Black History Month day 11

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I know I'm behind but here's my next choice.

#11 Gertrude Jane Holiday Stone

This women's story should show us again just how much of our history is lacking. This woman was at the White House yesterday telling her story and I've never heard of her.

In 1955 she was on a train going from Tennessee to Texas to visit her parents just 21 years old at the time. The conductor boarded and told her go 2 the Jim Crow coach. She refused the braked told her the same thing again she refused.

When arriving in Lake Charles Louisiana an officer boarded and told her the same thing she again refused. They took her belongings even her coat in the winter time. She still refused there was no cameras no fanfare no countless times her story was retold 2 our generation.

She said yesterday an educator and Congressman Hoarse Mann said refuse 2 die until you've done something 4 humanity. She's almost 90 years old and I'd say she's done alot even if we didn't know it

Salute Ms Gertrude Jane

Black History 365 💜✌🏾

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