of scene, in fact I would have enjoyed my time here, dancing with random strangers, smoking up a few blunts, taking an ecstasy pill or two, enjoying the odd snort of cocaine and maybe having a quick hook-up, but all that shit was behind me. And now, in this present moment I just wanted to leave this party and be with Terrance and our little unborn Zayden.

''Cloud?'' My name was shouted over the blaring music, catching my attention and pulling me from my stupor, causing my head to snap in the direction of the voice where low and behold Joyce was stalking over in my direction with a big smile plastered on her glossed painted up lips. Her platinum blonde hair was in a curled dishevelment, black eyeliner made her gray eyes pop and her pale skin look that much paler but what surprised me was how skimpy she was dressed in a teal see-through cropped top and a short leather mini shirt with matching eight inch heels.

''Joyce, what are you doing here?'' I asked, already knowing it was a stupid question.

''It's a party, silly,'' She said, her voice slightly slurred. ''What about you? What are you doing here? It's only been like two months since you've been shot!''

I frowned. ''I'm fine, actually, I'm going to be leaving soon.''

She pouted, stumbling a step closer in my direction. ''B-but, you can't just leave, we've only now just ran into each other!''

''I'm sure you'll run into others.'' I told her, averting my attention away from Joyce to scan the crowd of unfamiliar people to find someone I actually did know and arrived here with. Hands clutching onto my arm reeled in my attention back on Joyce who was now pressing up against me.

''I don't want to run into anyone else, Cloud.''

Shaking her hands off my arm, I took a few steps off to the side, ignoring her hurt look. ''Look, Joyce, I don't like you like that.''

''It's because of Terrance, isn't it?'' She demanded, suddenly turning hostile when mentioning his name like he was the cause of all her problems.

I shook my head at her. I didn't want to deal with her, she was drunk and probably on some type of substance—not a good mix—to be dealing with her petty bullshit. I turned on my heel and headed in the direction of the kitchen, cursing Joyce for stumbling along after me through the crowd of people.

''You can't just walk away from me, Cloud! I know you have feelings for me or otherwise you wouldn't have made love to me!'' She shouted drunkenly, gathering a few random people's attention. I whipped around so fast I got whiplash, turning to stare at Joyce who stared right back with a glare.

''Joyce, you're drunk and don't know what you're saying.''

''I may be a little tipsy but I know what I'm saying! It's you! You don't remember me!'' She accused heatedly. I ran a hand through my hair, grabbing hold of her scrawny upper arm and dragged her into the kitchen where it was thankfully empty and could be closed off with a door.

''Joyce, you need to stop--''

''No, you stop and listen to me!'' Joyce screeched. ''We made love Cloud! I could feel the sparks!''

''Stop saying that.'' I demanded.

''We were both sixteen and attended Dale's summer party at his parent's lake house! Don't you remember!'' I gritted my teeth.

I remembered the party and I recall having a few drinks mixed with a variety of pills to help lighten the mood of my fellow classmates whispering a bunch of utter crap behind me but throughout the rest of the night was a blank and when morning came I woke up and discovered I was in a bed naked and next to me was somebody under the covers but I was out of the room before the other person even woke up.

Could the mystery person have been Joyce?

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I didn't look back at my one night stands or even think twice about them because I didn't love them and I sure as fuck didn't ever make love to any one of my night stands either.

Joyce included.

''Look, that was almost three years ago, Joyce, and I'm trying to put this as nice as I can but move on, we won't ever be together.'' I said, finished with this conversation. I moved to walk around her to the exit of the kitchen but she latched onto my arm, digging her nails down my skin and I hissed out a curse, roughly shaking her off.

''You'll regret this Cloud!'' She cried angrily. ''You'll love me!''

I ignored her and her crazy drunken words, walking through the crowd of grinding people and was thankful to spot Lucas and Eugene talking with some other guys who were all laughing at something being told by Eugene and I didn't doubt it was funny. I would have join in on the conversation and stuck around a bit longer cause it was only nearing eleven-thirty now but I was reeling from what Joyce had told me and all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep with Terrance in my arms.


Shit, fuck, shit.

I'd have to tell him all what Joyce told me and he'd be upset because I had promised him up and down I never slept with her and now, well I just may have and even if it was a long ass time ago, Terrance would still be upset and probably make me sleep on the couch or him leave for his mother's again.

And I didn't want that.

''You look conflicted, man.'' One of the random guys Lucas and Eugene were chatting with told me. ''You want a sip?'' I glanced at the open bottle of Jack in his hands, opening my mouth to tell him I didn't drink but caught myself and bit into my bottom lip, maybe just a sip to take off the edge of worry pooling in the pit of my stomach.

''Yeah, a sip would be nice.'' I told him, taking the bottle from his hand and downed a hearty gulp, ignoring the flavor in my mouth and the burn down my throat.

★ ★ ★

I crept inside my old bedroom, being as quiet as possible which was a hard feat considering I was drunk because what was only suppose to be a sip of Jack turned into the rest of the bottle much to I think his name was Henry's amusement. I shook my head, groaning under my breath before taking a step forward but tripped over my own two feet, face planting into the floor with a loud thud and I cursed out loud but just laid down on the floor, not bothering to lift myself up.

The sound of ruffling sheets caught my attention before the dark room was being illuminated in a soft yellow glow from the lamp that resided on my bed side table.


''Terrance?'' I whispered back, my voice was slurred.

''...You're drunk?''


''Oh babe,'' I heard him mutter, the sound of him clambering out of the bed drew in my attention and I lifted my head before resting my head's weight onto my chin, watching him walk towards me, his right hand supporting his belly and I smiled drunkenly. ''Cloud can you stand up?''


''Okay, stand up for me.''

''Yeah...'' I said, clumsily getting to my knees in front of him, licking over my lips and scanned over his bare legs, reaching my hand up to lift the long shirt up he wore and groaned in the back of my throat, realizing he wasn't wearing any underwear. ''Let me suck you.''

''No, Cloud, it's late, I'm tired and you're drunk,'' Terrance said and I frowned but nodded non the less, stumbling up to my feet, I pulled my shirt off over my head and tossed it to the ground and shed myself out of my pants, leaving me in my tight navy blue boxers and black socks. ''Why did you drink, Cloud?''

I blinked at him. ''You're just so breathtakingly beautiful, Rex.''

''Cloud, you don't drink without reason, tell me, what's wrong?''

''I...'' I furrowed my eyebrows. ''I've only ever, ever made love to you, Terrance and I've only ever, ever loved you.''

Terrance frowned. ''Cloud...''

''I might have slept with Joyce.'' I blurted out, my mind hazy.

''You what?'' Terrance whispered. ''You slept with Joyce...tonight?''

''No, no, no! Good god, no!'' I said frantically, hurrying forward and placed my hands on his shoulders, our eyes meeting. ''Three years ago, she seems to think we did and maybe we did but I don't remember and--'' I was cut off my the acid like feeling in the back of my throat and I turned tail, throwing open the bedroom door and hurried into the bathroom, falling to my knees in front of the toilet bowl and threw up what alcohol I had drank from the party.

''It's okay, let it out.'' Terrance was saying and I didn't even hear him follow after me. He rubbed my shoulders while I retched into the toilet and stayed with me until I was finished, even getting me a glass of water to rinse my mouth out. ''Better?''

''Yeah.'' I croaked, just exhausted now.

''Good, come on, let's go to sleep.''

''You're not mad?''

''I can't be mad for three years ago, Cloud.''

''A-and you still love me?'' I asked, suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable. Terrance smiled softly, carefully helping me to my feet and wrapped his arms around my neck, knocking his nose against mine.

''To the moon and back, babe.''


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