The Great Book of One-Shots

By AngelGirl768

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A collection of Crundee one-shots and whatever requests I'm given~ More

Bullied (Part 1)
Bullied (Part 2)
Kicked Out (Part 1)
Kicked Out (Part 2)
Thunder (Part 1)
Thunder (Part 2)
Tag, You're It (Part 1)
Tag, You're It (Part 2)
Tag, You're It (Part 3)
Christmas in America
New Years
Derp (Part 1)
Derp (Part 2)
The Neko And The Inu*
Late-Night Convesations
Valentines Day
Two Years
AN - Quick Edit
Potion Effects*
In Life & In Death
Flower Shop
Twisted Love
The Servant's Past
The Party
The Angel & The Demon*
Father's Day
Ben and the Beast*
The Letter
The Storm
Ian's Kinks*
Day 19: Barely Legal*
AN - End?
The Club*
Psych ward
AN - Future

The Servant

267 7 7
By AngelGirl768

Prompt: Imagine your OTP in a medieval AU. Person A is a dignitary/noble/monarch/someone high ranking, travelling to visit somebody of a similar rank (person C of OT3 or even NoTP if you want). Person B is C's slave, working in their home for a long time. After some contact the two fall in love, even though B is in a position where they risk being executed if the two of them get caught together, and A's family will never accept them taking B as their spouse. Eventually, as they come closer to the time when A has to leave for their own land, the pair begin to make a plan to elope together.


Hope you enjoy!!


Ian was the only child of his family and the crown prince of his kingdom. Currently his parents, the king and queen, and himself were on their way to see crown prince Jordan become king after a tragedy befell his parents.

The major difference in their kingdoms? Ian's offered the poor servant jobs in the palace and Jordan's had a long running tradition of making unfortunate foreigners their servants.

The first day in Jordan's kingdom, Ian's attention was caught by the new king's personal servant and he felt his heart skip a beat as he saw the smaller's face. As time passed, Ian found himself pausing and staring every time the servant was around. He knew he shouldn't feel this way, but the other man was just so... perfect.

One late afternoon, after many days of not being able to stop thinking about him, Ian saw the servant walking down the hall. He quickly caught up to him and and pulled him into a room. The smaller man whimpered and looked down, instantly becoming very submissive.

Ian was confused for a second before it clicked and his eyes went wide. "N-no! I-I'm not gonna do anything to you!" The curly-haired man looked up confused.

Ian sighed and gave a gentle smile, "What's... your name?"

"Benjamin..." The man's voice was very quiet and small, but none the less showed an accent.

Ian smiled at finally hearing his voice - it gave him more butterflies than he had expected. "Well, Benjamin, you can stop being scared. Like I said, I'm not going to hurt you. I... I just wanted to know your name and," Ian gently lifted his face up and paused as he saw stunning green eyes, "and to tell you that you're beautiful."

The smaller had a look of total shock behind his blush.

"Look, I don't expect you to love me or even trust me but... just know that I'll never hurt you. So, you don't need to be afraid around me. I'll make sure no one hurts you, while I'm here."

The next few weeks went on and Ben began getting more and more comfortable around Ian. He spent a lot of his free time with the royal and even started to break his strict rules as a servant to give him bashful smiles whenever he saw him while at Jordan's side.

One day, Ian was sitting against the headboard of his large, luxurious bed with Ben sitting between his legs and leaning against his chest. It wasn't an unusual position as the two had quickly gotten very close in their rare moments alone and both quite liked to spend the time cuddled together. This time, however, Ian had tilted Ben's head up and, after a moment of looking into each other's eyes, he leaned down and kissed the smaller.

It was a magical kiss filled with passion and a love that shouldn't be. After all, a servant and a royal were to stay nothing more than that. Though, despite knowing it would never be accepted, they ended up dating. Their relationship, of course, had to be a secret and it only made them want to be together even more. So, Ben started spending every second of his rare free time in Ian's room. Unfortunately, one night he was caught leaving Ian's private room and rumors of the royal 'using' him began. Though, it was treated as if it were nothing.

With the rumor floating around, people started looking more at their relationship and saw just how close they had gotten. For this, Ian was lectured by his parents and Ben was punished by kingdom guards. Though the stinging words and dark bruises weren't nearly enough to keep them apart.

Much to their sadness, the visit quickly came to its last days and the duo found themselves too madly in love to be able to separate. Desperate to be able to stay together, Ian formed an idea.

They had been sitting together on Ian's bed when he spoke his thoughts. "How... how would you like to be a prince?"

"Huh?" The phrase took Ben by surprise.

"Marry me and you'll be a prince. When I leave you'll have to come with me."

Ben gave a look of confusion.

"Marrying a royal will make you royal. You'll belong to my kingdom and will have to come with me."

"But... my job..."

"That won't matter anymore. A prince couldn't be a servant anyways."

Ben had a look of unimaginable happiness on his face and it took everything Ian had not to kiss him.

Smiling, the older spoke, "The only problem would be finding someone who would be willing to marry a crown prince to a servant. I'm sure I could convince plenty of people to do it but, I don't know how many would actually do it."

"Hmm?" Confusion and something near disappointment showed in Ben's voice.

"If... When my parents find out... they... they'll obviously be angry and who knows what they would be willing to do to the poor person who officiated our... our wedding." A faint blush appeared on Ian's face as he said the last words.

"Oh... right..." The disappointment was now obvious.

"But I'm sure I could find someone." Ian leaned down and kissed the smaller. "I'll make sure you come back with me, Sweetie.

The next day, with a hoodie on and Ben at his side, Ian walked from church to church until he found someone who would marry them. The wedding went smoothly with only them and the officiant knowing about it. Afterwards, they snuck back into the palace undetected.

They spent a few days in secret, married bliss before the final day came. Ian's stuff had been packed and loaded onto the carriage by servants as he hid in the library. He knew that today was the day. His marriage would be known and punishment was inevitable.

Time passed by and a servant slipped into the room. A messenger to tell Ian to get outside. That it was time for him to go. He sighed and dismissed the servant before leaving.

Once outside, his father saw how upset he was and told him to go say good bye to his little boy toy. To that, Ian played dumb and asked, "What do you mean say good bye? He's coming with us."

A laugh, "You know that servant has to stay here."

"What servant?"

"Son, now's no time to be acting childish." He sighed, "That one you've been fooling around with. Say good bye to him."

"Fooling around with? Oh, you mean Ben?"

"I don't care what his name is and neither should you. Just say bye and let us be on our way." His father's frustration was obvious.

"But we can't leave him here."

"Ian." Impatience now showed in his voice.

Not wanting to anger his father any more before saying something that would make him much more upset, Ian stopped the act. He looked down and took a deep breath before sighing it out. He forced his gaze back up and spoke, "Ben isn't a servant anymore." A quizzical look. "He's... the prince of our kingdom." Confusion. "And... and my husband." The expected anger formed and Ian prepared for yelling - even hitting.

"Your what?!"

"My... husband. I m-married him."

"And when was this!?"

"A f-few days ago. I... I couldn't leave him here and I k-knew that he would belong to our kingdom if-" The words rushed out before he was cut off.

"I know how it works! But you... You married a servant?! And a boy one at that!"

"W-we love each other-" Fear was in Ian's voice.

"No, you don't. There's no way a prince such as yourself would love a lowly servant!"

"But we-"

"Guards! Find the servant boy and bring him to me! Dead or alive!"

Ian's eyes went wide, "N-no! You can't-" Realizing how precious time was, Ian cut himself off and ran to find Ben before his father's guards.

He was Jordan's personal servant. He would be wherever Jordan was. The thought rushed through Ian's mind as he ran.

He checked the throne room. Nope.

He looked out the huge windows into the gardens. Nope.

He checked Jordan's room. Nope.

So much precious time had passed. Fear ran through Ian as he tried to think of another location.

Not wanting to waste time, he checked into each room as he ran through the palace. What he didn't expect was to run into somebody as he checked into a random room. Quickly coming back to his senses, he noticed who the other person was.


"Shhh. Come with me." The stern words were said in a hushed voice.

Ian hesitated but didn't have much choice as the other grabbed his arm and led him to a secret passage. Ian had a look of awe as Jordan pulled him into the room and closed the door behind him.

"Servant tunnels. So they can move through the place without anyone having to see them." Of course, Ian already knew what they were. He had them in his palace too. Though, in his rush, he had completely forgotten about them. It would be the perfect place to hide.

"But... why are you here?" Ian spoke his question.


"If... these are for servants... why is the king here?"

"Cause," Jordan stopped at a door, "I brought him here." He pushed the door open and revealed a servant's room. Small and cramped even with only a small metal bed and a dresser. Curled up on the thin mattress was who Jordan had been referring to - Ben.

He was shaking and crying and had a worn blanket wrapped around him. Ian couldn't resist running over and wrapping his arms around him.

"You're okay! I... I couldn't find you and I thought... I though they got you." Ian pressed a kiss to Ben's forehead. "You're okay. Shh, shh. I got you." The comfort was just as much for himself.

"I... overheard your conversation with your father. As soon as he mentioned wanting Ben found, I took him and ran." Jordan sighed, "I... know you two love each other and all, and I wish you the best, but you can't stay here." Jordan's words were the harsh truth.

They couldn't stay there. If they did, they would eventually be found and Ben would be taken and probably killed and Ian couldn't let that happen.

"But where... where can we go? There's guards all over looking for him. It'll be near impossible to get out."

Ben whimpered and buried his face against Ian's chest.

"Yes, but it's worth a shot to at least try to get out." There was no arguing with Jordan's words.

Ian sighed and ran a hand through Ben's hair as the smaller whimpered again, "As much as I hate the idea of you leaving this room, he does have a point."

"Bu-" Ben's eyes were wide in fear as he forced himself to look up.

"But, it's only a matter of time until the guards check here too" Ian's words seemed to click something in the smaller's head.

Ben made a sound that was a mix of a groan and a whimper. "F-fine. I-I'll go..." Ben paused, "But only if Ian's stays with me," he looked up at his husband.

Ian smiled, "I wouldn't dream of leaving you." He pressed a kiss to Ben's lips and climbed off the bed. Ben followed the action and soon Ian's arm was around the smaller's waist as Jordan explained his plan to them.

The king pushed open the door and the other two hesitated. It was hard leaving the small room. Even though it's security was limited, it had kept Ben safe so far. With a deep, shaky breath, Ian took the smaller's hand and stepped out. Ben whimpered and followed him.

They let Jordan lead the way through what seemed like a maze of tunnels before they stopped at a door. Ian rubbed his thumb over Ben's hand as he felt him shake. This door was going to be even harder to go out. The servant tunnels were safe and all the entrances were hidden doors and no one would see them as long as the stayed in them. But out there...

Jordan was the first to speak, "Here we are. You two will have to go alone from here-"

"What?" Ian spoke the word as Ben stared, more fear in his face now then ever.

"It would only draw more attention if I went with you. You'll have to go alone."

"But... where do we go?" Even Ian's voice showed fear.

"This door leads into a spare bedroom on the first floor. All you have to do is get to the back door and run to the stables. You can take some horses and ride away."

"How do we do all that without being seen?" Ian seemed doubtful of the plan.

"Go straight down the hallway and take the first right. That'll leave you in the kitchen. There's a hidden door along the wall by the fridge. Just go out that and you're free."

"O...kay." Ian was skeptical.

"Look. That's your best shot at leaving together with both of you alive. You may as well take it."

Ian sighed, "Fine." He lifted up Ben's face and kissed him. Ben desperately kissed back, scared that this one could be his last.

Ian slipped one of his hands into Ben's and gently pushed the door open. He slipped out and tugged Ben along. The smaller whimpered as he was brought into the open and Ian shushed him.

They quietly made their way down the hall and froze about halfway down it as they heard the sound of guard boots marching against the wooden floors. Ben tried to open one of the doors to hide in the room but Ian stopped him, "No, they'll check all the rooms for sure. Come on," Ian tugged Ben further down the hall and walked much faster than before. As the sound of the guards got closer, however, Ian started running, desperate to get Ben out.

They made it to the kitchen and Ian started to frantically feel along the walls. Though, before he could find the door, he heard Ben yell. Quickly turning around, Ian's eyes widened as he saw two men blocking the entrance and two more approaching a cornered Ben with swords in their hands.

Thinking fast, Ian grabbed a knife off the counter and yelled to get the guards attention, "Hey!" The men turned towards him. "Leave him alone!"

A guard scoffed, "Or what?"

"Or..." Ian looked down at the knife in his hand. He quickly raised it up to his neck, "Or you won't have a prince anymore!"

The guards froze. Their king and queen would surely have their heads if they let their heir, their only child, die.

Ian smirked, "Back away from him!"

The guards took a step back.


One stepped back but the other, the one who had spoke to Ian, didn't.

"I said get back!"

"I don't take orders from you." He growled.

"Then you don't mind losing your heir?"

He laughed, "You won't do it."

"Oh?" Ian pressed the knife against his skin.

"I-Ian! No!" Ben couldn't stand to see his husband do such a thing.

"You shut up!" The guard snapped at him.

Ben shrunk down in his corner.

"Leave. Him. Alone." Ian pressed the knife closer.

The guard growled and stepped back.

"Good. Now leave." The guard looked at him amused. "Leave and tell my father you failed to find him."

The main guard laughed, "Like we'd do that. He'll kill us if we fail." Ian wasn't sure if that was an exaggeration or not.

"Looks like a loose-loose for you then. Fail to find him or let me die. Which do you pick?"

The guard stared at him.

"Or would you like to live?" The guard's expression became curious. "Put the swords down and let me take Ben to my father. You can follow behind, but if you as much as touch him, I'll do it. Once we're there, you protect us. Let no one touch him," Ian gestured at Ben, "understand?"

The guard's expression hardened and he laughed. "Like we'd do that." He stepped towards Ben.

Ian pressed the knife harder.

"I-Ian! S-stop!" Ben sounded desperate.

The guard looked back over and froze as he saw blood now dripping down Ian's neck. It wasn't a lot but if he was able to make himself bleed with a straight face...

"Fine! Have your childish way." The guard put his sword away. The other guard did the same.

"Get away from him."

They took a step back.

"All the way. Back to the door."

The guard glared at Ian and stood by the door.

Ben rushed over to Ian's side and gently pulled the knife away. He grabbed a towel and ran it under the water before wiping the blood away. "You... didn't need to do this..." His voice was small as he talked.

"Yes, I did," Ian didn't break eye contact with the guard, "I'm not letting them hurt you. No matter what that takes."

Ben held a dry towel against the small cut. "Hold this here." Ian did as he was told.

The smaller tried to take the knife from Ian but he only tightened his grip. "I'm keeping it. In case I need to remind people what I'm willing to do."

Ben sighed, he just wanted the danger away from Ian. Funny how Ian's quick decisions made him completely forget his own fear for his life.

The younger pulled the towel from Ian's neck, "Looks like... it stopped bleeding."

"Then lets go. You should know better than anyone that it's bad to keep the king waiting." The guard's harshly stated words were undeniable.

A short walk later, they were walking back to where it had all began. The king was seemingly distracted, talking to the queen.

"Father." Ian's voice showed no emotion.

"Son." He turned to look at Ian then to Ian's side, "I see you brought the servant."

"Ben. His name is Ben. And he's not a servant, I've already told you, he's my husband. He's a prince now." Venom dripped from Ian's voice.

Anger showed as the king spoke again, "Now's not the time for games, Ian. Stop playing pretend with him and get in the carriage."

Ian held the knife up so that the bloody blade could be seen. "I'm not playing games. He's my husband and he's coming with us." Ian put his free arm around Ben's waist and pulled him close.

The king stepped forewords, "Give me that, you are in no position to possess such objects." He tried to take the knife and Ian pulled his hand back.

"Ian." The king stepped closer and glared at Ben as the smaller reached a hand to Ian's neck. Though, he was taken aback as he watched the former servant gently swipe a drop of blood from the taller's neck.

"What... happened to you?" Concern for his son took over the anger.

Ian glared at his father, "I did what I had to do to keep your guards from touching him." Ian pulled Ben even closer to his side.

The king looked baffled, "You did this?! And... for him?!"

"Yes, I did," Ian practically growled the words, "because I love him."

He king sighed and paused, "If you... If you really do love him. Then... I suppose... he can come with us." Defeat showed in his voice.

"Really?" Despite his stern voice, Ian's eyes shone with happiness.

"Yes, but I'm not having him make a fool of our name. You'll have a year to teach him the basics of life as a proper prince. And for the duration of that year, he is not to leave the palace or be seen by the public. Understand?" Authority replaced emotion and the king was back to his normal voice.

Ian nodded. It wasn't exactly what he had wanted and teaching Ben all the things he'd need to know would be a long, tedious process, but it would be worth it. It would be worth it and more if he would be able to turn the poor servant boy into a beloved prince and, most importantly, he would be able to keep his beautiful husband that he loved more than anything or anyone else in the whole world.


3416words! Woo, this was a long one...

Hope you enjoyed!

Requests always open!!

~Angel ^-^

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