Falling for Cameron Dallas

By MariaFernanda098

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Amber Martin, a 17 year old girl, with long brunnette hair and light brown eyes moves to California because h... More

Falling for Cameron Dallas
Chapter 2: The first 'hello'
Chapter 3: Friendzoned
Chapter 4: Boyfriend's In Town
Chapter 5: The Cheater
Chapter 6: Undiscovered Feelings
Chapter 7: The First Kiss
Chapter 8: Too Soon To Move On
Chapter 9: A Date To Remember
Chapter 10: Best Friend Betrayal
Chapter 11: Facetime Can Be A Bitch
Chapter 12: I Can Tell A Lie From The Truth, Dumbass
Chapter 13: Payback Gone Wrong
Chapter 14: The Cute Type Of Jealous
Chapter 15: Misunderstood Kiss
Chapter 16: Break-Up Drama
Chapter 17: Friends?
Chapter 18: Roadtrip Filled With Memories
Chapter 19: Rising Feelings
Chapter 20: Something Interrupted
Chapter 21: A Confession
Chapter 22: The Truth Can Hurt
Chapter 23: Accidents Happen...
Chapter 24: A Very 'Lucky' Boy
Chapter 25: "You Should've Gotten A Refund"
Chapter 26: Feeling Eighteen
Chapter 27: The Party Part 1
Chapter 28: The Party Part 2
Chapter 29: All I Want For Christmas Is Cameron Dallas
Chapter 30: Moving In? Or Nah...
Chapter 31: The Perfect Way To Start A New Year
Chapter 32: I'll Miss You. Lots.
Chapter 33: What Is A Relationship Without Stupid Fights?
Chapter 34: Long Distance Ask To Prom
Chapter 35: What The Hell Happened Last Night?
Chapter 36: Never Trust An Ex
Chapter 37: An Unnexpected Secret is Revealed
Chapter 38: Until The Summer Ends
Chapter 39: Second Guessing Previous Decisions
Chapter 40: Prom
Chapter 41: Don't Stay. Go.
Chapter 42: Four Years...
Chapter 43: We've Changed, No Doubt About It.
Chapter 44: The Keeper
Chapter 46: Never Get In The Middle Of A Fight
Chapter 47: The Bachelor and Bachelorette Party
Chapter 48: Secrets
Chapter 49: "I Want You"
Chapter 50: Regrets
Chapter 51: "I love you more than I think I should"

Chapter 45: Not A Kiss

348 6 1
By MariaFernanda098

Cameron's POV

I leaned in to kiss Amber's cheek but before I could get even two inches closer to her face, she put a hand in my chest, not allowing me to lean foward.

"I think you should go home" she said removing her hand from my chest.

"Okay. But I wasn't gonna kiss you on the lips, just on the cheek. Although, now that I've thought about it, those lips are tempting" I chuckled rudely.

"You're an ass" she said storming off.

"That I am" I said and she just threw her hands in the air making a weird frustrating sound and walking away.

Amber's POV

I walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door. Walking inside, and closing it behind me. I stood there for a minute or two watching Ricky sleep peacefully. I was changing into my pj's and heard Ricky chuckling a bit.

I looked back and he was staring at me. Freakishly.

"Don't stop on my account" he said. I ignored him and finished changing. I climbed into my bed and snuggled up to Ricky's chest.

"Sing something" he demanded. I looked at him confused and he let out a chuckle. "I haven't heard you sing in a while"

"Um. If I remember correctly, you haven't heard me sing at all"

"Yeah. Sometimes I listen to you sing while you're in the shower" he pointed out.

"You stalker!" I giggled playfully hitting his chest.

"Sing. C'mon" he said half awake.

"You are pretty drunk so you won't remember most of it. So sure. What the hell"

I started singing 'Not About Angels' by Birdy. Ever since The Fault In Our Stars, I've had that song stuck in my head throughout the years.

We know full well there's just time
So is it wrong to toss this line?
If your heart was full of love
Could you give it up?

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special

Don't give me up
Don't give...
Me up

How unfair, it's just our luck
Found something real that's out of touch
But if you'd searched the whole wide world
Would you dare to let it go?

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special

Don't give me up
Don't give...
Me up

'Cause what about, what about angels?
They will come, they will go, make us special

It's not about not about angels, angels

"I love you" he commented after I finished.

"You must love me after hearing me sing and not running away" I giggled.

"I love your voice too" he smirked as he drew circles with his hand on my back.

I smiled and kissed his neck quickly before closing my eyes and falling asleep.




"Wake up" Ricky yelled jumping on top of me. I fluttered my eyes open and there he was, towering on top of me.

"Get off you freak!" I said pushing him off and running away from him. He came after me while I ran down the stairs. When I reached the bottom I accidentally fell and Ricky did too. He was towering over me once again and we were both out of breath and laughing. He leaned in for a soft quick kiss and so did I. I heard a cough in the background and we both stood up. Maddie, Nash, Joey, Hayes and Cameron were in the living room with a few bags around them.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"We're going on a camping trip, remember?" Maddie explained. Throughout the years, Maddie had become completely obsessed with nature and saving it and shit.

I completely forgot about this trip. Shit.

"Damn. I forgot to pack guys" I said and pushed my hair back.

"I did that for you" Ricky replied. Hugging me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Thanks babe" I began, kissing him quickly, "I'll go change"

I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I put my hair in a pony tail with a few loose strands dangling. I put on jeans, a comfortable sweater and a jacket. Also, some boots.

"Ready yet?" Hayes yelled from downstairs.

I apeared in the living room and nodded.

"Whos car are we gonna take?" Cameron asked observing that there were seven of us.

"Hayes, Ricky and Amber. You guys go in Amber's car. Cameron, Joey, Maddie and I will go in mine" Nash stated. Cameron glared at Nash and groaned.

We were halfway to the forest we were gonna be staying at and I started to make small talk with Hayes.

"So Hayes? How's everything been?" I asked beginning the conversation.

"Great. I don't know if you've heard but I've gotten quite famous these last few years" he smiled and I just chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"You haven't changed a bit. Personality, I mean. How did it go with that girl you took to my prom. Um Paula or something?" Ricky asked.

Hayes sat there in silence for a while until he finally answered, "It's complicated"

"How so?"

"Paula and I broke up two years ago because she didn't want a serious relationship at sixteen. So, last year, I started to date this girl, Veronica. But we broke up too. Now they're both back and I'm really confused. Paula is so adventurous and free. While Veronica and I have so many things in common and she's so sweet. So, I don't know"

"You'll figure it out soon enough" Ricky said putting his hand on my thigh and squeezing it. I was the one driving so I needed to stay focused. This really wasn't helping. He drew circles on my thigh making chills run down my body. I shot him a glare, telling him to stop. He shook his head, ignoring my glare and continued teasing me.

"Uh. Guys, I need to pee" Hayes said. I found the nearest gas station and Hayes got out of the car. Leaving me and Ricky alone. He leaned towards me and started to kiss my neck slowly.

"Stop it! Hayes'll be back any second" I demanded trying to focuse on other things instead of Ricky's soft, seducing lips on my neck. He began to suck on my sweet spot, causing a little moan to escape my lips. That's when I saw Hayes walking towards the car. I pushed Ricky off immediately and he chuckled.

I looked in the mirror and saw Ricky had left a big ass hickey on my neck. I immediately untied my pony tail, allowing my hair to cover the mark.

One hour later, we finally reached the forest. Hayes went to call Nash to ask where they were and we all got out of the car. Ricky and I were leaning against the back of the car while Hayes was on the other side, calling Nash.

I hugged him suddenly. I don't really know why, I just needed a hug. He squeezed me tight, not allowing me to breathe. I few seconds later, I ended the hug and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands were placed on my waist.

"They're here" Hayes yelled. Ricky and I let go of each other and walked towards the car.

Joey and Cameron came out first, then Maddie and Nash.

"It's nice isn't it?" Maddie asked, obviously excited.

"It's cold and unsanitary. That's what it is" Joey complained and Cameron hit his chest, causing him to stop.

"Come on guys. It's just one night. And there's a lake just down this path. We could set up our camp there" Nash replied. We all nodded, got our stuff, and started walking down the path. Fifteen or so minutes later, we encountered a huge lake. It had crystal clear water. So clear you could see the tiny fish swimming by the shore.

"We'll set up here" Maddie said. Standing on a huge circle made up of grass a few feet away from the lake.

Ricky and I began to set up our tent. The instructions were pretty clear about what we had to do, but still. There were so many fucking sticks. I didn't know which one was for what. In the end, Ricky was the one that built the tent, while I watched him. Although it was pretty cold, he was sweating. And may I just say, he looks hot. I caught myself staring at him for way too long and focused on something else. That something being Cameron. He was still struggling to set up his tent and he got so frustrated he threw a stick on the ground, yelling in frustration. I laughed to myself and went over to him. He ended his tantrum when he saw me walking towards him. His cheeks flushed in embarrasment.

"Need some help?" I chuckled, looking over at the mess he had made.

"Sorry you had to see that" he replied refering to his tantrum a few seconds ago.

I laughed and took the stick he had thrown on the ground with my hand, "It's not the first time you've had a breakdown in front of me. Remember that time when you got really pissed because you didn't have enough money to buy peanut butter?"

"Yeah" he began, chuckling, "You shoplifted it for me and I kissed you as a thank you. But. Uh. I don't like to talk about the past" he said and took a stick, "Now. Shall we build a tent?"

"We shall" I replied. Smiling while remembering all the fun we used to have and frowning when I realised we weren't even friends anymore.

Cameron and I are complete strangers.




"Someone needs to go look for wood" Ricky said. It was night and everybody had set up their camp. Even Cameron. But of course, it was mostly me. Lazy ass. Now, everyone was freezing and we had no wood to build a fire.

"I'll do it" Cameron and I said at the same time. We both chuckled awkwardly and looked at everyone around us.

"It's okay, Cameron. I'll go" Ricky demanded. Pulling me closer protectively.

"Uh Ricky, I need you to help me find matches. Let Cam go" Maddie said. Cameron just shrugged and gestured me to follow him. I looked over at Ricky and he was smiling poorly. Attempting to make it seem like he had no problem with it. He gestured me to go with Cameron too. I hesistated at first, but eventually gave in.

Cameron put an arm around my shoulder. Causing me to feel uncomfortable and weird.




We were walking back to the campsite. Cameron was holding the wood in his hands and I was carrying nothing because he suddenly decided to be a gentleman. I decided to put my hair in a ponytail, because the wind kept blowing it in my face. Cameron looked over at me and his eyes widened.

"Looks like you guys had fun on the way here" Cameron said. Staring at my neck. Shit! I forgot about the hickey.

"Maybe we did. But that's none of your bussiness" I snapped.

"Whatever. It's not like I care" he rolled his eyes.

"Sure you don't"

He ignored my comment until we reached the campsite. After we built the fire I was about to open my tent when Maddie interrupted.

"Ricky isn't feeling well. I think he might have a cold. You shouldn't sleep there tonight" she said lowly so Ricky wouldn't wake up.

"Oh. I just figure he went to bed early. No biggie. I'll sleep in Hayes' tent" I replied smiling softly.

"I'm bunking with Joey. Sorry Amb" he said. I smiled at how he called me 'Amb'. He used to always call me that four years ago.

"You can sleep in my tent" Cameron said shyly. With his hoodie hiding his face and his hands buried in his pants.

"Uh" I hesistated for a second, "Okay"

I changed into my pj's behind a tree and went into the tent. Cameron was cuddled up in a few blankets and I joined.

"Hi" he said smiling just like I remembered he did years ago. I suddenly began shivering and he wrapped his right arm around he and I hesitantly snuggled up in his chest. I quit shivering but suddenly I felt a bump growing in his pants.

"Dude! Seriously?" I gasped and his cheeks became red looking at his big friend who had been awoken.

"It's not my fault. It's yours" he snapped lowly.

"Ugh. No more cuddling" I demanded. But, a few minutes later, after his big friend calmed down, he once again wrapped his arms around me. I was too weak and tired to say anything so I snuggled up in his chest once again. Falling asleep a few seconds later.

A/N I did a double update this week guys cause the last chapter was really shitty to be honest and well I don't like to be a shitty writter so here ya go. A long and good chapter. Can't wait for the next one. Hint: Ricky won't be so pleased when he finds them cuddling in the morning. ;)

Love you guys :*

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