The Search (Clexa)

By Evi-Maria

45.8K 1.3K 141

An alternate #Clexa ending !!! Clarke : Lexa ?!? .... Clarke didn't Wake Up, she didn't want to continue a... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 12

1.1K 33 4
By Evi-Maria

[Clarke POV]

She is almost here, wish Lexa was here to tell me what to do, even though i was Skai leader Lexas knowledge in war was impeccable, i don't know what to do, i know what to do but i don't want to, with Lexas second lost something broke, nothing can replace her. She is not becoming Heda that's the only thing i'm sure of it, i'll die to protect that place the only one that reminds me of her.

"Why are we offer her Polis ?" Bellamy said and end my zoneout

"Because that's what we want , she is falling right where we want her" Roan said

"You have a plan ?"

"She is here" Mills said

"You know what to do , Go" Roan said and Mills disappeared

Something is going on and i have no clue, come on Clarke focus this is it today will change everything , trust you instincts and Roan she saved you and he didn't have to. In seconds i can hear her and her army to coming in the throne room , Lexas throne room. We are ready.

She opens the door and she brings at least 50 warriors , ofc outside has many more, she is laughing. I'll kill her

"Well, well i see we are all here" Echo said in smirking voice and a grin in her face

"Ofc, we are" Roan answered

"You decided as i see where you stand... is it right King ?" Echo stood in front of Roan

"I always was Echo, i told you myself but you didn't believe me" lowered his head so he can see her

"You just gonna destroy yourself Roan?"

"I don't care Echo, the only thing I'm sure of is that today you gonna lose"

"Hahaha, u see my King ? This time i win"

"Let me have my doubts"

A sudden big and loud thumb distracted me and scared me, the door open widely and Luna ? came in , what the he'll is she doing here ? How ?

"Luna ?" with surprise and a little fear in her voice

"Echo ?"

"What are you doing here ?"

"You see, the moment i heard that you are want to become Heda even though i never was fan of Hedas i returned to make sure you are not the next, what did you thought ? I let you become Commander without any fight ?"

"Now you want to become Heda? Thats new, what about then Luna? U left like a thief bc your sister was on line"

"Thats the thing, i didn't left, Titus made deal with Nia they tried to capture me but Costia didn't let that happen she surrender herself so i can escape"

I gasped, what a hideous man Titus was , she used Lexa, Luna and Costia for his hidden agenda i was sick to my stomach. Thank Gods he was took his own life bc i would kill him.

"Titus you sick bastard you used all of us, well this time i'll be what i deserve"

" You deserve ? Hahaha you are funny" I couldn't stand there listening to her

"Wanheda, you are alive i thought you died hahaha like your precious Lexa ( I froze, my knuckles turned white from my fist) ofc i wanted to do it myself but i was unlucky"

"And who are you?"

"You don't know me ?"

"Am i suppose to?" He was red from anger

"I'm Metar kom Boudalan (RockLine Nation)"

"Ok? You are funny too Metar, you think that you had kill Lexa? Hahaha, she beat Roan, boy you wouldn't stand a chance"

"You must have suicidal thoughts to say these things" Roan took a step in front of me

"Nah, he can beat you Roan he is the best"

" You see you are wrong again, Lexa is the best warrior ever existed and Rohan here is the second one. And Metar? You wouldn't stand a chance if you fought Lexa" i winked i wanted to do that for a long time haha and went better Echo's face said it all .

"I almost killed you last time... you never learn Clarke, huh?"

" As you said almost, you know you had two chances and you totally blew it "

"Well this time i wont ( she pulls her sword , in seconds Rohan, Octavia, my mom and everyone were in front of me)"

"All these years Echo and you didn't change always the same hothead, always a fight before think" Luna intervene

"What do you mean ?"

"You may have the last by blood FlameKeepa but that doesn't mean he is gonna bless you ( she jumps in front, i looked Luna like an Alien, she was like Lexa had some same features and that drilled a hole in me heart)"

"Oh, he will, at the end"

"Actually Echo he won't , you may thought that he would out of fear? He still won't bless you"

I'm seeing with the corner of my eye some of their Leaders to lower their weapons and pay attention to Luna. She was very respected among them even they were enemies

"Luna ? Give it up this is a war you can't win, my army is everywhere you won't make it alive out of here"

"Well, Echo the is where you are wrong, you may want to take a look outside (Echo walks to the balcony , what she sees made her scared ? ) Your army Echo is in Jail and you my old friend are where exactly we want you to be" Roan pointed

"I'm becoming Heda no matter what, i'm the only NightBleeda here"

"Again Echo, i'm here too, we were on the same camp did the same training"

"You are not blessed Luna and i have the last FlameKeepa"

"You don't listen Echo, you can't become Heda even you have the last Flamekeepa, he can't bless you bc Titus didn't blessed him he blessed someone else" Roan said

What ? Who ? TELL ME OR I'LL KILL EVERYONE ( that was my cue)

" ME " the expression on her face priceless , she went ballistic " I told you a million times you will become Heda over my dead body

"With Great pleasure (Luna once again is in front of me ) you are gonna stop me Luna ?"

What happened next only in dream, that where i thought i was , the doors open and LEXA walks in and behind her Grounders and other clans. No this can not be happening, i'm dead i must be dead because Lexa is dead .I lost my balance and Octavia held me not to fall , i turned to Octavia and i saw her wink me she knew ? she freaking knew ? What is going on ?

"She won't but i will ( Luna smirks and went next to Lexa)

"Heda ? u-u-u are alive ? This can not be , no way its my turn, i have the right to be"

"This story is not for you you are not worth it , lets say i accepted a rightful offer i had declined in the past, thanks to Rohan, Mills and Ice Nation healers i managed to be stronger than before and return"

"Once again Lexa you are in my way" I couldn't focus, someone is pranking me, Lexa is here alive, took 2 steps ahead to see here clear

"Have you ever challenged me Echo Kom Trikru and i denied or run away ? Never"

"I never did bc your teacher made sure of it"

"Now its your time, Echo he isn't here prove me wrong what do you say ?"

Once again i didn't realised where this came from, before even say the last word Echo jumped her from behind Lexa managed to avoid the attack and rolled to the side pulls her sword and stands in fight position, then the chaos Luna was fighting with Rohan by her side with Metar and 3 others, i shut 3 my mom 2 Bellamy was fighting behind me Indra and Octavia were fighting against 5 and they kicking ass. I turned my attention to Lexa and watching her fighting, she was like a ballerina she looked like she was floating , Echo was worthy opponent but not even at same level as Lexa, all i wanted is to hug her , kiss her , touch her but i knew now she didn't even notice me when the war face is on Lexa is on other world , i was watching close in case she needed my help.

"Are you tired Echo ?" Lexa said with smirky voice

She surprised even me , she didn't even wait she attack like a wolf Echo was going down, as she did after Lexas second attack Echo was too weak and Lexa's attacks too strong , she couldn't even believe how this could happen ? When she hit the floor Lexa Scream

"ENOUGH' everyone stopped and threw their weapons , no one talked instead of fighting each other we must unite what is coming is something we can even imagine. We kill each other for what ? Power? Land ? What ? Ego ? Well all these wouldn't matter bc in a short time we gonna run for our lives"

"The prophecy is true ?" Metar with fear

"It is true Metar, a Lethal Virus will sanitise everything"

"U are lying (she looked terrified)"

" She doesn't" I turned to Lexa i couldn't say anything else except "How?" she didn't even looked at me she raised her hand i lowered my head, i melting i'm weak even in her presence i was trying to control my self, i took a deep breath. " When i was at COL and trying to stop Ali, with Becca , Ali in a desperate move told me that if i close her the most powerful Virus will evaporate and destroy the earth, even more distractive than the Virus which destroyed the Old Earth.

"Why did you closed her ?"

"Bc Ali, found a way to control us, not only our body our mind too, she turned us to pawns she wanted to create her Utopia, you lose yourself and you forget your past even yourself." Kane answered

"WE almost killed Clarke, Abby, Bellamy , Octavia but thankfully Clake saved us once again. I would have done the same" Jaha said

The Clan Leaders gathered around Lexa and looked each other , Lexa knew the true Allies and the possible enemies , with a knob everyone agreed. 

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