Love from a nightmare-Cryaoti...

By anon_devpie

23K 451 86

A journey that will lead you somewhere with the person you just met, starting with lies and ends with truths... More

Love from a nightmare-Cryaotic x Reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chaper 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Closed Competition:
Chapter 908:

Chapter 13

309 6 1
By anon_devpie

It really had alot of weapons, I widened my eyes. "W-Wow.. that's alot..!" I just walked curiously towards the weapons. "You still needed to use mind intelligence and pick the right weapon for you, from these 80 weapons, you'll find it by using your heart, not mind.." Angi quickly picked one of those, she knew it directly, she is also lucky. She had a dark sword with a shield-like boomerang. Wow. Ryan just stared at the weapons, one of the weapons made him look at it directly, he is thinking and making trust in the inside, he picked the sword, it has 4 elements tho'. Well, you gotta say what element you'd want. God, he's right. He picked the right weapon and winked at me, he chuckled whe he is trying it.

I was nervous.. I closed my eyes and thought of what weapon i'll use. Then suddenly, my necklace began to glow, it was reflected on the mirror, pointing one of those weapons, it's... it's the knife-like-sides boomerang?! That's awesome! It's made out from steel and heart of a owner. I smiled, looking at myself reflected on the steel, it looked so awesome. It has three holes on the center where you need to hold it. When i tried it, i fling it up and came back to me, i closed my eyes, covering my face with my left hand and reached out my right hands in the sky,


It came back to me gently! It didn't hurt me at all!, it doesn't hurt owners when they still have their heart. I feel even confident when i tried it many times in the air, i laughed , "Woaah!! Haha! This is ... Awesome!!" I kept it near me and the place shaked, earthquake?! I started to panic, but i just steadied calm. Ryan just locked his sword on the floor to steady, the ceilings is falling towards ryan, he removed it after the quake, he looked up, widening his eyes, horror filled him, i spotted him, i ran even faster, faster ! It almost hit Ryan, i jumped and pushed him away, which made ME got hurt a little,

*Thud!* *Small debris' moves downwards*

then suddenly after being hit, my vision blurred while the place blacked-out, i feel fogs too. I can hear other debris fall on them too, we are all visioned out. My head ache joined too,

                       "C-Cry?! Where are you?!"

          "I-i'm here...! I just got a little hurt.."

                      " C-Cry? Are you... okay? Tell me..!"
        "Yeah, just... a little pain...."

                       "Uh, come one! I'll help you stand u...up!"

        "Guah! Agh?! Ah.. Hah! Mrgmgh!..."

                        "You're in pain.."

         "Gah! Ah! Hah! Oh my !@#$... it hurts..! Guah!"

                        "It's bleeding! Here, let me fix it.."

         "Hah!.. Ah. Uh. ... Err, t-thanks...."

                        " I-it's okay, nice thing is you are safe and healed."

           "Thank you.. *Kisses forehead*"


I woke up from all the sudden. Everything was so dark, few fogs are touching me, i need to find Ryan and Angi.!  Everything was very dark, i tried to move but debris' are blocking my body, i moved them away slowly to prevent hitting me. Once i am done removing it, i tried to get up, my left leg was cramped.

I was walking with my other leg useles, i shouted to find Ryan.

"RYAN!! Ryan! Where are you?!" I can hear a near debris movements. "Ryan? Is that you?!" A big moan echoed, "I-i'm here (Y/N)!.. I-I'm fine! I'm here, my leg was just locked on debris'..!" Ryan shouted, i can hear his voice nearby. "Wh-where are you?" Raising both of my arms and moving it sidewards, just like what blind persons do when they don't know where they're going. I kept on walking till' i stepped on some debris hill-like, "(Y/N)? I-is that you?" I can hear his voice under my feet, maybe i was stepping on the debris that locked his leg,

"Ryan?" I lowered myself and touched everything down there. "Um, is this you?" I touched something hairy, smooth, "Um, yeah, that's my .. Hair." Ryan just shaked his head so i will know that it is really him. "O-oh, okay.. Um, let me reach your trapped leg if i can." I started patting all around him, and praising not to touch his... you know... i grabbed one of his arm and my other hand patted all around him still. "Duah, uh. Your just as almost on the finish line (Y/N).!" Ryan told me, we both blushed, I didn't know, i just touched him under his belly button, well, almost.

I slided down my hand to meet his trapped leg, "Wiramirgabriki! I.. Faster finding the leg p-please?" Ryan shaked a little, oh god, that's even closer, "S-sorry! I tried to find your leg!" I felt something now, debris, "Okay! That's the leg!" Ryan said, "Okay, i'm gonna remove the debris..!" I removed the debris lightly from his leg, once it's removen, i helpred him up. "Err, thanks." Ryan finding my head, he touched my face, brushed his hands on my cheeks and upwards, he played with my hair, Hehe.

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