Ego (Justin Bieber Love Story)

By jaysdimples

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Molly Fraser is your average outcast. When her best friend since she was 4 left her when he got signed to a r... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five

Chapter Eleven

288 6 0
By jaysdimples

Suddenly my irrational fear of flying set back in and I started to hyperventilate. Before I got the chance to search for Justin’s had he had already found it and was grinning over at me reassuringly. ‘Dude, breathe, we’re not gonna crash’.

I managed to control my breathing enough so that I could speak, ‘Oh! thanks for that Bieber, that really honestly helps, you know you should consider becoming a counsellor or some kind of inspirational speaker, your really good at it!’ I half shouted.

‘wooah easy, little miss the plane is gonna drop out of the sky’ he said smiling as the plane landed smoothly on the runway. ‘see?!’ he grinned at me as he took off his seatbelt and grabbed my crutches from the overhead storage.

Somehow we had gotten first priority, so we got off the plane first. I couldn’t decide whether it was because of Justin’s fame or my disability. Either way it made a change to fighting off the other families to get out in one piece.

As we got off the plane we were greeted by a warm day without a cloud in the sky, Justin’s Black range rover parked right beside the steps and, oh yeah, about 300 screaming girls, only held back by an army of muscular suited men. Cameras were flashing, people were screaming, it was all very new to me. I stopped and stared, confused at what was going on. Justin saw me staring at the crowd with a weird look on my face and then next thing I knew he had my crutches in one hand and me over his other shoulder carrying me to the car. He put me gently in the passenger seat, then he climbed into the driver’s seat and we sped off out of the airport.

‘what. The. Hell. Was. That?’ I said, turning around to look at the troops of teenage girls chasing after us.

He laughed. ‘that, my dear, is my life when I am not back home. Now you know why I didn’t understand what was happening when I first came back to school.’

‘so, like this happens everywhere you go?’ I asked trying to understand it. I’d seen pictures and stuff of the paps and fans following him, but experiencing it was a whole other level.

‘well, yeah kind of, I mean not everywhere, but most places. Hey it’s fine you’ll get used to it by tomorrow.’

‘what do you mean?’

‘well today we are going to my apartment, going shopping to get you a fancy new dress and then going to the awards’ he laughed.

‘woah, woah, woah, what awards?!’ I asked, he hadn’t mentioned this before.

‘oh yeah, well I’m nominated in a few categories at the MTV awards so that kind of requires me to go’ he laughed. ‘and I need a date to walk up the carpet with so I don’t look like a sad loner and oh hey! Whaddya know? Your free tonight!’ he grinned.

‘No. freakin. Way. I’m not going up a red carpet for four reasons : one - I really don’t think full leg casts are in this season, two - we are FRIENDS not a couple, 3- I’m not even pretty enough to be photographed with you and four - No way I’m wearing a dress!’

‘ohh come on! None of those are viable problems’ he grinned. ‘one - We’ll get you a dress that makes even your cast look pretty, two - I am perfectly aware of that, we are going as friends, but date sounded better for pitching the idea to you, three - stop saying that! Oh my Christ girl’s are so insecure, Molly Muriel Fraser I have said it before and I will say it again - you are my gorgeous best friend! And I mean, what do you mean not pretty enough to be photographed with me’ he emphasised the me, ‘ I’m just your geeky best friend Justin that was convinced up until the age of 10 that there was a Santa’ he laughed as he parked up the car outside a huge building that looked like a hotel and came around to bring me my crutches and lift me down off the seat. ‘and finally’ he said as we walked into reception. ‘ Damn straight you are wearing a dress! If I have to wear some stupid suit then you have to wear a dress, your just lucky you broke your leg otherwise I would be making you wear a pair of heels.’ he smiled as he rung the little bell at the reception desk.

I thought about it. ‘it would be ah-may-zing to meet all the stars that are going buuut .. I’m not sure about this Justin…’

‘ah-ah Molly you are coming with me regardless if I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you down that red carpet myself’ I laughed. ‘and you couldn’t really fight against me with your big cast on’ he laughed.

Suddenly the receptionist came out, ‘hey, this might take a while, so you can go sit on that couch over there’ he said as he nodded towards a dark blue two seater, with a girl around my age sitting on it.

I hobbled my way over, rested my crutches against the side of the couch and sat myself down. I pulled out my phone and text my mom to say that was going on holiday to Atlanta with Justin, I may have left it a little late to tell my mom …. Ah well.

I was about to hit send when I noticed the girl next to me staring directly at me.

I turned round to look at her, ‘Can I help you with something?’ I said raising my eyebrow.

‘Is this you?’ she said as she turned her phone around, showing me a picture of Justin carrying me over his shoulder at the airport, like an hour ago.

I felt myself blush, great my ass was all over the internet.

‘umm yeah that’s me’ I laughed nervously.

‘what the hell are you doing with Justin?’ she sneered at me.

‘excuse me?!’ I said raising my eyebrows at her.

‘I asked you what the hell you were doing with MY Justin! Like who the fuck are you?!’ she stood up towering over me as I was sitting down. I grabbed my crutches and pulled my self up so I was at eye level with her. As I did I noticed she was wearing a tee with Justin’s face on it. Great some delusional crazed fan was starting on me. Bitch picked the wrong day, my leg was sore and I was shattered but I wasn’t going to let any of it ruin the start of my holiday.

‘actually’ I said taking a step closer to her. ‘I’m his best friend, we’re here on holiday together, that’s just who the fuck I am. And Honey I’m sorry. He’s not your Justin and I know that for two reasons, one- he would have told me about you, see we’re tight friends, more like brother and sister and two - I know he wouldn’t date some crazy little slut like you!’ I spat.

‘you did not just call me a slut!’ she shouted.

‘ooh honey see I think I just did’ I shouted back. I was not backing down, she had taken this too far.

‘take that back you fat disabled little whore!’ she screamed at me while pushing my shoulders. Thank fuck for those crutches otherwise I would have been flat on the floor.

I took the crutch that wasn’t supporting my bad leg and smacked it down onto her left foot. She screamed in pain. She went to grab my hair and I went to grab hers. Neither of us got a chance though because the next thing I knew I was over Justin’s shoulder and there was a tall security guard holding back the girl. If he had given me just a few more seconds that bitch was gonna get it.

‘molly!’ he shouted, picking up my crutches and steadying me as he put me down but was still holding onto me by the waist in case I tried anything. He knew me too well. ‘Justin! Let me go so I can rip her ugly little face off!’ I shouted trying to break free, it wasn’t easy with Justin holding onto me and one of my legs in plaster.

‘Fucking try it’ the girl shouted back. ‘I’ve already got pictures of you shouting abuse at me! I’m gonna ruin you for taking Justin away from me! A few more wouldn’t hurt’ she smiled smugly.

‘You little shitcake!’ I screamed as Justin sat me down and stepped in front of me to speak to the girl.

He put his hand on her face and flashed her one of his heart stopping smiles. ‘Honey, look, I can tell you are a big fan of mines and I can’t thank you enough for supporting me’ she instantly calmed down and just stared deeply into his eyes. ‘But, the difference between being a fan and being a true fan, is that a true fan would accept that I can be friends with other girls, and not get mad at them for it.’ he said softly as he took her hands, being careful to grab the phone from her hand and delete the pictures, without breaking his gaze into her eyes. ‘Now if you are willing to apologize to my friend, I’ll sign your shirt and pose for a picture with you , sound like a fair deal?’ he grinned at her carefully putting the phone back into her hands.

She just managed to nod her head, then she turned to me ‘I’m Sorry for what I did’ she flashed me a fake smile.

‘whatever’ I muttered as I hobbled over to the lift and pressed the button while Justin posed with her and signed her shirt. The lift doors opened and I got into it, Justin just caught the lift and came in beside me. He pressed the button for the top floor.

It was silent. And very awkward. I couldn’t decide if it was silent because he was too angry to talk to me, or because I was to ashamed to speak. Suddenly the silence was broken by Justin laughing. He turned to face me ‘Shitcake?!’

I burst out laughing as well, ‘I couldn’t think! .. Hey nice work deleting the pictures’ he grinned, ‘ and I’m sorry I almost got into a fight with one of your fans’ I smiled up at him apologetically.

He grinned back at me,’ Don’t worry about it, I would have done the same thing if I were you’ he stared laughing again. ‘Nice touch wit the crutch to the foot, by the way she limped out, I’m pretty sure you broke a bone.’ I burst out laughing as well, he put up his hand for me to hit it.

‘we make a good team’ I grinned as I high fived him.

Suddenly the lift doors opened to the nicest suite I had ever seen.

‘Molly Muriel Fraser, welcome to my home’ Justin laughed as he led me inside.

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