The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

נכתב על ידי Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.5K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Twenty-Four

65.2K 2.5K 289
נכתב על ידי Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

January 27th 2013
Chapter Twenty-Four - Terrance Archibald

''Congratulations, it's a baby boy.'' The female nurse said, her voice slightly muffled by the yellow surgical mask that covered her mouth and nose. I furrowed my eyebrows, my eyes trailing down to the blue bundle that was being cradled in her arms.

I frowned, swallowing down a sudden lump in my throat. ''W-why isn't he crying?''

''Sir, hold your baby boy,'' The nurse insisted, placing the light bundle in my awaiting arms. I quickly glanced down, adjusting the soft blue blanket and gazed down upon the face lifeless baby boy. ''It must have been hard to carry around a stillborn, but have you chosen a name?''

I choked on a sob that had lodged it's way up my throat while salty tears sprang from my tear ducts, gazing down at the silent little infant boy cradled in my arms, his skin was pale blue with flushed red spots and his eyes were crusted shut.

I let out another choked sob, suddenly feeling like I had the weight of the world crashing into me while I cried out my agony, clutching the small bundle close to my chest, praying this not be true. Praying this wasn't real.

''He's dead, Terrance, our baby's dead,'' Cloud's emotionless monotone voice sounded and I snapped my head up with tears still streaming down my flushed cheeks to stare at an even more emotionless and void shell of Cloud. ''He's dead, he's dead, he's dead--''

''S-stop, Cloud, please.'' I managed to whimper my plead.

''--he's dead, he's dead, he's dead,'' Cloud continued as if I hadn't spoken and while he continued on like a broken record, I continued to sob, clutching our dead baby boy to my chest, rocking back and fourth; still unbelieving.

''He'd have been such a sweetheart,'' The nurse spoke up again, stepping forward and I felt her hands on my baby and I screamed as she took him from my grasp, cradling my lifeless baby back in her arms once again. ''I'm sorry for your losses.''

''Give me back my baby!'' I screeched but suddenly everything around me went dark before I was standing upright and stared down a dark hallway where at the end was a large metal door that was being illuminating with a bright white glow and against my will my legs walked towards the door that opened up to reveal a hospital room but it wasn't empty; it was occupied with the sound of a baby crying.

''Shhh, little boy,'' A familiar female voice hushed and I snapped my eyes to Joyce whom was laying in the hospital bed with a blue bundle in her arms. ''Mommy and daddy are here, don't you worry.''

''He's beautiful,'' Cloud's voice spoke and I swear my heart broke in two as I slowly turned my gaze onto him, choking back another sob as I saw the proud smile taking over his lips while he gazed down at the baby in Joyce's arms before leaning forward and placed a kiss on top of Joyce's head. ''Just like his mommy.''

''And his daddy.'' Joyce said with a bright laugh, smiling up at Cloud with the most loving smile. I took a step back, shaking my head before taking another only to bump into a solid body and quickly whirled around to face the female nurse who's face was still covered with a yellow surgical mask.

''Again, I'm terribly sorry for your losses.''

I jolted awake with a gasp before I slowly sat upright in bed, covered in a cold sweat while gasping in a breath to try and soothe the frantic beating of my heart while my hands instinctively went down to caress my swollen belly with a shaky breath. I paused for a moment, listening to my breathing while I waited for a sudden jolt in my stomach that would alert me of my baby being alive and well but after a few moments with nothing—I panicked.

I scrambled out of bed—well, the best I could with being pregnant and more rounded in my middle—in tears while I hurried to get dressed, whimpering as I whirled around in hopes Cloud was still in bed but his side of the bed was empty and made-up the best he could due to the fact I was still asleep when he must have made the attempt earlier this morning when he was getting ready for school. I held back a cry if pure frustration, leaving the bedroom while cradling my stomach as I jogged down the stairs just as the door bell sounded throughout the household.

I wiped at my eyes and walked into the quiet hall, opening up the front door to reveal a smiling Gennifer but once she caught sight of my tear streaked face; it vanished and turned into concern frown. ''Terrance? Honey, are you okay?'' She asked. I shook my head, moving away from the door and put on my boots, mumbling incoherently under my breath which seemed to add onto Gennifer's concern. ''Terrance, I didn't catch any of that.''

''I-I need you t-to take me to the hospital.'' I said, tugging down a winter coat that was no doubt Cloud's—due to the size—from the closet and brushed past Gennifer without closing the front door behind myself. I could feel her staring after me but incredibly thankful she obeyed, closing the front door for me before she was trailing after me quickly, unlocking her white Hyundai Veloster.

''Is everything all right? Is it you or the baby?'' Gennifer asked, slipping into the driver side while I slipped into the passenger side, holding in more tears that threatened to spill over.

''I-I don't know,'' I managed, not wanting to reveal the horrific nightmare I endured. ''I just need Araki to give me an ultrasound to make sure everything's fine with my baby boy.''

Gennifer shot question after question but I couldn't answer any of them; just zoned her concerned voice out while I tried to hold myself together to refrain from having a complete and utter breakdown. I still cradled my stomach in hopes for a jolt, even a small one but still came up empty handed and that had bile raising up my throat and more tears to spring from my eyes.

''...take deep breaths, Terrance...'' I faintly heard Gennifer instruct and only now realized I was hyperventilating.

I snapped my eyes towards the windshield as I realized we were parked in the hospital parking lot and I hurriedly undid my seat belt and threw open the passenger door and made my way towards the entrance with Gennifer hot on my heels, talking panicky into her cell phone while I made a quick bee-line to the open elevator. I pressed the button for the sixth floor while Gennifer just barely manged to hurry through the closing doors, still screeching into her cell phone while at the same time demanding I speak to help cease her worrying but I couldn't muster a verbal response.

I felt like I was on auto-pilot.

I had a goal in mind to get an ultrasound.

To make sure my nightmare was just that—a horrible nightmare.

I walked up to the front desk where nurses were seated, clicking away on keyboards and scribblings things down on charts. ''I need to see Araki Welsh.''

''Do you have an appointment--''

''No, but I need to see her right now.'' I said cutting the nurse off, far from caring if I was being rude which Gennifer apologized behind me for when the nurse scowled.

''I'm sorry young man but you--''

''Terrance?'' Araki's voice asked and I whipped around, moving away from the front desk and stood in front of a mild surprised Araki who took in my no doubt shit appearance and tear stained face. ''Are you okay, you're crying and--''

''I need an ultrasound right now.'' I said, my tone pleading and Araki paused, glancing behind me at Gennifer before nodding and led Gennifer and I into a hospital room before closing the door behind ourselves.

''I phoned Cloud and your mother, they should be here in no time.'' Gennifer said while I sat up on the hospital bed and Araki set up the machine. I gave a nod, swallowing down the lump in my throat while I removed my shirt, clutching it in my sweaty hands.

''Terrance, can you tell me why you're upset, did you fall or--'' Araki began.

''No, no, no,'' I shook my head. ''I just need to hear his heart beat. He c-can't be a stillborn, he can't.''

''Calm down, I'm sure everything is just fine but stressing isn't gonna help, Terrance,'' Araki said soothingly. ''Take big deep breaths, everything is just fine.'' I sucked in a deep breath while Araki squirted that lube like substance onto my stomach before she picked up the wand and glided it over my baby bump and that familiar whooshing sound, sounded through the speakers on the machine and I was overcome with joy that I started to cry with pure happiness and total relief.

It was a nightmare—just an awful horrible nightmare.

I diverted my eyes to the screen, watching the little boy through my blurry vision. ''He's fine, he's okay.''

''That he is, at sixteen weeks he's looking good, even a little bigger for his age.''

''But why isn't he kicking?'' I asked in concern.

''He's probably sleeping, hun.'' Araki said, glancing at the screen before nodding to herself.

''Oh my gosh,'' Gennifer suddenly breathed, staring at the screen in awe. ''There's my grandchild.''

''I'm taking into assumption that you're Cloud's mother?'' Araki asked, giving Gennifer a smile which Gennifer returned brightly, holding out her hand which Araki accepted.

''I'm Gennifer and you must be Araki,'' She said. ''Lucas doesn't shut up about you and he sure likes to ramble when he's little drunk.''

Araki flushed under both Gennifer and mine's gaze before she averted her eyes. ''I hope all good things.''

''Of course, that boy is totally into you.'' Gennifer assured in that typical embarrassing motherly way and opened her mouth to speak again but suddenly there was a commotion outside the hospital room which had all three of our heads turn in the direction of the door where a few moments later, Cloud was making an entrance, looking around frantically until his sights settled on me.

''Sir! You can't go in there!'' The nurse behind the desk from earlier snapped which had Araki standing from her seat to calm the outraged nurse while Cloud rushed to my side, pulling me into a hug, careful of the substance on my stomach from catching his shirt.

''Are you okay? The baby?'' Cloud asked, his voice strained with concerned and I sighed, wrapping my arms around his waist.

''Everything is fine, I made a big deal over nothing,'' I muttered, resting my chin on his shoulder and breathed in his comforting scent. ''I'm sorry.''

''Hey, it's okay.'' Cloud assured, pulling back but keeping his arms around me while he leaned back in and pressed a firm kiss to my forehead just as Araki re-entered, telling Gennifer that my mother was out by the front desk.

''I'll go let her know everything is fine.'' Gennifer said, excusing herself and Araki closed the hospital door behind her, turning to take a glance at Cloud and I with pursed lips.

''Terrance, I have a few questions to ask you and if you like we can do it in private or--''

I frowned. ''Cloud can stay.''

''Okay, these will be brief questions and you need to be honest and it would actually be great to get some input from Cloud too,'' Araki admitted, motioning for Cloud to have a seat beside me which he did but kept his hand in mine while Araki wiped down my stomach and I put my shirt back on. ''Alright, have you been having trouble concentrating?''

''No.'' I answered with furrowed brows.

''Do you at times get anxious.''

''...I mean, yeah but anxiety is normal.''

''Any problems with sleeping?''

I swallowed hard because I felt like I was being interrogated. ''Some nights are difficult...''

''Do you get short-tempered and feel restless?''

I glanced at Cloud with a grimace because yeah, I've got a pretty short fuse some days. ''Yeah, my temper isn't the greatest but I'm pregnant.''

''Do you get constant negative thoughts?''

''Where are these questions heading?'' I asked, shifting on the bed to sit up and face Araki.

''I'm sorry, Terrance, I have to ask to make sure you're not spiraling down into depression during your pregnancy. It's just today about how you came in, I need to ask because if you do in fact have depression I can have a treatment started today to help improve your mood and up lift your spirits.''

''I don't have depression.'' I stated firmly.

Araki paused for a brief moment before nodding slowly. ''Okay, Cloud do you have anything to share?'' Cloud frowned, tightening his hand in mine. ''Depression while pregnant happens to one in every ten women and because Terrance is a special case--''

''I'm not depressed!'' I snapped. ''I'm a pregnant teenage boy with hormones through the roof! But that doesn't mean I'm depressed.''

''I'm sorry for asking but I have to be sure,'' Araki said to me before turning her attention onto Cloud. ''Have you noticed any signs, Cloud?''

I glanced at Cloud and he frowned. ''Can I have a moment to speak with Terrance?''

''Uh, of course, I'll leave you both be for a few minutes.'' Araki agreed, quietly departing the hospital which left Cloud and I in a silence.

''Cloud, I'm not depressed.''

''Shh, Araki is just being cautious,'' Cloud murmured, standing up and spreading my legs open so he could stand in between them, taking my hands into his while he gazed at me. ''Can you tell me what happened this morning? From what my mom was saying over the phone...'' He trailed off with a small frown. I gulped, averting my eyes as the familiar burn came back but I divulged into the horrible nightmare, telling him word for word, scene for scene, feeling for feeling and I probably looked like a blubbering idiot as I neared the end because Cloud was quick to pull me in for a comforting hug.

''—and the nurse told me she was sorry for my losses.'' I finished with a sniffle, squeezing onto Cloud tightly like he would vanish from thin air right in front of me.

''It's okay, it was just a nightmare, that's all it was and you're all right and so is our baby, everything's fine and I'm here and I love you,'' Cloud comforted and I relaxed, listening to his sweet words and nearly fell asleep in his embrace before the hospital room door opened and Araki stepped back in. Cloud didn't bother turning around. ''He's fine, he isn't depressed, he's just stressed out and concerned.''

Araki nodded in response, shooting me an apologetic smile before she said we could leave. Cloud helped put his coat on me before guiding me out where Gennifer, my mother and Lucas all stood by the nurses station chatting to one another quietly until Lucas caught sight of Cloud and I.

''Terrance, are you fine?'' Lucas asked, his eyes darting down to my tummy and I gave him a nod, not really in the mood for speaking. I was exhausted and I wanted to go home and sleep—maybe eat some ice cream and watch a film with Cloud; just spending the rest of the day lazing about.


A/N: Sorry about the long wait...I was stuck on writing this chapter. Anyways, you all like the new cover? With the le sexy topless Cloud?

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