Falling for Cameron Dallas

By MariaFernanda098

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Amber Martin, a 17 year old girl, with long brunnette hair and light brown eyes moves to California because h... More

Falling for Cameron Dallas
Chapter 2: The first 'hello'
Chapter 3: Friendzoned
Chapter 4: Boyfriend's In Town
Chapter 5: The Cheater
Chapter 6: Undiscovered Feelings
Chapter 7: The First Kiss
Chapter 8: Too Soon To Move On
Chapter 9: A Date To Remember
Chapter 10: Best Friend Betrayal
Chapter 11: Facetime Can Be A Bitch
Chapter 12: I Can Tell A Lie From The Truth, Dumbass
Chapter 13: Payback Gone Wrong
Chapter 14: The Cute Type Of Jealous
Chapter 15: Misunderstood Kiss
Chapter 16: Break-Up Drama
Chapter 17: Friends?
Chapter 18: Roadtrip Filled With Memories
Chapter 19: Rising Feelings
Chapter 20: Something Interrupted
Chapter 21: A Confession
Chapter 22: The Truth Can Hurt
Chapter 23: Accidents Happen...
Chapter 24: A Very 'Lucky' Boy
Chapter 25: "You Should've Gotten A Refund"
Chapter 26: Feeling Eighteen
Chapter 27: The Party Part 1
Chapter 28: The Party Part 2
Chapter 29: All I Want For Christmas Is Cameron Dallas
Chapter 30: Moving In? Or Nah...
Chapter 31: The Perfect Way To Start A New Year
Chapter 32: I'll Miss You. Lots.
Chapter 33: What Is A Relationship Without Stupid Fights?
Chapter 34: Long Distance Ask To Prom
Chapter 35: What The Hell Happened Last Night?
Chapter 36: Never Trust An Ex
Chapter 37: An Unnexpected Secret is Revealed
Chapter 38: Until The Summer Ends
Chapter 39: Second Guessing Previous Decisions
Chapter 40: Prom
Chapter 41: Don't Stay. Go.
Chapter 42: Four Years...
Chapter 43: We've Changed, No Doubt About It.
Chapter 44: The Keeper
Chapter 45: Not A Kiss
Chapter 46: Never Get In The Middle Of A Fight
Chapter 47: The Bachelor and Bachelorette Party
Chapter 49: "I Want You"
Chapter 50: Regrets
Chapter 51: "I love you more than I think I should"

Chapter 48: Secrets

321 5 0
By MariaFernanda098

Cameron's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and smiled to myself. I was thinking of last night and then suddenly I felt a wave of guilt pour over me. I shook it off and exited my hotel room to go check on Amber. Ricky texted me to make sure she was alright cause he was gonna stay in Nash's room to smoke more weed last night. I took Amber's key from my pocket which she gave to me last night. I opened the door and saw her sound asleep. Her breathing was peaceful and her hair was all over her face. Each breath she let out caused a small strand of hair to move. I sat in the chair that was next to the bed and opened my phone. I opened twitter and found pictures of the guys last night. I chuckled at some of them. One of them was Hayes throwing up in Joey's hoodie. Before I could notice I was laughing so loudly that Amber groaned and threw her pillow at me.

"Shut up" she complained hiding under the sheets.

"Get up sleeping beauty" I demanded and she sat on the bed. Her hair was messed up, her mascara was all over her face and her dress was all wrinkly. "I take that back. You look more like a zombie"

"Thanks for the honesty jackass" she said rubbing her eyes.

"So, what shall we do until Ricky gets back?" I asked.

"Shh. You're too loud. It hurts" she complained once again pointing at her head. She got up, got some sweatpants and an oversized shirt and went to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came out with her hair a bit less messed up, her face clean and her clothes fresh.

"Wait. Why exactly are you in my room? Where's Ricky?" she asked.

"Uh he decided to crash in Nash's room and so he told me to come check up on you"

"Well that sweet of both of you" she said going under her sheets. I joined her and she got a bit tense.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded. We weren't cuddling or anything and we were a safe distance away from each other.

"Cameron" she began, sounding a bit alarmed, "what happened last night?"

My eyes widened and my mind started going in circles. I thought she would remember but as drunk as she was I can see how she doesn't. I debated whether or not I should tell her the truth. I looked into her big light brown eyes and knew she would feel so guilty if I told her what really happened. So I lied instead. "Nothing. I was coming back to the hotel and found you wandering the streets and so I took you to your room. Nothing else" I smiled poorly. She sighed and smiled to herself.

"I thought I did something stupid" she said shaking her head a little.

"Like what?" I asked staring at her.

"It's not important" she stated, "Oh no" she said running to the bathroom. I followed her and she kneeled in front of the toilet and started throwing up. I put her hair out of her face and held it. As she kept throwing up, I rubbed her back softly. A few seconds later, she sat down bext to the toilet and I gave her a gum.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"You're welcome" I smiled.

"Still too loud" she giggled.

"You are so hungover" I stated.

"Am not" she snapped and hit my arm playfully. Before we knew it, we were wrestling and I ended up on top of her. I was a few inches from her face and we were both breathing loudly. A door suddenly opened and we jumped to our feet. Ricky entered the bathroom and greeted us.

"Have you been smoking weed?" Amber asked loudly after hugging Ricky. He stood there silently. "Damn it, Ricky!" Amber yelled storming out of the bathroom.

"I guess it's my cue to leave" I whispered.

"Yeah, man. Sorry. Thanks for checking up on Amber though" he replied.

"No problem" I said exiting the room.

Ricky's POV

"Wanna explain why you smell like booze and marijuana?" Amber asked furiously, wrapping her arms on her chest in the most adorable way possible.

"It's Nash's bachelor party. I'm not gonna do it again. I promise" I said in the most truthful tone possible.

"That's what you said last time" she rolled her eyes and started walking towards the door.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing?" I asked.

"You know why" she whispered and slammed the door behind her.

What she meant by saying I knew why is that a few years before I met Amber, I hung out with this really bad crowd. I did drugs, smoked, all kinds of stuff. I almost got addicted to cocaine if it wasn't for Joey. He helped me out through everything. He was the one that told Amber when I got high for the first time in years. I swear I have it under control. A few pot brownies now and then won't make me go back to my 'almost addiction'.

I exited the room myself and saw Amber fighting with the elevator buttons. Pressing them nonstop. I walked towards her and when she saw me, she pressed the buttons faster.

"If you wanna get addicted again, be my guest. I won't be around to watch" she snapped.

"Um, first of all. I almost got addicted, I didn't technically get fully addicted"

"Sure whatever" she was in the elevator now and before I noticed, the doors closed. I pressed the buttons and the doors opened. She let out a yell in frustration and closed them again, but I was in the elevator now.

The elevator ride was silent, nothing like I expected it to be. As soon as the doors opened Amber ran out and I lost her in the crowd of people outside waiting for Cameron to make an appearance. Being the big movie star he is. A few girls asked me to take a picture with them, but I refused. Trying to catch up to Amber. But soon enough, she was out of sight.

Cameron's POV

I decided to go to a small cafe close to the hotel. I ordered my coffee and took a few pictures with some fans. How did I exit the hotel without fans devouring me you may ask? There was a back door the workers let me use.

I was sitting on a small velvet chair sipping my coffee and enjoying the silence for once. I looked out the window, observing all the people rushing by with different places to go and other things to do. I glanced to my right and saw Amber. Her sweatpants and oversized shirt were still on her body, so I guess the fight didn't go well. I took my coffee and drank the rest of it. Burning my throat. I followed Amber and grabbed her arm, causing her to jump in shock. When she saw me a look of relief was on her face.

"I thought you were gonna kidnap me or something" she chuckled.

"Don't flatter yourself. I usually go for the younger women" I replied, causing her to roll her eyes in annoyance.

"So, what are you doing? Stalking me?" she asked crossing her arms on her chest and wrinkling her nose in the cutest way.

"It just so happens that I was in the cafe right over there" I said pointing behind me where the cafe was. "How was the fight?"

"Not good" she sighed.

"No offense, but don't you think you're overreacting just a little bit? It's just pot"

"I am not! And it's not just pot" she answered defensively.

"Yes. It is" I chuckled.

"You don't get it" she scoffed and started walking away.

"You always were one for never admiting you're wrong" I said loud enough so she would hear.

"You know what, Cameron? You can suck it"

Fiesty. I like it.

Nash's POV

"Sweetie, we gotta pick the bouquet. I think I'm gonna go with the white roses. What do you think?" Maddie asked me but I barely understood what she said. I was so distracted thinking of what I saw last night.

"Nash?" Maddie asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Uh. What? Oh. White roses yeah. I think you should go with the light pink ones. They're prettier on you" I smiled and she nodded walking towards the hotel bathroom door and closing it behind her.

I told Maddie I was going for a walk, and as soon as I got to the lobby I saw one of the people I was trying to avoid. Great.

Amber's POV

I started walking back to the hotel, remembering I had a fitting in two hours with Maddie.

I took a deep breath before fighting my way through the fans and into this goddamn hotel.

"Hey" A girl said tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I asked annoyed by all of the sound that was making my head pound excesively. I hate being hungover.

"Aren't you Amber Martin? Cameron Dallas's old girlfriend?"

Well great. Now people know who I am. But still, it wasn't the poor girls fault. She was just trying to be nice.

"Yeah. But we're completely over now"

"I know. You're engaged to Ricky now. One of Cameron's childhood bestfriends" she looked at me with a death glare.

"What a whore" her friend who was standing beside her said.

Some people followed with the rude comments like:

"I hear she had sex with Nash after she left Cameron"

"You know that guy um Tyler? Yeah I heard she was cheating on Cameron with him when they were dating"

"She never deserved someone as hot and caring as Cameron. I do"

"She's so ugly. I think Cameron just dated her because he felt sorry"

"Who would get engaged with one of their exes besties? A whore. That's who"

I got so furious by these comments. They don't know shit.

"You can all go fuck yourselves" I yelled.

"You're just angry because Cameron doesn't want you anymore"

"I least I had a chance with him. That's more than I can say for you"


I ignored the rest of their comments and entered the loby of the hotel.

Nash was walking towards me and when he saw me his eyes widened in terror.

"I look that horrible huh?" I chuckled.

"We need to talk. About last night" was all he said.

"Yeah? Okay?" I answered, "What about last night?"

"You need to figure things out, Amber seriously, I don't want Ricky getting hurt"

"Why would he get hurt? Oh my god. Please don't tell me something happened between us" I asked nervously.

"What? No! You and Cameron. You don't remember?" he asked in desbelief.

"I'm hungover. What do you mean?"

"Forget it"

"Tell me" I demanded.

"Something happened between you and Cameron" he began, "I was walking back to the hotel to get some more weed and I saw you and Cameron making out by the club. I'm sorry"

"That wasn't me. That could've been anyone" I said not believing a word he said.

"It was you. I swear it was you"

I walked away in shock and went back to the streets to look for Cameron. He was still in the cafe sipping coffee. I entered and he smirked.

"Here to yell at me again?" he chuckled.

"We need to talk. About last night"

A/N Sorry for not updating. I know I promised to do it every weekend but to be honest, I'm too lazy. So from now on, I'll update as soon as I can.

By my loves. Till next time.

Enjoy the small cliffhanger ;)

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