Falling for Cameron Dallas

By MariaFernanda098

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Amber Martin, a 17 year old girl, with long brunnette hair and light brown eyes moves to California because h... More

Falling for Cameron Dallas
Chapter 2: The first 'hello'
Chapter 3: Friendzoned
Chapter 4: Boyfriend's In Town
Chapter 5: The Cheater
Chapter 6: Undiscovered Feelings
Chapter 7: The First Kiss
Chapter 8: Too Soon To Move On
Chapter 9: A Date To Remember
Chapter 10: Best Friend Betrayal
Chapter 11: Facetime Can Be A Bitch
Chapter 12: I Can Tell A Lie From The Truth, Dumbass
Chapter 13: Payback Gone Wrong
Chapter 14: The Cute Type Of Jealous
Chapter 15: Misunderstood Kiss
Chapter 16: Break-Up Drama
Chapter 17: Friends?
Chapter 18: Roadtrip Filled With Memories
Chapter 19: Rising Feelings
Chapter 20: Something Interrupted
Chapter 21: A Confession
Chapter 22: The Truth Can Hurt
Chapter 23: Accidents Happen...
Chapter 24: A Very 'Lucky' Boy
Chapter 25: "You Should've Gotten A Refund"
Chapter 26: Feeling Eighteen
Chapter 27: The Party Part 1
Chapter 28: The Party Part 2
Chapter 29: All I Want For Christmas Is Cameron Dallas
Chapter 30: Moving In? Or Nah...
Chapter 31: The Perfect Way To Start A New Year
Chapter 32: I'll Miss You. Lots.
Chapter 33: What Is A Relationship Without Stupid Fights?
Chapter 34: Long Distance Ask To Prom
Chapter 35: What The Hell Happened Last Night?
Chapter 36: Never Trust An Ex
Chapter 37: An Unnexpected Secret is Revealed
Chapter 38: Until The Summer Ends
Chapter 39: Second Guessing Previous Decisions
Chapter 40: Prom
Chapter 41: Don't Stay. Go.
Chapter 42: Four Years...
Chapter 44: The Keeper
Chapter 45: Not A Kiss
Chapter 46: Never Get In The Middle Of A Fight
Chapter 47: The Bachelor and Bachelorette Party
Chapter 48: Secrets
Chapter 49: "I Want You"
Chapter 50: Regrets
Chapter 51: "I love you more than I think I should"

Chapter 43: We've Changed, No Doubt About It.

298 4 3
By MariaFernanda098

Amber's POV

"You're engaged?" he asked and my eyes widened. His words made guilt pour on my shoulders. Making me feel awfully heavy.

"Uhh" I began trying to find the right words to say. But nothing seemed right.

"Hey Cameron. How's everything?" Ricky interrupted making me sigh in relief while he wrapped his right arms around my waist, pulling me closer protectively.

"Everything's been great" he said in a tone of voice that made him aound weird, not Cam-like. Well, at least the Cameron I remember. "So, I see you've put a ring on it?"

"Her, not it" I spat and he rolled his eyes. He's acting so weird.

"Sure. So when did you pop the question?" Cameron asked looking at Ricky, in a way that made it seem like I wasn't even there.

"On our two-year and a half anniversary" I replied making him notice me.

"Mhm. See you guys later. And uh, congrats" he said in the least congratulating tone possible as he walked away.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Ricky.

"Nothing" he replied and I just nodded and kissed Ricky's cheek lightly.

"Amber! I need help!" Maddie screamed from Nash's room.

I went up the familiar stairs, noticing all the new pictures they had hung on the wall. I noticed one of Nash, Maddie, Cameron and I, four years ago. The night of prom. It was the picture when Cameron kissed my cheek unexpectedly.

"It's a nice picture" Cameron commented from behind me.

"Yeah. Um, I gotta go help Maddie"

"Sure. It's nice to have you back"

"Thanks, it's nice to be back for a while"

I walked up the rest of the stairs totally confused about Cameron's behavior. One minute he's a complete jerk and the next he's the same old Cameron.

"I can't find my engagement ring!" Maddie yelled as I entered the room.

"When did you last have it on?"

"When I went to the bathroom. Ooh!" she yelled and ran straight to the bathroom. Coming out with the 'Money Sucking Rock' in her hand.

"That was easy" I chuckled and she nodded, sighing.

"Yeah. I'm really stressed out about the whole wedding thing" Maddie said sitting on Nash's bed.

"I can tell. Do you happen to know what's up with Cameron? One minute he's an ass, the next he's just the way I remember him"

"Well Amber. Four years is a long time. You can't expect him to he the same. He's changed. And not for the better. He's famous now. He's wealthy. He's wanted by a lot of girls. He's not the same Cameron you left in the hotel that night" she answered looking at my eyes.

"I can see that" I chuckled shaking my head.




I left Nash house at 9 o'clock and headed to my old car from four years ago. Ricky decided to stay for a few drinks with Nash and Joey (Maddie's brother). I trusted Maddie to give him a ride home so he wouldn't have to drive. I just knew he would come homw drunk. He's really silly and nice when he'a drunk, so I don't mind. He usually says stupid things and laughs out of nowhere. It makes me laugh. He makes me happy.

I got lost on the way to my house. In my defense I hadn't been here for so long. But finally, I noticed the two story building with the nice front porch I had always loved. I parked in front and headed to my door.

"It's nice to be home" I whispered to myself before opening the door to my home.

"Ahhh" I heard a faint voice scream from acrossed the street. The scream was followed my a crash. It sounded a bit like glass.

I turned around. I was a bit scared since it was night and I couldn't see very well.

"I hate this! Everything is so fucked up! I'm so fucked up! I fucking hate everything!" The voice yelled once again. This time I think I recognized who it was.

"Cameron?" I yelled crossing the street.

"Who is it!?" he began, "Oh why I recognize your voice. It's the girl across the street. Amber" he said and chuckled.

"Come on" I said a grabbed his arm, "You're going inside of your home"

I rang the bell for ten minutes, but no one answered.

"Fine. You're coming with me" I said to Cameron and he chuckled.

"It's been four years and you still can't resist me. Go figure"

"You're drunk. Let's get you inside" I replied struggling to keep him up.

Once we entered my home we headed straight for my room. Thanks to drunk Cameron, I had no time to admire the home I had missed so much.

I led him to the bed and he layed down with a sigh of relief.

"Come here" he said hugging me and making me lay down on the bed with him.

"Woah. Okay I understand you're drunk, but take it easy" I said pushing him off and standing.

"You're so bitchy. I just wanted to cuddle"

"Oh? I'm the bitch? Have you even seen your behavior today?" I yelled.

"I may be a bitch, but at least I admit it. You don't"

I scoffed and made him stand up.

"Get out. You're a jerk" I demanded.

"Oh so now I'm a bitch and a jerk. I'm on fire today" he said struggling to walk out of my room, causing him to hold on to a jewerly box and accidentaly throwing it on the floor. Making all of the jewelry fall on the floor. I sighed trying to not let the anger get the best of me. Cameron stared at the floor where all the jewelry had fallen and bent down just enough so he could pick something up. He turned around and a ring was placed in the palm of his hands. A ring I had kept throughout the years. A ring I had taken to Stanford and brought back here with me. Cameron and I's promise ring.

"You kept it?" he said with a sweet, calm voice. The voice I had remembered Cameron had.

"So what?" I said taking it from his hand and placing it on the table it fell from. He grabbed my hand and spun me around so I would face him. Our faces inches apart. So close that I could feel his breath blowing in my face. I began to breath rapidly and nervously. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything" Ricky said, obviously angry.

A/N I really don't feel like writing an aunthor's note. I feel horrible. But I still love you guys! Sorry I keep updating my friends are telling me the chapter comes up as a blank on their phones.

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