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Lydia’s POV


            “Hands still.” I grinned, sliding my own on top of his as he proceeded to pick the paint off of something that probably ought not be picked at.

            “M’bored and that fucking hurt.” Louis whined, his already unusually high-pitched voice rising an octave with the level of diva that was currently circulating throughout the elite tattoo shop.

            “You’re fidgety as hell.” I rolled my eyes, not bothering to argue when he slipped his fingers through my own and started fiddling with my thumb.

            “It’s been at least four hours babe.” He groaned, letting his head fall down until the floppy hair changed directions and moved against gravity. Neither of us paying any mind as Julio pulled the tattoo gun back to glare in amusement at the ridiculous man who really couldn’t bother to sit still even when bribed with a new tea mug –or in this case- the guitar that he’d been bugging me to see so he could have my seal of approval.

            Which was interesting since I actually knew nothing about the instruments he could play, I just really enjoyed him sitting in his own element. The way his feet could hardly reach the ground when he sat on his amp, and how his body wrapped around the guitar like he was protecting the lyrics that flew in mismatched paths through his beautiful mind.

            “It’s been almost an hour and a half Louis, and since you haven’t told me or even let me look at the tattoo I have no sympathy for your bleeding skin.” I scoffed, winking at Julio when he released a small smirk aimed at a very small and slightly vicious man.

            “I told you it was a surprise love, you’ll know when it’s done.” Louis again tried to back up his resolve, but ended up just grinning like a goofball because despite the fact that we were not the type to be a lovey dovey pair, we were.

            “You have so many already.” I leaned closer to him, trying to save the feeling of his breath against my hair and his smooth skin under my fingertips as I traced away our last set of days together.

            “Quite a few.” Louis started to nod, but remembered he couldn’t. Stopping abruptly and causing Julio to groan in annoyance, but keep going all the same.

“You’d look sexy as hell with a sleeve.” I smirked, holding back my eyeroll as his incredibly vibrant eyes lit up in mischief because I knew more than anyone that, that was his end goal.

“I’m already sexy as hell.” His small eyebrows raised up as if to challenge me, the lilt to his accented words tipped up in a genuine smile as he egged me on. The kind of smile no one saw on cameras, but the one I fell asleep to every night.

            “You’re from hell is what you are.” I shook my head in amusement, groaning when haphazard curls fell into my vision and skewed the grin of my favorite boy.

            “I love you.” Was all that was offered up from his painfully British accent, three words that he chose to say at the strangest time and still caused countless butterflies to fly from my stomach to the rest of my body until the only thing I could see was the bright blue that colored his laughter.

            “Quit it Lou.” I groaned, tucking my head into the cool surface of the counter and pretending I didn’t noticed when his hand remained linked with my own as he moved to push my curls back.

            It was a habit of his now, pushing my hair back just so he could make faces at me when we were in bed, or pulling it on top of my head just because he liked to experiment hairstyles on me. Things he knew wouldn’t stay, or hand gestures that would only hold the bottle curls at bay for a few seconds, but it still held the world to me. The fact that he found useless ways to touch me just so he could pretend it was something different, was something I would never grow used to and never trade for anything.

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