Voldemort's daughter original...

Od PrincessCat2002

14.1K 272 422

At the age of three Dabria Lilith Lestrange's mother Bellatrix is captured by Aura's and sent to Azkaban pris... Více

Bellatrix is pregnant????
Punished for who I am and meeting Grayback
Meeting Lucy
The potion and its side effects
Saved by Nagini
Banished from the Lupin home
Staying with Nagini
The Minister of Magic has gone insane
Sadness and excitement of a teenager with the mind of a child
Hogworts letter visiting Gringots
Getting my wand
Not going to Hogworts??
Arriving at Hogworts & sortted into our houses.
The fight and a stronger potion
The beginning of a new friendship
The run in with Draco and his crew
😲Draco to the Rescue???? 😲
First Flying lesson
The Obscurus is free
Talking to the Obscurus
Bedtime stories and classes
Taking on a troll
Serving Detention
An epic battle between Three unlikely foes
The end of the first year.
Living with Uncle Aberforth
Lost in knockturn alley
Unwanted attention and an unlplesent encounter with the Malfoy family
Missing the train
Howlers and cornish pixies
what's a mudblood/half blood? Hearing voices
Who is the heir of Slytherin?
Warnings, duelings and discoveries
Katherina can speak Parseltounge?
Meeting Tom Riddle
Another attack
Arrests, suspensions and spiders
Lucy and Ginny taken into the chamber
Tom regrets his decision
Discovering the truth about Tom Riddle
Tom is defeated
The dream and turning back time
Catrina is punished for Lucy's behavior
Dreaming about Rose
The arguement, a Surprising hero and a cute kitten
Unbreakable vows
Staying with Harry
Blowing up an Annoying Aunt and running away
Learning of Serious Black's escape
Hagrid's first day of teaching, meeting Buckbeak and an unfortunate accident
Hospital trip and another arguement about Catrina
Lucy's first kiss and Tom says goodbye
Lucy's mum yells at Tom and the class faces the boggart
Learning to defeat demntors and the hatchlings are born
Buckbeaks fate and Henry and Annabelle learn the truth about Catrina.
The Minister makes threats
My Dad is helping Sirius Black?
The truth about the past.
Saving lives and a sad goodbye
Talking with Tom again
Remus pushed us away Kat casts away her heart
Remus learns about Lucy's interaction with Grayback and is furious.
Kat throws a temper tantrum
Lucy tells her mum about why she's upset.
The nightmare and the death eaters attack
The Goblet of Fire and the unforgivable curses.
Katherina and Harry to be tri-wozard champions? Wait What?!!!
The daily prophet article
The Daily Prophet Article upset Lucy
Dragons is the first challenge? You've got to be kidding!
Facing off against a Dragon
Given the history of the Yule Ball and learning to dance
Rose and Bellarix's history and an unexpected doscovery in the woods
Remus and Lucy's back story

Saving Lucy and tricking the obscurual

139 2 0
Od PrincessCat2002

Catrina POV

I turn to Tom. "I won't ask you again what have you done with Lucy?"

"I haven't hurt her, if that's what your asking. Despite her being a half blood, I have come to care for my dear Lucy. So much so, that I couldn't even carry out my original plans to use her to grow stronger."

"Where is she?"

"Lucy, my sweet, someone's here to see you."

Suddenly, Lucy appears standing next to Tom. "Lucy? Take my hand. We are getting out of here."

"Why would I want to leave? I have everything I've ever wanted. I love Tom and I want to be with him." Lucy says laying her head on Tom's chest looking up in his eyes her gaze filled with admiration.

"Lucy get away from him. He's evil."

At this Lucy's eyes flash in anger. "Yeah? So? I'm still friends with you and your pure evil." She replies.

Lucy's words pierce my heart like a knife. "You don't mean that."

"Yes Catrina, I do."

Turning to Tom my eyes flash in anger "What did you do to her?!" I growl and Tom chuckles.

"Nothing. Lucy loves me of her own free will."

"Lucy can't you see that he's using you? He doesn't care about you. I do. Your my big sister..."

"No Catrina I'm not. You have never been, nor will you ever be my sister. Your Dumbledore's daughter. Well, actually that's not exactly true either. Your an orphan who Dumbledore felt sorry for. In any case, your the daughter of my love's enemy and I want nothing more to do with you. Your always trying to take what's mine and I'm sick of it. You won't take Tom's love from me!"

"Why don't you join us Catrina? We can be one big happy family. Just like you've always wanted."

At this Lucy frowns but then smiles evilly at me before turning her attention to the basilisk being sure not to look it in the eyes. "Attack her." Lucy tells the basilisk in parseltounge.

At first I am frozen in place. Did Lucy just speak parseltounge? How was that possible?

"You seem confused Catrina. Let me enlighten you. Lucy has given me her heart and her soul. She is as much a part of me as I am her. My talents are hers as her talents are mine. Oh and I should warn you, because of this my connection with Lucy is extremely strong. If you hurt me in any way then you hurt her. I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious Lucy. So I suggest you do what you can to protect the both of us." Tom replies with a smirk.

As the basilisk approaches I stand my ground. For some reason I am not the least bit afraid of it. Harry tried speaking to it to no prevail.

"Stop!" I order in parseltounge.

At this Tom laughs. "It won't listen to you. It only obeys it's master."

However, upon seeing the basilisk heading in my direction Lucy snaps out of the trance like state she is in and turns to Tom angrily. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

Tom shrugs "I've kept my word Lucy. I'm not the one who ordered the basilisk to attack Catrina, you did my love."

Upon hearing this, Lucy moans. "What have I done? Harry, Catrina look out!" Lucy screams angering Tom.

"Lucy, who's side are you on? Harry's or mine? Because right now, I'm inclined to think you care more about that Potter boy then you do me. That would make me very angry. Very angry in deed. I don't like to share Lucy." Tom replies with a snarl. "If I can't have you then no one will." With that Lucy falls unconscious.

Upon seeing Lucy once more unconscious something inside me snaps. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I am enveloped in an eerie green, red and black mist. My eyes flash in anger. I am done playing games.

At this, Tom gulps "calm down Catrina. I was only having a little fun. I won't let Lucy die. She's mearly unconscious, until I've dealt with the Potter boy. As I said I'm a very jealous young man and I don't like competition."

I growl in frustration and then turn my attention to the basilisk looking it directly in the eyes. "That is Enough! You will stand down, NOW!" I growl at it. This time the basilisk doesn't hesitate it immediately obeys my command and awaits my orders.

"That's impossible." Tom whispers. "What are you?"

Dabria Demona/ Obscurial POV

I smile at Tom. "I'm your worst nightmare. I know you charmed Lucy and I am going to make you pay for hurting her. Even if it means killing you."

Tom gulps "your not Catrina. You are the one Lucy warned me about."

"Bingo. She warned you, that I'm far more dangerous then you realize. I could kill you, and it wouldn't bother me in slightest. The ends justify the means. Isn't that what you believe? But we don't need to be enemies. Tell
Me what you did to Lucy and how to reverse it and I'll let you live."

"What are you?" Harry asks backing away from me. I chuckled at his scared expression.

"None of your concern golden boy. Just do me a favor, stay away from Dumbledore! He's my father not yours! And I am tired of him ignoring me but showering you with praise. Sometimes I think he wishes you were his son. It's as if I'm not even there and I hate it! Like Tom, I don't like to share!" I nod my head and the basilisk returns it's at attack on Harry. Tom smiles in amusement.

"Huh. I did not see that one coming." Tom replies.

"What? I told you, I don't like sharing." I reply shrugging my shoulders in an I don't care motion.

Catrina POV

At this, Lucy smiles evilly at me before turning her attention to the basilisk being sure not to look it in the eyes. "Attack her." Lucy tells the basilisk in parseltounge.

At first I am frozen in place. Did Lucy just speak parseltounge? How was that possible?

"You seem confused Catrina. Let me enlighten you. Lucy has given me her heart and her soul. She is as much a part of me as I am her. My talents are hers as her talents are mine. Oh and I should warn you, my connection with Lucy is extremely strong. If you hurt me then you hurt her. I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious Lucy. So I suggest you do what you can to protect the both of us." Tom replies with a smirk.

As the basilisk approaches I stand my ground. For some reason I am not the least bit afraid of it. Harry tried speaking to it to no prevail.

"Stop!" I order in parseltounge.

At this Tom laughs. "It won't listen to you. It only obeys it's master."

However, upon seeing the basilisk heading in my direction Lucy snaps out of the trance like state she is in and turns to Tom angrily. "You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

Tom shrugs "I've kept my word Lucy. I'm not the one who ordered the basilisk to attack Catrina you are."

Upon hearing this, Lucy moans. "What have I done? Harry, Catrina look out!" Lucy screams angering Tom.

"Lucy, who's side are you on? Harry's or mine? Because right now, I'm inclined to think you care about that Potter boy then you do me. That would make me very angry. Very angry in deed. I don't like to share Lucy." Tom replies with a snarl. "If I can't have you then no one will." With that Lucy falls unconscious.

Upon seeing Lucy once more unconscious something inside me snaps. I close my eyes and take a deep breath as I am enveloped in an eerie green, red and black mist. My eyes flash in anger. I am done playing games.

At this Tom gulps "calm down Catrina. I was only having a little fun. I won't let Lucy die. She's mearly unconscious, until I've dealt with the Potter boy. As I said I'm a very jealous young man and I don't like competition."

I growl in frustration and then turn my attention to the basilisk looking it directly in the eyes. "That is Enough! You will stand down now!" I growl at it. This time the basilisk doesn't hesitate it immediately obeys my command and awaits my orders.

"That's impossible." Tom whispers. "What are you?"

Dabria Demona/Obscurial POV

I smile at Tom. "I'm your worst nightmare. I know you charmed Lucy and I am going to make you pay for hurting her. Even if it means killing you."

"Tom gulps "your the other side of Catrina. The one Lucy warned me about."

"Bingo. She warned you, that I'm far more dangerous then you realize. I could kill you, and it wouldn't bother me in slightest. The ends justify the means. Isn't that what you believe? But we don't need to be enemies. Tell
Me what you did to Lucy and how to reverse it and I'll let you live."

"What are you?" Harry asks backing away from me. I chuckled at his scared expression.

"None of your concern golden boy. Just do me a favor, stay away from Dumbledore! He's my father not yours! And I am tired of him ignoring me but showering you with praise. It's as if I'm not even there and I hate it! Like Tom, I don't like to share!" I nod my head and the basilisk returns it's at attack on Harry. Tom smiles in amusement.

"Huh. I did not see that one coming." Tom replies.

"What? I told you, I don't like sharing." I reply shrugging my shoulders in an I don't care motion.


I could sense a change in Catrina as if she wasn't the same person. I could feel her energy being drained and I knew I wasn't the one doing it. Therefore, it stood to reason that whatever had control of Catrina's body was slowly killing her. I knew that I had to act fast. Whatever this creature was, it was draining Catrina of her energy. If it wasn't stopped she'd die. I knew that Lucy would blame me. I couldn't let that happen.

"You think Lucious Malfoy did that if his own accord? No my dear, he did it because he knew it was what I wanted him to do. Just like he knew I wanted him to ensure that I returned to Hogworts by placing my diary into poor Ginny Weasley's cauldron." Tom replies with a sinister chuckle. "While I have enjoyed our chats Lucy and I must be going now." I say picking up Lucy's unconsciousness body.

"Let go of her." Dabria growls at me.

"As you wish." I reply loosening my grip on Lucy slightly.

"No don't!"

Tom smiles at me. "Make up your mind child. Do you want me to release your friend or don't you?"

"You know I do." I reply with a growl.

"She's dying Catrina. Or should I call you something else? After all, your not Catrina are you?"

"Catrina and I are one in the same. I'm just a bit stronger then her is all."

"And what shall I address you as?"

"You can address me as Dabria or Demona either is fine. I am Catrina's true self. Dabria is the name she was given by her biological parents when she was born." Dabria replies and that's when I notice a small mark beginning to form on Katherina's left arm. The dark mark. My mark.

"I see. Well, Dabria, I am sure you can tell that Lucy is dying. Nothing can stop the spread of the poison coursing through her body. She doesn't have much time left."

At this Dabria's eyes flash in anger once more. "I won't let Lucy die. I could care less about the Weasley girl, but Lucy is family. Just tell me what I have to do."

"Lucy's life force is being drained. Not by me mind you, but by the potion. Someone must give their life force in exchange for hers. All you have to do to ensure Lucy's release, is drink this potion."

"What's in it?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not. Over the lips and through the gums look out tummy because here it comes." I reply taking the vial and drinking down it's contents.

Lucy POV

I awoke just in time to see Cat drink down the contents of a potion. "No!" Using all my strength I rush over to her. Just as she slumps to the floor. "What have you done?"

"I couldn't let you die Lucy." Cat replies groaning blacking out.

"No." Looking over at Tom I glare at him. "What have you done? Help her!"

"Unfortunately, my dear sweet Lucy, I can't. I had to stop her. This was the only way." Tom replies.

"What do you mean stop her? You gave me your word that you wouldn't hurt her." I look up at Tom pleadingly my eyes filled with tears. "Please don't do this Tom. I offered my life force to you."

"I know. Believe me, I am so sorry about this, but I had to stop the creature. Or it would have killed her."

"What creature?"

"The one that takes over Catrina's mind when she becomes too angry. I believe it called itself Dabria."

"The Obscurial." Tom nods.

"I had to make her think that the potion would save you. If I had done nothing, then that thing, would have killed Catrina and you'd have blamed me. True, I've been having trouble circumventing the potion that I forced you to drink, but it will no longer kill you."

At this I choke back a sob. "Is she going to die?"

"I don't know. I don't think so, but I don't know how much of her life force that creature stole. I Please forgive me Lucy. I had no other choice."

"No. This is all my fault."

"You must not blame yourself Lucy. Dabria alone has done this to Catrina."

"Please help her Tom. I'll do whatever you want, but please help her. I don't know what I'd do if she died."

"She isn't going to die Lucy. At least, I don't think She will. The potion I tricked Dabria into taking, will hold her back, but I don't know for how long. Nor do I know the side effects this potion will have on Catrina. I do know, that Catrina has taken this potion before. I doubt that the potion that Dumbledore makes her take is deadly."

At this I sigh in relief. "It's not. Thank you Tom. You don't know she means to me."

"Wucy why is you sad?" Came Catrina's sweet voice.

"I'm not sad, Cat, I'm happy.

"Me nu undastand. You is cwying."

"Yes, but these are tears of joy."


"It's complicated." I reply with a laugh.

"Wucy, the big snake is chasing Hawwy. Should me twy and stop it?" Cat asks as Harry falls. Suddenly, a screeching sound is heard as Faux returns.

"No!" Tom screams as we see the shadows of Faux and the Basilisk hissing. "Your bird might have scratched out the basilisk's eyes but it can still hear and smell you." Tom declares angrily.

A few minutes later, Harry comes running back into the room we are in. "Yes Potter, the process is nearly complete. In a few minutes Ginny Weasley will be dead. And I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return, very much alive."


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