The Great Book of One-Shots

By AngelGirl768

27.9K 727 582

A collection of Crundee one-shots and whatever requests I'm given~ More

Bullied (Part 1)
Bullied (Part 2)
Kicked Out (Part 1)
Kicked Out (Part 2)
Thunder (Part 1)
Thunder (Part 2)
Tag, You're It (Part 1)
Tag, You're It (Part 2)
Tag, You're It (Part 3)
Christmas in America
New Years
Derp (Part 1)
Derp (Part 2)
The Neko And The Inu*
Late-Night Convesations
Valentines Day
Two Years
AN - Quick Edit
Potion Effects*
In Life & In Death
Flower Shop
Twisted Love
The Servant
The Servant's Past
The Party
The Angel & The Demon*
Father's Day
Ben and the Beast*
The Letter
The Storm
Ian's Kinks*
Day 19: Barely Legal*
AN - End?
The Club*
Psych ward
AN - Future


182 6 11
By AngelGirl768

Finally got the request by _TheIplierWithin_ done!!

Prompt: Person A walks outside only to see a fight. Then guns get evolved and Person B who was in the fight then gets shot leaving Person A running over to save Person B only to know that Person A loves Person B and when Person A called an ambulance and Person B goes to the hospital they must go through surgery. Person B makes it through surgery but later dies. Person A ends up becoming depressed after in incident and later commits suicide.

Warning: Injruy, blood, major character death, self harm, and suicide

After writing it note: I may have changed it a bit from what the prompt is, but most of it is the same.



The loud music and yelling next door had lead to Ian going outside to confront the neighbors. Though, that had been half an hour ago. Now, as Ben impatiently waited in the living room, the noises only seemed to be getting louder.

Unable to stand it any longer, he got up and went outside. He stayed hidden behind bushes and cars until he was able to see what was going on. Ben stared in horror as he saw his boyfriend get punched in the face and was shocked to see him throw a punch back.

The smaller watched the fight go on, frozen in place, until something unthinkable happened: one of the neighbors pulled out a gun and aimed it at Ian's chest.

Ben's world seemed to spin and crumble around him as he heard the gun fire and watched his lover fall to the ground, red quickly staining his shirt. The others seemed to ignore the injured man and went back to the party inside their house.

With a shaky breath and a blink, Ben's dizziness started to fade and he made his way over to Ian. He collapsed beside his lover and wrapped his arms around him.

"I-Ian!" His voice was cracked and broken and filled with concern.

"Baby... call 911..." The older's voice was strained as he tried to hide his pain from his lover.

"O-oh!" Ben quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the number. A short while later he had told the lady what had just happened and gave her their address. He was told that help would be there soon and to try to keep Ian conscious until then. He hung up the call and moved his attention back to the other.

Though, not knowing the first thing about medical care, he just stared at his boyfriend for a moment before bursting into tears. He threw his arms over Ian's torso and cried into his chest, not caring that he was getting blood on himself.

The older gently pushed him off and spoke through pained breaths, "Benny... you need to... cover the wound."

Ben sniffled and wiped his tears away as he obeyed, pressing a hand against the other's chest. He gagged at the feeling of slick blood under his palm and coating his fingers. A hand laid over his and he took a deep breath to calm himself.

Ian shakily reached his other hand up and brushed the smaller's hair off of his face, "Y-You're doing great... Sweetie..."

A pang of guilt hit Ben as he realized that Ian was comforting him when he should of been the one doing the comforting. After all, he wasn't the one who had been shot.

The smaller forced his crying to slow and focused on holding his hands over the wound. He could hear sirens and knew he only had to keep his lover alive for a little longer.

"I... love you." Ian's words brought Ben back to reality.

"I love you too, Honey." Fear was unmistakable in his emerald eyes as he stared into his lover's pained blue ones.

They stayed like that, not breaking eye contact until the ambulance was pulling up and paramedics were pushing Ben out of the way. The paramedics took over and one pulled Ben aside to see if he had any injuries too before having him tell everything that had happened.

The smaller started to cry again as he told the story from start to finish. He felt a hand on his shoulder and let it guide him to the ambulance as Ian was loaded into it. He climbed in after and let the doors be shut behind him.

Ben held his boyfriend's hand and cried all the way to the hospital. He knew he should of been comforting Ian, but he was just so weak he couldn't help but to cry. After all, he couldn't stop thinking the worst case scenarios. That Ian wouldn't make it to the hospital. That the doctors couldn't do anything for him. That somehow Ian would end up dying.

Though, before he knew it, they were arriving at the hospital and Ben was being pushed away as doctors surrounded Ian. The younger didn't even have time to ask what was happening before they were taking his lover away. A doctor turned to the smaller, panicking male and calmed him down before explaining that the bullet had hit Ian's heart and that he needed immediate surgery.

Another wave of tears hit and the doctor escorted Ben to a waiting room for those with loved ones in the operating room. He sat in one of the chairs in the small, empty room and the doctor excused himself before going back to his job.

Hours passed and Ben did little but cry. He had quickly given himself a pretty bad headache and made his eyes seem impossibly tired, but he had felt so broken that he didn't even notice the feelings. He tried to think of other things to distract himself, but found himself only thinking horrible thoughts.

That he would be told Ian didn't make it. That he would have to plan a funeral. That he'd never be able to hug or kiss him again. That he'd never be able to even talk to the love of his life again.

The mere thought made it suddenly crash into Ben that he had been too busy crying to say good bye or that he loved Ian or to wish him good luck or, really, say anything at all.

The realization only made the smaller cry harder and harder. He sobbed into his hands as he sat in the waiting room, not caring how much of a scene he was making. Though, eventually, another doctor came in and stopped in front of him.

The doctor put a hand on Ben's shoulder and calmed him down enough that she could talk to him. The desperate look the smaller gave when he looked up showed how much he needed this news to be good.

"Well, the operation was a success." The woman's voice showed a professional kindness.

It felt as if a heavy weight had lifted off of Ben's shoulders as his mood lightened and his face lit up with joy.

"But," the smaller's expression quickly fell, "he's still in critical condition and we'll just have so see what happens from here."

"But... he'll live... right?" Ben's voice was scratchy and broken from all the crying.

"Like I said, we'll see."

The fear of reality hit Ben and showed on his face, "C-can I... s-see him?"

"Of course, follow me." The doctor stood up and Ben followed her to the door of a recovery room. "Here," the doctor gestured to the closed door, "Your friend is in this room. Just be prepared for what you're going to see." She left and Ben fearfully stared at the door. He took a deep, shaky breath to calm himself and pushed it open before walking in. He immediately froze at what he saw.

Ian was laying, still asleep from surgery, in a hospital bed with an IV, an oxygen mask, and several other wires and tubes that Ben didn't quite know the name or function of. He stared, too afraid to get closer, for a moment before something hit him and he ran forwards.

He threw his arms around Ian, careful of the things connected to him, and pressed kiss after kiss to his lover's cheeks and forehead between mumbled 'I love you's and 'Please get better's. He ended up laying his head on the older's stomach and tiredly grabbed one of his hands. He pressed a few kisses to the back of it and, before he knew it, the tiredness of all his crying crashed into him and he fell asleep.

When Ben woke up, a hand was weakly running though his hair and he sat up. His face brightened at the sight of Ian awake and he couldn't help his excited words, "Ian! You're okay!" He hugged his lover. "I was so scared Ian. P-please never leave me. I...I love you so much Ian. I love you so, so, so, sooo much. Y-you're the best thing that ever happened to me and I can't loose you. I... I don't know if I could live without you." The smaller broke down again as the words rushed out of his mouth and a hand weakly rubbed his back.

"I love you... too..." Ian's voice was weak and it hurt to hear.

Ben stayed by Ian's side for the rest of the day and ended up falling asleep next to him that night. He spent the next day with his lover and found himself sticking to the older's side, day and night, for several more days. He only ever left to go home to shower and change his clothes or to get food from the cafeteria. Other than that, he stayed with Ian. Sitting with him. Talking to him. Sleeping next to him. He refused to miss even a second of time that he could spend with his beloved boyfriend.

Of course, he'd have to sit to the side a bit as doctors examined Ian's condition and checked his vitals. They'd usually only take a few minutes before writing something down and leaving. Though, one day, something different happened.

Ian had been breathing a bit heavy that day, but it hadn't seemed bad enough for either him or Ben to worry. Though, as the doctors checked the older's vitals, their usual stern expressions changed to a different kind of seriousness. One commanded for a nurse to get a certain kind of medication and to put it in the IV. They kept checking the readings on the machines hooked up to Ian and Ben found himself too scared to speak.

The doctors kept an eye on Ian's heart monitor for a while before asking Ben to leave the room and commanding more orders at the nurses.

Over the next few minutes, Ben lost track of how many people and machines went in and out of the room as he panicked. He was left with his thoughts as he was kept out of the action and kept from looking into the room. He found himself thinking similar thoughts to those he had when Ian was in surgery. Was he okay? What was happening? Was something wrong? Ian was supposed to be getting better... right? He couldn't... he couldn't die now... could he?

The smaller was left in a state of fear as the chaos died down and doctor after doctor left the room, all seeming to avoid or ignore him. The last one, however, was left with confronting the smaller man.

"Your... boyfriend... he," a sigh, "he went into heart rhythm that is incompatible with life." He paused as Ben's face fell, "We tried everything we could, but I regret to inform you that he has passed on."

The last bit of strength that Ben had slipped away and he broke down for what seemed like the millionth time that week. "H-he's.. gone?" His voice cracked as large tears fell down his cheeks.

"Yes," he paused, "would you like to see him?"

Ben nodded, "Y-yeah."

When Ben walked back into the room, what he saw was very different that what he had left it as.

The oxygen mask and all the needles and wires and tubes that had been in or attached to Ian were gone and the sheet had been pulled over his face. Ben walked up to Ian's side, right were he had spent the last few days with him, and raised shaking hands to pull the sheet back down. The seemingly peaceful expression on Ian's face almost made it look like he was just asleep. Though, even then, the sight was too much for the smaller and he quickly looked away.

Ben took a deep breath and forced himself to look back. He bit his lip for a second before pushing Ian's long hair out of his face and shook as he leaned down. He pressed a kiss to the other's forehead and whispered in a hoarse voice, "I love you." He cupped the side of Ian's face and ran his thumb over his boyfriend's lips before forcing himself away. He pulled the sheet back up and left the room.

Days passed and Ben found himself quickly getting worse. He would curl up and cry and cry and cry until he would pass out or fall asleep. When he would wake up, he'd try to go on like any normal day, but even the smallest of things would get to him and the cycle would start again.

Waking up alone. Showering alone. Cooking alone. Eating alone. Living alone. Ben couldn't do anything without ending up in tears.

He cried for what seemed like days on end, barely eating and bathing less and less as time went on. He knew he couldn't live like that and, frankly, he didn't care if that lifestyle killed him. After all, he had lost his reason to live.

Though, one day, after a little over a week of the non-stop crying, it stopped. Ben's  crying stopped. It was sudden and almost as if he had cried so much that he had ran out of tears. After all, he knew he was was still devastated from the loss and still wanted to cry, he just couldn't. He couldn't cry anymore and was left with a sadness that had no way out.

So, he found his own way to let it out.

Ben found himself staring, with empty eyes, into the sink as blood ran down the drain. He numbly cut himself again and watched the red drip down his arm and into the sink once more. He cut over and between the recently-scabbed lines that now covered his arms. He cut and cut until he started to feel dizzy and stopped. He bandaged his arms and laid down on his bed.

It had become somewhat of a game to him so see if he would live or die after his sessions of cutting. Secretly, he always wished for the later.

Of course, Ben knew that he was depressed. He had known it since the day Ian died. He had instantly became depressed and now, only two weeks later, he didn't know how much longer he could go on.

A few more lonely, depressed days passed and Ben found himself thinking more and more about joining Ian. All it would take was a deeper cut, a couple pills, a step off a roof. There seemed to be so many simple ways to just end it all. End the loneliness. End the pain. End the suffering. End his life.

It was much easier than it should of been to write a suicide note. It was all much easier than it should of been.

Ben leaned over the sink and slid the razor blade across his wrist. The thin cut dripped blood down his arm and into the sink. He cut a few more times and bit his lip. He took a deep breath and cut deeper. More blood trickled down his arm and he made several more deep cuts. Ben did the same to his other arm and watched as blood poured from him.

He made more and more cuts, enjoying the feeling, even as his vision began to blur. His ears rang and his legs shook and he kept digging the blade in again and again until he collapsed to the floor. Blood quickly pooled around him and he smiled.

He did it. He was dying. He wouldn't have to be alone or depressed anymore. He wouldn't have to go through the torture of living without his love.

He would be with Ian again. The hole in his heart would be filled and he wouldn't feel broken anymore. He could be happy. He could have all the things he only could dream of for the past few weeks. Ian could kiss him and hold him and cuddle him and they could do all the things they used to.

They would be together again and that was all that mattered to Ben. Even if they both had to meet their ultimate demises for it to happen, they'd be together and Ben couldn't be happier.


2726 words!! Woo, a long one... been a long time since I wrote something this long.... :P

Hope you enjoyed!

Requests always open!!

~Angel ^-^

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