It's The Falling in Love

By Miss_Lani64

319K 12.5K 12.3K

Michael Jackson and Mia Gordy have been childhood stars and best friends. When life changes as they grow up... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One-Hundred and One
Chapter One-Hundred and Two
Chapter One-Hundred and Three
Chapter One-Hundred and Four
Chapter One-Hundred and Five
Chapter One-Hundred and Six
Chapter One-Hundred and Seven
Chapter One-Hundred and Eight
Chapter One-Hundred and Nine
Chapter One-Hundred and Ten
Chapter One-Hundred and Eleven
Chapter One-Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One-Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Fourteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One-Hundred and Sixteen
Authors Note
A Sequel?
Moonwalker Awards?

Chapter Seventy-Seven

1.7K 80 10
By Miss_Lani64

We sat around our big dinning room table.

"Mind if we hold hands and pray?" Michael quietly asks.

Elizabeth smiles as we hold onto each other's hands, "I would love to, Michael." She sweetly says.

I blush as we all close our eyes in prayer.

God, thank you for blessing me with a beautiful family. I'm thankful everyday for the friends and family I have... I'd like to thank you for giving us this food that Elizabeth has brought us. Thank you for giving me another day with my family.. I know my time is becoming short. Just thank you..Thank you very much, God. We love you. In Jesus's name we pray, Amen.

"Amen." I say, sending my prayer to God.

"Amen." Michael and Elizabeth mumble.

I smile as we let our hands go together.

"Elizabeth, thank you for bringing this lovely food to us." I grin.

"I appreciate it a lot." I smile.

Elizabeth chuckles, "Oh, Mia! It was no problem! I'd do anything for the Jackson's. I love you all too much not to." She grins.

I blush.

Michael clears his throat, "T-Thank you both for the gifts and this beautiful day. I can't thank you both enough. I love you." He smiles.

Elizabeth grins while I blush. "No problem, Michael. Christmas in Neverland is the best thing ever! You should do this yearly! Have your children get involved! Give them that childhood." She smiles.

I grin, looking over at Rose.

"Baby, do you need mommy to help you eat?" I coo.

Rose grins, nodding innocently.

I smile, scooting closer to her as I cut her food up.

"Aw, Michael.. Rose is such an angel." Elizabeth coos.

Michael smirks, "She is." He comments.

"She looks like a perfect combination of you and Mia too.. Rose is just so beautiful.." Elizabeth awes.

I blush, feeding Rose some more. "Thank you, Elizabeth." I shyly say, looking at her.

Michael glances at me.

I softly sigh.

I can tell Michael doesn't like to lie to Elizabeth. They are very close friends! I'm surprised he hasn't told her the truth yet though.. Rose isn't Michael's child by blood but he is her father! Michael should start acting like that in public and to not be ashamed that she's fully mine and not his. Michael is an amazing father, much better than what Kevin was. I doubt Kevin even has changed since he went to jail. Hell! What am I doing thinking his name?! Sinful! I've done sins but he's like vomit! Damn him. He's dying just like me for sure. Damn him to Hell. 

"Do you two think you'll ever have more children?" Elizabeth smirks.

Michael and I stare at each other.

I clear my throat, "Elizabeth.." I force a chuckle.

"We just had a child two months ago." I point out.

Elizabeth smirks, "I'm just saying, you two make some great lookin' kids!" She giggles.

"The whole world probably wants it to happen more than you do!" She laughs.

I chuckle, "That's probably the truth." I giggle, watching Rose drink from her sippy-cup.

"We have talked about it though.." Michael softly says.

"I wouldn't mind having more children. Liz, you know how much I love children." Michael sternly says.

Elizabeth smiles, "Very much, Michael." She sweetly says.

"It's up to Mia though." He glares at me.

I give him a look. "I'm not up for discussing this in front of our daughter." I sternly say, gritting my teeth.

Michael sighs, "I know." He mumbles.

Elizabeth glances back at Michael and I. "Oh, boy.." She breathes.

"I've hit a rough patch between you two, haven't I?" She says.

I frown. Poor, Liz.. She must feel guilty. 

Michael shakes his head, "It's fine, Liz. Mia is right, we just had a baby." He says.

I force a smile, "I just don't think I'll want more children for a while." I say.

Not ever after what I've been through.. 

Michael frowns, eating his food in silence.

I softly sigh.

Elizabeth looks awkwardly around for a clock.

"It's getting pretty late.." She quietly says.

Michael gently grabs her hand, "Liz, you can't leave! We can always drive you home later!" He smiles.

Elizabeth smirks, cupping Michael's face. "Darling, I truly must get going." She grins.

She puts her hands down, "I want to thank you both for this beautiful day in Neverland. I should get home to my children now." She chuckles, getting up from her chair.

Michael gets up as well, "Do you want me to come with you? Like, call someone to get you?" He asks.

Elizabeth smiles, "I'll be fine, darling. Spend your evening with your family." She gently says.

"There is a car waiting for me around now. Again, thank you both." She sweetly says, walking towards me.

I get up from the chair. "Thanks for everything, Liz." I smile, giving her a hug.

Elizabeth kisses my cheek, "Of course, hon. Anything for the Jackson's!" She grins.

Elizabeth bends down, kissing Rose's forehead. "If only your sister was old enough to join us." She chuckles.

"Be good." Liz smiles.

Rose giggles, "Buh-Bye!" She waves at Elizabeth.

I smile at her. April wouldn't have been able to remember this day anyway. She sleeps so much. It's a little peaceful this month but as she grows older, it'll get more peaceful at home. 

Elizabeth walks over to Michael, giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

"I love you, Elizabeth." Michael mumbles.

Elizabeth smiles, letting Michael go. "I love you too, Michael." She grins, grabbing her bag.

"Thank you all again. Michael, Mia-" She looks at us.

"You two can call me anytime, alright?" She smiles.

"Bye, Elizabeth." I warmly smile at her, waving.

Michael and I turn, watching Elizabeth walk out of the dinning room.

Michael glares at me, slouching back down in his seat. He huffs loudly.

I frown, "What's wrong, Michael? It's Christmas! Be happy!" I grin.

Michael glares at me, "We frightened Liz away.." He mumbles.

I smirk, sitting beside him. "Michael, she has her own family too. She's a mother as well." I smirk, rubbing his shoulders.

"She's gotta get home for the holidays sometime!" I chuckle.

Michael glares at me, "I guess that's right." He shrugs.

I smirk, kissing his cheek.

"You know, our one year anniversary is coming up." I grin.

Michael smirks, "Oh, really?" He smiles at me.

I bite my lip, "Mhm.. We've been married for almost a year and we have two children." I smile.

Michael kisses my lips.

Rose lets out a big yawn.

I smile, walking towards Rose. "Is my baby as tired?" I coo.

Rose nods, reaching her arms out for me.

I smirk, gently picking her up.

She's been a good girl today. So quiet. Rose is a very shy baby around certain people though. 

"Let's get you to bed then, baby-girl." I smile, kissing her cheek.

Michael gets up from his bed. "I'll go check on April." He says.

I smile, kissing his lips. "Alright." I smile.

Michael kisses Rose's forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart." He grins, moving his hand through her curls.

Rose lays her head on my chest, not saying a word.

I smirk, leaning closer towards her ear. "Tomorrow you can play with all your new toys, right?" I grin.

Rose smirks, rubbing her eyes.

I chuckle. "Come on, let's get you to bed then." I smile, walking down the hallway.

"Mommy... S-Sing to me.." Rose quietly says as we walk into her room.

My eyes widen. Sing? 

"Um.. Alright." I smile, tucking her in bed.

I'm not the one who sings in this family.. I smirk, handing Rose her bunny.

I mess with her hair, staring at her as we sit there in the dark.

Silent night... 

I gently start singing.

Holy night....

All is calm..

My voice rings throughout the quiet room.

All is bright...

I watch Rose close her eyes, snuggling next to her bunny.

Round yon virgin, mother and child..

Holy infant so tender and mild.. 

I slowly get up from my chair, making sure Rose is asleep.

Sleep in heavenly peace..

My voice rings more as my voice gets higher.

Sleep in heavenly peace...   

I quietly sing, slowly walking out of Rose's room.

I smile, quietly shutting her bedroom door closed.

"I've missed your singing.." Michael quietly says.

I gasp, turning around. "Oh, Michael!" I breathe.

"You scared me!" I chuckle, holding my chest.

Michael smirks, crossing his arms. "I remember when we did choir back in school." He grins.

"You sing so soft but it's so innocent and pure.." He smirks.

I blush.

"I've always wondered why you didn't become a singer." Michael says.

I smirk, "Dancing is my passion, Michael. It's yours too, but you sing better than I can!" I chuckle.

Michael smirks, "Why don't you dance anymore?" He asks.

I frown, "Michael, we have kids. I have to take care of them. It's your career, Michael. Not mine." I say.

Michael frowns, "I've been stopping you from your dreams, haven't I?" He quietly asks.

My eyes widen, "Wha- No, Michael! It was my choice! It's my fault, you know that. I've made terrible decisions in my life. I can't do everything I used to do!" I say.

Michael stares at me, "I remember you wanted to go to Julliard for dance.. Heck, you made it to Julliard! What happened?" He asks me.

I gulp, "You know my life story, Michael. You know what stopped me." I say, walking past him.

Michael grabs my hand, spinning me around. "Uncle Peter should have never stopped you."

I glare at him, "My pregnancy stopped me." I sternly say.

"But I lost that baby, Michael. So, drop it!" I softly cry.

Michael pulls me closer to him. "I'm not going to drop it. This isn't fair to you, Mia!" He sternly says.

"I have my dream but you don't! It's not too late, Mia. We're thirty, we ain't that old!" He laughs.

I stare at him. "What about our children? What about my illness? I'm too old to go to college!" I say.

Michael frowns, "You're an amazing ballet dancer either way. I'll find a way for you, Mia. You watch." He sternly says.

I sigh, "I should be finding things by myself, Michael. You've done enough for me." I frown.

Michael smirks, "A husband can never do enough for a wife he's crazy in love with." He says, pulling me closer to him.

I blush, feeling a tear fall down.

I quickly wipe the tear away, sniffling.

Michael smiles, "I don't care what you say. I'm doing this for you. You owe me nothing." He says.

I smile, "You're too good for me, Michael Jackson." I whisper, laying my head on my chest.

Michael smiles, holding onto me. "Then I'm doing my job." He smirks.

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