Kermit Gosnell

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Today I went to see the movie Gosnell about this abortionist who's name is list above. I personally don't believe in abortion and this just reinforced that for me.I'm not here to speak on the small percentage that happen for health or rape reasons that's very small.

Also there are no mammogram machines at any Planned Parenthood that is a lie James O'Keefe has proven that watch is videos he literally goes to these places and records it

This man was performing abortions way after 24 weeks and women have died in his clinic. He let teenage girls perform abortions and give out meds.The movie probably didn't even do real life justice.

The main part of the case that got him convicted was what they called baby A he and many others were born alive and had their spinal cords cut with scissors. I thought of my 3 kids and holding them for the first time. I was 19 when I had my oldest son Jaylen it was hard but he deserved to live the chance to be something great my irresponsibly doesn't give me the right to end his life.

Obama gave 542 million dollars. That money could help the 3.6 million black children that live in poverty and the countless amounts of all children. 40,000 vets sleep on the streets and there are 57,000 homeless in Southern California alone.

The percentage of unarmed black people killed by cops is the exact same as black men that get struck by lightning. The most dangerous place for a black child is the womb of it's mother for every 1,000 pregnancies 444 end in abortion. 900 black babies everyday are aborted. There is a 6 month waiting list for disability black babies.

I know many are pro choice and I'm pro get a fucking condom if you hate kids so much. My 56 year old brother has not kids because he didn't want any. Listening to an abortionist talk about stacking arms,legs,torsos and crushed skulls kinda makes to feel fucked up about it and watching the silent scream video showing the baby only 12 weeks gestation dodging the instruments and screaming hence the name silent scream made me feel sick to my stomach.

I wish people would be more careful so those places would be used on a limited basis and I've heard the risk for cancer increases when you have an abortion many have said it not sure how true it is.

I wish people would be more careful so those places would be used on a limited basis and I've heard the risk for cancer increases when you have an abortion many have said it not sure how true it is

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This bastard is a sick fuck and waved his appeal right to escape the death penalty then asked Will Smith to help him out because he delivered him useless pieces of shit.

If you were wondering I've seen the photo of baby A one of the teen girls took it and it's very heartbreaking to see. I will only post it if asked 😭 it's that type of pic.

Well I'm in Kansas City  for the Broncos vs Chiefs game my 14th stadium down almost half way there.

P.s good bbq

s good bbq

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