Supernatural Series Rewrite...

Von queenofdeansbooty

260K 7.5K 1.5K

You're still on the hunt for the yellow-eyed demon even though John is now gone from your lives. While on the... Mehr

In My Time of Dying- Part 1
In My Time of Dying- Part 2
In My Time of Dying- Part 3
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 1
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 2
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 3
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 4
Bloodlust- Part 1
Bloodlust- Part 2
Bloodlust- Part 3
Bloodlust- Part 4
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 1
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 2
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 3
Simon Said- Part 1
Simon Said- Part 2
Simon Said- Part 3
Simon Said- Part 4
Simon Said- Part 5
No Exit- Part 1
No Exit- Part 2
No Exit- Part 3
No Exit- Part 4
No Exit- Part 5
The Usual Suspects- Part 1
The Usual Suspects- Part 2
The Usual Suspects- Part 3
Crossroad Blues- Part 1
Crossroad Blues- Part 2
Crossroad Blues- Part 3
Crossroad Blues- Part 4
Croatoan- Part 1
Croatoan- Part 2
Croatoan- Part 3
Croatoan- Part 4
Croatoan- Part 5
Hunted-Part 1
Hunted- Part 2
Hunted- Part 3
Hunted- Part 4
Hunted- Part 5
Playthings- Part 1
Playthings- Part 2
Playthings- Part 3
Playthings- Part 4
Playthings- Part 5
Playthings- Part 6
Nightshifter- Part 1
Nightshifter- Part 2
Nightshifter- Part 3
Houses of the Holy- Part 1
Houses of the Holy- Part 2
Houses of the Holy- Part 3
Houses of the Holy- Part 4
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 1
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 2
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 3
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 4
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 5
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 6
Tall Tales- Part 1
Tall Tales- Part 2
Tall Tales- Part 3
Tall Tales- Part 4
Tall Tales- Part 5
Roadkill- Part 2
Roadkill- Part 3
Heart- Part 1
Heart- Part 2
Heart- Part 3
Heart- Part 4
Hollywood Babylon- Part 1
Hollywood Babylon- Part 2
Hollywood Babylon- Part 3
Hollywood Babylon- Part 4
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 1
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 2
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 3
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 4
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 1
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 2
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 3
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 4
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 1
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 2
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 3
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 1
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 2
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 3
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 4
Author's Note

Roadkill- Part 1

2.5K 59 14
Von queenofdeansbooty

"Thanks again, Bobby. I really appreciate you coming down here and helping." You said with a smile, hugging him tightly.

"Anything for you. Now, I have to get going but call me later on, okay?" He said, hugging you back.

"Of course. Well, I can practically feel Sam making holes in my skull from how hard he's staring at me. I'll call you later." You kissed your father on the cheek and he smiled, getting into his own truck and leaving.

"It's about time." Sam teased.

"Hey, let me have this one, okay? I'm done now and you can tell me all about your case as Dean drives us slowly insane." You said, getting into the backseat. Sam let out a humorless laugh and got in the passenger's seat, Dean taking off down the road.

"You know, if I wasn't here, I don't know how you or Dean will get anything done." Sam said.

"We did it for almost 3 years when you left to go to college." You said, looking at him.

"Okay, ouch, I'm just going to tell you about the case I found." Sam said, clearing his throat.

"Yeah, why don't you." Dean said as he drove.

"Okay, there's a highway 41, which we are going to get on. There have been 12 accidents over 15 years. Five of them were fatal and all of them were happening on the same night." Sam said, reading from the papers he printed earlier.

"So, what are we looking at? Interstate dead zone? Phantom hitchhiker?" Dean asked.

"Not quite. Year after year, witnesses said the same thing made them crash. A woman appearing in the middle of the road, being chased by a man covered in blood."

"Two spirits haunting the same highway?" You asked.

"Yeah, remember those articles I printed out? Well, 15 years ago, a woman named Molly was driving with her husband, David, when they hit a man, Jonah Greeley. She killed him and herself, David surviving. She haunts that road every year with Greeley." Sam said, looking at you.

You decided to go to David's house to find out what happened to his wife to see if there were bones to burn. You found out that she was cremated which confused you because why was she still here? What was keeping her here, then?

"So, what, are we trying to kill Greeley and then what? Kill the woman? Are you sure we're even going to see her here? What if she already killed someone else?" You asked from the backseat. You found the case yesterday and this haunting only happened once a night per year so you had to get this right or else you would be coming back next year.

"There is only one way to find out, right?" Dean said, driving along the highway where this woman would hopefully be. Dean has been driving for a while until you saw a woman run from the woods in a panic, screaming for help. Dean cursed as he slammed on the brakes, not hitting the woman.

"Stop! You have to help me!!" The woman yelled, very frightened.

"Does she even know she's dead?" You asked, looking at Sam. Molly came running to the window and she banged on it until Sam rolled it down.

"Alright, alright, calm down. Tell us what happened." Sam said, looking at her. You got out of the car to make her feel better and so did Sam and Dean and then Molly began explaining what happened.

"My husband and I were driving and we saw a man in the road I swerved and we crashed. When I came to, my husband was gone and my car was wrecked. I went looking for him but that's when the man from the road came back and started chasing me." She said, panic still in her voice.

"Did he look like he lost a fight with a lawnmower?" Dean asked.

"How did you know that?" She asked, looking at him.

"Lucky guess."

"Ma'am, what's your name?" Sam asked, trying to make her feel like she could trust you guys.

"Molly. Molly Mcnamara." You looked at Sam and Dean who exchanged looks with each other.

"I think maybe you should come with us. We'll take you back into town." Sam said.

"I can't. I have to find David. He might have gone back to the car."

"We should get you somewhere safe first. Then Dean, Y/N, and I will come back. We'll look for your husband." Sam aid, using his sensitive side and big hazel eyes to get her to go with them.

"No. I'm not leaving here without him. Would you just take me back to my car, please?" Molly said, not trusting Sam.

"Of course, come on." Sam said. You and the Winchesters drove to the crash site, parking on the road above the grounds. You got out and followed her down the hill, not seeing a car anywhere. But there wouldn't be a car here since there wasn't a crash to begin with. That crash happened 15 years ago.

"I don't understand. I'm sure this is where it was. We hit that tree right here. This.... This doesn't make any sense." She said, walking away and out of earshot for you and the Winchesters.

"We have to get her out of here. Greeley could show up any minute." Sam said.

"What are we going to tell her?" Dean asked, looking at Sam.

"I don't know, the truth?"

"Sam, she's not going to believe us. She's going to run away from us and we will have lost our chance with her. I say we take down Greeley and then deal with her." You whispered, seeing her walk back.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I crashed into that tree. I don't know who could've taken it. It was totaled. Please. You have to believe me." She begged.

"Molly, listen, we do believe you. But that's why we want to get you out of here." Sam said, trying to persuade her.

"What about David? Something must have happened. I have to get to the cops."

"Cops... that's a great idea. We'll take you down to the station ourselves. So just come with us. It's the best way we can help you and your husband." Dean said.

"Okay." She sighed, following you and the Winchesters back to the car, getting in the backseat with you.

"Molly, it's going to be okay. We're going to find your husband and he's going to be alright and so are you." You said, trying to comfort the spirit.

"Thank you." She said with a soft smile.

"So, tell us about you. What were you doing on this road, anyhow?" You asked.

"David and I were supposed to be in Lake Tahoe. It's our five-year anniversary."

"A hell of an anniversary." Dean commented.

"Right before, we were having the dumbest fight. It was the only time we ever really argued... when we were stuck in the car." She said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I know how that goes." Sam said with a light laugh. Dean scowled at him and he lost the smile, looking at Molly again.

"You know the last thing I said to him? I called him a jerk. Oh, god. What if that's the last thing I said to him?" Molly said, getting tears.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. We're going to find your husband. I promise you." You said, hating the fact that she didn't know. She was stuck in this time loop and she didn't even know it. As Dean was driving, the radio started making weird noises then suddenly House Of The Rising Sun by The Animals started playing. Dean and Sam frowned, looking at the radio.

"Did you do that?" Dean asked.

"No." Sam replied.

"I was afraid you'd say that." Dean said with a sigh. Shit, that meant he was here already.

"This song..." Molly said, trailing off. "This song was playing when we crashed." The radio crackled again and settled on another station. Instead of another song, a deep, creepy voice started talking and you could only assume who was speaking to you.

"She's mine. She's mine. She's mine." Greeley said.

"What is that?" Molly asked, scared. You looked at the road and gasped when you saw Greeley standing in the middle of the road. Dean glared at him and floored it, speeding at him knowing he wouldn't actually hit him.

"Hold on." Dean said.

"What are you doing?" Molly asked, scared. Dean drove straight through Greeley who vanished into a puff of smoke. He was gone for now but he won't be gone long. He'll come back for her.

"What the... What the hell just happened?" Molly asked, demanding of answers.

"Don't worry, Molly. Everything's gonna be alright." You said, giving her a reassuring smile. Just then, the Impala started to stutter, slowing down. Greely must be messing with the car.

"Spoke a little too soon sweetheart," Dean said as the Impala coasted on the side of the road. Dean tried starting it again but it wouldn't go no matter how hard he tried. "I don't think he's gonna let her leave."

You sighed, knowing it wouldn't be that easy. You couldn't sit in this car all night so you and the Winchesters, plus Molly exited the car, looking around the empty road for any sign of Greeley.

"This can't be happening." Molly said, rubbing her face.

"Well, trust me, it's happening." Dean said, walking to the trunk and opening it. He revealed the weapons stash he had and you looked at Molly who already saw it. Her eyes widened and she backed up from the men, ready to run away.

"Well... Okay. Thanks for helping, but I think I got it covered from here." Molly said, looking at you.

"Wait, Molly, please just wait a minute." You said, catching the brothers' attention.

"Just leave me alone." You looked at Sam for help.

"No no no. Please. You have to listen to me, us." Sam said, knowing she saw the arsenal in the trunk.

"Just stay away!" She said, turning away and starts to leave.

"It wasn't a coincidence that we found you, alright?" Sam blurted out. You looked at him, wondering what he was going to say.

"What are you talking about?" Molly asked, stopping and turned back around.

"We weren't just cruising for chicks when we ran into you, sister. We were already out here. Hunting." Dean said, sighing.

"Hunting for what?" She asked wearily.

"Ghosts." You blurted out, not giving her any time to adjust it.

"D... d... don't... Sugarcoat it for her." Sam said, exasperated.

"You're nuts." Molly said, chuckling humorlessly.

"Really? About as nuts as a vanishing guy with his guts spilling out. You know what you saw." Dean said, not having any time for this.

"We think his name is Jonah Greeley. He was a local farmer that died 15 years ago on this highway." Sam said, hoping she would stay.

"Just, please, stop." Molly begged.

"One night a year, on the anniversary of his death, he haunts this road. That's why we're here, Molly. To try and stop him."

"Now, I suppose this... ghost made my car disappear, too." She said, not expecting an answer.

"Crazier things have happened." You said, biting your lip.

"You know what? I'm all filled up on crazy. I'm gonna get the cops myself."

"I don't mean to be harsh, but I don't think you're gonna get too far." Dean said, laying everything on the line as it was.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Molly asked, offending by his tone.

"It means that plan A was trying to get you out of here. Obviously, that didn't go over too well with, uh, Farmer Roadkill."

"Molly, we're telling the truth. Greeley's not gonna let you leave this highway." You said.

"You're s... you're serious about this, aren't you?" Molly asked, giving in slowly.

"Deadly." Dean stated.

"Every year, Greeley finds someone to punish for what happened to him. Tonight, that person is you." Sam said.

"Why me? I didn't do anything."

"Doesn't matter. Some spirits only see what they want." You said, hinting at more than what she knew. Molly only saw what she wants to see and that is probably why she hasn't found peace yet. She didn't know David was still alive and well.

"So, you're saying this... Greeley, he took my husband? Oh, god." Molly said, getting tears at the thought of her husband at harm.

"Molly, look, we're gonna help, alright? But first, you gotta help us." Sam said, stepping closer to her.

"Help you? How?"

"We need to see that cabin you ran into. Can you take us there?" You asked, Dean going back to the car to fill the duffel bag with the weapons.

"Do I have to go back there?" She asked, hating the idea.

"You want to find your husband, yeah?" You asked. She sighed and nodded, ready to leave when you three were.


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