A Silent Struggle

By Lustplayss

1.4M 56.8K 23.7K

"Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fi... More

A Silent Struggle
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Check it out👀
Damn Skoob🥺

Chapter 23

17.4K 755 475
By Lustplayss

Excuse any mistakes!

David Brewster

"Why the fuck are they not telling us nothing?" I paced back and forth in the hospital lobby. I received a phone call from Keith saying Kardi was in a car wreck.

"David, you have to calm down sweetie." Karla spoke softly.

"Nah." Shaking my head I walked over to the desk where an older lady was sitting at a computer typing.

"Excuse me." I spoke and she looked up for a brief second then went back to the computer ignoring me.

"HELLO! Can you fucking hear? You see me standing here. I don't want to be rude but you pushing me."

"You don't have to disrespect me, young man. I was-" I cut her smooth the fuck off.

"Yeah, I don't care about none of that. You had your chance now obviously I need some assistance, so that means get off the fucking computer."

She clicked her teeth and asked. "What can I help you with?"

"I've been waiting for hours to get information on my girl, her name is Kardi Chase." She typed in the computer then looked at me.

"It says she's in surgery." She gave me a sympathetic look. I bit my lip walking away. All of her friends and family was staring waiting to hear some news.

"She's in surgery." I said taking a seat next to Kody. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying not to show my emotions. Why? Why is the only question on my mind? Maybe if I took her she wouldn't have been in surgery right now going through all this bullshit.

I felt a hand wipe away my tears I didn't know fell. Looking up I seen Kody smiling lightly.

"Don't cry, mommy's going to be okay." He assured me making me crack a smile. He's a real mamas boy, so I'm surprised he's taking it well.

"I know, little man." I picked him up placing him on my lap. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Aww, you guys are so adorable." Paisley cooed making me roll my eyes.

"No more tears we know she's going to be okay. We have to have faith. Everybody stand up and let's pray." Karla said making everyone get up and grab hands.

"Dear Heavenly Father today we come to you for words of encouragement and strength. Lord we know all of us have our ups and downs but today take over this operation and let your power be felt through all forces. Grant us all with strength and reassure all our fears. Bless my daughter and let her make it out alive. In Jesus name, we pray amen."

Amens were heard throughout the lobby. 20 minutes later a doctor finally walked up to us with a clipboard in his hand. I passed Kody to Kamren, rubbing my hands down my pants.

"Family of Kardi?" He asked unsure.

"Yes, how is she?" Keith spoke for the first time since we've been here.

"Surgery went well. She's in stable condition. We got the glass out of her right leg and she will have to wear a cast for a couple of weeks."

"What?! She's a dancer, she can't do that with a cast." Rose said.

"Well, if she wants her leg to heal properly then she has no choice. Her room is right this way." He showed us her room and there she was sleeping peacefully. Her top lip was busted and she had a black eye from hitting her head on the steering wheel the doctor told us. She was still perfect to me though.

"Fuck man." Koby dragged walking back out the room.

"I'm glad she's okay." Karmen smiled wiping her tears. Everybody agreed nodding their heads.

About an hour went by and Kardi still wasn't up.
Mama Karla was making the kids leave since it was getting late and it was a little too crowded for everyone with nurses in and out every two seconds.

"I don't want to leave, ma. I wanna be here when she wakes up." Izzy groaned.

"It's getting late, I promise we'll come back in the morning." She said.

"Just for a little longer, she might wake up."

"Izzy, I said-" She got cut off by the sound of Kardi voice.

"T-they can s-stay." She uttered out. She pointed to her throat making me grab the cup filled with ice and water the nurse brought in for when she wakes up. I put the straw to her lips allowing her to drink. Once she was finished she looked at me and cracked a smile.

"Thank you." I just stood there staring at her. "I can't get a kiss or a hug?" She questioned. I nodded my head leaning down taking her body into to mines softly.

"I thought I lost you." I whispered to her.

"Never." She said bringing her lips to mines. I gently pecked her lips taking her bottom lip into my mouth sucking on it making her moan.

"Cut that shit out." Keith spat making me laugh under my breath. He pushed me out the way pulling Kardi into a hug.

"Ouch! Daddy, take it easy."

"I'm sorry, pumpkin." He laughed sadly. I knew he was taking it the hardest since he was on the phone with when everything went down.

"Stop, it's not your fault. I'm fine."She said making him sigh. She looked over at Kody who was actually sleep on the little couch they had in here.

"I'll let him sleep but where's the love?" She asked everyone, they jumped up attacking her with hugs. She laughed and hugged them all.

"We got to get you right, sis. They fucked your hair up." Rose joked running her hands through Kardi's hair. Her hair was fucked. Now, she was rocking just released from prison braids but she was still fine to me.

"Yeah, you look like Cleo." Izzy and Kamren laughed.

"Whatever." Kardi sucked her teeth. We talked for a good 15 minute before Koby walked in with red eyes making us look at him. He looked over and seen Kardi up and talking rushing over to her pulling her into a bear hug. You could hear sniffles then it turned into sobs.

"Koby, please stop. I'm okay." She rubbed his back letting her own tears fall.

"I don't like seeing you like this." He finally spoke wiping his face.

"I know but I'm good now." She smiled.

"You know we gotta talk about this shit though right?" He had this look on his face I knew too well. He wanted revenge in the worst way possible.

"Not now, Koby." Karla said.

"But we gone ha-"

"I said not now, Elijah!" She gritted making him look at her.

"You ain't gotta use my middle name." He mumbled. Silence took over for a brief moment then a knock was heard. The doctor came strolling in with fake smile on his face.

"Ah, Ms. Chase. I figured you'll be up by now. I have a couple of things I think we should discuss. I think it would be best if your family steps out." He looked at us with his glasses hanging off his nose.

"We're gonna stay right here." Keith said with extra bass in his voice? I was trying not to laugh because I don't know when to take him serious. Kardi laughed making me bust out laughing. He looks at us with a hard look making us shut up and look away.

"Well, if you insist. Ms. Chase, we found a large amount of Phencyclidine in your system." He said making me almost break my neck to look at her.

"What the fuck?" Koby and I mugged her.

"I don't even know what that is." She looked at me genuinely confused making me soften up a little.

"Phencyclidine (PCP) is an illegal street drug that usually comes as a white powder, which can be dissolved in alcohol or water. It can be bought as a powder or liquid." He informed her.

"I haven't taken any drugs, sir."

"Well, how do you explain it in your system? You do know that PCP is illegal in the state of California?"

"I didn't take any drugs." She said again louder this time.

"There are two officers outside that wanna speak to you." He said ignoring her last statement.

"Okay." She frowned. He walked out and the two pigs walked in with those same fake ass smiles. A fat one and skinny one.

"Good evening, guys." One of them spoke but when they seen we weren't saying anything back they continued to speak.

"Ms.Chase, PCP is illegal and they found a large amount in your system, too much for you little body actually."

"My daughter doesn't do drugs." Karla said.

"I don't know how. I never even heard of this drug until now. I'm damn sure not going to take something I don't know what it is."

"So, you admit you would've taken it if you knew what it was?" The skinny one said.

"No! That's not what I said. Maybe my files got mixed up with someone else because I know damn well I haven't done anything."

"You know that's not what the fuck she said, man!" Keith yelled.

"Well, that's unfortunate. We're gonna have to take you into custody." The skinny one said pulling out handcuffs. That's when everyone stood up.

"Man, she just got out of surgery and isn't feeling good. Y'all can't do that shit." I said.

"This is bullshit!" Koby yelled.

"It's our job." He approached her but I jumped in front of her.

"Nah, she didn't do anything, take me." I insisted.

"That's impossible for us to do." The fat one said while the other tried to move me out the way but I wasn't budging. Everybody was yelling at this point trying to stop them. I'm thinking where the fuck are the nurses and shit now.

"David, please don't let them take me I didn't do anything." Kardi cried.

"You killed a little girl." The skinny one yelled. As if the world paused for a minute everyone froze.

"What?" Kardi whispered shaking her head.

"You ran a red light and hit a car."

"I didn't hit anyone, a car hit me. Daddy, I was on the phone with you. HE WAS FOLLOWING ME! HE LAUGHED AT ME AND HIT ME WITH THE CAR! DAVID I DIDN'T DO IT I SWEAR! I DIDN'T DO IT!" She yelled repeatedly. A bunch of nurses rushed in going over to her trying to get to calm down.

"Baby, calm down please." I pleaded seeing that Kody was now awake from all the commotion. Her face was red and she was breathing hard as hell. She looked at Kody and started to take deep breaths.

"We still have to take you in." The stupid fucking skinny one yelled out. It's like she was triggered by that and went to spazzing out.

"MOMMY!" Kody yelled with tears running down his face.

"Karmen, take him out." Karla said pushing the kids out the door.

"We have to sedate her!" One of the nurses yelled sticking her with a needle before I could try and stop her. She calmed down and her body went slump.

"What the fuck did you give her?" I asked about to slap this bitch but was stopped by Paisley grabbing me and shaking her head no.

"It's a medicine to put the patient to sleep." The nurse said looking frightened.

"Everybody exit the room NOW!" The older lady from the earlier came in dismissing everybody. She looked over seeing the cops standing there and sent them a mug.

"Officers, it's time for you to go. This patient just got out of surgery and can't leave until we allow here which won't be anytime soon. So I suggest if you don't wanna be the one in those handcuffs for a lawsuit I recommend you leave now." She said with authority in voice. They looked shocked and the skinny seemed as if he wanted to say something but his partner grabbed him pulling him out the room.

She then turned to us and said. "I'm sorry about all of this. Doctor Williams knows that law enforcement can't step in until the patient has been here for more than 24 hours and has been cleared for any serious injuries. Also, she's going to be okay the dosage they gave wasn't a lot so she will be up in about an hour or two." She walked over to Kardi fixing the cover on her body.

"Thank you, Ms..." Karla asked.

"Beverly, just call me Beverly. I'm head of nurse of the hospital. In other words, I run this shit." She joked but had a serious look on her face.

"Well, thank you Ms.Beverly. I appreciate it and I wanna apologize from earlier, I was frustrated and I didn't mean to take my anger out on you." I said.

"It's fine, I was tab rude myself but be lucky I didn't call Deanna on your ass."

I jerked my head back. "You know my mama?"

"Yep." She popped the p. "We go way back but unfortunately family visiting hours are over and only two people can stay."

Mama Karla exhaled. "I figured, we need to go anyways since it's getting late."

She walked over to Kardi and kissed her forehead telling her she loved her and Keith followed doing the same thing.

"Kody can stay with me." I told them.

"You sure?"

I nodded. "I know he would want to be here."

"Okay, I'll go get him." Karla said leaving followed by everyone else after they said bye. Now it was just me. I pulled up a chair next to her bed taking her hand into mines.

"Why does bad things keep happening to you?" I whispered against Kardi head. She needed to wake up so I could hear her voice but I know she needs the rest.

What the fuck is really going on. Kardi doing PCP? A little girl dead? I don't think my baby did it she looked too confused and helpless. She's been through a lot of shit in the past month, hell 2 weeks. When will she get a break? I watched her chest fall up and down. Tears clouded my visions and I let them fell.

"Fuck man."

"You know she going to be okay." Mama Karla spoke scaring the shit out of me and breaking me from my thoughts. Looking over she standing there giving me a concerned look with a sleep Kody on her shoulder.

I shrugged. "At this point, I don't know."

"She's a strong young woman but you have to be stronger for her. She needs you more than you know." She smiled looking over Kardi. I wiped my face and nodded.

"Little man went back to sleep." I changed the subject.

"Yeah, they told me he was screaming the whole time and put himself to sleep." She laid him down on the couch he was previously on.

"Alright, I'll get out your hair now." She walked over to me giving me a hug.

"Thank you, ma."

"No problem, just take care of my baby." She smiled big walking out the door.

"Always." I said taking a deep breath leaning back in the chair. I closed my eyes falling into a slumber. A consistent light knocks on the door woke me up.

"Come on." I said sitting up wiping my face. Ms.Beverly peeked her head in and signaled for me to come out. I stretched going out there only to see the fat cop from earlier.

"The fuck is this?" I looked at both of them.

"You need to hear what he has to say." Ms. Beverly said causing me to sigh and look at him to speak.

"First my name is Red and I want to apologize about earlier. It wasn't professional of me and my partner. I know you're wondering why I'm back and it's not to cause trouble but I have a question."


"Are you sure Ms.Chase hasn't been taking drugs?"

"I more than positive, she only takes antidepressants."

"And you do know the side effects if you take PCP right?" He questioned.

"It gets you high and act crazy." I said wondering where this is going.

"It also makes you hallucinate. "

"Okay, what are you telling me this for." I raised an eyebrow.

"Because when Ms.Chase said that someone was chasing her and hit her with a car we went back to look at surveillance cameras from where the crash took place and." He stopped

"And what?" I said getting fed up.

"She wasn't getting chased. She imagined everything she was hallucinating from the drug. She caused everything." He said walking away leaving me speechless.

And I'm just going to leave it at that...

Let me know what y'all think🤔



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