It's Elementary My Dear

De ICrzy01

127K 2.9K 946

Our story is of a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like a... Mai multe

Season 1
Season 2


1.2K 32 9
De ICrzy01

Jughead had stepped out to make a phone call -- it was at that moment that Archie walked back over to his group of friends. However, within a few moments, a doctor arrived.

"Archie Andrews?" The doctor asks.

Archie, who was holding onto Veronica's hand, stood up.

"I'm Steven Masters, I'm your father's doctor." He says.

"How is he?" Archie asks.

"Well, we got the bullet out. And we've stopped the internal bleeding, but what's most worrisome is, he's not breathing on his own yet." Doctor Masters says.

"I- I need to see him," Archie said.

The doctor nods, "And you will. As soon as we've got him set in a room, you'll be able to sit with him. Should be an hour or two at the most." He said.

"And until then, what am I supposed to do, nothing?" Archie asks.

"Maybe- Maybe you should go home and get changed." Veronica said.

"No, I'm not leaving." Archie protested.

Peter looks at Archie, "Archie, dude. Veronica's right." He says.

Betty nods, "You need a shower and a change of clothes," She says, "You and Veronica can go and we'll wait here for you."

Peter nods, "We'll hold the fort down here." He said.

Archie felt a touch from Veronica, "Come on," She says.


May had went home, telling Peter she had some work to get done. However, that didn't seem to be a problem -- some of the Bulldogs arrived at the hospital in support for Fred Andrews, Flash and Liz were there. Seeing as since Flash is on the team.

Liz brushed some of her hair behind her ear, "How does this happen?" She asks, "This isn't suppose to happen here."

Flash held onto his girlfriend for support.

Peter frowns standing near them, "Guess nowhere is safe anymore." He said.

Liz frowns shaking her head, "I don't want to believe that." She said.

Flash held onto Liz as she sobbed a bit -- she was a bit overly emotional, since Fred getting shot was just merely days after the town found out about Clifford Blossom murdering his own son. So everyone who was close to the Blossom family felt a sudden change.

Kevin was sitting by Betty -- she was a bit far away from the group. Jughead had returned, and surprisingly Michelle had arrived too.

Betty watched Michelle and Peter embrace, they smile at each other before Liz got up to hug Michelle. It was weird, how something like can not only effect the family but an entire community.

"So did you and Jughead well-," Kevin asks leaning near Betty.

Betty shakes her head, "We didn't. Jughead and I didn't do it. If that's what you were asking." She said.

Kevin rolls his eyes, "Was not."

Betty smirks, "I know you too well, Kev." She says and then says, "But he did tell me he loved me."

"Wait, what? Jughead Jones said those three important words? Mr "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo"?" Kevin asks.

Betty nods, "And I told him I loved him back. And then things got- complicated." She chuckled, "Weird. In a "my boyfriend may be joining the Serpents"  kind of way."

Kevin shakes his head, "Betty, no. No way. I mean, did you learn nothing from me and Joaquin?" He asks.

"Come on, Joaquin was nice." She said.

Kevin chuckles, "Yeah, when he wasn't dumping bodies in Sweetwater River or mopping up buckets of blood." He said.

"What the hell?" Betty looks up, "Is that Cheryl?"

Betty gets up -- Kevin following, and head over to Cheryl. She must've been stopped by Peter, who was just as confused on why she was at the hospital. Betty and Kevin had walked in on their coversation.

"Cheryl," Peter asks, "What's going on?"

And then a women covered in bandages and visible burns on her body was being wheeled into a room by some nurses.

"Is that your mom?" Betty asks, "What happened?"

Cheryl looks at Betty, "Oh, haven't your heard?" There was a terrible fire at Thornhill last night. I might've perished if not for mommy's heroics."

Peter looks at her, "I'm just glad you're okay."

He then hugs the redhead bombshell. Surprisingly, Cheryl accepts the hug. Betty sees the bitchy side of Cheryl just fall into a more sweet version just hugging Peter.

Kevin glanced at Betty, "Is this the apocalypse?" He asks.

Cheryl and Peter parted from their hug, she looks at him and then noticed the cast on his hand.

"After my ordeal at Sweetwater River, I was asleep when the fire started. They think it was a breeze knocking over a lit candle, catching the curtains. Mommy got home from the Jubilee and rushed headlong into the blaze, risking her life to save mine." Cheryl said.

"Is she going to be okay?" Peter asks.

"She's suffered third-degree burns and acute smoke inhalation." She says looking at Peter and then asks, "What are you all doing there?"

It was then Cheryl saw into the lobby and noticed filled with the Bulldogs and even noticed Liz, Flash, and Michelle.

"What's going on?" Cheryl asks.


Veronica was laying out the the belonging the hospital gave Archie on the kitchen table, the belongings that belongs to Fred. Archie steps into the room -- freshly showered and in new clothes.

"I took your dad's things out of the bag. I hope that's okay." She said looking at him.

"Where's uh- where's his wallet?" Archie asks as he looks at the items.

"I'm not sure." Veronica said, "That's all that was in there."

Archie held onto his dad's coat, "It would've been in his coat." He said, "Are you sure yo didn't see it?"

"I didn't. Maybe it was in the truck? Or back at the hospital?" Veronica asks.

Archie shakes his head, "No, this is- this is everything they had. You heard the nurse." He said.

"Okay, well, worst case scenario, it's just a wallet." Veronica said.

Archie turns to her, "Everything that is important to my dad is in that wallet. He doesn't go anywhere without it." He said.

Veronica tried to keep Archie calm, "For all we know, it's at Pop's." She said.

Archie shakes his head and turns from her, "Why did you even open the bag?"

Veronica looks at him, "I thought- I wanted to help."

"No, seriously, why are we here? Veronica, I didn't ask you to come." Archie said.

Archie sighs and looks at his father's belongings. Archie was lashing out -- and it wasn't Veronica's fault, but she just happened to be here.

"And- just forget it. Just go. I'll take care of this. I'll see you back at the hospital or I'll call you." Archie said.

Veronica looks at him, "You really want me to go?" She asks.

"I do, yeah." He said.

Veronica shakes her head, "I'm sorry, no." She says.

"What?" Archie asks.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going. Archie, you shouldn't be alone right now. You're angry, and hurting, and probably terrified. I know I am." Veronica said, "So go ahead. Yell at me and try to push me away but I'm not going anywhere."

Archie looks at her in utter shocked. He had thought that Veronica would've gotten mad at him for getting short with her and just leave -- like he wanted, but no.

"You okay?" Veronica asks.

Archie just shakes his head. Tears slowly sliding down his cheek.

"Come here," She said.

Archie held onto Veronica. The two stood in silence -- minus Archie sobbing. That was until his phone began to ring. Archie pulled back.

"Is that the hospital?" Veronica asks.

"It's Sheriff Keller." Archie said and then answered the phone, "Hi, Sheriff. What, right now?"


Veronica arrived at the hospital -- alone, without Archie. When Betty noticed this, she shot up out of her seat and rushed over.

"Wait, Archie's where?" Betty asks.

"At the sheriff's state, doing a line-up. He asked me to come be here with Fred until he gets back." Veronica said.

At that moment, Jughead and Peter walked over -- hearing Veronica's explanation on where their redhead was.

"Well, that's gonna be traumatizing for him." Peter said.

Betty looks from the guys to Veronica, "We should go down there." She said.

Veronica shakes her head, "He needs to do this," She then goes, "But maybe you can help. I have a huge favor to ask. Mr Andrews' wallet is missing. We're thinking it might be at Pop's."

"That, or the guy who shot Fred might have it." Jughead suggested.

"Well, it it was just some rando robbing Pop's, then he probably took the money and then go rid of the wallet." Betty said.

Jughead sighs, "Unless it wasn't just some rando. Unless it was premeditated in some way." He said.

Peter looks at Jughead, "What? Is that an actual theory?" Peter asks.

"Not according to Sheriff Keller, but if you ask me, people have grudges." Jughead lowered his voice, "People have enemies. I mean, think of where we live. Fathers are killing their sons. It's entirely conceivable this was a hit."

Betty shakes her head to Jughead's theory, "Okay, or the wallet's just at Pop's. So we'll check it out, Vee."

Veronica smiles, "Thank you."

Jughead and Betty headed out of the hospital. Veronica moved to sit down -- some of the Bulldogs had headed out, heck the doctor had said she could sit with Fred.

Since Veronica was alone, and since Peter was basically alone too -- seeing as Flash, Liz, and even Michelle headed out, Peter decided to sit in with Veronica.

When the two teens arrived to Fred's room -- the only thing they heard was the sounds from the machines.

"You didn't have to stay, Peter?" Veronica asks as she sat down.

He shakes his head, "Archie and I were friends when we were three- maybe even younger, so Fred is kind of like a father to me." He says.

Veronica glanced at Peter.

Peter rubbed his hand through his hair, "Heck, sometimes- actually most of the time, he was a better dad than my own dad." He said.

"Is everything okay, Peter?" Veronica asks, "I know- I know that you and your mom moved into the Pembrooke because of some money situation, but that's about it."

Peter sighs and sits down, "My dad messed up and could make the company go bankrupted due to wanting to cut corners on equipment costs." He said.

Veronica frowns, "I'm sorry."

Peter sighs and shakes his head, "And that isn't it. He cheated on my mom- probably more than once, and I think they're planning on divorcing." He said.

Veronica looks at him, "I'm- I'm sorry that's happening to you, Peter." She said.

Peter looks at her, "It's okay."

"No, it isn't." Veronica said.

Peter turns his gaze away from her, "It doesn't matter at the moment, besides- what I'm dealing with is nothing compared to what Archie must be dealing with." He said.

Veronica said nothing and then glanced at the unconscious Fred Andrews. The machines beeping to ensure he is in fact alive.

"Well," Veronica then speaks up, "You know what, forget your dad."

Peter looks at her.

"I think your mom is amazing. Heck, my mom can't stop but rave about how kind and sweet your mom is." She said, "And besides, you have me, Archie, Jughead, Kevin, and Betty."

She said Betty's name unsure on how Peter would react to it.

Peter nods and then looks at her, "Yeah. You're the third person I vented this to." He said.

"Third?" She asks, "Let me guess its Ned and then Cheryl?"

Peter shakes his head, "Haven't told Cheryl," He said, "She has a lot going on."

Veronica nods, "So who was the second person?"

Peter couldn't help but smile, "Just a girl from Southside High. She's the best. She kind, funny, sassy, and just- overall a great person."

Veronica smiles softly, "Someone has a crush."

Peter looks at her, "More than a crush," He said, "We're actually- uh an item."

Veronica seemed a bit surprised, "Oh, wow." She said, "I did not expect that."

Peter nods, "Yeah. We uh- just began a relationship last night." He said.

Veronica kept the small smile, "Well, I hope for the best." She said.

Peter kept a smile on his face. The two sat in a moment of silence. Hearing the machines beep and beep. Evey now and then, a nurse would come in. However, Peter decided to lighten the mood by telling stories about Archie, and even Fred from ages ago. Which managed to keep Veronica smiling and preoccupied by not thinking of Archie.

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