Velvet {Book1}

By Luv__cupcake

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This amazing vampire fantasy is about a sweet,clumsy but geeky senior who is definitely the loner in high sch... More

Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter 22
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter 24
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter 26
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter 28
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter 30
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter 32
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter 34
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter 36
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter 38
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter 40

Chapter 20

4.4K 52 3
By Luv__cupcake


"So tell me."He tightening his grip on my hand as we stopped by a light ahead.

"Celina.......all I want is to keep you safe..."

I hugged him, closing my eyes, smiling at how happy I am. 

"But..."He sighed letting go. 

"Aden?"I whispered trying not to fall or run into a wall. I can't see where I'm going! A bright white light flashed on,causing me to lose my balance. I fell forward towards a long mirror watching me stare back. I looked around at mirrors all in a circle. A slim figure came into view dressed in black. I turned around to a pale dirty blonde woman.

I could tell she's a vampire but wheres Aden.

Part 2......

"I would ask who are you but it's not nice meeting you and I rather know where Prince is."

He wouldn't leave me unattended if there wasn't a plan to secure my safety.

The girl smirked coming into light. I could see her pale white skin now, her perfect straight blond hair,red lips and dark blue eyes that gave a slight glow. I felt around for a weapon only feeling rope and dust, we must behind the fun house part because I can faintly see the light controller blinking.

"I'm Alexa, and My little boy toy is over there."She smiled showing her fangs, gesturing to darkness. I never took my eye off of her, she seems confused. 

"Excuse me, but your who toy?"I almost sounded like Miranda about to smack the smirk off her face.

"Yes."She smiled walking around a bit playing with her hands.

"Before he was turned, before you were even here, he was mine."

I heard someone struggling in chains in the darkness she pointed to. She snapped her fingers and Prince appeared on his knees chained up with his mouth covered.

"Now...Princey dear you wanna know something inter-resting."She smiled lifting his chin. You could see the hate in his eyes as she moved away. 

"When we-well you decided to take a break from speaking to me ever again in hmmm....lets just say 1902, and you decided to go away to university leaving me high and dry to some dumb frail white boy. I decided to get a little even and pay for you to be killed because that's the only way you'd know how hard it was living that life. Buut as temping as the idea of you feeling my pain, another offer came to me...''She smirked walking around him slowly. "I may be proud of my new job as a spy I guess you can say. Just keeping little dumb brains like you from falling for their kind, but apparently...we don't know what she is, who she is or what damage that girl is capable of."She frowned flatly turning to me walking halfway."Do you know anyone in your family that have conceived a child with a vampire? No,right? It's because they were smart to stay the hell away."

I sat up straight hoping my knee isn't bleeding from my hard fall. I'm not afraid of her, she's just irritating either ways. 

She laughed. 

"Oh wow your little girlfriends got jokes."She snapped with ridicule.

"Why are you doing this?"I sneered still looking for a weapon. Maybe the rope might help distract her but I should call for help with the guys or whoever is around. I just have the feeling she's not alone.

" first I was going to kill you, but then everyone is believing your one of us, Lies, but theres nothing in the rules about half-vamps and a full vampire being together? How current that your Daddy though of that rumor immediately. Well when your father wins the presidency, that might all change, and someone else is saving you anyways..."

My heart almost stopped. The words "kill" and "saving you" spun in my head like this was all a dream.

"It's reality sweetie, so both of you get use to it, because you might not have to for long."She laughed, but stopped when we heard someone coming.


Alexa smirked with a figure grabbing her along out running out a side exit door letting cold air in.

Roc and Clover ran over finding us.

"Aye you okay?"He asked helping me up while Clover bit off Princes chains vigorously he had around his torso.

"Yeah."I answered to Roc. 

"Terrance and Jen are looking for hurry up okay."She breathed in the air pulling Roc along winking before leaving both of us alone.

I teared running into Aden's arms, shaking because I'm scared, more like terrified about that whole encounter.

"I'm sorry I had to put you through this.... I thought if I lured them in and ended it for good we'd be safe...." He held me tighter as I closed my eyes letting tears fall. 

"So you couldn't have told us to stay close Alexa's around?"

I opened my eyes to a worried Ray and Prod. 

"We're fine, she's gone."Prince answered.

"Oh then come on Lara's party is almost over."Ray grinned walking away. He would think of a party at a time like this.


"So does this mean your father hates me?"Celina asked shivering from the cold.

No but I know he hates me. 

I put my jacket around her pulling her close into a slow dance outside on the gazebo.

She sighed closing her eyes.

"You're thinking about that Wattpad vampire book again aren't you." I shook my head.

She giggled.

We need a plan.

Prod thought asking her cousin to dance after she had already turned down half the room.

Do I have to stand by the punch bowl the whole night? 

Ray thought sighing.

It's not our fault you creep Laura out. 

Prod thought.

I chuckled lightly getting back to thinking of a plan on changing my fathers mind and lies from our community. You'd be surprised at how many of us live in Capestead, our kind practically built this town well that's actually great story I should definitely tell Celina one day. How her snotty friend Laura's ancestors tried enslaving and murdering vampires and other creatures who refused to build this town.

"How about she come over for Thanksgiving dinner next month....."

I looked out through the trees at my mother showing kindness in her golden eyes. 

"It gives us time to tell him as well as time for him to not be as mad. I really want you to tell your father, even if he thinks it's crazy. You love her and I'm okay with that...."She smiled stepping closer to Celina. She was relaxed not aware of my mothers Awwe at how cute she was.


"I am not!''She mouthed backing away into the forest. 

I think I've finally mastered hiding certain thoughts.

I thought about what Alexa said about my parents... 

Celina sighed lovingly, looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. She smiled as I noticed little specks of gold that weren't there before. Maybe I'm just imagining things but my vision is perfect and I've stared at her over a million times now, I don't think I'd forget that tiny detail.

"When did you put this on my finger."She smiled looking down at the infinity ring I made to replace the one her dad gave her. It was half my fault it broke into pieces and it's also a easy way to track her down if she's ever to go missing.

"It's a...sorry for breaking your other one."

She giggled making me lose thought at how beautiful she looks. 

"Well thank you."She smiled as I dipped her.

Maybe having her over for Thanksgiving is a good idea. We just need something to get my fathers attention but I hope this works out, election day for vamps is right after New Years. It's sort of a mark to a new year or new century for some.

Until I Bleed Out~ The Weeknd

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