Voldemort's daughter original...

By PrincessCat2002

14.1K 272 422

At the age of three Dabria Lilith Lestrange's mother Bellatrix is captured by Aura's and sent to Azkaban pris... More

Bellatrix is pregnant????
Punished for who I am and meeting Grayback
Meeting Lucy
The potion and its side effects
Saved by Nagini
Banished from the Lupin home
Staying with Nagini
The Minister of Magic has gone insane
Sadness and excitement of a teenager with the mind of a child
Hogworts letter visiting Gringots
Getting my wand
Not going to Hogworts??
Arriving at Hogworts & sortted into our houses.
The fight and a stronger potion
The beginning of a new friendship
The run in with Draco and his crew
First Flying lesson
The Obscurus is free
Talking to the Obscurus
Bedtime stories and classes
Taking on a troll
Serving Detention
An epic battle between Three unlikely foes
The end of the first year.
Living with Uncle Aberforth
Lost in knockturn alley
Unwanted attention and an unlplesent encounter with the Malfoy family
Missing the train
Howlers and cornish pixies
what's a mudblood/half blood? Hearing voices
Who is the heir of Slytherin?
Warnings, duelings and discoveries
Katherina can speak Parseltounge?
Meeting Tom Riddle
Another attack
Arrests, suspensions and spiders
Lucy and Ginny taken into the chamber
Tom regrets his decision
Discovering the truth about Tom Riddle
Saving Lucy and tricking the obscurual
Tom is defeated
The dream and turning back time
Catrina is punished for Lucy's behavior
Dreaming about Rose
The arguement, a Surprising hero and a cute kitten
Unbreakable vows
Staying with Harry
Blowing up an Annoying Aunt and running away
Learning of Serious Black's escape
Hagrid's first day of teaching, meeting Buckbeak and an unfortunate accident
Hospital trip and another arguement about Catrina
Lucy's first kiss and Tom says goodbye
Lucy's mum yells at Tom and the class faces the boggart
Learning to defeat demntors and the hatchlings are born
Buckbeaks fate and Henry and Annabelle learn the truth about Catrina.
The Minister makes threats
My Dad is helping Sirius Black?
The truth about the past.
Saving lives and a sad goodbye
Talking with Tom again
Remus pushed us away Kat casts away her heart
Remus learns about Lucy's interaction with Grayback and is furious.
Kat throws a temper tantrum
Lucy tells her mum about why she's upset.
The nightmare and the death eaters attack
The Goblet of Fire and the unforgivable curses.
Katherina and Harry to be tri-wozard champions? Wait What?!!!
The daily prophet article
The Daily Prophet Article upset Lucy
Dragons is the first challenge? You've got to be kidding!
Facing off against a Dragon
Given the history of the Yule Ball and learning to dance
Rose and Bellarix's history and an unexpected doscovery in the woods
Remus and Lucy's back story

😲Draco to the Rescue???? 😲

224 7 55
By PrincessCat2002

Catrina POV

Snape noticed that I seemed timid about coming into class. Professor Snape seemed very intimidating standing there with his arms folded across his chest in irritation. "Are you going to just stand there? Class has already started. Take your seats." Snape said with a frown. I whimpered and Lucy smiled at me and took my hand leading me to our assigned seats.
"Today I shall teach you how to do the things I mentioned on our first day of class. Who can tell me what they were?" I nudged Lucy who raised her hand excitedly and Professor Snape cocked an eyebrow at us. "Well don't just sit there with your hand in the air go ahead, answer the question."

"You told us that potions were a subtle science and a form of art. You didn't think many of us would find it interesting. You mentioned teaching us how to bottle glory, brew fame and put a stopper in death." Lucy replied. Snape looked momentarily surprised.

"Very good Mrs. Lupin. Ten points for Hufflepuff." I saw Draco frown and I smiled.

"Show off." I heard him whisper to Crabb and Goyal. "She thinks she's so smart remind me to teach her another lesson after class."

Upon hearing this I raised my hand. "Yes Mrs. Lupin?" Professor Snape replied with an irritated sigh.

"Excuse me Pwofessa, me don't mean to intewup (interrupt) class but Dwaco and his fwiends keep distwacting me by talking. Me heawd them say something about huwting Wucy afta class." I replied. Professor Snape shot Draco an annoyed look.

"Thank you for informing me. Draco see me after class."

"But I'll be late to my next class if I stay." Draco whined causing Lucy to stifle a giggle.

"It will only take a moment and I shall write you a pass." Snape replied and Draco sighed.

"As you wish Professor. I'll get you for this you little tattletale." Draco muttered under his breath.

Class went by fast and Draco tried to slip past Professor Snape and out the door but he was caught by the collar. Annabelle giggled her eyes sparkling in delight as she walked past her father and Draco. As she did, Snape smiled at her. She had her mother Lily's eyes. Yes in case your wondering I do mean Lily Potter) "A word Draco."

"I didn't do anything wrong." Draco muttered.

"A little bird told me that you have a crush on Annabelle."

"I guess. If she didn't hang around those losers all the time I might be more willing to admit my feelings for her. Why?"

"She's my daughter Draco. She's too young to date or be interested in boys. However,
if she is going to be interested in boys, I'd rather she be interested in you then some other boy. The only way you'd stand a chance of getting her to even consider a relationship with you, is if you stop bullying her friends. In fact, if you really want to impress her then stand up for her friends if you see someone bullying them."

"Your kidding me right? You want me to start defending those two half bloods?" Draco asked his eyes going wide in shock.

"Not everything is as it seems Draco." Snape replied. "As for your comment about not doing anything wrong earlier you know better then to talk during class. I really should have taken more points away from Slytherin house however, since I don't want to see Slytherin loose, I will refrain from removing points this time and this time only."

Catrina POV

Meanwhile, Crabb and Goyal took it upon themselves to "teach" Lucy and I a lesson. Goyal grabbed Lucy and he held her tight while Crabb used his wand to create some rope and a whip. "This ought teach you to keep your mouth shut." Crabb said as he brought the whip down upon my back. As I let out a scream Lucy struggled to get released from Goyal's grasp.

"Someone please help her!" Lucy begged but the other students turned and walked the other way rather then intervene. No one wanted to tangle with Draco's crew.

"What do you think your doing? Stop it this instant! Leave them alone!" Annabelle said angrily running over to where we were.

"Mind your own business or you'll be next." Goyal replied with a scoff as he brought the whip down upon my back again.

With this Annabelle's eyes filled with tears and she began running as fast as her legs could carry her. As she ran past Draco grabbed her arm. "Annabelle what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" Draco asked in genuine concern.

Annabelle glared angrily at Draco and tried to pull her arm out of his grasp. "Let go of me Draco!"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." Draco replied.

"I have to find a teacher. They are the only ones who can put a stop to this." Annabelle replied tearfully.

"Put a stop to what?" Draco replied in genuine concern.

"Those horrible boys you call your friends are at it again but this time it's worse it's much much worse." Annabelle replied.

"What have they done now?" Draco asked with an irritated sigh.

"They are hitting Catrina with a whip. They threatened to hit me next if I didn't keep my mouth shut."

At this Draco let out a low growl. "Those idiots!" Crabb and Goyal smiled when they saw Draco walking up to them. "Hay Draco, it's about time you showed up. The little freak has almost blacked out from the pain. I made sure she'd stay awake long enough for you to finish the job." Goyal said with a laugh as he held out the whip.

Draco grabbed the whip from Goyal's outstretched hand and then proceeded to use the whip to almost hit Goyal who yelped in surprise and let Me go. Then after tossing the whip away he walked over and smacked Crabb and Goyal upside the head before walking over and untying me. "What do you think you were doing? Don't you ever let me catch you doing something like this again!" Crabb and Goyal looked over at Draco in shock. As Draco walked over to me and held out his hand to help me to my feet. "I am so Sorry about this Catrina. Crabb and Goyal can be down right stupid sometimes. Will you be alright?" Draco asked in what seemed to be genuine concern. I looked up at Draco in confusion but just groaned in reply and slumped down to the ground unable to stay awake any longer.

"Umm Draco are you feeling all right? Your not acting like yourself." Crabb asked and Draco frowned at him.

"I am fine." Draco replied glaring angrily at Crabb and Goyal.

"Umm Draco? Since when did you start caring about how we treat them? They are inferior to us in every way, remember?" Crabb asked.

At this Draco grabbed Crabb by his collar and glared angrily at his closest friend. "Don't you EVER let me hear you talking about Catrina or anyone else that ever again! It's people like you who give Slytherin house a bad name. I am ashamed to call you my friends. Here let me help you get Catrina to the infirmary."

"No thanks! You've helped enough already. It's your fault this happened in the first place. I don't know what kind of stunt your trying to pull acting all noble, but I can see right through your facade. Your not fooling anyone." Lucy replied helping me up.

"Oh my gosh what happened? What have you and your goons done now?" Henry demanded glaring angrily at Draco.

"Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with this. In fact, if I hadn't stepped in when I did those to jerks would have continued to whip her until her back was raw and she had blacked out from the pain." Draco replied.

"What's your game Malfoy? There's no way you helped her out of the goodness of your heart. You hate Lucy and Catrina almost as much as you hate Harry and his crew. After all, you consider them your lessers because they aren't as rich as us and because they are half bloods." Henry replied as he picked me up from the ground.

Draco shrugged "maybe I've had a change of heart. And I'd appreciate it if you'd stop referring to Catrina and Lucy as our lessers and half bloods. We should all treat each other with respect. Am I right Annabelle?"

Annabelle looked over at Henry and frowned before turning her attention back to Draco. "Your absolutely right Draco, oh and Draco, thank you." Annabelle replies giving Draco a kiss on the cheek.

Draco gave a slight bow as he grabbed Crabb and Goyal by their robes. "I'd best be off. I intend on informing your father of these two's audacious behavior and see to it that the proper punishments are given." Draco said leaving staring after him in shock.

"I can't believe that just happened. Who'd have thought that Draco would be our knight in shining armor." Then walking over to Henry she hit him upside the head.

"Ow. What was that for?"

"For calling Catrina and Lucy our lessers. I'm disappointed in you Henry. I expected more from you." Annabelle said with a sad sigh.

"I'm just as shocked as you are, that Draco helped us." Lucy replied dusting off her robes.

"I'm not." Henry replied. "He's up the something and I intend to find out what."

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