Vixens & Vipers

By Devils_Assasin

364K 12.7K 2.6K

The Viper brothers: Sexy, Scary and Mysterious. The Vixen sisters: Enchanting, Protective and Sultry. After... More

Chapter 1: Look Me Up
Chapter 2: Im The Friendliest
Chapter 3: Im Bewitched!
Chapter 4: She Fits In A Castle
Chapter 5: It Might Be The AntiChrist
Chapter 6: Thanks Dimitri, Note Taken
Chapter 7: Little Pink Dress
Chapter 8: She Got Kayla High
Chapter 9: Jesse McCartney
Chapter 10: This Isnt The Bathroom
Chapter 11: From The Men At The Bar
Chapter 12: Only When Im Looking For Company
Chapter 13: God Ive Missed Her So Fucking Much
Chapter 14: You Will Teach Nick To Pass?
Chapter 15: Its Hot Isnt It?
Chapter 16: Road Dome?
Chapter 17: Snark Ball
Chapter 18: His Aura Was A Dark Blue
Chapter 19: Hell Of A Road Life
Chapter 20: You Fucking Little Snake!
Chapter 21: He'll Go To Court
Chapter 22: Theyre All My Apples
Chapter 23: Eight Hundred And Forty Three Thousand And Sixty Two
Chapter 24: Almost Porn With Clothes On
Chapter 25: Congragulations, Finally Free
Chapter 26: Something About The Baby
Chapter 27: That's Better Than A No
Chapter 28: Too Cool To Sit With Them?
Chapter 29: I Love You Baby, So Much
Chapter 30: Yes Rapunzel, Oh Yes!
Chapter 31: Ryker
Chapter 32: The Offspring
Chapter 33: Vydias Going To Kill Me
Chapter 34: Melissa Vixen Viper
Chapter 36: Three Fucking Million?!
Chapter 37: Little Panther
Chapter 38: A Sweet Romance
Chapter 39: James
Chapter 40: Yet My Dumbass Mouth Still Did It
Chapter 41: Sleep!
Chapter 42: Karate Kid
Chapter 43: Who's Sam?
Chapter 44: Like Luce
Chapter 45: Hello?
Chapter 46: Forever
Authors Note

Chapter 35: Vangsvere Academy

3.7K 116 47
By Devils_Assasin



"Fuck!" I shouted out loud feeling my rage and blood boil in anguish and anger.

Arabella followed me through the hall, "Get the fuck away from me! Get far away! Far!" I shouted to her.

She ruined Aunt Melissa's life, destroyed it, does she not see that?! What about Viktor and Melissa's baby? Did she "Did you even think?" I shouted as Bella stared at me crying, "I wanted him to pay!" She said furiously.

I turned and gripped her face "For what?! What could have been worth fucking up aunt Melissa's life Bella?! What?! I swear to god if you say vengeance I will-" she cut me off, "He killed our parents!" She cried out.

Oh, "Oh okay, well guess what Bella, you just fucking killed the one woman closest to being our mom and the one man closest to being our fucking father. I swear to god I could....I could..." I felt my chest rise and fall before I pulled my fist back and struck her right in the nose.

Oh my god I hit Arabella.

She cursed and held her nose, "Fuck Vydia!" She shouted.

Lucien's words passed through my mind and I hurried to the room stripped the stupid dress off and slipping my jeans on and grabbing my purse hurrying out the door and gripping his bike key.

"Vydia!" Arabella called for me.

I shook my head "Stay the fuck away Arabella. You have no idea what you've done. This-this was the most selfish thing you've ever done in your whole god damn life." I said hurrying down the stairs and going to the parking lot running until I saw his bike. 

Jumping on it, I turned it on and pulled the helmet on riding off down the street.

Speeding to the home, I headed up to the gate, "Aunt Mel open up." I said to the speaker.

The gate opened and I rode in and the gate quickly closed behind me. Parking the bike in the front, I ran inside and unlocked the front door with the key on the bike before shutting it and locking it behind me.

"Aunt Mel!" I shouted.

"In here!" She shouted from Viktors office.

I ran into his office and watched the wall opened up. Oh my god. Thats a door.

She was taking things into the room, "Vydia hurry, help me move these." She said gesturing to the boxes.

I nodded and began moving them.

"It was Arabella. She told." I said watching her face fall while she stayed busy.


Lucien's words.

Going out the office I hurried to his room and began collecting all his papers and the laptop.

Tossing it all into a box, I checked every drawer and every cabinet, everything.

I got it all and took the box to the door realizing-there's cameras they're going to see this all.

"Aunt Mel! The cameras!" I shouted from his door.

"Okay hold on!" She shouted back.

I waited.

"Ready!" She shouted and I hurried down the stairs putting the box in the room and then we went around grabbing the weapons hidden that I've found easily and whatever ones we could find really.

In the end, the room was stocked.

Is checked all the bedrooms and took all of Valdus's electronics and papers, everything including his gun.

Jessa, Nick and Kayla arrived and I opened the gate letting them both in. Arabella wasn't with them thankfully.

Kayla headed to Bastian's room grabbing a box hidden under the floor boards and handed it to me, "His plans and sales." She said giving me a stare.

I nodded and took it down to what I realized is the vault.

Locking it in there with the rest of the things, I watched Aunt Mel sigh in relief, "The vault was built exactly for this. That or people breaking in." She said breathing nervously.


"Calm down Aunt Mel, the baby." I said watching her nod.

Lucien has told me where most of the weaponry and everything illegal would be. All within the span of three minutes and I was able to collect it all.

We should be good.

I hope.

We sat at the kitchen bar counter, all of us staring at one another waiting.

Jessa was crying softly and saying she hopes Judah and Wolf are okay.

I hope they're all okay.

Kayla was asleep with her head on the counter, a phone call came and we all jumped but Aunt Mel answered the phone, "Viktor?!" She sounded frantic.

Her confusion grew on her face and then she stared down at Kayla, "What?" She asked again.

"Okay, I love you." She said softly before hanging up.

Her eyes ran over Kayla and she bit her lip nervously.

"I have to take Kayla." She said softly.


I went to say something but she shook her head, "You can't I will Aunt Mel, please." I said watching her stare at me and then Kayla, "There's a place. Viktor got a call about a healer. An Annalise Dragos." She said confusing me.


Aunt Melissa stared at her phone, "Vangsvere Academy, it's way up north. You'll get a flight. Apparently she owes him money, he'll take it as payment." She said gesturing for Nick to take Kayla who was very fatigue.

She's dying.

I guess a healer is better than nothing.

God damn this day just keeps going!

I took a steady breath and followed them to the Tesla, Kayla was buckled in and I hurried to the airport.

We got in a private jet, I was pushing Kayla in a wheelchair by now.

God damn.

This healer better work.

As the jet landed, I got out and Kayla was placed down with me, I hurried her to our ride which was a nice black sleek car.

I got Kayla in and she was dozing in and out, "Vydia I don't feel good at all." She said looking pale.

I think the whole thing was too much for her, she over pushed her body.

"Drive faster or so help me God I will kill you!" I said to the driver who nodded and sped up.

We drove quick and got there in forty minutes.

I picked Kayla up and walked her with me to the front gate, I was carrying her by now and feeling so tired.

It's been six hours.

I'm so exhausted.

The gates opened and I watched a tall and beautiful dark haired woman run over, "Child are you okay?" She asked running a hand over my hair. "Thomas, the girl." She said.

Kayla was lifted up into the mans arms, "My friend is dying, Viktor Viper sent me for Annalise Dragos. He said she owes him and he'll take this as payment." I said watching the two share glances and then the man Thomas nodded and hurried inside.

The woman held a hand out, "My name is Jolene, I am head mistress of Vangsvere Academy." She said but I can't see Kayla anymore.

"Where's Kayla?" I asked her.

She stared at the doors and gestured for me to follow her.

I headed inside and she guided me to a pair of stairs, everyone here was beautiful, absolutely breath taking.

My god.

Going up the steps, I reached a hall filled with doors. A guy walked over and stared at me with a small smirk, "Vydia." He said quietly.

What the fuck?

I gave him a strange look, "Do I know you?" I asked trying to remember if I've seen him before.

He shook his head, "Its a grand pleasure to meet you. My name is Lincoln." He said holding his hand out.

I cautiously took his hand and shook it, "Where's Kayla?" I asked Jolene.

She nodded and gestured for me to follow.

I gave Lincoln a small wave and headed to the door painted different from the others.

Going inside, I followed Jolene and she walked over to a girl who was sitting at the edge of the bed watching Kayla. "Thomas go downstairs and grab me two waters." She said and he turned going out the door.

Jolene turned and hurried out the door.

"Will she be okay?" I asked the girl.

Her eyes moved to me and I noted her beauty, Holy crap, she's a literal angel.

The girl nodded once, "You may have to stay a night or two but she'll be okay. We owe the Vipers a lot. I'm more than happy to help them." She said staring back at Kayla.

I sat down on the other side of the bed taking Kayla's hand, "The Viper brother who loves her is terrified of losing her. I know this will mean so much to him, and to her, and to me." I said laughing softly.

The girl held her hand out, "I'm Annalise, everyone just calls me Anne." She said shrugging.

She's got to be my age at least, "Hi Anne, I'm Vydia, or well Vee." I said watching Kayla's color now back.

God she really is a healer.

Annalise stared at me carefully, "Are you hungry?" She asked looking my face over.

I hadn't thought if I was or not, now that I think of it though, yeah.

Nodding, I watched her stop and stare at my face, her eyes moving to mine curiously. Then she smiled and gestured for me to follow her.

The door opened and a blonde girl walked in smiling softly at Annalise, "Lily will watch her, don't worry, just come with me." She said smiling.

I nodded and watched the blonde smile and go inside.


We headed down the hall and back down the steps, I was guided through double doors and to a large dining hall set up like a cafeteria.


"Anne! Who's the babe?" A dark haired boy walked over tossing his arm over her shoulder.

She gave him a shove, "Koda this is Vydia, Vydia this is Koda my cousin." She said annoyed.

Koda smirked at me and I gave him a soft smile.

I reached the line and Anne gave the woman a card, "I'll take the burger and fries." She said then looked to me.

Staring from her to the woman, I smiled, "Ill take the same." I replied watching her nod and smile.

Taking my tray of food, with my can of sprite, I headed to a table outside with Anne.

She was probably around my age and seemed like she sort of ran things around here. Everyone looked to her for guidance.

"Who's that?" A small girl popped up beside Anne and stared over the table at me cautiously.

Anne laughed softly, "This is my friend Vydia, she's here while her friend gets better." She said brushing the girls bangs aside.

The little girl stared at me for a while, "You're really pretty." She said smiling.

Awe, I smiled, "Thank you, so are you." I said watching the young girl move forward and stick out her hand, "I'm Zuri!" She said with a lot of energy.

I shook her hand, "Hi Zuri." I said watching a woman walk over and pick Zuri up, "Sorry about my daughter, she's very mischievous." The woman said before hurrying back to a table.

Anne laughed, "She likes making friends." She said thoughtfully.

Jessa used to be like that when we were kids, always wanting to meet new people, always saying hi to strangers and wanting to go home with them. (Scary right?)

Anne ate and got lost in thought, I joined and began thinking about Lucien. His last words to me, "For the record Kiddo, I do think you're beautiful."

I've been called beautiful a thousand times by so many men, but...this one felt different. This time, I knew it wasn't my face he meant. Lucien meant me, the whole me.

We finished and I got Kayla an apple and a bowl of oatmeal taking it up to the room and placing it down for her.

Anne disappeared and came back with a cup of dark red liquid, "It's a mix of things, herbs, it'll help heal her." She said to me before placing the cup to Kayla's lips.

I watched as Kayla carefully drank it and then began to go back to sleep.

"I'm going to go out and run a couple errands, I should be back in a couple hours. Until then, try and get some rest, or if you'd like there's a shower in there and you can change into any of my clothes." She gestured to the closet, "Try to rest though, you'll both need it for your flight back home." She said before going out the door and shutting it softly behind her.

Staring at the bed, I looked to Kayla and watched her once sickly face now looking a lot less like cancer and a bit more like just a light cold.

What the hell is in that drink?

They should bottle that up and sell it to cancer facilities.

I ran my hand over Kayla's hair and then stood and went to the phone on the desk. Picking it up, I dialed Aunt Mel's number and waited.

"Hello?" She asked sounding worried and frantic.

Thank god, "Hey it's Vydia. Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

She sighed, "I am now, they have Arabella in a protective unit. Viktor said she'd be killed as soon as news got out." She was quiet, "They came to the house and found nothing. They're not able to tap the phones or internet either. Viktor has some hacker over seas who cleared all that up for him." She said.

That's good, "How's Kayla?" She asked.

I smiled, "This healer is amazing. She's practically my age but I mean Kayla looks so healthy, so healthy Aunt Mel. Don't tell Bastian or Viktor yet but it's definitely progress. We're going to sleep here and then come back in the morning. I'll be back in California around the evening." I said speaking low to avoid waking Kayla.

Aunt Mel talked to someone, "Okay, I-Alright, Jessa wants to say hi." She said laughing.

A smile came over my face, "Hey Jess." I said not able to hold back the smile on my face as she said "Hi Vee, I miss you." With worry in her tone.

I miss you too. 

We talked for a bit about what was going on there and how Aunt Mel was, and I informed her on Kayla and told her about Zuri. She seemed to like Zuri.

When I hung up, I showered off and pulled on a pair of Anne's sweat pants and a T-shirt heading to the bed and laying down beside Kayla.

I let exhaustion take over me and then, I was asleep.

"It's not bad. I'm sure she can fix it if she wants."

"She might like it."

"Yeah we'll wait."

Opening my eyes, I stared over at the empty spot on the bed, Kayla.

Jumping out of the bed, I ran to the bathroom she's not here.

"Kayla!" I called but the blonde girl Lily popped up in front of me and smiled.

Oh god! "Where's Kayla?" I asked looking to the auburn haired girl. 

Lily smiled, "She went for a run with Anne this morning. You should see her, she looks so good. Oh this is Eva." She gestured to the auburn haired girl.

I gave Eva a handshake and then watched the door open to show a bright faced and happy, very healthy Kayla. 

Her eyes moved to me and she smiled, "I'm cured." She said lifting both brows.

What? "Kayla, really?" I asked feeling my heart explode in joy.

She nodded, "We just went to the doctor here and they did blood work and all this testing. They're really advanced in technology here. Well whatever they gave me, it killed the cancer cells." She smiled widely.

Oh my god, that's a miracle.

I gave Anne a big hug and she laughed and hugged me back, "Happy to help. Your ride will be here in ten minutes. I had my friend Lincoln pack you guys to go lunches." She said kindly.

I'll never forget this favor, "If ever you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Please." I said watching her nod, "I might hold you to that." Anne said giving me a stern stare.

We headed out the door and down the hall and steps to the door.

Making my way to the front, we thanked Jolene and Thomas and made our way to our ride that drive us to the airport.

It was a long day. A very long day.

One of the weirdest days I've ever had.

I couldn't help but wonder why Annalise made me swear I'd never mention this place or this day. Kayla and I swore we wouldn't tell a soul what happened.

But what did happen?

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