Poison Love (Young Justice, S...

By OtakuQueen95

46.4K 1.4K 154

We've seen the children and 'sidekicks' of all the Justice League join the Young Justice league but what abou... More

Chapter 1- Lilies and a Rose
Chapter 2- Conner or Super Boy?
Chapter 3- The Mystery That Is Lilith Mural
Chapter 4- Flirting with danger
Chapter 5- Help
Chapter 6- Surprise visit
Chapter 7- Welcome
Chapter 8 - First
Chapter 10- Mother Knows Best
Chapter 11- Faimly
Chapter 12- Nightmares
Chapter 13- Probation
Chapter 14- Halloween
Chapter 15- Dinner with Who?
Chapter 16- Call for Help
Chapter 17- Ambush?
Chapter 18- Hero or Villain
Chapter 19- Fire!
Chapter 20- Fight for life
Chapter 21- Leaves
Chapter 22- Choice
Chapter 23- Lilith the Hero?
Chapter 24- Unrequited love
Chapter 25- Friends and Faimly
Chapter 26- Roses are Red
Chapter 27- A Mothers Love
Chapter 28- Dance With Me
Chapter 29- Breach of Trust
Chapter 30- Mission Gone Haywire
Chapter 31- Music in the Memories
Chapter 32- Crushed
Chapter 33- Hero X Villain
Chapter 34- Playing with Fire and Roses
Chapter 35 - Break or Break-up?
Chapter 36 - Zoo Date
Chapter 37- Butterflies
Chapter 38- Just A Friend
Chapter 39- Half Lies
Chapter 40 - Shadow world
Chapter 41- Lunch?
Chapter 42- House of Mystery
Chapter 43- Project
Chapter 44- $h*t
Chapter 45 - Suprise, Suprise, Suprise
Chapter 46- This Weeks Lesson is...
Chapter 47- Friends Forever?
Chapter 48- Science Unfair
Chapter 49 - Not so true nature
Chapter 50- Power
Chapter 51 -A little bit of...Spice
Chapter 52- Tears
Chapter 53 - With friends like these?
Chapter 54 - A Broken Heart Is What Changes People
Chapter 55 - Magic Fingers
Chapter 56 - What the future may hold
Chapter 57 - Tree of life
Chapter 58 - Conner
Chapter 59 - Dance with me
Chapter 60 - A lullaby and a Father
Chapter 61- Darkness
Chapter 62- New Adventures Await
Chapter 63- Wishing
Chapter 64- Turning the Page
Chapter 65- A world without
Chapter 66- Inferno
Chapter 67- Hurricane
Chapter 68- Super
Chapter 69 - Take me to Church

Chapter 9 - Two steps forward, One step back

1K 39 1
By OtakuQueen95

"Jeez, we've been so busy lately between your missions and my increased training the garden's a wreck," Lilith said as she stood in front of the biggest section of the school garden. It wasn't long before winter would be here. Yet as Conner stood next to her holding the tools in his arms, he looked around confused. The garden looked as pretty as always. "We have our work cut out for us," "Okay?" he said, as they worked he noticed what she meant. Weeds had grown in all over and several plants were starting to turn brown from neglect. "What if we got more people to join the club?" Conner asked as he heaved a black bag of weeds into the dumpster behind the school at the end of the day. Lilith laughed, "What's so funny?" he asked, "You're kidding right?" "No..." he said sounding unsure. They walked over the roses as they talked and she started playing with some. "I mean what's the harm?" He asked, "There's no harm but good luck." She carefully plucked a rose sniffing it. "You're not going to help?" he asked, "I think you'd have better luck without me." "Why?"He asked she turned towards him arms crossed, "Have you really forgotten?" She asked, he just shrugged. She looked down at the rose, it was perfect and practically glowing in the sunset light. "Unlike you I don't really get along well with others." Lilith sighed,"You think I get along with people?" Conner said with a smirk, "Yes, I mean you're super nice and amazing... and your girlfriend Megan is little Miss Perfectly perfect. Sure she's clumsy but that's what makes people like her more. They're not afraid of you and her, like they are of me." She had been looking at the flower, but as she said the word 'me' she glanced up at him before looking down again.

"Maybe if they got to know you like I do-" She looked up at him again a small smile on her face but her eyes were sad like there was a secret she wasn't sharing. "You really are something wonder boy, but no I don't think it'll work." Lilith said shaking her head, "Don't think or don't want it to?" He asked and she looked down smile gone, "Does it matter?" "Yes," he said, she looked away. Her phone buzzed an alarm, she quickly turned it off. "I've gotta go, Canary's training me tonight...here Megan likes roses right?" She said shoving the rose in his hand. Before he could say anything she turned and ran. He looked down at the rose confused, before heading to the field where Meg was just getting out of practice.

Canary fell to the floor for the second time, Lilith standing above her sweating. "Nice work, keep practicing and you might even be able to beat Robin." She said, "Doubt it," Robin said, he was in the corner with Red Tornado comparing notes on the missing hours a few key members of the league they were still trying to find. Lilith had been briefed on what had happened with Savage, and how he had taken over all the league members with some kind of magic mind control. From what she understand if it wasn't for the Young Justice League things would have gotten a lot worse.

"-So are you two in?" Wally said as he entered the room. He had been talking with Meg and Conner. "A double date sounds great," Meg said, "Yeah sure," Conner said glancing at Lilith who had gone back to training. "How did you convince Artemis to agree, I thought she didn't like dates. Expectantly fancy dinners," Meg asked as Conner went over to play with wolf. "Well I haven't exactly asked her yet." Wally said with a smirk, "What?" Meg asked, "You know how she is, I have to find the right time." "With you it's never the right time," Robin said, they started arguing. "Recognized Batman 02, Aqua lad B02, Tempest B10," Everyone stopped at the same time. "Miss Martian, Super boy, you've got a mission. Aqua- lad and Tempest will join you, since you're going to Atlantis." Batman said, "What's going on in Atlantis?" Robin asked, "Nothing you should be concerned with since you have you're own mission." He started to say before the computers voice came on over head again.

"Artemis B07," "Jewel Weed, Kid flash, Robin, and Artemis. You're on another scouting mission we found a factory this time. They look like they may be the main factory for the puppets you've been seeing. Someone's behind these things I want you to find out who," Batman said, "So what's our mission?" Conner asked as Robins group moved out. Lilith paused to look at Conner as before she followed the rest of them, she had just turned away when Conner looked over at her only catching a glimpse of her red hair before she was gone.

"You're going to Atlantis there has been someone attacking small areas around the city, you are going to find out who and why. Aqua-girl will be meeting you all there." "Yes sir," they said.

"That is defiantly bigger than the last one." Lilith said, unlike the last few they found which were just a bunch of warehouses put together in a make shift factory. This place was a factory, with a few actual warehouses around it. It was just inside the city limits of Metropolis, and looked brand new compared to the factories around it.

"It looks like the workers are real this time," Robin said, then turned back to the team. "Okay, lets have a look around." he said, they all followed him in. They climbed up hill all the way behind the building and zip lined down to the roof from there unseen by the workers bellow. They made their way around unseen, Robin hacked in to the camera system with easy and made them play on loop in areas the team was walking through. The main floor was covered in large vats each with a different colored fluid, they hid in the rafters and watched as the workers worked. The workers all wore what looked like gas masks and bright yellow hazard suits as they stirred the vats and added ingredients.

"What are they making?" Artemis whispered, "The building work permits said it's pesticides but I've never seen them made like that," Robin said, "It smells familiar... the goo, they're making the goo." Lilith whispered, "Are you sure?" Robin asked, "Positive but it smells like plants... not pesticides."

They moved out of the main area and into the office rooms. They found a room with guards outside, the sign above the door said 'computer room.' "That's where I need to go." Robin said, "But how?" Wally asked, Lilith looked around and smiled when she saw a large opening to a vent in the ceiling. "How about the vents." Lilith suggested, Robin nodded his approval and they all climbed up into the vents and down into the room which strangely they found empty. Everything was lit up and running but no one was running them. Robin went to the nearest screen and hooked up.

"Kid you go back out through the vents and watch to make sure no one is coming." Wally nodded and climbed back outside. "You two stand ready, something doesn't feel right but we're not going to miss this chance to find out what's going on here." He said, Artemis and Lilith stood on each side of the door and waited. Minutes passed with only the sound of computers and Robin typing, "Well this is boring." Wally said, "Kid, really?" Artemis asked her face clearly annoyed, "What I'm watching, can't we talk?"

"Now is really not the time," Robin said, "I just wanted to know if she was free this Friday." Wally said, "Not if you keep talking," Artemis said annoyed, "Well then I'll make this quick I set up a double date with Miss. M and SB, you in?" Wally asked "What did I say..." She sighed, "Oh come on it's just a simple question,"
"Not now," artemis snapped, "Will you at least think about it?" Wally half begged, "No," "Oh come on, please-" Wally said before getting interrupted by Robin "I should have guessed, Kid if your done I found something." Robin sighed, "What?" Lilith asked, "Lex Luther he's behind this." Robin said, "Luther, what does he have to do with the goo?" Artemis said, "I don't know yet but I now have the entire data base, I got everything the formula they're using and what else there working on." Robin explained.

"Lets go then-" Artemis said, "Guys you'll never guess who's coming," Kid said over the communication devices in our ears. "Lex Luther?" Artemis said, "Smart and beautiful... but you'll never guess who's with him." Wally said, "Queen Bee..." Robin said, "You know Robin, you knowing everything gets annoying."
"Lets move," Robin said, He turned away from the computer which was showing the hallway. Lex Luther and Queen Bee walking slowing down the hall. As a group they climbed back into the vents and climbed back outside. 

They all made it back to the boom tubs quickly but after Robin and Wally went through Lilith grabbed Artemis's arm stopping her.
"What?" Artemis asked, "I-I just wanted to say...you should give Wally a chance." Lilith blurted out before she changed her mind. "What?" she asked nearly laughing, "He's trying his best I think you should at lest give him a chance." Artemis looked towards were the other two had vanished, "I'm not to good at this type of thing, he just doesn't get it." Artemis said, "You could try," "How?" She asked, "Go on the date, try to have fun." Lilith suggested, "Is that what you would do?" she asked, Lilith looked down thinking for a second about being able to go on a date with Conner.

"I guess, I mean who wouldn't?" she said before shaking the thought out of her head, Conner couldn't be her's she knew that. Yet it didn't mean that it still didn't hurt a little bit to even think about, the though of what never could be.
"Did Wally put you up to this?" She asked, "No, no I just... I just thought I could help," Lilith said putting up her hands defensively "Thanks, but I can handle this." she said before walking through the Boom tube with Lilith not far behind.
"This is a lot of damage for a small group of renegades, and so far we've found nothing. No clues to who they are or what they're doing." Conner said sounding irritated. As he swam around looking through deprecated buildings. Atlantis normally a pillar of perfection was still quite lovely, but now there were large areas where it was damaged you couldn't tell what use to be streets from the buildings. Even the ruble glowed in the darkness, Conner looked up at were the sky should be only seeing darkness. He wondered just how deep they were.
"You heard Aqua-Lad we have to keep looking. There has to be some clue of who these guys are." Meg said, "Yeah, yeah." he sighed distracted as he lifted another pillar, only to find a doll beneath it.

The hair was burnt and the arm torn, he paused still holding the pillar above his head. He picked the doll up slowly and held it in his hand. It was so small barely the size of his fist. Meg looked over at him wondering what he was thinking about. She swam to him as he stared at the doll, the red hair flowed around it in the waves.
Lilith's smiling face appeared in his mind, smiling at him holding her gloved hand out for him to take. Her looking lovingly down at the rose in her hand, and then with those same deep blue eyes she looked up at him. With a glint of something in her eyes, something he couldn't seem to place. Unlike with Meg, who was an open book. He never knew what was on Liliths mind, she didn't share much with him and he wanted to know her better. He wanted to protect her from what ever seemed to be haunting her. She just was so hard to read, no matter how hard he tried.

He set the pillar down just as Meg reached him. She saw the doll and smiled sadly at him, "They said no one was kill, everyone's safe." Meg said placing her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah I know," "Then what's wrong?" Meg asked, "Nothing," he said shrugging her hand off his shoulder. Swimming away, as he shoved the doll in his pocket. "Yes there is," "I'm fine," he said. She looked down at the ruble and a thought occurred to her as the red hair of doll peeked out of his pocket floating around in the water. In a small voice asked, "This isn't about Lilith again, is it?"

Conner stopped, and slowly said "No..."
"Then what is it?" she asked looking at him desperation in her voice. "I'm just... worried," he said, and it wasn't quiet a lie. "You can tell me anything you know that." She said zooming around to be in front of him. He looked down at her, her face so soft and full of worry. His eyes were filled with worry but also sadness, so much so Meg put her hand on his cheek. He leaned into her hand putting his on hers and closing his eyes.
"I've been think for a while now... it's like somethings changed, but at the same time it hasn't. And there is a part of me that's almost desperate, for that change." He said opening his eyes, there hands still together fell from his face as she looked up at him confused.

"What kind of changes?" She asked, "I don't know, but there's a part of me that's scared that when it happens, I won't be strong enough." She smiled softly, "Don't be silly Conner, you're the strongest person I know." She said stepping closer and hugging him. He let go of her hand moved to hug her back, but ended up just letting his hand fall to his side. "Conner?" she asked looking up at him confused on why he hadn't hugged her back. "Right, well then let's get back to work." Meg said pulling away, they wondered around a little longer. Conner lifted the next broken wall looking under it for clues. Meg was so lost in her thoughts that when Aqua-lads voice came through the earpieces, she jumped slightly. 'SB, Miss. M. we need you! We're under attack.' Without a word to him or each other they were off to help. 

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