Voldemort's daughter original...

By PrincessCat2002

14.3K 272 422

At the age of three Dabria Lilith Lestrange's mother Bellatrix is captured by Aura's and sent to Azkaban pris... More

Bellatrix is pregnant????
Punished for who I am and meeting Grayback
Meeting Lucy
The potion and its side effects
Saved by Nagini
Banished from the Lupin home
Staying with Nagini
The Minister of Magic has gone insane
Sadness and excitement of a teenager with the mind of a child
Hogworts letter visiting Gringots
Getting my wand
Not going to Hogworts??
Arriving at Hogworts & sortted into our houses.
The fight and a stronger potion
The beginning of a new friendship
The run in with Draco and his crew
😲Draco to the Rescue???? 😲
First Flying lesson
The Obscurus is free
Talking to the Obscurus
Bedtime stories and classes
Taking on a troll
Serving Detention
An epic battle between Three unlikely foes
The end of the first year.
Living with Uncle Aberforth
Lost in knockturn alley
Unwanted attention and an unlplesent encounter with the Malfoy family
Missing the train
Howlers and cornish pixies
what's a mudblood/half blood? Hearing voices
Warnings, duelings and discoveries
Katherina can speak Parseltounge?
Meeting Tom Riddle
Another attack
Arrests, suspensions and spiders
Lucy and Ginny taken into the chamber
Tom regrets his decision
Discovering the truth about Tom Riddle
Saving Lucy and tricking the obscurual
Tom is defeated
The dream and turning back time
Catrina is punished for Lucy's behavior
Dreaming about Rose
The arguement, a Surprising hero and a cute kitten
Unbreakable vows
Staying with Harry
Blowing up an Annoying Aunt and running away
Learning of Serious Black's escape
Hagrid's first day of teaching, meeting Buckbeak and an unfortunate accident
Hospital trip and another arguement about Catrina
Lucy's first kiss and Tom says goodbye
Lucy's mum yells at Tom and the class faces the boggart
Learning to defeat demntors and the hatchlings are born
Buckbeaks fate and Henry and Annabelle learn the truth about Catrina.
The Minister makes threats
My Dad is helping Sirius Black?
The truth about the past.
Saving lives and a sad goodbye
Talking with Tom again
Remus pushed us away Kat casts away her heart
Remus learns about Lucy's interaction with Grayback and is furious.
Kat throws a temper tantrum
Lucy tells her mum about why she's upset.
The nightmare and the death eaters attack
The Goblet of Fire and the unforgivable curses.
Katherina and Harry to be tri-wozard champions? Wait What?!!!
The daily prophet article
The Daily Prophet Article upset Lucy
Dragons is the first challenge? You've got to be kidding!
Facing off against a Dragon
Given the history of the Yule Ball and learning to dance
Rose and Bellarix's history and an unexpected doscovery in the woods
Remus and Lucy's back story

Who is the heir of Slytherin?

123 4 0
By PrincessCat2002

"A squib is someone who comes from a magical family but has no magic of their own. That's why Filtch is trying to learn magic by the Kawikispell. It's also why he hates students so much. He is bitter."

"Harry, You said you first heard the voice in Lockhearts office?"


"Did he or Kat hear it?"

"He said that he didn't."

"Maybe he was lying." Ron replies.

"I highly doubt that someone with Lockheart's credentials would lie to one of his student Ronald. Besides if you recall we didn't hear it either." Hermiony replies.

"You do believe me don't you?" Harry asks and I nod.

"Of course it's just.... It's a bit weird isn't it? You hear a voice and then Miss Noris turns up petrified." Hermiony replies.

"I... I can't explain it. It was scary. Do you think I should have told them? Dumbledore and the others?"

"Are you mad?" Ron replies.

"No Harry. Even in the wizarding world hearing voices isn't a good sign."

"Katherina, you didn't happen to hear any strange voice while we were in Lockheart's office did you?" Harry asks.

I shifted nervously and glanced down at the floor. "I....Ummm."

"It's not that complicated of a question. Either you heard the voice or you didn't." Ron replies.

"I need to go. I have to go take my potion. I'll see you later." I reply rushing off.

The next day in Professer Macgonagall's class she is informing us of our lesson. "Today we will be turning animals into water goblets. Who shall go first? Mr. Weasley?" Ron tries and is able to turn his rat partially into a goblet. "That wand needs replacing Mr. Weasley." Hermiony raises her hand. "Yes Miss Granger?"

"I was wondering if you could tell us about the chamber of secrets?" Hermiony asks a hush falls over the entire class eagerly awaiting the Professor's response.

"My subject is transfigurations Miss Granger."

"Yes but there seems to be very little written about the chamber of secrets. For those of us with a personal interest in the subject this is well it's disturbing." Hermiony replies. Malfoy seems amused by Hermiony's question.

Professor Macgonagall doesn't reply for several minutes but then eventually nods. "Very well. You all know that Hogworts was founded over a thousand of years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. Godrick Griffendor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. Three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously. One did not."

"Thee guess who." Ron replies.

"Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective of the students admitted to Hogworts. He believed that magic learning should be kept within all magic families. In other words purebloods. Unable to sway the others he decided to leave the school. According to legend Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle known as the chamber of secrets. Shortly before departing he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber. And unleash the horror within by doing so purge the school of all those Slytherin deemed unworthy."

"Muggle-born and half-bloods." Hermiony replies.

"Yes. Naturally the school has been searched many times for such a chamber. It had never been found."

"Professor, what does the legend say lies within the chamber?" Hermiony asks.

The chamber is said to be home to something that the heir of Slytherin alone can control. It's said to be the home of a monster."

Looking back I noticed that Draco seems to be very calm and is smiling to himself. "Do you think it's true? Do you think there really could be such a chamber?" I hear Ron ask.

"Yes. Didn't you see it? Professor Macgonagall is worried. All the teachers are." Both Hermiony reply.

"But if there really is a chamber then that means that..."

"The heir of Slytherin has returned to Hogworts. The question is who is it?" Hermiony asks.

"Let's see, who do we know who thinks muggle born and half bloods are scum." Ron replies semi sarcastically.

"If your talking about him." Hermiony replies her eyes in the direction of Malfoy who is walking up ahead.

"Of course. You heard him. You'll be next mudbloods." Ron replies.

"I heard him but Malfoy the heir of Slytherin?" Hermiony replies.

"Maybe Ron is right. Just look at his family. The entire family has been in Slytherin for centuries." Harry replies.

"Crab and Goyal might know or maybe Henry?" Ron asks glancing over in my direction. I shake my head.

"No even they aren't that thick but there might be a different way. Mind you it will be dangerous and we'd be breaking at least fifty school rules..."

"Nope I'm out. I don't even want to know." I reply quickly walking away. It turns out that they were going to brew a batch of poly juice potion.

A few days later is the big quidditch match between Slytherin and Griffendor. Harry winds up breaking his arm. "Not to worry Harry, I'll fix it."

"No not you." Harry groans upon seeing Lockheart.

"Poor boy doesn't know what he's saying." Lockheart replies. "This won't hurt a bit." A few seconds later Harry no longer has any bones in his arm. "Yes that sometimes does happen. The point is that the bones are no longer broken." Lockheart states.

"Broken? He doesn't have any bones at all!" Hagrid says irritatedly.

I wasn't feeling well so I decided to go see the nurse. As soon as I entered the hospital I instantly began to throw up. The nurse seemed extremely worried as Professor Dumbledore enters the room. "She's been cursed sir. Her food or the potion she takes has been tampered with." I heard the nurse informing Dumbledore who frowned as glanced at my weak form.

A little while later I was awoken nu the sound of voices. Harry was talking the someone. As I peeked around the corner I frowned. He was talking to the house elf that had caused me so much grief this past summer. "Hello Dobby." I said coldly. Harry looked up at me in shock.

"Harry Potter and Katherina Dumbledore came back to school. Dobby warned you. Harry Potter and Katherina Dumbledore should have listened to Dobby. Harry Potter and Katherina Dumbledore should have gone back home when you missed the train." Dobby states.

"Hold on a minute I thought your last name was Lupin?"

"That's complicated. For now let's focus on the main issue. It was you wasn't it? You stopped the barrier from allowing Harry Ron and I through." I reply.

"Yes. Dobby hid and watched for Harry Potter and Katherina Dumbledore and sealed the gate." Dobby replies.

"You almost got all of us expelled!" Harry says angrily.

"Harry Potter and Katherina Dumbledore must go home! Dobby thought that his bludger and the bad potion would be enough to make Harry Potter and Katherina Dumbledore see..."

"Your bludger? You made that bludger chase after me?"

"Dobby feels most aggrieved sir. Dobby had to iron his hands." Dobby replies showing bandaged hands.

"You had better clear off before my bones come back Dobby or I might strangle you." Harry says angrily.

"Dobby is use to death threats sir. Dobby gets them five times a day at home."

"I supposed you can't tell me why you tried to kill us?" Harry asks.

"Not kill you sir. Never kill you. Dobby remembers how it was before Harry Potter triumphed over he who must not be named. We house elves were treated like vermin sir. Of course Dobby is still treated like vermin." Dobby says sadly blowing his nose in the filthy pillowcase he calls his clothes causing me to let out a low growl.

"Why do you were that Dobby?" I asked trying to divert my attention to something else so I wouldn't lose my temper. I hated it when anyone was treated unfairly.

"It's the mark of a house elf's enslavement. Dobby can only be freed if Dobby's master presents him with clothes. The family I serve is careful not to pass Dobby so much as a sock sir for then he'd be free to leave their house forever." Dobby replies.

Upon hearing footsteps Dobby quickly states "terrible things are about to happen at Hogworts. Harry Potter and Kathrina Dumbledore must not stay here now that history is about to repeat itself." Dobby warns.

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