The Search (Clexa)

By Evi-Maria

45.8K 1.3K 141

An alternate #Clexa ending !!! Clarke : Lexa ?!? .... Clarke didn't Wake Up, she didn't want to continue a... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 3.

1.9K 45 3
By Evi-Maria

Lexa,Gugo and Gago, after four hours arrived at the Sacred place. The healers went inside and started to prepare the place for Lexa.

Lexa sat on the rock to catch her breath, she instantly felt the magic touch of that place. Stood up and walked to hills edge raised her head looked at the sky and said : " Thank you for that great honour Becka" and took a big breath, to her great surprise the wind brought a whisper : Becka : You are the true and purest Commander ever existed, I know its hard but i also know that both of you are UNBREAKABLE. Ressop Lexa Kom Trikru, Heda of all Hedas" Lexa, lowered her head, she was overwhelmed, took a few secs and raised her head up again, Heda was on her way but this time would be different. Gugo came outside

Lexa - Gugo ?

Gugo - Heda ?

Lexa - I want everything right this time. I want the proper process. This time everything would be exactly as suppose to be

Gago & Gugo - Yes, Heda turned their back smiling, both returned moments later with the necessary supplies

Lexa - Gago ? turned i know Titus was your student and i know that you trusted Me, Lexa not the Heda. Can you tell me where is he ?

Gago - Took a big breath, he had to tell her the truth, the entire truth Lexa ? Titus ... is Dead Lexa open her mouth widely and droped herself on the chair after your burn, like a flamekeepa got ready for Antari's initiation, but while he was on his room found Clarke there Lexa was angry & breathless he tried to kill her once more but this time couldn't do it, Clarke told him that she preferred to lose her life than to see Antari as Heda. Also remembered that you told her about the 9 initiates, Titus let her and told the name of that 9th initiate, the moment Clarke listened the last name persuade Titus to let her go so she could find and bring back the next Heda. Gago took a pause and looked Lexa, Luna Lexa stared him so she can take your place, the moment he told her Antari and Roan coming, then Titus blessed Clarke and made her Flamekeepa he hide her and in a moment Antari and Roan were distracted took Roan's knife said "For Lexa" and sliced his throat.

Lexa jumped up, she was shocked but also knew it, he would died with his own terms he couldn't bare with what he did. She had mixed emotions he respected him, he taught her what she knows, she used her but nevertheless.

Lexa - Teach me determinate

Gago - Heda ?

Lexa - Teach me... Pls ? Teacher

Gago - Lexa, you already know, Titus taught you everything i taught him

Lexa - He did, but his reasons aren't right. Teacher i must be 1000 % ready for what is coming next. You are the only person you can do that

Gago - With my great honour HEDA bowed

Lexa laid in bed finally and let Gago & Gugo to do their job. To heal her physically, mentally and emotionally. She was very impatient to see Clarke again but this time everything would happened in the right time and the right place.


Bellamy - Everybody ready ?

Clarke - Everyone stand down

Pike - What ?

Bellamy - Hell No, get ready

Clarke put herself between them and the door where they coming

Miller - Clarke, what are you doing ? Get the hell back

Clarke - PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN.... NOW Octavia was right next to her from sec one, came closer and whispered to Clarke "You look like her" Clarke answered Lexa was unique the only true Commander

The door opened and Roan with Echo some of his soldiers escorted by Indra came into

Roan - We didn't came to harm anyone

Clarke - What are you doing here then Roan ?

Echo - took some steps and stood right in front of Clarke,they both stared each other right in the eyes This belong to us now... So do you

Clarke - This, belong to Lexa. Not to us and specially not You Roan understood why these two belonged together, Suddenly Echo gives a massive slap to Clarke. Octavia in secs was on Clarkes side

Octavia - You little piece of .... Clarke caught her by her waist to stop her and whispered "Not now O, i promise you soon, she is yours when the time comes" Octavia looked at Clarke and took 2 steps back

Indra - You pushing it Echo ? You are walking on a thin line

Echo - Maybe, but i know on which side i am hit Indra on her hut shoulder, Octavia explode that was the last drop but before could catch her Roan came in front of Echo Hahahaha

Octavia - Once a coward always a coward Echo stared Octavia and her laugh cut

Bellamy - No one gonna get out alive raised his gun

Threats from each side Clarke stood there without talk trying to avoid the war. Finally Roan comes next to her and Yells "ENPLENY" everyone stopped, Indra froze and turned to Roans side.

Roan - Drop your guns NOW all of you everyone obeyed looked at Clarke and gave him the ok take those downstairs and put them on the cells without any harm. His soldiers knotted and took Bellamy,Miller,Pike,Cane,Jaha,Abby,Octavia and the soldiers and leading them to cells

Clarke - Roan ? Leave my mum and Octavia ? And please control her referred to Echo who was smirking all the time before she puts you in danger. Roan agreed Mom? O? go to Lexas room please ? I'll be ok Abby and O did what Clarke said

Roan - You ? referred to Echo Go and put our defence and all of you search the place and make it liveable the room emptied in seconds Roan and Clarke were only in there.

Clarke - I thought you were dead

Roan - I thought that too, but Echo saved me

Clarke - Why all this Roan ?

Roan - For your protection

Clarke - You dont ow me anything Roan

Roan - I know i dont Clarke, but believe me the things are gonna be the worst than anyone can imagine, better me than anyone else Wanheda

Clarke - What about the others ?

Roan - I don't trust anyone else

Clarke - Can i go ?

Roan - Yes, Mills ? the door opens and a tall handsome guard comes in take Clarke to her room stay there and don't let anyones else except the two women inside NO ONE else

Mills - Yes, my King

Mills and Clarke left, Indra came out from a secrete passage

Indra - Where did you hear that ?

Roan - From the same person you did

Indra - Lies

Roan - No, Indra

Indra - Heda ?

Roan - Yes

Indra - She is alive ?

Roan - Yes, she asked for you

Indra - Where is ... In the Sacred place. Walking to the passage again, she turned Roan ? You can trust Octavia, i'll be back tomorrow and i'll be a ghost saluted and left

Roan - Tell Octavia i want to talk to her

Guard - Yes, my King

Roan passing up and down, the danger was closer that they thought he could feel it. He was wishing that Lexa will be ready and she will be back soon bc he couldn't do it alone.

Octavia - You asked me ?

Roan - I did... Can i trust you Octavia kom Skaikru ?

Octavia - Can i ?

Roan - I'm very impressed with you O

Octavia - With me ? Why ?

Roan - Your improvement and evolution is remarkable. Indra doing amazing work. You are her second right ?

Octavia - Yeess ?

Roan - Good. Now she is away you are in charge for Clarkes protection

Octavia - She left ? Why ? To Where ?

Roan - She'll be back tomorrow, she must see something. When she'll return you can ask her

Octavia knotted, saluted and turned her back, before she walks out turned to Roan

Octavia - Roan ? Keep that bitch away from Clarke

Roan - I'll try, but O don't underestimate her

Octavia - I never do that, usually my opponents do that. She better not do the same bc i'll reap her head off saluted once more and left. Roan left in the room smiling. Octavia returned to Lexa's room.

Echo put the last details on Polis defence. The army started to move loads with food supplies, medical supplies and all the necessary for making Polis liveable again at least for now.

Lexa's Room....

Abby - Why did you let Roan put the others in jail ?

Clarke - Bc they deserve it

Abby - So do I so as O too

Clarke - I Know but i kept you here bc Roan is injured and i think his healers are out, so you treat him and O i want a person who i can trust for my safety .

Abby - What possible is more important than their King, i wonder

Octavia returns

Clarke - Well ?

Octavia - Something very big is happening, i don't know if its good or bad yet all i know its that Roan is in our side and i think we can trust him

Clarke - Ok ? Well we must regroup and get some sleep bc i cant think anything

Abby - Go to sleep bby, i'll go to Roan

Octavia - I'll watch her go

Abby left and went to Throne Room where Roan was, Octavia sat on the window and stared outside where was so peaceful. Clarke laid on Lexa's bed , she started to cry holding Lexas pillow, somewhere in between her bawling sleep came to help her.

Guard - My King ? Abby want to see you

Roan - Let her in

Guard - Yes, my King Abby entered

Roan - Abby ? Everything ok ?

Abby - Yes, Roan sit please

Roan - obeyed and sat Don't worry Abby

Abby - I'll try not to hurt you Abby takes off the gazes gently

Roan - If you want anything from medical supplies i can bring it to you

Abby - Thank you Roan, mmm, your healers did and amazing job, how do you lost them ?

Roan - I didn't , there are somewhere where are more needed

Abby - More needed ? What can possible be ?

Roan - Abby ? We have a war its coming with is the most cruel we ever have. All the clans are on their way to destroy Polis. My job is to protect Polis and especially this place

Abby - Roan ? You must bring forces how we will defend it they will destroy us

Roan - I'm working on it. I don't have the unanimous vote of my people yet, they are scared no i that i blame them but i think at the end my trusted they working they will succeed and they bring the power we need

Abby - some of our people are still on Arkadia, not far from here. With your help we can bring them here , they are amazing with technology especially if what Clarke said its truth

Roan - I'll sent my people to bring them here first thing. But Abby men will go straight to Jail. I don't trust anyone except Clarke, You, Octavia and Indra

Abby - I know Lexa asked you to save Clarke before she dies, but you...You still care why ? My people did horrible things to your people and Grounders

Roan - She didn't just asked Abby she begged me to save her, she came to my camp alone walked through my soldiers without anyone touch her, me and my soldiers Respected and afraid of her gets into my tent, waits outside my meeting to end but my guards told me that she is here, we talked and told me to protect Clarke at all cost if something happened to her. Both lowered their heads Lexa loved Clarke with all her soul

Abby - I saw it from the moment they saw each others i believe that she begged .Lexa was the only true Commander

Roan - She was

Abby - And now ? Who will take her place ?

Roan - Echo, she is nightbleeda

Echo opened the door and got in. Abby and Roan stopped . The tension between Abby and Echo was through the roof .

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