Voldemort's daughter original...

By PrincessCat2002

14.1K 272 422

At the age of three Dabria Lilith Lestrange's mother Bellatrix is captured by Aura's and sent to Azkaban pris... More

Bellatrix is pregnant????
Punished for who I am and meeting Grayback
Meeting Lucy
The potion and its side effects
Saved by Nagini
Banished from the Lupin home
Staying with Nagini
The Minister of Magic has gone insane
Sadness and excitement of a teenager with the mind of a child
Hogworts letter visiting Gringots
Getting my wand
Not going to Hogworts??
Arriving at Hogworts & sortted into our houses.
The fight and a stronger potion
The beginning of a new friendship
The run in with Draco and his crew
😲Draco to the Rescue???? 😲
The Obscurus is free
Talking to the Obscurus
Bedtime stories and classes
Taking on a troll
Serving Detention
An epic battle between Three unlikely foes
The end of the first year.
Living with Uncle Aberforth
Lost in knockturn alley
Unwanted attention and an unlplesent encounter with the Malfoy family
Missing the train
Howlers and cornish pixies
what's a mudblood/half blood? Hearing voices
Who is the heir of Slytherin?
Warnings, duelings and discoveries
Katherina can speak Parseltounge?
Meeting Tom Riddle
Another attack
Arrests, suspensions and spiders
Lucy and Ginny taken into the chamber
Tom regrets his decision
Discovering the truth about Tom Riddle
Saving Lucy and tricking the obscurual
Tom is defeated
The dream and turning back time
Catrina is punished for Lucy's behavior
Dreaming about Rose
The arguement, a Surprising hero and a cute kitten
Unbreakable vows
Staying with Harry
Blowing up an Annoying Aunt and running away
Learning of Serious Black's escape
Hagrid's first day of teaching, meeting Buckbeak and an unfortunate accident
Hospital trip and another arguement about Catrina
Lucy's first kiss and Tom says goodbye
Lucy's mum yells at Tom and the class faces the boggart
Learning to defeat demntors and the hatchlings are born
Buckbeaks fate and Henry and Annabelle learn the truth about Catrina.
The Minister makes threats
My Dad is helping Sirius Black?
The truth about the past.
Saving lives and a sad goodbye
Talking with Tom again
Remus pushed us away Kat casts away her heart
Remus learns about Lucy's interaction with Grayback and is furious.
Kat throws a temper tantrum
Lucy tells her mum about why she's upset.
The nightmare and the death eaters attack
The Goblet of Fire and the unforgivable curses.
Katherina and Harry to be tri-wozard champions? Wait What?!!!
The daily prophet article
The Daily Prophet Article upset Lucy
Dragons is the first challenge? You've got to be kidding!
Facing off against a Dragon
Given the history of the Yule Ball and learning to dance
Rose and Bellarix's history and an unexpected doscovery in the woods
Remus and Lucy's back story

First Flying lesson

206 5 35
By PrincessCat2002

Once again it was mail time as we all sat at the dining hall table. Nevil received a package 📦 it was a small ball. "Oh I've seen one of those. It's a rememberall when the smoke turns red it means that you've forgotten something." We all watched curiously as the smoke appeared and turned red.

"The only problem is I can't remember what I've forgotten." Nevil said and we all smiled.

The next day was our very first flying lesson. "Good afternoon class."

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch." We all replied. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of your broomstick. Come on now hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up." To the teachers surprise Lucy, Harry and I's broomsticks all rose into our hands on the first try. Followed by Draco who smirked. After a few tries Ron's broom did rise but it hit him directly in the face causing Harry to giggle. "Now once you've gotten hold of your broom I want you to mount it and grip it tight. You don't want to slide off the end. When I blow my whistle I want you to kick off the ground hard lean forward and then touch back down. 3,2,1." Suddenly both Neville and rose off the ground and started going higher and higher. Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Longbottom come down this instant!" Since the teacher was focusing on Nevil she didn't notice Lucy had the same problem.

"Lucy what are you doing? Nows not the time to show off. Get down!" Henry called to her.

"I would if I could." Lucy replied under her breath as her broom headed straight for the owlery. After crashing through it she eventually lands in Hagrid's garden.

Upon hearing the crash Hagrid looks out his window to see Lucy laying in his garden. "Are you alright?" Lucy just groaned in reply. Then flys back to class undetected as everyone is still focusing on Neville. Who eventually falls off his broom and is caught on a statue.

"Help." He calls as his robe begins to rip and he then falls and catches himself on a torch holder before falling to the ground. While everyone's focus is on Neville Draco picks up Neville's rememberall.

"Is he alright?" I hear Hermione whisper. I roll my eyes at her question.

"Everyone back up." Madam Hooch says as she approaches Neville.

"Ow." Neville whimpers.

"Oh it's a broken wrist. Good boy now up you go." The teacher says as she helps Neville who is still whimpering up. "Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say quidditch." With that she leads Neville towards the hospital.

"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lard had given this a squeeze he'd have remembered to fall on his fat ass." Draco said tossing the rememberall in his hands as if it were a toy ball. I was just about it intervene when Harry steps up and glares at Draco.

"Give it here Malfoy!" Harry demands and I sigh. So much for Draco being nice. That didn't last long.

"No I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find." Draco replies getting on his broom. Draco circles the group as he replies. "How about on the roof. What's the matter Potter? A bit beyond your reach?" Draco mocks.

At this Harry starts to mound his broom. I go to do the same but my arm is grabbed by Lucy who shakes her head no at me. "So much for him changing. I knew it was just an act. Well I'm not going to let him get away with this Lucy. Someone has to teach that spoiled brat a lesson." I reply mounting my broom. Lucy groans and does a facepalm 🤦‍♀️ as I rise off the ground.

Meanwhile Hermione blocks Harry's path. "Harry no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides you don't even know how to fly." Harry ignores the advice and gets on his broom to chase after Draco. "What an idiot!"

Harry and I rise to where Draco is and glare at him. He's continuing to toss the rememberall up and down in his hands as if it's a toy ball. "Give it here Malfoy!" Harry goes to grab the rememberall from Draco's grasp however, Draco easily avoids Harry.

"You missed." Draco says with a laugh.

"Enough! Draco give the rememberall to Harry and let's get back down before we get caught and get expelled." I say and Draco finally acknowledges my presence.

"Mind your own business crybaby? Why don't you fly back down to the ground before you get hurt. A baby like you should'nt be flying. It's far too dangerous." Draco replies with a laugh. "Truthfully I didn't think you had it in you to break the rules. You and that snotty sister are always such teachers pets." Draco says with a scoff. I let out a low growl.

"Give it here Draco or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry replies.

"Is that so?" Draco replies.

"Give Me the rememberall Draco before you make me loose my temper. Trust me that's the last thing you want to see happen." At this Draco laughs he's eyes sparkling in delight.

"You want it big baby? Then go fetch." With that he see it heading towards a window which I know to be Professor M's office. I lean further on my broom and find myself on the opposite side of the window. I catch it and then throw it over to Harry. Who looks at me in surprise.

"Your the one who challenged Draco to give the rememberall back. It's only right that you get the credit for returning it." Professor M lookes up from her paperwork to sees Harry catch the rememberall. Professor M She stands up and approaches the window and watches as Harry and I fly off. As we return to where our classmates are we are greeted with cheers. That is until Professor M appears with that stern look on her face.

"Harry Potter, and Katherina Lupin follow me." She says sternly and I bite my lip and I sighed. I had thought that she hadn't seen me alongside Harry but I guess I was wrong. We walked in silence expecting to be brought to Professor Dumbledore's office. After all, we had disobeyed our teacher's direct orders. Madam Hooch had said that if she had caught anyone flying that we'd be expelled. At this I smiled slightly. She hadn't caught us and even if she had Dumbledore wouldn't have allowed either one of us to be expelled. After all Harry was his favorite student Mr. Golden boy who could do no wrong. I was his daughter although it hardly ever seemed like it. I sighed. To our surprise Mrs. M stopped a little ways from the DADA class. "You wait here." She told us sternly. "Excuse me Professor Quirill might I borrow Wood for a moment please?"

"Ye yes of course." Professor Quirill stuttered.

"This is Oliver Wood." Professor M said turning her attention to Harry smiling proudly. "I have found you a seeker." Then taking my hand she lead me towards Dumbledore's office. I know Madam Hooch warned all of you that if she caught any of you flying that you would be expelled. Didn't she?"

"Yes Professor."

Professor M sighed. "Why did you deliberately disobey direct instructions?" I shrugged.
"Fine. If you won't answer my questions then perhaps you can explain your actions to the headmaster. He will determine if your actions call for being expelled as Madam Hooch desires. Professor M replied as she lead me to the office entrance. "Well What are you waiting for? Go on."

"Katherina to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Professor Dumbledore asked as I entered his office. Even though he was already fully aware of the reason behind my visit.

I sighed and looked down at the floor in shame. "I disobeyed a teacher's instructions."

"Oh?" Dumbledore replied cocking an eyebrow at me. "That is unlike you. Would you care to tell me the reason behind disobeying your teacher's instructions?"

"Because I felt like it."

"You and I both know that isn't true. So why don't you tell me what really happened?"

"I am not a tattletale. Besides I'm the one who got caught disobeying Madam Hooch's instructions to stay on the ground." I replied with trying to fight back tears. Dumbledore chuckled in amusement.

"You haven't changed a bit. It so happens that I am well aware of exactly what happen today. It was your classmates who got into a fight over the rememberall. It was your fellow students who chose to disobey Madam Hooch's instructions. You were only trying to stop things before they escalated. Yet you are still are willing to suffer the consequences."

"I shall pack my things." I said turning to leave.

"That won't be necessary."

"I broke the rules. I deserve to be punished as Madam Hooch sees fit. She said anyone caught with their feet off the ground would be expelled."

Dumbledore shook his head in disappointment. "Why are you insisting on my expelling you? You have done nothing to warrant such a drastic punishment."

"I willingly broke the rules despite the warnings therefore I must suffer the consequences."

At this Dumbledore sighed. "Katherina look at me. Technically no school rules were actually broken so I see no reason why you should be expelled. In fact, I am quite proud of you. Did you know that?"

"Do you want the truth?"

"Always." Dumbledore replies and I sigh.

"I don't feel as if you care about me. I often find myself wondering if you even love me at all. You never seem to want to spend any time with me. I hardly know you. You don't know me as well as a father should. Do you even know my favorite color? How about my favorite animal? My favorite classes? No. Why? Because you've never spent any real time with me. You always come up with some excuse like the ministry needs you for a special assignment. Whenever I have asked if we can spend time family time together. You never read me bedtime stories or tucked me in at night. Or comforted me when I had a nightmare. You have never once hug or kiss me or ever said that You love me. The only time I ever seem to see you is if I have done something wrong. Even then you don't stay very long. I get the impression that your ashamed that I'm your daughter. You know what, it doesn't matter. You never listen to what I have to say. So just give me my punishment and I'll be on my way. After all, that's what you want isn't it? To get rid of me?"

"If I wanted to get rid of you I'd have expelled you. As for your other comments I have my reasons for everything that I do. Since you want to be punished I shall grant your request. However, I want you to remember that I am not punishing you because I don't care about you or because you deserve to be punished. I am punishing you because you have asked me too. So here is your punishment from now on you shall be escorted to and from your classes. You will not be allowed to socialize with any of your friends for a week. Including Hagrid and Lucy. You won't be allowed to sit with your friends during class or during meals. Once classes are done for the day you will return to your quarters and stay there. I expect your full corporation in this matter. If I learn that you have given your teachers any trouble in this matter you won't like the consequences. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Professor."

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