Zoo // Louis Tomlinson

By BlondeLyfe

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❝Just a forgetful child, just a lost girl.❞ ❝Just a boy with a pen, just a man with ink.❞ (Book 1) More

Zoo // Louis Tomlinson
// Character Description //


8K 213 152
By BlondeLyfe

If I die with one request

It's check out Louis' ass in this gif






.... pls...

this is so hot

Louis’ POV


            “You really don’t think she knows?” Harry grinned, a giant party hat hardly staying on as it balanced over his curls because he was a git and decided it was high time he not only acted, but also looked like a toddler.

            “She didn’t think I knew she liked Craisans, was allergic to apples or knew that she can’t sleep without socks on. I think it’s safe to assume she doesn’t remember telling me her birthday.” I rolled my eyes, pinning up the last of the boys signs that had taken much to long for them to put together, seeing as Zayn’s was the only decent one –and I say decent because it had a cartoon drawing of her in a bikini on it.

            “Well what are you doing for her?” Harry was making a very focused face at the pancakes he had ‘crafted’ specially for her twenty second birthday.

            “A few things.” I nodded, rolling my eyes at Niall’s very long love letter he had attached to a heart with the letters N and L added together with a plus sign.

            “Do I get to know these few things?” He had just written the word ‘congrats’ onto the food with syrup, staring in confusion at his own craftsmanship before he sighed and just set it onto the table anyways.

            “I’m taking her out, and the obvious things.” I nodded, smirking a bit when Harry just made a face, shaking out his curls and popping out a huge grin when a loud thump from upstairs alerted us to the awakening of the sleeping dead.

            Lydia and I had fallen asleep at roughly three in the morning, and although I remember that whatever we had been talking about was hilarious, I don’t actually remember what exactly it had been about. All I knew was that her semi-loopy and severely exhausted smile was one of the many reasons why I loved her.

            “Louis I swear to god! I told you, you can’t leave the lid of the to- ok, what are you two up to?” Lydia came barreling down the stairs, green eyes bright with curiosity and a bit of scorn as she looked between Harry and I with raised eyebrows. Her big hair was bushier than usual, curling around her head in endless spirals as her shirt rode up on her hips and displayed the tattoo that I’d become so fond of.

            “What does it look like I’m up to?” Harry responded before I could. His massive party hat tipping over his head slightly as the curls were a little worse for the wear at holding it up.

            “Do you honestly want me to answer that?” Lydia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest and making it even more evident why I really needed her to start wearing more of a shirt.

            “Stop fuckin’ looking at my girlfriends tits you twat!” I smacked the back of Harry’s head, the party hat flopping right over his left eye as he continued to stare shamelessly before shrugging his shoulders with an unapologetic grin.

            “Oh my god, I’m going back up to bed. You two have lost it.” Lydia rolled her eyes, already turning around with part of her underwear peeking from the band of her sweatpants as both Harry and I opted for confused expressions.

            “Uh, happy birthday?” I frowned, off handing the remark because at this point I wasn’t exactly sure if she was mad because I’d made a big deal of it or just in a pissy mood in general.   

            “What?” She snapped, sounding more confused than angry as Harry and I proceeded to give each other confused looks. His bright green eyes matched hers in their level of confusion, but for two different reasons.

            “It’s February eighteenth love.” I could feel my frown deepening, Harry’s hands already shoved into the pockets of his sweatpants as we both sort of awkwardly rocked back on our heels and watched the smaller blonde in various stages of confusion.

            She was just staring at us though, the marks on her neck had faded since last night and I was abruptly reminded by the fact that I really couldn’t think about last night unless Harry wanted to leave for another hour or three.

            Lydia was just staring at the both of us with a blank look spread across her delicate features, the smooth skin of her beautiful face completely exposed because she wasn’t afraid to go without makeup and it was again one of the many reasons why I loved her. Neon green socks glued to the ground as her lips slowly formed into an ‘o.’

            “It is, oh my god. I thought you had to leave early and you just decided to try to make it a surprise to cheer me up and I don’t know why I didn’t remember it was my birthday because I remembered yesterday, and-“

            “You have a lot going on up there, don’t you?” Harry interrupted Lydia, both of us proper amused with the face of mortification she was currently wearing.

            “More than you got going on mate, that’s for sure.” I smirked, patting Harry on the back before I took a moment to motion around the room that we had prepared specially for my very confused and slightly embarrassed girlfriend.

            “Did you do all this?” Lydia seemed to find her voice again, looking around the kitchen with a light pink tint to her uplifted cheeks.

            “Yeah.” I grinned, nearly losing my mind when she moved her small hands around my waist and squeaked excitedly into my shirt.

            “Bloody ‘ell. I helped too, where’s my damned hug?” Harry bitched, a cup of children’s yogurt held in his overly large hands as he leaned against the boxes of presents that had been mailed or gifted from various people we both knew –save her parents.

            “Oh Jesus Hairy, it’s right here.” Lydia rolled her eyes, her soft lips making contact with my own for just half a second before she was out of my arms and attacking the oversized brunette with hair as large as his personality.

            “Yep, that hits the spot.” Harry moaned unnecessarily, holding Lydia a little too long and a little too tight for my liking as they both showed no signs of letting go anytime soon.

            “Get off of her.” I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest and raising my eyebrows in their general direction as Lydia proceeded to push her birthday luck and give me a nice look of amusement before pressing her lips to his cheek.

            “I’m going to date your girlfriend Tommo.” Harry joked, high fiving Lydia a bit too fervently as she rubbed her hand on her thigh afterwards with a wince of pain and humor.

            “You want to know where her mouth has been?” I rolled my eyes, dodging the flying hand that was aimed towards my head as Lydia attempted to brush it off with a loud cough and a mumbled apology.

            “I’ve heard wor-“


            “Right, what I meant to say is there have been whin-“

            “Shut the fuck up!’

            “Here I made a pancake.” Harry giggled nervously, looking between Lydia and I with a careful gaze as his hair continued to flop in his face and made it impossible for me to hate him.

            “It says congrats.” Lydia of course just couldn’t let some things go, her eyes alight with laughter as she took in the messy surrounding of our small kitchen that was now lined floor to ceiling with birthday items that ranged from food to shitty handmade signs that read ‘I would sleep with you if you weren’t with Louis.’

            Thanks Niall.

            “It’s the thought that counts bitch.” Harry came back with, giving Lydia a scornful look as she continued to mock him with various faces that he didn’t find as funny as I did.

            “Just open your damn presents before Harry has a full on stropp about his misworded pancakes.” I rolled my eyes, setting my hands on Lydia’s hips and steering her towards the mountain of presents that made her already large eyes nearly bug out of her head.

            “Which ones can I open?” She was moving her hand over the stack of them, looking a little overwhelmed as I’m sure she was either checking to see if they were real or trying to x-ray the insides.

            “All of them? Your parents actual sent this through the post and I got it last week.” I grinned, tapping the top box and grinning so wide it hurted when her little hands clasped that box first with a giddy smile.

            “This one!” She jumped up and down like a child on Christmas, the hardwood of our floor radiating with her excitement as the smell of fresh pancakes and tea swirled through the air and dripped off of her sunshine curls.

            “Alright, open it babe.” I rolled my eyes, pretending not to care but giving away my resolve as I peeked over her shoulder to watch the opening of whatever was in the slightly larger than average box.

            “What the fuck?” Lydia stopped short, the box laying open to display two pairs of teal high top converse in two completely different sizes. Her eyebrows knit together as she felt the new fabric of the shoes and shook her head in confusion.

            “There’s two?” Harry stated obvious, leaning over the counter as well to get a better look, the spatula in his hand balancing his iPhone because he was a damn idiot.

            “These are at least four sizes too big, my feet aren’t growing anymore?” Her frown deepened, the little blonde staring in confusion and trying to fit together mismatched puzzle pieces as she slowly pulled a strip of white paper from the inside of one of the shoes.

            “Is that from your mum?” I leaned even farther forward so my body was pressing hers into the table and my neck was craning around her mass of curls.

            “Read it out loud!” Harry complained, trying desperately to get a better view, but if I couldn’t even see then neither could his large head.

            “Lydie, there’s two pairs of shoes and you only have one set of feet. Whom ever will you donate them to? P.s. I hope google got his size right.” Lydia read the words slowly, as though she were tracing them with her tongue endlessly until they repeated in the voices of the people she held so dearly to her heart.

            “Oh, they’re for me?” I hoped to god I had guessed right, otherwise this was about to get awkward, but as a pair of brilliantly green eyes turned to meet mine I understood exactly what the magnitude of something like this held to her. The light brush of a glassy gaze and hauntingly happy smile carved into my brain as she took my face in both of her child sized hands and took it upon herself to kiss me much too intimately for Harry to ever need to witness, but there were some things I just couldn’t bring myself to care about.

            “They’re for you.” Lydia finally pulled back, and it was all to soon for me because I missed her just as so as she put space between us. The grin never leaving her lips as she continued through the mass of ridiculous –albeit- hilariously clever gifts from the rest of our friends, just waiting patiently for when I could bring her to mine.


            Lydia’s POV


            “Are you sure you’re ok?” Louis frowned, his grip on my hand possibly tighter than mine on his as he proceeded to watch me carefully, frowning everytime I winced in pain.

            “Positive, I told you I’d be fine. I’ve done this before.” I rolled my eyes, giggling at bit at his one eye that squinted a bit when he was thinking really hard or just really anxious.

            “That doesn’t mean it feels any better the second time.” His frown deepened, fatal blue eyes not moving from my own as he moved even closer and sighed heavily.

            “It’s a tattoo, not anal.” I smirked, laughing even harder when the tattoo artist –whose name was either Pablo or Julio- had to stop working because he was laughing too hard.

            “You’re fucking ridiculous.” Louis sighed heavily and took to staring at the ceiling instead, the light dancing off of the ink on his wrist as his fingers played with my own.

            “Can we agree to never do that though?” I giggled, sucking in sharply when the needle came back onto my ribs without warning.


            “Please just talk to me Louis, I promise I’m going to be just fine.” I gritted my teeth, trying to stay as still as possible but it was becoming harder and harder.

            “No we’re never doing anal, unless you want to date someone else. I’m not into that shit.” Louis changed back to the subject in the blink of an eye, his hand remaining my punching bag as my fingernails made half moon crescent shapes in the soft skin.

            “I’m really excited for this.” I grunted, squeezing my eyes shut and trying to ignore Louis’ peals of laughter as his body shook next to mine.

            “Yeah, you sound super excited babe.” The humor was evident in his light voice, his birthday present by far one of the best I’d ever received and it was up against matching shoes from my parents and Nora.

            “Shut up!” I squeaked, nearly jumping when the needle brushed over the skin next to my bra and Louis held back an annoyed grimace.

            “You couldn’t have picked a better spot?” He frowned, both of us having been stationary for the last hour as Louis had set up the appointment for the tattoo I’d so desperately wanted for years now and decided it would be a great birthday present –and he wasn’t wrong.

            “You know what, next time he’s tattooing my v-“

            “Oh-fucking-kay I get it bitch. Keep your damn clothes on.” Louis snapped, cutting me off with an amused sigh as Julio/Pablo continued to grin down at his work, enjoying the conversation probably more than he should have.

            “Are the rest of them coming over later?” I bit the inside of my cheek, hoping this was almost over because I was seriously about to scream or cry. The water welling up in my eyes because it was more than a little uncomfortable to have a decent sized piece of artwork tattooed across the side of your ribs.

            “Yeah. Harry just texted me and they’re already all there, Morgan told Harry he’s staying at her place.” Louis trailed off, his obvious disliking for the young entrepreneur severely decreasing since she’d started coming around more and yelling at him less –despite the fact that he probably deserved it.

            “Should be done here in the next five minutes. Just finishing it up.” Pablo/Julio announced calmly, like he wasn’t busy shredding my nerve endings to pieces.

            Louis responded with something after that, both of them striking up a conversation about all of the tattoos he’d previously done for Louis. The Spanish and British lilt to their words muddling a bit of the speech as I zoned out and attempted to focus on only what was in front of me.

            The presents after my parents’ had been equal parts hilarious and ridiculous, all of them revolving around either Louis and I or what we did in our free time.

            Cassandra and Josh had sent me a shoebox full of a various assortment of condoms –ranging from ribbed, studded and flavored to glow in the dark which Louis had been eyeballing with interest and several questions I was positive I never wanted to hear. Madi had sent me a long list of sexually transmitted diseases, a case of pregnancy tests and a very large card that played to the tune of What Makes You Beautiful at a very obnoxious decibel level –did I mention it was complete with a drawing of Louis and I in compromising positions?

            Of course the boys hadn’t been any better. Niall had written me a story about our love that was very very real because I did want to love him forever –in a weird sort of puppy dog way. Zayn had bought me sour skittles –exactly five large bags because Britain didn’t know what it was missing out on- along with one of his old t-shirts that he said I could sleep in if I so desired. Liam had gone for classy –shock- and decided on a jumbo set of socks and a really awkward hug that resulted from the rest of the boys making fun of him for actually getting me something I could use. Harry of course had made the pancakes that said ‘congrats’ for whatever reason, on top of being an ass in general, he had to add a voice recording that he had evidently filmed last night and decided to burn onto a CD in case I needed to hear myself moan Louis’ name a few more times. He had ended that with a very large poster depicting a size ass comparison chart between Louis and I –I was still convinced we weren’t even. There was no way my ass was the size of his.

            “Yeah, I have the shit at home. I’ll make sure she doesn’t smack it into something.” Louis winked my way, holding my hand suspended between us as he paid the bill without waiting for me to even protest, a sour look spreading across my features because he spent way too much money on me.

            “See you next week Louis.” Julio –I had deduced- called to Louis with a cheerful smile, both men nodding towards each other as I just looked between them slightly confused.

            “You’re getting another tattoo?” I frowned, wincing a bit when I moved too suddenly and the raw skin under my bra stung.

            “Yeah, you’re coming with me too. Don’t move to quickly baby, Victor’s going to get us.” Louis announced quite calmly, but the fire burning behind his deep blue eyes alerted me to a change in the atmosphere.

            “You drove, what happened?” I squeaked, looking around me frantically and not seeing any difference in the tattoo parlor from when we’d entered nearly two hours ago.

            “People know we’re here, just don’t panic.” He sounded more than tense, his fingers that had been laced comfortably with mine were now caught around my waist as he held me as carefully as he could while maneuvering his way to the front door.

            “I’m not going to panic.”

            “There’s a lot of people.”

            “Head down.”

            “I love you.” He mumbled, and I didn’t know if it was more of a warning to me or a reassurance to him and I didn’t have time to find out, because right as he said that the door opened and the sound of at least a hundred squealing girls broke the barrier between a safe haven and hell

            Head down. Head down. Head down.

            I repeated to myself, not really noticing how tight his grip had become around me as Louis put me in front of him and literally shoved me into to the car. The screams mounting as they cut off with the slam of a door and a furious man who had just minutes ago been laughing and joking.

            “Fuckin’ not even going to deal with this shit today.” Louis hissed, his eyes blazing with anger as the tinted window rolled down and I nearly shit myself.

            “Louis!” I snapped, not even sure what to make of his actions as he stuck his middle finger out the window without a care in the world. His black jeans touching me own as we say thigh to thigh and I wrestled his hand back in the window, nearly shouting in pain when my side smacked his hand –or maybe it was the other way around.

            Either way, we still ended up ‘snogging’ quite heatedly in the back of the SUV while Victor whistled to some oldies hit and pretended we hadn’t just broke the Larry tension by nearly fucking in his brand new car.

            “Any more birthday wishes?” Louis mumbled sleepily, his head resting on my chest as we both lay unmoving across the couch. The sleeping bodies of several boys who had decided my floor was their second home spread out because we simply partied too hard.

            “You got me a tattoo and bought me pizza while these lame-o’s tried to touch my butt and beat you at Fifa. I’d say it’s been a pretty great day.” I answered his rhetorical question, the dull ache of my tattoo fading far off to the distance and much more worth it than I’d originally expected.

            “Can I see it again?” His voice was coated thick with sleep, my fingers running through the unstyled mop of his dark brown hair as fingers played with the bottom of my shirt.

            “C’mon, let’s go upstairs and then you can.” I grinned, waiting patiently for my sleepy boy to stand up completely. The band of his TopMan boxers fully on display as he just pulled his shirt off over his head and threw it wherever it landed, ruffling his hair over his head and holding a hand out for me.

            “Mmm I love you so much.” Louis whispered into my hair, pulling me in for one of those hugs where he wrapped both of his arms around me like he was never planning on letting go and muttered sleepy thoughts into my head.

            “I love you more.” I grinned, tugging him by the band of his sweatpants upstairs, his eyelids closing and reopening for long periods of time as we made it to the door and I let out a silent chuckle at the wide open door of Harry’s room. Two dark figures tangled on top of each other as both parties seemed to be snoring quite loudly.

            “Wanna see it.” Louis whispered again, his eyes illuminating the dark path in front of him as he took the liberty of pulling my shirt off. The ink of an elephant forever marking my skin, her trunk held high like the beautiful animal she was. “Tell me again.” Louis was already laying on the white comforter, my spot open and waiting as I slowly peeled a tank top on and crawled into his arms.

            “Her name was Kimara-“ and so I launched back into the story that Louis had asked me to tell at least fifty times since learning it back at the Zoo.

            The tale of how my parents met and what lengths they would go to, to save another life fascinating to him as he’d once tried to describe it but just stopped short, shaking his head because even I couldn’t find the right words to describe my parents.

            “I blame Nora.” He finally whispered as soon as I ended the story, his lips making an impression of his countless thoughts against my shoulder.

            “Sing.” I couldn’t help myself, my last birthday wish overdue by two hours, but I always wanted to hear him. The voice I fell in love with because the man who possessed it held such a place in my heart and head that I couldn’t even see straight long enough to ever consider anything else.

            “You know I’ll be, your life, your voice, your reason to be, my love. My heart, is breathing for this moment in time, I’ll find the words to say, before you leave me today-“ his voice was muddled by exhaustion, words fading in and out to the tune of his unique voice.

            I don’t think anyone could ever sound like Louis, he was just different. He was so strong willed, so almost dominant in the way he held himself and conducted his actions, but then he was so soft. He was so little and curvy and he didn’t sound like someone who could explode and command a room with just one snarky comment, but he could and it was one of the most incredible things about him.

            He was the exact opposite of everything he was and then some.

            “Sleepy head.” I smiled softly, running my hand over his hair and giggling a bit when I realized he’d knocked himself out cold in the middle of his song. Light breathing illuminating the early morning air as a tattooed arms was slung over my waist.

            I wasn’t sure exactly how I’d come into the position of Louis’ girlfriend still, the entire thing almost baffling to me because it had just happened. There was no movie relationship or drastic badboy persona because as much as I wanted to believe Louis was a badboy, he was really just a sweetheart who cared a whole fucking lot and didn’t have much of a care to what he filtered out when people got in the way of him being a protective ass.

            It was times like these where my thoughts strayed to far off places of the future, the slight pout to his pretty lips making me smile involuntarily because he just looked so peaceful.

            Bedtime quickly approaching as I moved to turn in his arms, but caught my eye on something set quite neatly behind my pillow.

            Moving slowly so as not to wake up my sleeping popstar who was so severely down in his sleep debt that I questioned how he still functioned. My hand reaching out to clasp around the fluffy teal shape of something I didn’t recognize.

            “Oh Louis, you didn’t.” I whispered to myself, holding the plush bacteria cell stuffed animal in my hands with a mixture of emotions.

            The day when I had first taken him to classes replaying in my head, the day he’d joked about them being ‘swiffer mops’ and spent all day at my home with me. The day he’d written his number next to a cheeky note in my notebook, and probably the first time I knew he felt what I was feeling.

            A note taped to the front of it as messy scrawl wrote several words that would send my heart into a frenzy because Louis had remembered, and taken time to find something and write a note and dammit he was perfect.


            I hope you find this when I’m asleep, otherwise I’m shit at hiding. Anyways, I was thinking of all the times where I’m going to have to say goodbye to you, and I found it unfair that I would have to leave you with nothing but my image in your brain, so here’s something else. When you’re getting a bit lonely, or need someone to cuddle give him a squeeze –yes I classified by gender because it’s blue for fucks sakes.

            Anyways, I haven’t written anything like this since secondary school so my hand’s a bit tired, but I just wanted to let you know that I will never forget you. Even when I’m on stage and you’re thousands of miles away saving panda bears from the onslaught of the impending alien invasion, I will still be thinking of you.


            I love you very, very much silly girl.



            - If I’m as good at hiding as I think I am, then there’s something else behind your pillow.


            Xx Louis


            My eyes were watering just a bit, the note folded up as carefully as possible and although I almost couldn’t bring myself to, I set it gently on the bedside table. Shaking away the trembling lip because I just couldn’t believe how lucky I’d gotten.

            Clutching the bacteria close to my heart as I already knew it would be one of my most used items, and reaching behind me again to feel the hard surface of what felt like a book.

            It pulled out from under my pillow and proved to be quite a decent amount of heavy, the leather bound journal looking almost alien against the stark contrast of his messy room. My name scrawled carefully across the front next to his signature smiley face as I took a shaky breath and opened it up.

            The handwriting familiar and worn, marking just a few lines into the first page and signed with his heart.


            Harry helped me with this idea, so bear with me because 365 notes were not easy to write because I get hand cramps.

            Anyways, I figured I wouldn’t really know what days I wouldn’t be there or you wouldn’t be there, so here’s one for every day of this year until the next.

            Also, happy birthday beautiful.


            I love you,


            Xx Louis

            My fingers already moving to the first page without even thinking about it as I scanned the page, tears quickly stopped from blotting the ink because he had done the unthinkable.




            Happy birthday old shit. You’re still just as beautiful as you will be the day you turn thirty-five, and sixty and five hundred.

            I hope you know that though, I hope you understand how unforgivably beautiful you are to me. How hard it is to listen to Harry mumbled about some pointless shit because you’re playing flappy bird on my phone and your eyebrows are squished together.

            I’ve never really been in love, I know I said I had but it’s different now. I thought I was in love before, because I lived with them or I slept with them and I got butterflies when they called, it’s just not that though. You taught me what love was by not knowing yourself.

            We’re going to have to say goodbye in two weeks, it’s inevitable, and it fucking sucks.

            I want to be able to hold you after a concert, not hear you through a phone, but I think that will make the reunion even better.

            Just imagine how many people can’t withstand a relationship under this kind of pressure, and then remember why we can. Remember that if you ever need me I will answer you no matter what. I am always here, and you are stronger than you think love.

            Lydia Willow Stavens, you stole my heart and didn’t leave a piece behind for anyone else to even entertain the idea.

            We’re going to be lonely, and sometimes sad, and I know there will be days where we both know it would be easier without each other, but just remember when you’re thinking those things that I’m three thousand miles away thinking the same damn things.

            I’m here now though, probably passed the fuck out next to you and missing the wonderful shit show of hopefully you crying because I’m an eloquent bastard.

            Not the point, anyways, those nights where it seems like it’s all over or your head is winning in the way that it used to, remember all the times that I will never let go of. The day you tripped over my footie and nearly bled out on my carpet while Harry just stared and half-assed a call for help, or the time you turned me into a unicorn in the shower –don’t tell your friends.

            Just remember Lydia, how good it is going to feel in the airport after three damn long months to finally see you again, because I may never let you go from that hug.

            Don’t let your head win over your heart, you’re much too smart for your own good, and I love you far to much to let yourself believe you’re anything less than the strongest person I’ve ever met.


            You could never even attempt to let me down, remember that.


            I love you, I always will.


            Xx Louis


            His note concluding with a signature that I knew would become very familiar to me very soon, the journal clutched to my chest with Becky the bacteria as I shook the tears out of my eyes and slowly set both objects on the night stand. Prepared to use them, but dreading the day when it would come.

            My fingers slipping into the back of his sweatpants and pulling myself as close as possible, just breathing in the scent of his shampoo and expensive cologne that had worn off with the day. His hair flopping into his eyes and light lips parted slightly as he lay exactly the way he had described.

            The light of his ‘far away’ tattoo making me smile with irony, because everything was reminding me of how close it was. I was beginning to understand that it wasn’t a bad thing though, because I had no doubt that Louis and I would make it if it was the last good thing we did on this Earth.

            My eyelids fluttering shut with the exhaustion of a long day as I whispered my last words of the night into the painfully beautiful script of the tattoo that lined his chest.

            “I love you so much Tommo.”


Happy birthday Lydia!

I feel weird... about putting anything more of an author's note here...

So... yea :)

Love you all!

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The gif.

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