Black History Month day 9

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#9 Dr Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is considered the most brilliant philosopher of the 20th and 21th century. Born is poverty Sowell moved 2 Harlem with his family. Sowell dropped out of high school and served in Marines corps during the Korean war. Afterwards he attended Harvard university where he grew magna cum ladue then he received his master's degree at Columbia university then his doctorate in economics at University of Chicago.

Now Dr Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. He has written many books and speaks 2 the different problems the plague the black community. He makes the argument that blacks had a more intact family during and right after slavery as opposed 2 now. His arguments always have data 2 back up his claims. In the book Black Rednecks White Liberals.  He shows how the Great Society Act of 1964 signaled the downfall of the black family.

How White Liberals the same people Malcolm X warned us about in the Ballot or Bullet speech in 1964. Pretend 2 be the friend of the black man and woman but continously holds us down through public policy. Although the data doesn't lie black people 2 the tune of 95% still support those white liberals 2 their detriment.

Dr Sowell shows in this book that blacks from the islands or from other countries don't seem 2 struggle 2 the degree American blacks do. Infact the data shows they don't struggle at all so one would have 2 wonder what the difference is. Dr Sowell is often labeled a coon 4 his works but I myself agree with his brilliance and have learned alot from reading his books and hearing his many interviews which can be found on YouTube.


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