Vixens & Vipers

By Devils_Assasin

366K 12.8K 2.7K

The Viper brothers: Sexy, Scary and Mysterious. The Vixen sisters: Enchanting, Protective and Sultry. After... More

Chapter 1: Look Me Up
Chapter 2: Im The Friendliest
Chapter 3: Im Bewitched!
Chapter 4: She Fits In A Castle
Chapter 5: It Might Be The AntiChrist
Chapter 6: Thanks Dimitri, Note Taken
Chapter 7: Little Pink Dress
Chapter 8: She Got Kayla High
Chapter 9: Jesse McCartney
Chapter 10: This Isnt The Bathroom
Chapter 11: From The Men At The Bar
Chapter 12: Only When Im Looking For Company
Chapter 13: God Ive Missed Her So Fucking Much
Chapter 14: You Will Teach Nick To Pass?
Chapter 15: Its Hot Isnt It?
Chapter 16: Road Dome?
Chapter 17: Snark Ball
Chapter 18: His Aura Was A Dark Blue
Chapter 19: Hell Of A Road Life
Chapter 20: You Fucking Little Snake!
Chapter 21: He'll Go To Court
Chapter 22: Theyre All My Apples
Chapter 23: Eight Hundred And Forty Three Thousand And Sixty Two
Chapter 24: Almost Porn With Clothes On
Chapter 25: Congragulations, Finally Free
Chapter 26: Something About The Baby
Chapter 27: That's Better Than A No
Chapter 28: Too Cool To Sit With Them?
Chapter 29: I Love You Baby, So Much
Chapter 30: Yes Rapunzel, Oh Yes!
Chapter 31: Ryker
Chapter 32: The Offspring
Chapter 33: Vydias Going To Kill Me
Chapter 34: Melissa Vixen Viper
Chapter 35: Vangsvere Academy
Chapter 36: Three Fucking Million?!
Chapter 37: Little Panther
Chapter 38: A Sweet Romance
Chapter 39: James
Chapter 41: Sleep!
Chapter 42: Karate Kid
Chapter 43: Who's Sam?
Chapter 44: Like Luce
Chapter 45: Hello?
Chapter 46: Forever
Authors Note

Chapter 40: Yet My Dumbass Mouth Still Did It

3.7K 128 28
By Devils_Assasin

"Alright but if I go with this one, I feel like it's almost too try hard." I said eying the summer dress.

Dimitri glanced up from his phone and eyed the dress over. "Yeah." He said nodding before going back to scrolling on his phone.

Sighing, I walked back into the closet changing into a simple black dress that fit for an any day occasion.

Going out the closet, I cocked an eyebrow at Dimitri and he glanced up for a second, then looked back up at the dress and nodded, "That's the one." He said bored.

I grabbed my denim jacket and slipped on some black sandals and a simple necklace.

Pulling my hair into a ponytail, I headed to the bathroom and stared at my reflection. To makeup or not to makeup?

Running my eyes over the scars, I felt an internal debate.

Applying makeup, I covered the scars and headed out to the room looking to Dimitri who was laying on my bed focused on something.

"Time check!" I called.

He stared up at me, "two ten." He said glancing back at his phone.

Grabbing my purse and my phone, I thanked him and hurried out the room and down the steps.

Slamming into Valdus, I gave him a blushed look, "Sorry, I didn't see you." I said walking around him.

He gave a nod, "Where are you rushing off to?" Val asked cocking an eyebrow at me.


I had a sheepish smile, "I got a date." I said proudly.

Valdus crossed his arms over his chest watching me carefully, "I don't remember doing a background check on anyone recently." He said hinting at me.

I laughed nervously, "Because you didn't. Don't worry, he's a cop." I said biting my lip to fight a big smile.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "This wouldn't by any chance be the same cop you had sex in the car with, would it?" He asked warningly.

I shrugged, "You're the info man aren't you?" I smirked and headed down the steps and out the front door.

Going down the driveway, I went out the gate as I pressed it open and headed to the car parked by the sidewalk.

Walking over to it, I gave the window a knock and as it rolled down, I smiled at James.

Getting in the car, I shut the door behind me and buckled my belt as Lucien's face popped up in my head.

I smiled at James, he wasn't as handsome as I remember.

Maybe he thinks the same about me though.

James leaned over and tilted my chin taking my lips.

I kissed him deeper, I'd almost forgot how much I absolutely love a mans touch.

Pulling back softly, I blushed and watched him smirk and drive off down the street.

"So you live in a castle now?" He asked as we drove through the green light streak.

I gave a nod, "I mean it's not really a castle but it's a nice home." I said trying to be humble about the massive mansion.

He laughed, "I'm surprised you're even single, I excepted you'd be in a serious relationship by now. Really did not expect you to say yes to our date at all." He said nervously.

Oh goodness, "No, not relationship. Viktor the guy who owns the home is very strict to say the least. It's hard to get a boyfriend when every guy who shows the least bit of interest in me wounds up tied, restrained and in the basement to be questioned." I said realizing I shouldn't have said that.

Yet my dumbass mouth still did it.


He didn't respond to that which just furthered the fact that I'm an idiot.

We pulled up to a restaurant and he parked the car getting out.

I unbuckled my belt and got out shutting the door behind me as I eyed the IHOP.

Alright, well this is a first. Do they even have lunch?

Going inside, I watched James smile down at me for a second before focusing on the waiter walking over, "Table for two." He said.

The waiter nodded and went to show us to our table.

James leaned down smirking, "Think he'll pick at our food?" He asked quietly.

I eyed the slightly over weight man and felt a bit uneasy at James's joke.

Ignoring the joke, I took my seat across from him and smiled at the waiter, "Thank you." I said watching him nod, "Enjoy your meal." He added.

He was a sweet guy.

James watched him go back to the front and made a snorting pig sound before laughing.

You've got to be kidding me.

I actually fucked this guy?

Running my hand over the menu, I pulled it open and eyed the many breakfast items. Personally, I hate breakfast foods.

Staring at the lunch side, I decided I'd do a BLT.

A waitress walked over and smiled at the both of us, "Hi! My names Harley, I'll be your waitress for this afternoon, what can I get you two to drink?" She asked looking to the both of us.

James spoke up, "Just two waters." He said smiling. 

Alright, I guess I want a water.

I watched him nod to the waitress, "Come back in about three minutes. We should be ready to order." He said in a rude tone.

She nodded and walked off.

He looked up at me, "Know what you're getting?" He asked staring at me and then back at the menu.

I gave a nod and he waited in silence, "Oh uh, the BLT." I said shrugging.

His eyes moved over the menu, "Damn, thirteen dollars? I mean, hey if that's what you want I guess." He said widening his eyes and making a pft sound.

Then he laughed, "You know I'm not made of money." He said cocking an eyebrow at me.

God, well that

I felt my face flush, "Right, Sorry. I'll get something else." I said opening the menu.

He laughed to himself a bit more.


I went with a stack of pancakes for five bucks because it was the cheapest meal I could find.

After putting in my order, I listened to James make fun of a few more people.

One of the waiters walked by carrying a tray with three shakes. But when he took a weird step, the shakes landed to the floor and somehow, the vanilla shake landed on my face causing me to let out a small "Ah!"

James eyed me over and cocked an eyebrow, "Looking sweet as ever." He winked.

I stood and stepped over the spilt shakes ignoring the waiter who apologized nervously.

Going to the bathroom, I eyed the milkshake in my lash and all over my makeup.

Sighing, I filled my hand with soap and began washing all my makeup off drying my face with napkins and then staring at my bare face reflection.

Pulling my hair from its ponytail, I let the hair fall over the scars and headed to the table as they finished mopping the floor.

We got moved to another table and I sat down across from James.

He stared from the drink to me, his eyes looking over my scar with disgust before he dropped his stare, "You didn't have that last time." He said raising both brows.

God he's a real asshole.

I gave him a sheepish smile, "Bad wreck. I uh, I was lucky. My friend he lost his leg, but I just got a couple scars." I said optimistically.

James scoffed, "I guess not that lucky. You going to get those fixed? I know some great surgeons here who could get it fixed." He said rudely.

Vydia, get up and leave.

Instead, I stayed.

I listened to him talk more shit and avoid staring at my face.

I picked at my pancakes and listened when he said girls were a waste to feed because they never actually ate.

Then on the drive home, I listened as he said he was pretty busy this trip.

When he parked, I watched him stare out the window and I unbuckled my belt watching as he turned his face and stared at me going to kiss me but then making a gag sound and turning his face "Sorry, I just-I can't. You, it's just disgusting." He said gesturing to my scars.

I fought back my tears and nodded.

He's a cop Vydia, don't hit him.

He's a cop.

I got out the car and stared in at him, "Hey James, can you do me a favor?" I asked politely.

He didn't look to my face but gave me a nod to tell him, "Delete my number." I said watching him nod "My pleasure." He said before I shut the door.

Watching his car speed off, I felt the sadness in my stomach and chest grow.

Going to the gate, I pressed the button, "Vydia" I said and the gate opened.

I went inside and up to the front door, it opened though and I watched Lucien walk out holding his jacket.

He gave me a thoughtful stare, "How'd your date go?" He asked not moving back or away from me like James did.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes, "Shitty. I'm hungry, angry and my self esteems been crushed." I said laughing and wiping a stray tear.

Luce stared down at my face, "Want to go out?" He asked softly.

Staring at his jacket, I gave him an apologetic look, "I don't want to intrude. I'm okay I just need a bath." I said smiling.

His eyes moved to the garage, "Come on." He said going toward the garage and giving me a look as I stood by the door.

Going with him, I watched him stand by the passenger door holding it open.

Heading to the car, I got in and buckled my belt as he shut the door.

I watched him walk around and get in tossing his jacket in the back.

As he turned the car on, he buckled his belt and stared over at me, "He didn't feed you?" He asked staring at the rear view mirror as he backed out.

I laughed softly, "Uh he tried. Well we went to IHOP." I said shrugging.

His eyes moved to me and he stared for a while before gripping the wheel tightly, "He took you to IHOP for a date? He's a cop, he makes enough to take you to a nicer place. Shit, he could afford Red Lobster even. He took you to IHOP? He better have bought you a full course meal with shakes." He said annoyed.

I laughed and tried to ignore the bursting butterflies in my stomach, "Water and pancakes." I said shyly.

Luce turned his attention to me and furrowed his eyebrows, "Did he expect anything from you afterwards?" He asked.

Dropping my smile, I wrapped my arms around myself and shook my head "No, he was uh...well he said I was disgusting." I said feeling my tears hang in my eyes.

Luce stopped the car and gripped the wheel tightly.

His eyes moving to me, "You at least punched him for that right?" He asked.

I laughed and shook my head, "He's a cop Luce. A cop." I emphasized.

Lucien stared out the window running his thumb over his upper lip thoughtfully.

Then he looked to me, "What are you hungry for? Steak? Lobster? Sushi? You love sushi. Let's get you some sushi." He said making me smile wide and try to hide it.

I do love Sushi, in fact I could live off just sushi. Well sushi and pizza.

He drove us to restaurant with massive tiger statues in the front.

After he parked, we headed inside and he got us a table, as we sat down. I eyed the menu prices, twenty dollars a roll?!

I eyed the prices and Luce looked the menu over.

"Hello, my name is Niko, what can I get you two started with to drink?" The waiter asked smiling at us.

I smiled at the waiter, "A water?" I asked.

Lucien eyed me for a while, "A sprite for her too. Unless you want a beer?" He asked staring at me.

I fought my wide and loving smile, "A Sprite is perfect." I said softly.

Lucien got a soda too and eyed the rolls over, "What are you getting?" He asked focused on the rolls.

Staring at them all, I shrugged, "Maybe the dragon roll?" I said questionably.

He nodded, "What else?" He asked flipping the menu over.

What else? That roll is $15.

His eyes moved to me, he furrowed his eyebrows, "You better not be looking at the prices Kiddo." He said low.

I gave him an 'Oops' look and he leaned in, "Get whatever you want, however much you want. Alright?" He said giving me a small smile and sitting back.

Biting my lip, I stared at Lucien's face, his sharp features, the bright eyes and dark hair. He was so handsome.

His eyes caught mine and I quickly looked away.

We ordered and ate sushi while I told him about my awful date.

When we finished he paid and we headed back to the car.

He had on his jacket still and kept his scars covered.

I watched the garage as we pulled up to it, "Luce, I-I want to say thank you." I said looking over at him.

His eyes moved from mine to my lips before he nodded and turned the car off, "You don't have to thank me though Vydia, we're family. It's my job to make sure you're okay." He said sort of tossing me into the friendzone.

Biting my lip I nodded, "Right, family." I said before going to get out.

His hand took my wrist carefully and I looked to him watching him pull his hand away quick. He hid his scarred hand and I watched him stare down at the steering wheel.

I leaned over the middle console and ran a hand under his chin before I pressed my lips to his cheek.

Letting my lips linger a minute, I slowly pulled back and ran a hand over his bad hand, "Your beauty is not defined by your looks Luce." I said smiling softly and getting out of the car.

Heading inside, I went up to my room and shut the door behind me.

I just kissed Lucien!

I kissed Lucien!

Okay well his cheek but still.

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