Sherlolly Oneshots

By FnchDrcy

56.4K 1.8K 3.5K

Oneshots following the ever confusing, adventure-bound, love-entangled lives (and alternate lives) of our fav... More

Well Hello There
Under the Stars
Star Wars AU - Part 1
Star Wars AU - Part 2
Star Wars AU - Part 3 (final)
Frozen to You
Elevator Talks (Teen!Lock - In 'Murca)
Violet Skies (Greaser!Lock)
Clever Girl
Texts (QotMP)
The Things I'll Do For You
To Be Human
An Orchestra for You (Neko!Lock)
JohnLock ❤️❤️❤️
Puppy Love
Testing 1, 2, 3 (Parent!Lock)
Dream a Little Dream
Fighting Demons
Gunshots (Western!Lock)
Forbidden Feelings (Andriod!Lock)
Bloody Americans P1
Bloody Americans P2
The Dapper Thief
Expecto Patronum (Potter!Lock)
A/N + Requests
Splatters (Teen!Lock)
Dance With Me
Done For P1
Done For P2
Oddballs, Otters, and Once Upon a Times
When the World Stops Spinning (Greaser/Teen!Lock)
The Call
An East Wind (Uni!Lock)
Wolf Man (Teen!Lock)
Little Monster (Victorian!Lock) P1
Little Monster (Victorian!Lock) P2
Pixie Dust (Supernatural AU)
Dancing Flames
Party Crashers
Welcome the Newlyweds
A/N ~ I am SO sorry
Amortentia (Potter!Lock)
The Meaning of a Ring
Of Body Parts and Blushes
The Captian (Pirate!Lock)
All You Had to Say
A Sea of Candles
The Icing on Top
Hallows Eve
X's and O's (Text!Lock)
Seven Minutes in Heaven (Teen!Lock)
Dark Pasts
Trick or Treat (Parent!Lock)
The On-Call Room (Doc!Lock)
All I Want For Christmas
Tagged Again
The Coffee Bar (Teen!Lock)
Snowy Hearts
The Saplings
Don't Get Caught
The Mastermind (Uni!Lock)
The Dark Hours
Webbed Hands (Mermaid!Lock)
Blood Stained (Reverse!Lock)
Face Claims
'Til Death Do Us Part

When the Clock Strikes Twelve (Teen!Lock)

482 20 46
By FnchDrcy

Overdue New Years oneshot, happy 2018 everyone!


The night fell upon the sky like waves crashing upon the shore. The darkness evaded the clear sky, bringing along a swath of stars that twinkled as they hung and a moon so large and bright nobody could not look up and admire it.

Which is exactly what Sherlock Holmes was doing as he sat on the back porch of somebody's house, listening to the yells and music that came from inside it with a beer in one hand. He tilted his head back when a large crash came from inside the house, though shook his head when it was almost immediately followed with cheers and laughs.

Moments later a laughing John Watson stumbled out of the house party, clutching a beer firmly in one hand. He clapped his hands on Sherlock's shoulders, giggling.

"Sherlock! Buddy! I've been looking everywhere for you!" He stuck his hand out to emphasize the 'everywhere' and Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Drunk," he muttered, shaking his head, "dull. You're not fun when you're drunk unless I'm drunk with you."

John ignored the curly haired boy, his nose and cheeks glowing red from the alcohol and the nippy winter air, "you should have seen what Lestrade just did! It was awesome!"

"I'm sure it was, John," Sherlock said with a small sigh, patting the blonde boy on the shoulder with one hand and pickpocketing him of his keys with the other. "Why don't you go back inside and try not to break anything. The countdown will start soon."

John let out a small whoop and, clinking his beer with the opened but untouched one by Sherlock, headed inside. Sherlock let out another small sigh, watching his breath spill from his lips in white plumes. Suddenly a voice spoke from behind him.

"Is this seat taken?" The boy jumped slightly, his eyes widened as they fell upon the sight of a smaller girl, shivering as she hugged herself tightly. "Oh," she said, blinking, "sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you- Sherlock?"

The curly haired boy raised an eyebrow, "sorry, do I know you? And the seat is open, be my guest."

The girl let out a small laugh as she sat down, "no I suppose you wouldn't, I'm Molly, Molly Hooper. We're in the same-"

"English class. Right. I do know you." Molly nodded and they fell into a small silence, both pairs of eyes angled towards the white moon as it hung in the sky above them. Molly was the one that broke the silence.

"It's amazing," she whispered. Sherlock tore his gaze from the moon, looking at the young girl. He raised an eyebrow, something was off about her.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. Molly blinked in surprise, letting her gaze flick to him.


"You seem... sad."

Molly let out a small laugh, "so the rumors are true."


"You know, that you can tell things about other people without a second glance." A small smirk curled the corner of Sherlock's lips.

"Ah, I see," he said, though his eyes still hung on Molly questioningly.

"But to answer your question," Molly began, shifting in her seat and pulling her coat tighter around her, "I just found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me. So yeah, I guess I'm a little off."

Sherlock let out a small scoff, "I could have told you that ages ago if you'd asked," he said, though blinked and cleared his throat when Molly shot him a bewildered look, "right. Sorry. I offer my condolences?"

Molly shrugged, "I don't need them. I think some part of me knew this whole time, just didn't want to admit it."

"Ah, simple human ignorance," Sherlock said with a slow nod, "hits the best of us."

Molly blinked questioningly, raising an eyebrow. "But it doesn't hit you?"

Sherlock grinned, leaning back on his palms as he glanced at Molly, "well then I suppose I'm certainly not one of the best of us." The young girl let her gaze linger on the curly haired boy, deep in thought. She opened her mouth but closed it, her gaze slowly shifting back to the sky as she spoke once more.

"I'm not too sad though, just a little disappointed. That was a relationship I wanted out of anyway," she said, eyes falling to the snowy ground in front of her. Sherlock looked at her, one eyebrow slightly raised.

"Disappointed how so?"

Molly shrugged, "I mean, getting blatantly and drunkenly cheated on certainly isn't the most consoling of ways to get broken up with. Tom was an asshole, but it does always hurt knowing that you weren't good enough."

"Don't say that," Sherlock said quickly, "this 'Tom' fellow just has horrid judgement, I suppose," he countered. Molly blinked in surprise, staring at the boy a moment before letting her gaze fall downwards, a small smile on her lips.

"He did have horrid judgement," she said with a small snicker, "once he jumped into a freezing cold pond in the middle of winter on a dare and swam for about seven minutes. He got hypothermia and was out of school for two weeks."

"That was him?" Sherlock asked with an abrupt laugh, "I remember hearing about that." Molly grinned.

"Yep, that was Tom, my knight in shining armor," she let out a groan and rolled her eyes as Sherlock chuckled, "the only thing I'm really disappointed about is the fact that I won't have anyone to kiss when 12:00 hits."

As if on cue loud chants rose from the house, counting.



Sherlock raised an eyebrow, "and that's something that can be easily fixed."


Molly coughed, taken aback and sputtering a bit. "S-Sorry?"


"I said that that is something that could be easily taken care of," Sherlock repeated with a small shrug. He looked down at the untouched beer at his side briefly, scowling and knocking it off of the porch and into the snow.


"I-I'm not going inside and kissing some random stranger whose name I don't know," she stuttered, her eyes lingering on the house party behind her.


"Well it doesn't have to be someone you don't know," Sherlock said.


"And I'd really rather not try and go and find Tom."

"Doesn't have to be him either."


"I don't get what you're saying," Molly muttered, an eyebrow raised at Sherlock. The boy tilted his head, uttering one word.



She blinked as Sherlock slowly leaned forward, not moving as she realized what was about to happen. The girl panicked for a moment, considering running inside the house but shoved the thought aside. Instead Molly felt herself lean closer to Sherlock as her eyes fluttered shut. The boys warm lips softly connected with hers in a slow, gentle kiss.


A chorus of Happy New Year's cheered from inside the house as Sherlock slowly pulled back from Molly, his cheeks red and eyes wide in a sort of shock. Molly bit her lip, for a moment wondering if the kiss was a mistake, until a small smile traced on Sherlock's lips.

"Happy New Year," he whispered to Molly as he leaned back down...

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