The Great Book of One-Shots

By AngelGirl768

28.4K 730 583

A collection of Crundee one-shots and whatever requests I'm given~ More

Bullied (Part 1)
Bullied (Part 2)
Kicked Out (Part 1)
Kicked Out (Part 2)
Thunder (Part 1)
Thunder (Part 2)
Tag, You're It (Part 1)
Tag, You're It (Part 2)
Tag, You're It (Part 3)
Christmas in America
New Years
Derp (Part 1)
Derp (Part 2)
The Neko And The Inu*
Late-Night Convesations
Valentines Day
Two Years
AN - Quick Edit
Potion Effects*
In Life & In Death
Flower Shop
Twisted Love
The Servant
The Servant's Past
The Party
The Angel & The Demon*
Father's Day
Ben and the Beast*
The Letter
The Storm
Ian's Kinks*
Day 19: Barely Legal*
AN - End?
The Club*
Psych ward
AN - Future


106 3 5
By AngelGirl768

Okay, you guys don't know how excited I got when I found the draft of this on my phone. I had it finished when my old phone had everything on it deleted and totally forgot I already rewrote it xD

Shameless self-promo: Check out my 30 Day OTP Challenge book for 30 days of smut ;) (starts tomorrow~)

Note: Because of the 30 Day Challenge, this will most likely be the last thing I post on here until it is done. I'll still take requests, but they wont' be worked on until January~

Warning: cursing, violence/abuse, slight blood, death(?)

Enjoy! >:D


Ben nervously sat in the living room, waiting for his boyfriend to come in.

He had some news he needed to share and knew it would be smarter to wait until the other made time for him than to interrupt whatever he was doing to tell him. After all, last time he had interrupted his boyfriend, Ben had gotten slapped across the face and yelled at to wait until he wasn't busy. He had run off, holding his sore cheek as tears streamed down his face, and hid in the corner of a room until he was called for and found himself wiping his tears away as he reported to the other.

It was a silly overreaction - Ben knew that. He was hit and pushed around enough to know that he shouldn't react to it so strongly, but there was something in him that just couldn't get used to it. No matter how much he loved his boyfriend.

Taking a deep, shaky breath to calm himself as he stared down at his fidgeting hands, Ben jumped and let out a squeak at the sound of the deep, stern voice, "You wanted to tell me something?"

He looked up and nervously smiled before standing up, "Y-Yes..."

"Well, what is is?" The older seemed more annoyed than curious.

"I..." Ben forced himself to look at the other, "I'm pregnant."

"You're... what?" His boyfriend growled the words.

"Pregnant. W-we're gonna have a b-baby..." Fear dripped from each word.

"You're gonna get rid of it, right?"

"Huh?" Shock crossed Ben's face.

"We don't need some crying, screaming, waste of money."


He was cut off by an almost laughing voice, "You don't actually want the parasite, do you?"

"I-it's not a parasite! It's our baby!" Ben brought a protective hand over his stomach.

"You mean your baby. I don't want anything to do with it."

His face fell, "But..."

"But I'm not changing my mind."

At a loss for words, Ben looked up at the other with a despairful mix of fear and sadness.

Though, instead of the reaction he wanted, his boyfriend simply scoffed and spoke again, "You know those faces don't work on me. Now, choose."

"Huh?" Ben's voice cracked.

"Me or the parasite."

"H-huh? W-why would make me choose..." Desperation oozed from his voice and showed just how close he was to breaking.

"Because, If you want to stay here with me, you'll get rid of that parasite."

"B-but... don't you love me?" 

The man laughed, "Where'd you get that idea from?"

"Huh?" Ben's world seemed to crash down around him.

"You know your only purpose here is to be my fuck toy, right?"


"But you agreed to it."

"I... I didn't think you were being serious!" Tears streamed down Ben's face as he snapped.

"Well, I was. Now, choose." The older's strict tone showed anything other than an answer wouldn't be acceptable.

"I..." Ben sniffled and brought both hands to protectively hold his stomach as he slowly backed towards the front door. He moved a hand away to grab the door knob and shakily spoke in a confident voice, "I choose the baby." He yanked open the door and slipped outside before slamming it shut behind him and running.

He ran and ran and only stopped when he found himself leaning against his best friend's door, fists weakly pounding against it as tears streamed down his face. He needed someone, anyone, to comfort him tell him he had made the right decision.

He let out a surprised yelp as the door was opened and he fell forwards onto Ian's chest. He clutched at the older's shirt and cried into him as he felt muscles tense.

A moment passed before Ian's shock faded and he relaxed as he realized who was clinging to him, "Ben?"

The other gave a small whimper as he nodded and nuzzled his face into the older's chest. He held on tighter to his friend and never wanted to let go.

Confused as to what was happening, Ian slowly brought his arms up and wrapped them around the younger before rubbing his back and gently soothing him. He moved them out of the doorway and used his foot to shut the door before moving them over to the couch and sitting down, pulling Ben into his lap.

He ran a hand through the smaller's hair before moving it down, under his chin and making him look up. He felt his heart ache at the red, puffy eyes and red cheeks that stared up at him and softly spoke the only words he could think, "What happened, Ben?"

The smaller sniffled and wiped at his eyes before looking down, too ashamed to make eye contact, "I b-broke up with my boyfriend."

"Huh?" It took all Ian had to hold back the surge of happiness that ran through him. He had had a crush on his friend for years and regretted not confessing to him before he started dating that abusive jerk.

"He made me choose so... so I broke up with him..."

"Choose? Ben, you need to start from the beginning. What did he make you choose?" The older sounded as if he were talking to a child.

The younger was silent for a moment before answering, "Him or... or our baby."

"Baby?" Ian seemed shocked, "What do you mean baby?"

"I..." Ben sniffled again, "I'm pregnant, Ian." The younger paused before adding, "He didn't want it and made me choose between him and our baby." He buried his face back in the other's chest as he felt another wave of tears coming over him.

Ian held him close and rubbed soothing circles onto his back through his shock, "So... you chose your baby?"


"Well, you chose what you wanted and I'm proud that you finally stood up to that jerk." Ian's smile showed in his voice.

"H-huh? Proud?"

"Yeah," Ian smiled down at him, "He's pushed you around for far too long and I'm glad you don't have to live with him any more."

Ben's face fell, "Right..."

The older frowned at the expression, "What's wrong?"

"I... Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can, Ben."

"Can I... live with you?" He quickly added, "J-just for a little while! Just until I can get my own place for me and my baby!"

Ian smiled down at him again and ran a hand through his hair before cupping his cheek, "You can live with me as long as you'd like."

Ben blushed as he returned the smile, feeling true happiness for what felt like the first time in ages, "Thank you, Ian. I don't know what I'd do without you."

The older smiled wider and held the smaller closer, already looking forward to their time living together.

And, as the months went by, he had good reason to of looked forward to it.

The two were now dating and Ben was very pregnant. Ian had happily agreed to raise the child as his own and often found himself holding the smaller's large stomach or lazily resting his hand on it as they laid together on the couch or in bed.

They had fallen madly in love with each other couldn't wait to be a family. Neither of them had ever been happier than they were now and both secretly knew they would end up spending the rest of their lives together.

Though, before they could have their happily ever after, tragedy struck them while going for what was supposed to be an innocent afternoon walk in the park.

The two had run into Ben's ex and were greeted by the smaller being looked up and down before getting a look of disgust, "Is that the same parasite you left me for or did your new little boy toy already get you knocked up again?"

Ben looked down before placing a hand on his stomach and squaring his shoulders as he looked back up with confidence, "It's our baby. Not that you'd care." He grabbed his lover's hand with his free one and continued, "Ian will be a better father for him than you ever could of been."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth and he saw his ex's reaction, he regretted saying them. An all too familiar fist hit his jaw and he stumbled back, bringing his hands to his face.

Ian threw himself between them, wanting to protect his lover at all costs, just in time to get a punch to his face and gritted his teeth before punching the other back. He took a few more hits before grunting as he was shoved backwards and felt a  sharp pain in the back of his head before everything went black.

Ben watched in horror as Ian fell to the ground at the base of the tree he was shoved against and felt a sense of fear and utter helplessness come over him as his ex turned back towards him. His feet seemed to be frozen in place and a quick, fearful look around showed that there was no one else around to save him.

His heart beat faster and faster as his ex got closer and he couldn't stop himself from shaking. He whimpered as he saw a fist be pulled back and squeezed his eyes shut as he prepared for another punch to the face. Though, he let out a sharp gasp and suddenly felt sick as the fist collided with his stomach instead.

He fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around his stomach, desperately wanting to protect his baby. He grunted as he was pushed to the ground and instinctively curled in on himself to further shield his son.

He gasped as he was kicked and whimpered as he felt it again. His ex kicked and kicked until the pain was too much and he gave in. Ben uncurled from his ball, leaving his arms as the final defense for his large stomach and unborn child. He whimpered and cried as he was kicked even more and couldn't think of much else than the facts that his arms hurt like hell and would most definitely be covered in bruises. He screamed at an even harder kick and felt sick at the 'snap' it caused.

He quickly yanked his broken arm away and held it close to his chest, not wanting any more than the already excruciating pain to be brought to it. He gasped as he felt a direct kick to his stomach and let more tears streak down his face.

He cried and cried as he was kicked over and over again and knew his baby wouldn't be able to survive the attack. Ages seemed to pass before his ex gave a final glare and scoffed at him before walking off, as if nothing ever happened.

Ben was left whimpering and groaning as he shook, laying broken and scared on the cold ground. He took a deep, shaky breath and managed to force himself back onto his knees before feeling his heart break even more as he looked down.

A growing red stain between his legs confirmed his biggest fear. He was loosing his baby. His ex had beaten and abused him until he killed their child.

Sitting there in the park, as the sun set and left him in darkness, Ben broke down. He cried and sobbed and felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

His baby was gone and he wouldn't have the family he'd been waiting for. His right arm was killing him and both arms already had dark bruises forming all over them. His stomach hurt horribly and he just felt so alone.

He jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder, but was relieved as he heard his lover's voice, "Calm down, Baby."

The smaller froze for a moment before breaking down again at the nickname. He turned and wrapped his good arm around his boyfriend, desperate for comfort and loving contact. He cried into the older's chest, nuzzling closer as the other tensed at the sight of the blood.

Ian gave his lover a brief hug before pulling him away and lifting his head to press a quick kiss to his lips, "You need to get to the hospital."

"Huh?" Ben's small, broken voice responded.

"You're loosing a lot of blood. You need to get to the hospital."

"But... they can't do anything for the baby..."

A sad, empty silence filled the air before Ian spoke, "No, but they can help you," he pressed a kiss to the smaller's forehead, "We can always have our own baby later on, but you have to be alive for that to happen." He paused for a moment, "Now, come on, let me take you to the hospital."

Ben was quiet before sniffling and nodding, "Ok-kay." He let Ian help him up, the older frowning as he noticed the broken arm being cradled close to his lover's chest.

A short while later, the two arrived at the hospital where Ben was rushed in and given the care he needed. He was kept there for a couple of days to make sure everything was going the way it should be before being sent home for the rest of his recovery - for the duration of which Ian made sure to take extra good care of him and do anything he could to make him happy.

Of course, the smaller was depressed over the loss of his baby, and Ian was pretty effected by it too, but he managed to get through it with the help of the older constantly reassuring him and promising that they'd have their own beautiful family someday in the, possibility near, future.


2297 words! Finally got this done, now let's see if I can get the OTP challenge for tomorrow done xD

BTW, if the ending seems a bit rushed it's because I already have draft of another fic that is mostly about that and I didn't want to reuse too much content~

Hope you enjoyed (the feels)!

Requests always open!!

~Angel ^-^

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