Voldemort's daughter original...

By PrincessCat2002

14.1K 272 422

At the age of three Dabria Lilith Lestrange's mother Bellatrix is captured by Aura's and sent to Azkaban pris... More

Bellatrix is pregnant????
Punished for who I am and meeting Grayback
Meeting Lucy
The potion and its side effects
Saved by Nagini
Banished from the Lupin home
Staying with Nagini
The Minister of Magic has gone insane
Sadness and excitement of a teenager with the mind of a child
Hogworts letter visiting Gringots
Getting my wand
Not going to Hogworts??
Arriving at Hogworts & sortted into our houses.
The fight and a stronger potion
The beginning of a new friendship
The run in with Draco and his crew
😲Draco to the Rescue???? 😲
First Flying lesson
The Obscurus is free
Talking to the Obscurus
Bedtime stories and classes
Taking on a troll
Serving Detention
An epic battle between Three unlikely foes
The end of the first year.
Living with Uncle Aberforth
Lost in knockturn alley
Unwanted attention and an unlplesent encounter with the Malfoy family
Missing the train
Howlers and cornish pixies
what's a mudblood/half blood? Hearing voices
Who is the heir of Slytherin?
Warnings, duelings and discoveriesοΏΌ
Katherina can speak Parseltounge?
Meeting Tom Riddle
Another attack
Arrests, suspensions and spiders
Lucy and Ginny taken into the chamber
Tom regrets his decision
Discovering the truth about Tom Riddle
Saving Lucy and tricking the obscurual
Tom is defeated
The dream and turning back time
Catrina is punished for Lucy's behavior
Dreaming about Rose
The arguement, a Surprising hero and a cute kitten
Unbreakable vows
Staying with Harry
Blowing up an Annoying Aunt and running away
Learning of Serious Black's escape
Hagrid's first day of teaching, meeting Buckbeak and an unfortunate accident
Hospital trip and another arguement about Catrina
Lucy's first kiss and Tom says goodbye
Lucy's mum yells at Tom and the class faces the boggart
Learning to defeat demntors and the hatchlings are born
Buckbeaks fate and Henry and Annabelle learn the truth about Catrina.
The Minister makes threats
My Dad is helping Sirius Black?
The truth about the past.
Saving lives and a sad goodbye
Talking with Tom again
Remus pushed us away Kat casts away her heart
Kat throws a temper tantrum
Lucy tells her mum about why she's upset.
The nightmare and the death eaters attack
The Goblet of Fire and the unforgivable curses.
Katherina and Harry to be tri-wozard champions? Wait What?!!!
The daily prophet article
The Daily Prophet Article upset Lucy
Dragons is the first challenge? You've got to be kidding!
Facing off against a Dragon
Given the history of the Yule Ball and learning to dance
Rose and Bellarix's history and an unexpected doscovery in the woods
Remus and Lucy's back story

Remus learns about Lucy's interaction with Grayback and is furious.

104 2 0
By PrincessCat2002

Lucy POV

"Absolutely not! I'm not leaving you. Especially after you almost made the biggest mistake of your life. Besides, you are in more danger out here then I am. Grayback's men won't hurt me."

"How can you be so sure?"

"This past summer, I ran into Grayback. He had the perfect opportunity to bite me but he didn't. He told his pack that I was off limits as are you. After which, He even carried me in his arms till we reached the edge of the Forrest."

"Wait what? I'm sorry, I must have heard you wrong. For a moment there, I thought that you said that You were in Grayback's arms? How did that happen? Better yet, when and why did that happen? Does your dad know about this?" Kat replies completely confused.

"Dad and I had a huge argument after he stood by and allowed Dumbledore to punish you for what I had said. There was more too the argument then just that, but it doesn't matter. I wasn't thinking straight and I ran deep into the woods. I soon found myself face to face with a werewolf from Grayback's pack. Just as he was about to bite me Grayback saved me. At first I was afraid that he was going to turn me. So I closed my eyes and focused on Tom. While I was doing that Grayback picked me up in his arms and held me close. When I realized what was happening I demanded that he put me down. He did and then suggested that he escort me home. I refused which surprisingly seemed to amuse him."

"Anyway, I ran into another werewolf who was going to kill me. This time a younger man showed up and ordered him to let me go. The man didn't seem to care, until the young man mentioned that their Alpha would be very angry if he were to learned that this man had harmed me in any way. Then I saw fear in the man's eyes and he begged me for forgiveness. Saying that he didn't recognize me and if he had, he never would have attacked me. He begged me to convince the Alpha not to punish him."

"That's when Grayback showed up again and he was extremely angry. He demanded to know if I was alright, and I nodded. He was going to punish the man, but then he changed his mind. He said he'd spare the man and his family for my sake. When asked why he was being so protective of me, he said that he would always be protective of his family. Which confused me, but I was too tired to argue. He then picked me up and escorted me to the edge of the woods. And no, my dad does not know and what's more, I have no intention of telling him."

"Do you think that's such a good idea? I mean what if he learns about it from someone else? Don't worry, it won't be me. My lips are sealed but I think you should tell him."

"Do you think it will make him forget what he's upset about?"


"Your sure that I should tell him?"

"Yes. Though I have a feeling that he's going to be fairly upset with you for not telling him earlier."

"True. But do you really think this will help him get over whatever is bothering him?"

At this Kat shruggs "he's your father. You know him better then anyone. How do you think he will react?"

"It won't be good. He will feel as if I was intentionally keeping secrets from him."

"In a way you are. That being said, what are you going to do Lucy? You can continue to keep what happened a secret and hope that he doesn't find out or you can tell him the truth."'

"I just don't think that this is something I should tell him right now. I mean, I can just picture the conversation. Hay dad, do you remember when I was angry with you this summer and I ran away? Well I went a little too far into the woods and was attacked by a werewolf from Grayback's pack."

"But it's ok daddy because he didn't bite me. You'll never guess who showed up right as he was about to sink his teeth into me. You remember Grayback? The werewolf who turned you and who killed mom? The one who is continuously threatening to turn me? He actually rescued me. He had a chance to turn me but he didn't. He says that we are family. That I'm his little princess. He warned everyone that I was off limits and anyone who laid a hand on me would suffer dearly."

"Oh yeah, and instead of turning me, he picked me up in his arms and carried me cradling me like a baby. He then carried me all the way to the edge of the woods to ensure that I arrived home safety. Surprisingly, I actually felt safe in his arms. For a moment, it really seemed as if he cared about me. I am sure dad will love to hear that." I could see a look of worry on Kat's face before I had a chance to ask what was wrong I the sound of someone clear their throats.

"He's right behind me isn't he?"


I turned to see dad with a very angry look on his face tapping his foot in irritation. I gave him a slight smile which quickly faded to an expression of shame as he continued to glare angrily at me. "Hi dad."

"Don't hi dad me young lady."

I shift nervously as I try to avoid his gaze. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough to know that you've not only been irresponsible, but you have been keeping secrets from me. Your mother would be so disappointed in you."

"What are you doing Remus? Why are you bringing me into this?" Rose groaned as she watched the two fighting once more.

"Don't you dare bring Mum into this!"

"You had better watch that tone of yours young lady. Your in enough trouble as it is." Dad warns but I refuse to back down.

"You know what? I don't care!" Lucy replies trying to brush past him but he grabs her arm. "Let go!"

"This conversation is far from over young lady!"

"Stop it! Stop fighting!" Kat yells her hands placed over her ears. "Professor why are you so upset with Lucy?"

"This isn't your fight Kat, so I'd appreciate it of you stayed out of it!" Dad replies.

"I just don't understand what your so upset about? What did Lucy do that was so irresponsible? So she didn't tell you about her interaction with Grayback over the summer. So what? Maybe she didn't tell you because she didn't want to worry you. You had a lot on your mind already. Plus, you had just reconciled from a huge fight. Maybe she was worried that you'd get into another argument if she told you what happened."

"Lucy knows better then to keep secrets from me. She knows that she forbidden to go into the forrest."


"Because the forrest is filled with Grayback's men and with snatchers, but that's beside the point. The point is, not telling me what happened right away is just as bad as trying to hide it from me. I hate to do this, but your grounded Lucy. Which means, I'm afraid I'm going to have to contact Dumbledore about having you stay with Hagrid or someone else for the rest of the summer Kat."

"What? Why? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing my little wolf pup. I am not doing this to punish you. Having friends sleep over, is a privilege, one that Lucy has lost for the time being."

"Are you sure your not just sending me away because you don't want to be stuck with me?" Kat replies bitterly.

"What? Of course not."

"Liar." Kat hissed at dad who turned his attention towards her with a deep frown.

"Excuse me? What did you just call me?" He demands through gritted teeth.

"You heard me. Your a liar! Sending me away has nothing to do with what Lucy has or has not done. You just want an excuse to get rid of me."


"Don't. Just don't!" Kat replies angrily backing away from us. "For once just admit the truth! You see me as burden. That's all I've ever been and that's all I'll ever be to you, an unwanted burden."

"Where on earth did you get a foolish idea like that? You know what, if doesn't matter right now. I told you, this doesn't concern you so stay out of it. Not everything is about you."

"This is exactly what our fight was about that day. You allowed Kat to be punished for something that I did and now your doing it again. Sending Kat away is unfair to her, she's done nothing wrong. So I ran into the forest, so what? Why punish me for that? I was hurt and angry and the forrest was the closest place nearby that I could find solace."

"Why you went into the Forrest is beside the point Lucy. It's what happened afterward that's the issue. You know what, I am not going to discuss this with You right now. Go to your room and stay there for the rest of the night. We both need to cool down before either one of says something that we are going to regret."

"Why don't You admit it, Your grounding Lucy has nothing to do with Lucy not telling you about Grayback. It is just an excuse you need to get rid of me."

At this dad frowns. "Kat where is this coming from?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. What on earth put those ideas in your head? Lucy a little help here please."

"Sorry dad, but you dug your own grave on this one. Get yourself out of it."

"Kat, I want you to listen to me very carefully. My requesting that you be sent to stay with Hagrid for the summer has nothing to do with anything that you said or did. You have done nothing wrong."

"Whatever." Kat replies rolling her eyes at dad.

"No not whatever. I need you to understand my reason..."

"I understand perfectly fine. All I am is an unwanted burden and that's all I'll ever be to you or anyone else including Dumbledore. That's why he never wants to spend any time with me, I'm just a burden to him too. One that he never wanted. After all, he's not my real father. He only took me in because he felt sorry for me. Now he regrets ever involving himself with me, as do you. He doesn't love me and he never will."

"Kat where is this coming from? Who told you that Dumbledore isn't your father and that he doesn't love you?"

"You did."

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