Falling for Cameron Dallas

By MariaFernanda098

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Amber Martin, a 17 year old girl, with long brunnette hair and light brown eyes moves to California because h... More

Falling for Cameron Dallas
Chapter 2: The first 'hello'
Chapter 3: Friendzoned
Chapter 4: Boyfriend's In Town
Chapter 5: The Cheater
Chapter 6: Undiscovered Feelings
Chapter 7: The First Kiss
Chapter 8: Too Soon To Move On
Chapter 9: A Date To Remember
Chapter 10: Best Friend Betrayal
Chapter 11: Facetime Can Be A Bitch
Chapter 12: I Can Tell A Lie From The Truth, Dumbass
Chapter 13: Payback Gone Wrong
Chapter 14: The Cute Type Of Jealous
Chapter 15: Misunderstood Kiss
Chapter 16: Break-Up Drama
Chapter 17: Friends?
Chapter 18: Roadtrip Filled With Memories
Chapter 19: Rising Feelings
Chapter 20: Something Interrupted
Chapter 21: A Confession
Chapter 22: The Truth Can Hurt
Chapter 23: Accidents Happen...
Chapter 24: A Very 'Lucky' Boy
Chapter 25: "You Should've Gotten A Refund"
Chapter 26: Feeling Eighteen
Chapter 27: The Party Part 1
Chapter 28: The Party Part 2
Chapter 29: All I Want For Christmas Is Cameron Dallas
Chapter 30: Moving In? Or Nah...
Chapter 31: The Perfect Way To Start A New Year
Chapter 32: I'll Miss You. Lots.
Chapter 33: What Is A Relationship Without Stupid Fights?
Chapter 34: Long Distance Ask To Prom
Chapter 35: What The Hell Happened Last Night?
Chapter 36: Never Trust An Ex
Chapter 37: An Unnexpected Secret is Revealed
Chapter 38: Until The Summer Ends
Chapter 39: Second Guessing Previous Decisions
Chapter 41: Don't Stay. Go.
Chapter 42: Four Years...
Chapter 43: We've Changed, No Doubt About It.
Chapter 44: The Keeper
Chapter 45: Not A Kiss
Chapter 46: Never Get In The Middle Of A Fight
Chapter 47: The Bachelor and Bachelorette Party
Chapter 48: Secrets
Chapter 49: "I Want You"
Chapter 50: Regrets
Chapter 51: "I love you more than I think I should"

Chapter 40: Prom

404 9 2
By MariaFernanda098

Amber's POV

I looked in the mirror one last time before going downstairs where Cameron, Nash and Maddie were waiting. My hair was in a side braid, with a few loose curls dangling. My heels were really tall. They are black, but the heel itself is red. Same color as my dress. I smiled, once again, at how the dress really complemented my curves. My lips were red, making them look sexy in some way.

I walked down the stairs, each step making me more nervous than before. Cam was smirking, in that same sexy way he always does, and his eyes sparkled more than usual. Once I finally reached the botton of the stairs, he grabbed my hand, kissed it, and spun he around gently. Then, he hugged me tight and whipered, "You look gorgeous" that was when I looked at his suit and how handsome he looked in it.

I smiled, "Thank you" I said and paused for a moment, "You too"

He chuckled lightly, "I look gorgeous?"

"Gorgeously handsome" I replied and pecked his lips, leaving a light red stain.

"Picture!" my Mom yelled in excitement. Maddie, Nash, Cameron and I shook our heads, chuckling.

When the flash appeared, Cameron surprised me my kissing my cheek for the picture. I blushed after the picture was taken, and he engulfed me in a comforting hug.

"Alright you two" my Mom began, "Now I want a real picture. No kissing" she said referring to Cameron. We all smiled for the picture and I took Cam's hand and interwined our fingers.

"Come on guys. The limo's waiting" Nash commented and surprised me.

"You guys got a limo?" Maddie and I asked in unison, completely shocked.

"Yeah" Nash answered for both Cam and him.

"Thanks you guys" I smiled and we headed out the door.

"Have fun!" my Mother said, "Oh! And Amber, come here honey" she gestured for me to come closer as they got into the white limo. She held out a condom and said, "Just in case you decide tonight is the night"

"Mom!" I said embarrassed and bad for her because she was completely clueless about me not being a virgin. I think.That caused me to have a guilty look on my face.

"Isn't it just a bit weird for you to give me a condom. Aren't you supposed to be the one that prevents me from having sex, not encourages me?"

"Pfft! Like you're gonna listen to me when I tell you not to have sex. Plus it's pretty obvious you and Cameron are already sexually active" she answered making me blush like hell.

I chuckled, "Bye Mom" I said, hugged her and got into the limo. No, I didn't take the condom.

Before I got into the limo she yelled, "Be home by 3am. And if you're gonna be late call!"

"What was that about?" Maddie asked.

"Just Mom being Mom" I answered simply.

"There's champagne in here?" I asked gesturing to a bucket filled with ice and champagne on top of it.

"Yeah. We can all legally drink it. Except Maddie " Nash teased and she playfully hit his arm, "You can't legally drink either" she snapped, causing him to hug her and kiss her cheek repeatedly.

I looked over at Cameron after we all filled glasses with champagne and took a sip. He was looking over at me, smiling from ear to ear.

"What?" I asked giggling.

"You're just so beautiful" he complimented me, putting his right hand on my left cheek and leaning in. His plump lips gently pressed against mine. He pulled away bitting his bottom lip.

"Here we are" Nash said gesturing towards the hotel where our prom was being held. "Oh! And guys, Hayes is coming and he had a date. He really likes her so make sure he doesn't do anything stupid or 'Hayes like' in front of her" he warned.

"Oh he'll be fine. The girl must be head over heels for him. You Grier's are hard not to fall in love with" Maddie smiled and kissed Nash's cheek quickly.

"Cut the crap. Let's go in" Cameron commented and I hit his chest playfully, making him chuckle.

The room where the prom was was huge. Stars that had something in the middle that made them glow were hanging from the ceiling, making the room light up perfectly. Blue curtains on each wall. A few tables in the room, but the middle was a lit up floor. Each few seconds, lighting up with a different color. It was barely noticeable with all the people dancing on it. I caught a glimpse of Tyler and smiled.

"I'm gonna go say hi to Tyler, I'll be right back" I said and quickly pecked Cameron's cheek and letting of his hand.

"Tyler!" I yelled almost tackling him.

"Hey beautiful" he said ending he hug and examining me, "You look absolutely breathtaking"

As I was about to say thank you, a girl with blonde hair and green eyes, that looked absolutely beautiful, coughed.

"Oh sorry" I began, "I didn't know you had a date"

"Um. Yeah. I'm Alice" the girl said shaking my hand a bit agresssively, "See ya" she stated walking away with Tyler. He looked back with panic in his eyes, as if he was calling out for help. I just rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"Hayes!" I said noticing him and his date talking to Cameron, Nash and Maddie.

"Hey" he greeted after we hugged.

"Who's this?" I asked smiling at the thought that he had a date.

"I'm Paula" the girl said flashing her beautiful white teeth. She had a dark blue long dress on. She was a brunnette with a few light brown highlights here and there. Her eyes were dark brown, the kind of dark brown thar sparkled.

"Nice to meet you" I said nicely, "Hayes, she's too pretty for you" I teased and he shook his head, chuckling.

"We'll see you guys later" Hayes replied grabbing the girls hand and taking her towards were all the people we dancing along with the music.

"We're gonna dance" I said wrapping my arms around Cameron's waist.

"I'd rather kiss" he replied.

"Is that so?" I asked beginning to lean in. Without overthinking anything we started to make out.

I pulled away after a while. He smiled and hugged me. I noticed that Hayes had a lot of fans around him, and Paula was holding on to his arm protectively. I felt bad, she just probably felt insecure. Once Hayes looked over at me, I glared at him, gesturing towards the girl. He made a face expression as if saying "Oh". He turned away from the fans, cupped her cheeks, looked deep into her eyes, smiled, and kissed her passionately. I shook my head, smiling at the cuteness. The fans immediately started taking pictures of them kissing. Paula wrapped her arms around his waist, obviously happier than ever.

"Young love" Cameron sighed, pecking my cheek many times.

"Stop" I giggled pushing him away playfully. He pouted and crossed his arms on his chest. I shook my head, and hugged him. Whispering "I love you" many times. He whispered it back.

A slow song started to play, 'All of Me' by John Legend to be exact. Cameron, slowly and lovingly, wrapped his arms around my waist. I did the same, wrapping my arms around his neck. Halfway through the song, someone unexpected interrupted us.

"Can I steal your date for a while?" Ricky asked smirking. Cameron, trusting this guy as much as he does, nodded.

Ricky gently placed his hand on my hips, and I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"You look beautiful" he complimented.

"So I've been told" I smiled making him chuckle, "But thanks"

He shook his head, "You shouldn't thank me for saying the truth, darling"

"Darling?" I asked.

"Yes. I think I'll call you that more often. Just to tease you" He smirked as the song ended and let go of my hips. I went back to Cameron, and he was smiling. He wasn't even the least bit jealous.

"You're behaving today" I said running my hands through his messy, yet sexy hair.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"You're not getting jealous. Not when I said hi to Tyler, whom you hate. And not when I danced with Ricky"

"Oh babe. Why would I be jealous of Tyler. I'm the one with you, aren't I?" he smirked seductively, "As for Ricky. Why would I be jealous? Unless there's something you're not telling me" I had a guilty look on my face, remebering how Ricky attempted to kiss me but I didn't let him.

"Amber Martin" he said seriously.

"He kinda tried to kiss me. I stopped him. But he didn't know I was your girlfriend at the time so it doesn't matter" he was mad, obviously. He looked as if his ears were about to shoot smoke. But he calmed down.

"I'm glad you didn't let him" he said kissing me.

"Of. Course. I. Didn't" I said between kisses.

"We will now be announcing Prom King and Queen" The Principal, Mrs. Chester, announced.

"Our Prom King is" she began, "Tyler Adams!" Cameron and I both cheered and Tyler glanced at me, quickly, before running up stairs. He took his crown and happily placed in on his hair.

"And for Prom Queen, I believe there has been a tie. But they are best friends so I think they'll be thrilled. Come up here Amber Martin and Madilyn Jacobs! For you are California High School's prom queens!"

Maddie and I both ran up stairs, taking our crowns and then hugging.

"So girls, who's gonna dance with the King?" Mrs. Chester asked. I would dance with Tyler, but I don't want to make Cam worry about anything. Tyler is amazing, but I don't see him that way. I looked over at Cameron, and he nodded, as if telling me it was okay to dance with Tyler. He looked happy. He really was trying.

"I'll do it" I volunteered. Tyler took my hand, smiling, and led me down the tiny stairs. Once everyone kind of made a circle around Tyler, Nash, Maddie and I, Tyler placed his hands on my hips, delicately, and I placed the palm of my hands on his shoulders.

"I hear you're not moving in with Cam. That you're going to Stanford" he stated and I nodded, "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I think you're the first person that has actually asked me that. But I don't know. I mean, I'm excited to go, but I'll never see Cam, nor Maddie, nor Nash, not even you. So yeah, I'm kind of sad"

"Then why not just stay?" Tyler asked, in a sweet calm voice.

"It's not that simple. Cameron will feel awful for not making me go and I'll always kind of wonder what would've happened if I went. I would even regret it a bit"

"Won't you regret leaving?"

"I-" I was cut off by Cameron, smiling.

"May I?" he asked Tyler, he obviously nodded and I let go of Tyler so Cameron would wrap his arms around my waist, and he did. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Congratulations, Queen" he congratulated.

"I think you mean co-Queen" I giggled and he shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"You're always so precise. But I love that about you" he said leaning his forehead on mine.




"I have a surprise" Cam said. Prom had ended, and it really was an amazing night. He got a card out of his pocket and opened a door, that lead to an indoor pool. That had no people in it. The lights were turned off, so I guessed we shouldn't be in here.

How?" I asked taking in the beautiful lights in the pool.

"Shh. We don't want to get caught" he said coming closer to me. He placed his lips on my red ones, slowly kissing me with passion. He sat on a beach seat, as I played with his tie, trying to take it off. After a few seconds I did. My hand found its way to his shirt, unbuttoning it, very slowly. His hands was placed on my back as he started to play with the zipper of my dress.

"Wait" I began, "Someone could come in"

"You're right. Let's just go into the water" he stated kissing me cheek quickly.

We were both in our underwear, and we started to get into the pool.

"It's freezing" I said trying to get out of the pool. Cameron picked me up by my waist and I squealed.

"Shh" he mumbled connecting our lips with passion.

"I love you" he said sweetly.

"Cameron, I don't think I should go to Stanford"

A/N Finally a long chapter! Hope you guys like it as much as I do. Thanks for almost 6k reads!

Love you!

Stay Strong,

Cameron Dallas

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