R.I.P Prince

By TeleiseWilliams

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Happy Birthday Prince

My take on racism,intolerance and the country in general

35 3 0
By TeleiseWilliams

To me the only racism that exists in inter raced racism I know that's not a word.I see more racism white on white when I see Antifa in the streets of Portland attacking other white people in the intersections and the cops do nothing. Joy Behar is talking bad about old white men as if it was be ok if I harmed her dad because of that fact.

I watched Kayne West hit with nothing but ad hominem attacks because he doesn't subscribe to monolithic group think and forms is own opinions. This is a time when Martin Luther King and Malcolm X would face the same attacks Martin for being Republican and Malcolm because he hated Democrats. I want back people to think of that. When I said I was afraid to send my sons into a world of no due process I was told hopefully I raised them not to harm women as if there are mothers who raise their sons to be harmful to women.

We impugn a person's character because we don't agree is wrong.I was no fan of Bill Clinton not just because he is a serial rapist but because his policies separated millions of black families to him and his wife black men were super predators.I didn't like the policies of Bush Jr.I didn't like the policies of Obama 13 million more people on food stamps 8 million more in poverty 14% black unemployment 43% lower were black people in labor participation. I prayed for those men because the bible said so they were spokesmen for American at that time.

Obamacare has me unwilling to go to the doctor I can't afford to be hit with a bill for 500 dollars because my daughter had test run.Do I hate Obama no. It's not right to teach hate and that's what this generation is learning. Cory Booker and Maxine Water, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton saying get in people's face we can't be civil is absurd. Congressman Steve Scailse the House majority whip was shot and almost killed at practice for a softball game and Rand Paul has been beaten so bad he broken several ribs his wife now sleeps with a loaded gun next to the bed.

When everything is racist nothing is racist. Michael Eric word salad Dyson said what Kayne was saying was racist. I heard bring jobs back to the midwest I heard prison reform I heard stop and frisk won't help people trust cops I heard black children need their fathers in the home so how exactly is that racist?

There was a time when a black child was more likely than a white one to be raised in a two parent family. There was a time when black youth held most of the part time jobs then something called minimum wage came out and guess what those black teens lost their jobs and people are blindly without thinking marching for the same thing. These young people with bad attitudes taking selfies at work won't be the ones making 15 an hour.

I watch people regurgitate CNN talking points but have never done research on what they're saying. Have they read Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Shelby Steele probably not and probably never will. Morgan Freeman said I don't want black history month the guy said why then he said what month is white history month the guy said well I'm Jewish Morgan said what month is Jewish history month I don't want my history relegated to a month Black history is American history. The man said how to we end racism Morgan said stop talking about it.

Are attention gives things power,when the KKK got ignored they lost their so called power. Don Lemon will tell you calling antifa an angry mob is wrong it's hyperbole tell that to the people being beaten by them. Just like the black shirts of Benito Mussolini and brown shirts of Adolf Hitler they do the same things. People are getting sick of this but not sick enough.The only KKK member I've ever seen was Senator Robert Byrd. He was beloved Bill and Hillary even Obama went to his funeral. What does that mean it means nothing really.

Bill Clinton once said to Ted Kennedy a few years ago he would have been parking our cars and getting us coffee about Barack Obama. He has a black son he's never raised because of Hillary. What I see happening today is the extreme left wing liberal is putting black against white women against men.We don't all have to agree but we all need each other. People catering to the smallest percent of the population is wrong. Men saying I feel like a woman so I should be able to use the women's bathroom. In Decatur Georgia a 5 yr old girl was sexually assaulted in the bathroom by a young boy because of this political correctness nonsense where's the news coverage? You all sat gripped my Dr.Ford and this was happening to a child. I'm wrong because I say I don't believe all women I believe evidence. I have experienced firsthand what an unfounded accusation taken seriously can do.Ask my daughter why she's never met her father. He couldn't cope with being a sex offender the criminal justice system created by Bill Clinton ruined my family. The judge opened his juvenile record and said "You aren't guilty now just like you weren't back then but like that time your still going to prison.

He came home a year later a even more broken person than what he was when he left and no amount of love could fix him. I lived that and still do raising 3 children alone because his anger spilled over into our relationship. He seen me being able to do whatever I wanted as a law abiding citizen and he resented me for it.

I don't care that people don't like Trump it just bothers me when it comes from a disingenuous place. My co worker said I've never liked him because he's arrogant see I can feel that,but you don't like him because CNN says he's racist ain't real to me and the very people telling us this was just kissing his ass 3 years ago. So rappers wanted to be the black version of a racist guy? Prince wrote a song about being the black version of a racist bigot really? Jennifer Hudson let a racist guy take her and her family in after her mom and sister was killed and provided her with protection at no cost to her makes no sense. Women are offended by groupies let you grab them in the pussy women who listen to rap really? Women tell me they believe all victims but don't know who Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Wiley, Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones are.These same Democrats Senators wouldn't even read Juanita Broderick's disposition.They wouldn't investigate Karen Monahans claims of domestic violence against DOJ hopeful Keith Ellison get this because they can't just go investigate claims based on accusations alone and she has evidence.

Employment is at all time lows for every radical group and a 65 year low for women black business ownership up 400% these people said Obama's regulations made it impossible to start a small business. It's financial security what really matters and not race.If whoever the president is fails we fail.For those that don't understand why Trump won it's because of illegal immigration, economics and military among other things people were sick of the well spoken liars they put out there every 2 and 4 years.

The people want antiestablishment they are sick of people beholden to special interests groups. Go into the Whitehouse poor and come out rich. How can someone be a Billionaire 10 times over and be stupid?Arrogant, outspoken, cass,even an asshole but not stupid I'd hope to be that stupid. I don't like Oprah Winfrey but she's far from stupid.

There's a lot of smart people on here.You ever talked to someone stupid and the only way you can relate is to dumb yourself down but you know within the span of a conversation you can't make them smarter. When someone does that they seem ridiculous and the stupid person projects their own stupidity onto that person.

George W Bush once said we need to end the soft bigotry of low expectations. What did he mean I'll tell you.When CNN says voter ID is a way to suppress the black vote that's really them saying your to stupid or incapable of getting an ID.My 18 year has a state ID they are saying your to dumb or to poor to get to the BMV. What's a state id 13 dollars folks wearing Yezzys and Jordans don't have 13 dollars and a Uber app? Basically from the outside looking in the white liberal is saying you poor uneducated black person let me make it easier for you to get in school to get a job because you can't on your own. Look at how many comments throughout these stories say I'm in school sorry I haven't been writing that much you did that didn't you?

People have said they read Prince was autistic I don't know everything about that spectrum disorder but when D L Hugley is saying his son carries a note that saying please call my dad encase is pulled over. I'm pretty sure Prince was just a damn genius. Those people do have very special talents when someone can lock them but usually and I can be wrong they struggle socially and not from being an introvert like Prince.

They way he is and was constantly emasculated,called crazy and weird was a form of racism bigotry but it didn't hold him back meaning it was irrelevant. There is nothing more racist then the murder of 900 black babies a day dying where does this happen Planned Parenthood.This is not about the small percentage of rape and medical need abortions.

The first thing said in confirmation hearings was Roe v Wade women will die in alley's with coat hangers what the fuck? You hate the baby enough to die in back alleys? Watch the silent scream video.It shows a baby 12 weeks gestation dodging the instruments that would eventually kill it screaming when being poked by it.

They people that perform them talk about the stacked up baby parts on the tables where could you go and see a sight such as that and think it's ok? 19 million plus black lives that didn't matter black people we have now dropped to 12% of the population Hispanics 17.8 we sit complicit in the genocide of our race. If a woman wants an abortion be may guess but don't use my taxes dollars to achieve it. That's your cross to bear when that time comes. Using a condom is so much easier and less expensive.

Black people we kill each other literally and figuratively. Character assassination is death in away. Why do we have to think the same? Why can't we embrace what makes us different from style to ideology? In this world of double standards we blindly follow what we are brainwashed to believe.

I watch the women of the view say to Corey Feldman you can't make accusations without proof it could ruin someone's life. Really bitch? Whoopi Goldberg on Roman Polanski it wasn't rape rape. He drugged and gave alcoholic drinks to a 13 year old and had anal sex with her. James Gunn 15,000 tweets about raping little kids and it's oh he was just joking.

Pizzagate no one says anything about that we believe liberal women but no children or conservative women is that it.Trump had arrested 15,000 pedophiles so he's already with me just because of that.When these sealed indictments are opened all hell will break lose thats why Hillary Clinton told Donna Brazil if he wins we're all gonna hang. Why would you hang Killary is it because of what's on Anthony Weiners laptop under insurance policy?

People say if you have reservations about Islam your Islamophobic really do you boo but Teleise is not on it and growing up within the Jehovah Witness religion I don't want to hear from Muslims. People hate JWs because of pagan holidays and follow Matthew 24:14 and 28:19 there is no wing or sect of JWs that kill thousands of people in the name of Jehovah there isn't a group of elders all over the world that rape little boys and the head guy covers for them.I've people tell me what I believe where they do that at?

I don't really agree with organized religion in general the dogma that has nothing to do with the bible. My mom and sister throw those you need to go to the Hall statements here and there and I say I don't wanna end statement. My dad only ask if he's giving a talk. Other than that he wants me to come on my own maybe I will maybe I won't. Shit people respect Satanists more and that's crazy.

I would also like to speak of the disrespect of Pookie's long hair and beard from Graffiti Bridge super delicious do not debate me on this. There's that straight red velvet cheesecake 😋(had to throw some comedy in).

Intolerance irks me there's this dude on Twitter says fruit snackish things about Pookie he goes on this hologram rant what JT did during the Superbowl was a projector like idk the movies not a hologram so he decided to attack me being the bitch ass keyboard gangsta he is like Mayte's little minions who doxxed me almost but didn't work. I can't exchange with the trolls because it will escalate to me ready to 🔫 someone but I degrees.

Nancy Pelosi gave an example of what is called the wrap smear. You make up a lie,give it to the media,use the media as validation as to it being true and use it to ruin someone. There is a video about this on YouTube.

All our heros preached love and showed it thru how much they gave. Maybe they are no longer here to protect them from his PC Metoo outrage culture where being different is frowned upon and being weak and a victim is cool. I know alot won't agree as long as it's still love and respect we all Gucci.

Lastly stop being programmed to believe the Fake News media Prince use to say one day ya'll are gone have to tell the truth. When someone tells you something everyday don't trust it ask your why do you keep telling me this.

My thoughts maybe all over the place but according to CNN I'm a dumb nigga that can't read this is what happens when you are a free thinker. 😎🍰✌💜

P.S some updates would be nice someone banged out 3 so she's off the hook. 🤓

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