Voodoo doll

By 5sosisdaboss1d

9.8K 603 507

Janie bumped into Luke in the park. They talked. They texted. Janie fell for Luke. Luke fell for Janie. Ins... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Ashton's girl
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 27

110 9 9
By 5sosisdaboss1d

(Warning: short/crappy update)

(Janie's POV)

"Almost done?" I groaned. I was letting Jay do my make up. For some reason I trusted this maniac to apply crap to my face. I may come out looking like a clown or I may actually look good. I was hoping for somewhere in between.

"Just one second," Jay smiled and pulled her hands away from my face handing me a mirror. "I tried." She shrugged and jumped out of my bunk. It actually looked, good. Or at least better than I could do, I haven't done my make up since Ashton and I broke up. It felt weird.

"You nervous?" Luke suddenly appeared in my bunk.

"About what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"To leave the bus," Luke shrugged.

"Totally, the outside world terrifies me Luke," I giggled.

"I mean that someone could figure out it's you," he corrected himself.

"No, I'm fearless," I explained sounding proud of myself. Luke stared at me for a minute giving me a weird look.

"Are you wearing make up?"

"What? Oh, Yeah uhm I let Jay do my make up cause I was bored," I shrugged. "Anyway ready to go to wherever we are going?"

"Yeah, I got you some crap to hide who you are," Luke flopped a giant bag on my bunk.

"Luke, I don't think I need a wig," I laughed. "Or a completely different wardrobe, or a fake mole, or-" I dumped out the bag and picked up two cups. "Lucas Robert Hemmings! Are these double D's??"

"I honestly have no idea, I was in Victoria's Secret and this girl offered them to me," Luke shrugged.

"Victoria's Secret?" I questioned.

"Uhm yeah."

"You're such an idiot," I laughed. "Sunglasses, yes, this is all I need," I picked up the pair of sunglasses and pulled them on my face.

"That's so noticeably you though," Luke sighed staring at my clothes. I had on an All Time Low shirt and black skinny jeans. "They're gonna kill you."

"Fine, I'll change my clothes, I'll dress girlier," I dropped out of my bunk. "BLAIRRRRR!" I called.


I was feeling really girly. I had on Blair's purple and white flannel top, and pink skinny jeans. Going full blown white girl I added Uggs into the mix, my Uggs actually. Don't ask. I stole a peach colored beanie I found on the bus.

"I'm ready Luke," I sighed, just waiting for him to tell me I am not disguised enough.

"Okay let's go," he smiled grabbing my hand. Luke and I are literally just going out to lunch. It's pathetic.

"Where to?" I questioned putting my sunglasses on, following him off the bus.

"Anywhere you want but it must be somewhere around the rest stop, we have no car," Luke explained intertwining our fingers.

"There's a diner around the corner I believe," I said. Luke just stared at me probably wondering how I knew that, we weren't in American we were still in Australia. "I kinda lived in New South Wales for a good three years," I shrugged.

"Wow, why didn't you tell me?" Luke questioned as we walked to the diner.

"It never came up," I shrugged.


"I want to learn everything possible about you," Luke said while I bit into my burger. Yes I'm eating a burger on a date move on!

"Okay," I swallowed. "What would you like to know Hemmings?"

"Hemmings? Hey sorry to bother your little date thing... But Luke can I have a picture with you?" I teenage girl asked walking over to our table.

"Of course," Luke smiled standing up then bending down and putting his arm around the girl. He smiled for the picture then she kissed his cheek and skipped off. "Sorry about that," Luke apologised sitting down again.

"It's fine, she's a fan," I shrugged.

"Ok uhm... What I wanna know is, first, what's your favorite color?" Luke questioned.

"Hmm... Blue," I shrugged.

"Me too!!" Luke cheered. "Okay favorite band?"

"Either All Time Low or Blink-182."

"Good, they're good bands, not suckish!" Luke nodded.

"Thanks," I laughed.

"What about your favorite-"

"Luke?? Luke Hemmings?? From 5 Seconds Of Summer?? OH MY GODDDD! CAN I HAVE A PICTURE? PLEASE??" Another girl walked over nearly crying.

"Of course beautiful," Luke stood up and bent down next to the girl, wow he was tall, again. The girl squealed quietly and hugged Luke. They took a picture and the girl squealed again and kissed his cheek then ran away with her phone.

"Your fans are so sweet," I smiled. "It's actually a bit sad," I sighed.

"How so?" Luke sat down looking confused.

"Well they get so excited and happy, taking a simple picture with you. That moment they'll treasure for years. Nearly forever. But to you it was just a minute of your life you'll probably forget soon. It makes me feel bad cause they love you so much and they're just fans to you," I explained.

"We try our best to make it up to them. It's weird cause they almost always just ask for follows," Luke said.

"Really? Do you ever get fanmail?" I questioned.

"That never existed for 5 Seconds Of Summer," Luke sighed, "But it's fine, they make our dreams come true, it'd just be nice to actually feel like they're proud once and a while," Luke shrugged.

"That's sad too," I nodded thinking.

"I shouldn't be the one to complain, I get the most love cause I'm titled the Lead Singer. Ashton gets the least amount of pats on the back, even though he's extremely important to us," Luke explained. "He's Just The Drummer as people would say."

For some reason my blood ran cold. My teeth clenched. My heart broke. How could people say that?? Ashton is the backbone of the whole band but he gets only a forth of the respect that Luke or Michael or Calum get. Luke is the most love one. He sings and plays guitar, if he messes up he has Michael to lean on. Calum has Ashton to lean on to edit the sounds he makes. Michael, Calum, and Luke all rely on Ashton. Who has no one but his own arms to rely on. BUT NO! Give him no respect what so ever!

"...Janie?.... Janie??.... Janie?..." Luke called snapping me out of it.


"What were you thinking about?" Luke stared at me worried.

"Ashton. He gets no respect as a drummer," I sighed honestly.

"He gets respect from us," Luke shrugged.

"But that's not enough!!" I groaned annoyed. "I love Ashton! He deserves more!!"

That's when I realised I was wrong...


Sorry it was short.

Notice anything weird Janie said? About Ashton?

Yay? Nay? Okay.

So basically I'm working on a new story but I won't post it until this one is completely finished, which it's not exactly close to half way done so.

See you next chapter!

Tell me if you guys have any contest ideas.

Okay? Okay!


Love you!

No need to fear an update is near.

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