[Complete] Now & Forever: Dra...

By _Books4l

123K 4.4K 989

Kennedy Onika "Nicki" Maraj, just a simple girl from New York. She has faced challenges throughout her life t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five (Part 1)
Chapter Twenty Five (Part 2)
Chapter Twenty Five (Part 3)
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Dricki OneShots: POSTED!
Chapter Thirty
Thank You ☺️
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Just Incase
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Everlasting: Dave Ea$t x Bernice Burgos
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Now that I have your attention...
Chapter Fourty Five
Sequal Posted
Song Bird!

Chapter Fourty Six

1.6K 57 79
By _Books4l

I just feel like this chapter was super draggggedddd, but whatever. I did this for y'all because I'm tired and I didn't feel like updating. My energy is gone, goodbye now.

I NEED 50+ comments overall for the NEXT UPDATE.

Y'all be reading, but don't wanna be active.

50 comments & lets get the book to 50K!

Kennedy Onika "Nicki" Maraj

"Happy two months honey", I said to AJ as I placed a kiss onto each of his chubby cheeks. He barely paid me any attention to me as he continued to squirm around, whining here and there.

Yesterday, Aubrey had finished up the second show in New York so him and his crew were leaving tomorrow and I'd be returning back to L.A. in just a few short days.

Since he wouldn't be seeing AJ for a a few weeks, he decided to have a dinner before he left. He rented out a house in New Jersey for the day and hired a chef to cook. Nearly the entire OVO crew would be in attendance since they all traveled with him and of course, I'd be accompanied by Jason, Kylie, and AJ.

I hadn't spoken to anyone about the things that I'd discovered from the shop's accounts but I was surely going to confront Jelani about it before I left. I didn't want to say anything to my mother yet because I didn't want her to worry, but I knew something was up even though I couldn't put my finger on it.

After getting AJ dressed and making sure all of his necessities were inside of his diaper bag, I headed to the address Aubrey had sent me. Since Jason was still at Kylie's house, those two would just meet me there.

After Aubrey's little stunt during his performance the other day, we had a talk. That night, the two of us rented out a private section at Phillipe Chow and talked everything over.

After the waiter took our order, I took a sip of my Watermelon Mojito as Aubrey finally spoke up.

"You know I meant everything I said last about you tonight, right"? I shrugged, "I can only hope that you did, I'm never too sure when it comes to you these days".

He sighed, "What is that supposed to mean"? I shrugged, "It varies, however you choose to take it is fine with me".

He nodded his head, "So how did you like the performance"? I arched an eyebrow, "Honest opinion"?


"Well the show wasn't necessarily my favorite. Two rappers who lost the quote on quote woman of their dreams who constantly perform shows dedicated to those women, that isn't typically my favorite thing to see but your fans seemed to love it".

He hesitantly laughed, but I was serious.

"I don't constantly perform shows dedicated to you, that was just for that show only. Don't be too cocky, where's the appreciation"?

I shrugged, "It's there, trust me. You asked and I gave you a clear answer, it wasn't the best show I've ever seen".

"Fair enough".

"I know".

He sighed, "So where are we going with this, you're always sending me mixed signals. One day it seems like you're open to work on us, and then some days you totally shutting me out".

"I have every reason and right to. Every time I consider working on us, the negative thoughts pop into my mind. I feel like I have no good reason
to let you come into my home again, let alone even think about marrying you".

"There's always a reason, AJ deser-"

I shook my head, "No, let's not bring our child into the issues we have. AJ deserves to active parents and he has that, correct"?


"He isn't even old enough to know what he deserves, let alone understand. This is about you and what you've done to make me feel the way I feel".

"I know what I've done Kennedy, I've been stuck wondering why I've made those stupid decisions for months now. I miss you, I want you back. I was changing, I was doing good the last time around. You have to be honest, everything you wanted out of me, I was giving it to you up until the Grand Opening. I know I wasn't completely honest about my past with Bernice, but I technically didn't have any fuckups prior to that".

I sighed, "See that's the problem, you always want me to cut you slack. There's no cutting slack when you're engaged to a woman and she's damn near ready to pop while carrying your child. I can admit, you were improving as a man but you also have to understand that there's baggage I have to carry every time you make mistakes like that".

"I know and I apologize again".

I sighed, "I weigh my options everyday and it's fearful. I can start over and meet a new man, in hopes that he can accept my child and actually practice something called faithfulness in all aspects. Or I can work it out with you, know that you're going to be a great father, and hope that you are faithful. It's scary Aubrey, and you can't blame me for taking precautions. We've never been separated this long, but it's been for the best".

"It's understandable, I get it. I just know that if you were to completely walk away from me, that would be it for me. I don't want to marry another woman or have any children by anyone else, despite my want for both of those things. I just can't imagine this shit without you".

"Your imagination must be very small then".

He sighed, "Here you go, come on now".

I smiled, "I'm just playing Aubrey, damn". I sighed before speaking, "Look, I know that you love me and you know that I love you. This shit isn't easy, I miss you so much, but we can't just hop back into this. It's not the same right now and it's not going to be back how were right now. I need for you to show me that you've changed, and I mean it".

"Whatever I have to do, I'll do it".

"First, once you get off of tour we're attending counseling. Second, we aren't having sex until
I feel like you deserve it. Third, wedding planning isn't something that will be brought back up until I'm ready to take that route with you again. Fourth, you can move into the house but you will be sleeping in the guest room for right now. Lastly, I want to go on a vacation because we've never been on a vacation. I don't want to go right now though because I want to be back on great terms with you, so it can actually be enjoyable".

"I promise you, all of those things can be done".

"I hope so because I promise you and I put that on the life of Aubrey Drake Graham Jr., if you ever pull that shit again you're going to lose your wife for good. No ifs, ands, or buts will mend what is broken after we finish this fixing".

He placed his hand on top of mine, "I want this more than anything".

"We'll see Aubrey, I need your actions to speak louder than your words".

We were one-hundred percent back to our best, and we weren't going to be there for a while but I was willing to work on us. I loved him and you all knew that.

"Where's his burping cloth"? Aubrey asked as he finished feeding AJ his bottle. "Here", I said while handing him a clean burping cloth from AJ's Gucci Diaper Bag.

The private chefs that Aubrey hired were just arriving with the main course, while some of the guys had just came back from the store with drinks and other snacks. Future The Prince had his DJ equipment set up, and the party was just beginning to start. I knew that a get together with the guys couldn't be any less than fun because they were literally the entire party themselves.

"I can't believe he's two months already", Aubrey said as he finished burping AJ.

"I know, September came fast. He'll be one before I know it". I propped my feet up on the couch we were sitting on, laying against Aubrey's shoulder.

"Have you thought about nannies yet? You know you have to go back to work soon".

I shrugged, "I'm kind of scared about someone else being there with my child if I don't know them. I've been enjoying the working from home thing, but with the shit that's happening in the New York shop, I might just have to be more hands on if I want to actually succeed".

Aubrey look at me, "What happened"? I shrugged, "The New York shop isn't technically how I left it and there's $25,000 missing from one of my accounts".

"I thought your brother had that handled"? I shrugged, "I thought so too, but it looks like he's lacking and I can't afford to just let $25,000 slip away like that. It wouldn't be a damage at all, but it's still money that I've worked for".

He shook his head, "Let me know what happens with everything. If you ever need me to come home, you know I have no problem canceling some shows".

"I should be okay, I'm going to handle it before I leave here and I'll possibly look into some nannies when I get back home".

A few hours had passed and AJ was well asleep. Aubrey had put him to sleep, placing him in one of the guest bedrooms of the house while the adults ate and enjoyed a few drinks. Every few minutes, I'd go and check on him because I was obviously the more cautious parent out of Aubrey and I.

"Bitch you two have been looking a little cozy, what's the tea because I'd like to sip it", Jason said as I stood against the kitchen counter. The guys were busy playing pool, while I'd offered to clean up the kitchen.

"We had a talk over dinner after the concert and I decided to give it one more try".

Jason clapped, "Oh yes bitch, this is what I've been waiting on. Has he knocked the cob webs off of that thang yet? It's been months since you've had dick and you need some".

I rolled my eyes, "Jason shutup, that's not happening just yet".

"He's always in somebody business, I can't wait for you to take him back to L.A. with you. He's wearing his welcome out at my place, and I mean that with all disrespect".

Jason smacked his lips, "Bitch you act like I want to stay at your place anyway, it's just more convenient because I can save coins and sleep comfortably in your guest room. Bitches acting like they're living in a luxury castle or something, time for a reality check

As the two of them began to go back and forth, AJ's cries could be heard. Since Kylie and I were the only ones basically cleaning, I sent Jason to the back to get AJ.

"You're not done yet"? Aubrey asked as he walked into the kitchen while drinking whatever he had in his read solo cup. "Pretty much, we were just talking".

"Oh hell no, get him", Jason said as he walked into the kitchen with AJ.

"He's acting a fool and he won't stop squirming". I shook my head, "He just doesn't like you Jason, probably because you irritated me the entire pregnancy.

Jason shrugged, "So".

"Can you warm one of those bottles up that's in the fridge"? I asked Kylie while taking AJ from Jason's arms. "Titty milk time", Aubrey said while grabbing ahold of AJ's finger.

"Aubrey, bye", I said while laughing.

Kylie warmed AJ's bottle for me and I fed him. He was the greediest baby ever, but he was my greediest baby ever.

The night had went by and the party quickly turned into something I no longer wanted to be apart of. The guys were drinking and since I had AJ, I couldn't join. Plus, I was tired anyway and just wanted to be in my own bed. Kylie and Jason had left to do whatever they had planned, and Aubrey was helping me take AJ to my car.

"What time do you leave"? I asked while closing the back door to my car. "We're leaving here at 7:00AM, Philly's next".

"When will you be home"?

"Two weeks, before September is over I should be able to move my things in".

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. "Can I at least kiss you"? I gave him permission and he took no time accepting the offer.

"I hope these two weeks go by fast", he said while kissing my lips one more time. I hesitantly laughed, "They will".

We said our final goodbyes before we went our separate ways. He let me know that he'd call tomorrow and would let me know the exact date of when he'd be coming home.


"Ms.Maraj, it seems that a transfer of $5,000 was made my Jelani Maraj in July. Then there were two major transfers from the same account in August, one for $15,000 and another for $5,000. Just yesterday, a finally transaction was made for $10,000 which leaves the account with the balance of a little under $5,000".

I sighed, realizing that now, nearly $35,000 was gone and it had all been done by Jelani.

"Can you give me information about the other accounts"?

The accountant nodded, "Well the two other business accounts you have haven't had any major transactions besides the normal monthly deposits and withdrawals".

"Well, is there anyway that I can remove Jelani from all accounts"?

"What the hell is this Jelani"? I said while throwing the papers in his his face. "Nearly $35,000 of my hard earned money is gone and all of the transactions have been made by you".

"I can explain".

"What type of explaining do you have this time? Please tell me because I need to hear this shit".

"I got into some trouble and I needed the money to help me, I promising I'll put it all back once everything is fixed". I shook my head, "You could've told me, what the hell have you gotten into? Where the hell are you going to get all of the money from anyway"?

He smacked his lips, "Since you've gotten with that nigga, your head has just gotten so big".

"What the hell are you talking about? He has nothing to do with the shit you've done, you're basically stealing from me".

"No the hell I'm not, I needed the fucking money. If I said I was going to put the shit back, then I'm going to give it back. Everybody isn't fortunate to fuck some type of millionaire and get set for life. Everybody isn't fortunate enough to pay off mama bills, but you don't get that shit".

I shook my head, "Who the hell are you? After everything I've done, out of all people I'd never think that you'd do this shit to me. Just get the fuck out Jelani and don't come back".

He said nothing as he walked out of the office and I was more hurt than anything.


When I finally got back to my home in California, I was lost. I just couldn't understand what was going on with Jelani, nor did I have the time to stick around and figure it out. Don't get me wrong, I loved the hell out of my brother but somethings didn't sit right with me. I had yet to even explain anything to my mother, but I felt that it all could wait .

I was trying to focus on looking for nannies like Aubrey had suggest but my phone rung, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Hey, long time no speak".

I laughed, "Sorry, I was really busy in New York".

"It's cool, it's understandable from a hard working woman like yourself".

"Thank you, if that was meant to be a compliment".

"You're welcome, how was your trip though"?

I shrugged as if Clarence could see me, "It was fine, I got a lot of things situated. I'm just trying to focus on things in L.A. now".

"That's good, I saw you on the shade room, you and Drake cute or whatever".

I smacked my lips, "What's that suppose to mean"?

"Nothing, I'm happy for you. I saw that you two are supposedly back together, so I wanted to congratulate my friend".

"It's complicated but we're working on it".

"I'm still your friend, right? I know how shit can get and I don't want to be a burden".

I smacked my lips, "Yes Clarence, we can still be friends. I'm grown and you're grown, it's never that serious".

"Hey, don't kill me for making sure".

I laughed, "I wasn't, but I was looking up something very important so I'll have to get back to you".

We said our goodbyes and then ended the conversation. I didn't see anything wrong with being friends with Clarence because that's all were were from the beginning, just friends.

"You're still trying to find a nanny"? I nodded my head as Jason walked into my room with his hands full of snacks. "Yes, I can't find anybody that I actually like from just reading their background information".

"Didn't OB say something about his girlfriend being a nanny here and there"? I shrugged, "I never even heard of OB having a girlfriend, and I don't really listen to him when he's drinking because he tends to speak a lot".

Jason shrugged, "Well it wouldn't hurt to ask. I mean, Kylie's running the New York shop now. If you want to stay home with AJ and let me run the L.A shop, that would be perfect".

I rolled my yes, "You need to take about fifty etiquette classes before you even attempt to run a business, your attitude isn't even fit for customer service".

"So what, bitches be trying me. Like this one time, I had to do this bitch makeup and she claimed she didn't like it after she had me reconstructing her face for damn near an hour. I had to tell that bitch, it's not me nor my brushes. It's you, you're just ugly hoe".

I shook my head, "Jason somebody is going to kick your ass one day".

"Oh well, it hasn't been done yet".

The hours passed and I seemed to spend doing nothing but tending to AJ or talking to Jason. They both kept me busy while I was home alone, especially Jason, he was so entertaining. I was about to call it a night until Aubrey decided to FaceTime me.

"What are you doing"?

"Nothing, I was just closing my eyes for the night".

"Oh my bad, I'm just now getting on the the tour bus. The meet and greet was super long tonight".

"I'm already knowing, people keep tagging me in your photos from tonight".

"That's because I'm lit right now, you feel me"?

I laughed, "Whatever".

"I'm figuring AJ and Jason must be sleep".

"You know it".

"I miss you".

"You're mushy, It's hasn't even been two days".

"I can't help it".

I sighed, remembering what Jason had told me earlier. "Hey, I have a question".


"Does OB have a girlfriend"?

"I think he's been dating someone in L.A, why"?

I shrugged, "Jason said something about OB having a girlfriend who's a nanny. I've been struggling with finding a nanny for AJ and she could possibly be the one, especially if you guys know her".

"How does Jason even know all of this?

I shrugged, "OB and Jason are best buds when they're drunk if you didn't know, but is there anyway you can find out for me"?

"Yeah, I can look into that and set something up. I'll let you know".

"Okay, well just call me tomorrow because I'm super sleepy".

"Okay, get some rest. Love you".

"Love you too".

MOOD 🙄 don't y'all just love me?

This book is coming to an end soon, not too sure if I should consider a second part.

Yes or No?

Second Part? Or New Story? If New Story, which one-shot should it be based off of? 

Idk, just want to see y'all opinions.

Vote & Comment ⬆️ (50+ comments for next update)

Checkout: EVERLASTING: Dave East & Bernice Burgos. (That's my story too, it's lit)

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