Hitman vs Mafia ~Mafia!Jimin...

By NerdGirl121

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It isn't too hard to fuck up in my profession. It's easy to miss the target, easy to hesitate, easy to get lo... More

Chapter 1 - The Contract
Chapter 2 - Hook, Line, and Sinker
Chapter 3 - Step Two: Don't Die
Chapter 4 - Restless
Chapter 5 - Bad Feelings
Chapter 6 - Caught
Chapter 7 - Questioning
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Is This A Chance?
Chapter 10 - Recovery
Chapter 11 - Pissing Match and Some Walking
Chapter 12 - Pickup
Chapter 13 - Sparring
Chapter 14 - Useful
Chapter 15 - What is Family?
Chapter 16 - A Chance
Chapter 18 - A Plan
Chapter 19 - The Shooting Range
Chapter 20 - Let the Bullets RAIN
Chapter 21 - Calm After the Storm
Chapter 22 - Boss Chae's Response
Chapter 23 - New Living
Chapter 24 - The Next Step
Chapter 25 - Late Night, Simple Talk
Chapter 26 - Leaving a Mark
Chapter 27 - Stealth Mission
Chapter 28 - Aftercare of Failure
Chapter 29 - All Eight
Chapter 30 - A Difficult Hit
Chapter 31 - Scars
Chapter 32 - Changes
Chapter 33 - Recovering, Training, and Waiting
Chapter 34 - Shopping
Chapter 35 - Back in the Swing
Chapter 36 - Danger Around the Corner
Chapter 37 - Something of My Own
Chapter 38 - An Apology
Chapter 39 - On the Mind
Chapter 40 - Should've Knocked
Chapter 41 - Jealousy
Chapter 42 - Worry
Chapter 43 - Liking Someone
Chapter 44 - The Heart's Wish
Chapter 45 - Close
Chapter 46 - Preparation for War
Chapter 47 - The Night Falls
Chapter 48 - All the Right Moves
Chapter 49 - No More
Chapter 50 - A Thought in the Distance
Chapter 51 - Torture
Chapter 52 - Memories in My Body
Chapter 53 - Coming to Light
Chapter 54 - Knowing
Chapter 55 - Six Months
Chapter 56 - How It Gets Worse
Chapter 57 - As One
Chapter 58 - First Date
Chapter 59.1 - Locked Together, Heart to Heart [DomFem]
Chapter 59.2 - Locked Together, Heart to Heart [DomMale]
Chapter 59.3 - Locked Together, Heart to Heart [SubFem]
Chapter 59.4 - Locked Together, Heart to Heart [SubMale]
Chapter 60 - Going Home
Chapter 61 - Love
Chapter 62 - The Letter
Chapter 63 - In Preparation
Chapter 64 - Final Ink
Chapter 65 - Time Flows
Chapter 66 - Epilogue

Chapter 17 - A Risk

31 0 1
By NerdGirl121

I gulped as I stood in front of RM Technologies. I'd told Jimin I wanted to talk to Namjoon as soon as possible, but I didn't think he'd make me go to the damn company. What was I even supposed to say? I need to talk to the CEO? No, I'm not a stalker… No, I'm not a reporter…

Fucking Jimin.

I sigh, going into the building anyway. I just hoped I looked decent enough not to be chased away but crappy enough not to get accused of spying. From the look of the secretary, I'd done a good job. A button up shirt and some decent pants got me a long way.

Even so, she looks unhappy to see me, a phone in her hand that she won't even put down. "Another reporter? Mr. Kim has had enough."

My eyebrows furrow. "No. I don't care about a report. I want to talk to Namjoon."

"Mr. Kim isn't accepting visitors today. He's busy."

I push her forehead back and grab the phone. I slam the button for CEO before holding the phone to my cheek. The woman starts struggling against my simple hold in her hair, but she doesn't do anything but pull at my hands.

"Mrs. Lee? Something else come up?"

"How do I get up to your office, bitch."

He laughs before a button clicks in the background. "Come on up. The elevator at the end of the hall."

I release her hair and the phone at the same time. "Thanks for your help, ma'am."

Before she can even reply, I leave for the elevator. It's open and golden on the inside. Fine silver runs intertwined through the walls and around the bars. I step in with a shake of my head.

Damn rich people.

I step out of the elevator once it reaches the top floor, and a part of me gets even more upset. The entire top floor seems like Namjoon's private flat. I don't know why he ever came back to the underground rooms. The floor had no solid walls, it was panel after panel of the cleanest glass I'd ever seen. I could see clouds kissing the tops of the windows and the landscape of Seoul spanning as far as the eye could see. All around me, it was like the view from a plane in all its wonder and glory. It felt like the breath had been knocked out of me. Even beyond that, the floor itself was extravagant. There were beautiful paintings all around, some with the clear brush strokes of an original and others with the smooth finish of a print. The floor was spotless to the point I could see my own reflection. There was even a bed off to the side with a simple fitting over it that was perfect for the room's allure. A wine cooler sat next to it, stocked with expensive brands I'd only seen in passing. The desk he was sitting at was an incredible sleek wood that fit into the room just like the bed, simple enough to highlight the best qualities.

"God, I fucking hate you."

He laughs as he stands from his desk. "It's risky to see me in person like this. What's the reason?"

"I've made up my mind. You can thank Jimin for that when I stop being angry about it." I hold out a USB. "This has all the information I know about Boss Chae's operation. His fronts, his buyers, his partners, everything. Call it my… insurance. I have countless copies of this, even if this one is destroyed."

Namjoon takes the USB, his eyebrows as high as those clouds. "Everything?"

I purse my lips before shrugging. "There might be some partners or buyers I don't know about, but all of his operations in Seoul are on there. If I was to die, they'd be sent to all the local authorities so even the bad cops would be caught. It's a risk to do it here, I know, but I had to do it before I changed my mind. Scold me after we catch the bastard."

"You didn't share anything about this before." He slides the USB into his pocket. "What did Jimin do?"

A faint smile tugs at my lips. "He pushed me to take a risk."


I was in the kitchen for lunch, just making a sandwich when Hoseok ran into the room. His smile was crazy wide as he just grabbed my face and started kissing it. I was so thrown off that all I could seem to do was stand there with my hands splayed. He didn't kiss my lips, though, which I was thankful for. When he finally stopped, the glow in his eyes was still as bright as his smile.

I nervously laugh, my hands cupping over his. "What are you doing?"

He shakes his head, but that goofy smile is still on his face.

Taehyung comes and leans on the doorframe. He has a wide smile on his face too. Jungkook pops up behind him, not smiling as wide, but the happiness in his eyes matched Hoseok's. I heard someone run down the stairs, saw Yoongi give me a thumbs up, then heard mad footsteps running upstairs again. I was left utterly flabbergasted.

I pull Hoseok's hands from my face but keep ahold of them so they don't shoot back up. "Is someone going to tell me why everyone's so smiley?"

Jimin's hand appears from behind Taehyung's body. "This."

At first I was confused, but then my eyes focused on the item Jimin was holding. It was the USB I'd given Namjoon. Had he run it back during his lunch break, or something?

"You've decided to fully help us!" Hoseok exclaims, his hands shaking in my grip.

I blink in confusion. "Is it really that exciting?"

Jungkook snatches the USB from Jimin and steps inside the kitchen. "Is it really that exciting? Mafia has done something to ruin each and every one of our lives, and Boss Chae himself is personal for some of us. With this, we can ruin him right back."

"I guess… I guess I don't understand?" I chuckle. "It's just information."

Hoseok pulls his hands up with surprising strength. "I can get back at the man who forced hell upon my life for years. You gave us this opportunity. Without you, it would take us decades and potentially cost us our family."

Taehyung points a finger gun at me. "With you, we have a shot. We're the ones who held the gun," He flicks his wrist as if firing a gun, "but you're the one pulling the trigger."

Jimin finally comes into the kitchen. His eyes are ablaze like how I'd seen them before we emptied the whorehouse. They weren't angry, though, they were full of passion and a violent hope. Hoseok moves out of the way so Jimin and I are face to face. He lifts his hand, closed to hide whatever he's holding. I look down before offering my hand, palm up. I'd never have expected my death seal to drop into my hand. For a second, I felt like it was a cruel joke he was playing and I was about to shove it down his throat. Then I thought about it, and I looked back to his eyes.

He smiles evilly. "Make this bullet your promise to yourself. Make your death seal his."

That settled it for me. My hand closed around the cold metal of the bullet. I could feel the grooves where my initials had been carved. I nod to Jimin, our eyes burning into each other's. Not even hellfire could compare to the heat of the room from everyone's determination. Even though all eight of us weren't there, it felt like heat from the core of the earth was rising to meet us.

Right. It's not seven of them. It's eight of us. I'm not alone. I'm a part of this now. I'm choosing to risk it all. My happiness. My sadness. My death. My survival. My future. My freedom. I was putting everything on the line. I'm leaping off the cliff that leads to the unknown. I'm doing this. I'm committed. Chae will go down. His reign of terror will end. And I'll be in the center of it all, the beginning and the end. I'll take these shackles of duty and grind them to dust in front of his eyes.


Then, I'll finally live.

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