Sherlolly Oneshots

By FnchDrcy

56K 1.8K 3.5K

Oneshots following the ever confusing, adventure-bound, love-entangled lives (and alternate lives) of our fav... More

Well Hello There
Under the Stars
Star Wars AU - Part 1
Star Wars AU - Part 2
Star Wars AU - Part 3 (final)
Frozen to You
Elevator Talks (Teen!Lock - In 'Murca)
Violet Skies (Greaser!Lock)
Clever Girl
Texts (QotMP)
The Things I'll Do For You
To Be Human
An Orchestra for You (Neko!Lock)
JohnLock ❤️❤️❤️
Puppy Love
Testing 1, 2, 3 (Parent!Lock)
Dream a Little Dream
Fighting Demons
Gunshots (Western!Lock)
Forbidden Feelings (Andriod!Lock)
Bloody Americans P1
Bloody Americans P2
The Dapper Thief
Expecto Patronum (Potter!Lock)
A/N + Requests
Splatters (Teen!Lock)
Dance With Me
Done For P1
Done For P2
Oddballs, Otters, and Once Upon a Times
When the World Stops Spinning (Greaser/Teen!Lock)
The Call
An East Wind (Uni!Lock)
Wolf Man (Teen!Lock)
Little Monster (Victorian!Lock) P1
Little Monster (Victorian!Lock) P2
Pixie Dust (Supernatural AU)
Dancing Flames
Party Crashers
Welcome the Newlyweds
A/N ~ I am SO sorry
Amortentia (Potter!Lock)
The Meaning of a Ring
Of Body Parts and Blushes
The Captian (Pirate!Lock)
All You Had to Say
A Sea of Candles
The Icing on Top
Hallows Eve
X's and O's (Text!Lock)
Seven Minutes in Heaven (Teen!Lock)
Dark Pasts
Trick or Treat (Parent!Lock)
All I Want For Christmas
Tagged Again
When the Clock Strikes Twelve (Teen!Lock)
The Coffee Bar (Teen!Lock)
Snowy Hearts
The Saplings
Don't Get Caught
The Mastermind (Uni!Lock)
The Dark Hours
Webbed Hands (Mermaid!Lock)
Blood Stained (Reverse!Lock)
Face Claims
'Til Death Do Us Part

The On-Call Room (Doc!Lock)

446 17 56
By FnchDrcy

Guys look I'm alive.  I'm not back for real, I just felt really bad that this hasn't been updated in ages.  Anyway, enjoy this more steamy oneshot (my gift to you, I'll try and write a fluff to oppose this later) and keep in mind the amount of Grey's Anatomy research that I had to do for this.  Enjoy!


Beep.  Beep.  Beep.

The slow, monotonous beeping of the heart monitor rang in the ears of Sherlock Holmes.  The raven-haired surgeon narrowed his icy blue eyes as his hands worked carefully in the body before him.  The operating room was pressingly quiet and Sherlock flinched as a small ticking sound broke the muted atmosphere.

"Doctor Hooper," he whispered, looking up at the brown haired surgeon, "please cover your watch."  Molly Hooper narrowed her eyes at Sherlock though wordlessly covered her watch with her hand, earning a small nod from the curly-haired surgeon.

Sherlock looked back down at the body, his fingers working cautiously through the kidney of the patient.  His eyebrows furrowed as he searched for the tumor, this was harder than he'd expected.

Sherlock opened his mouth, about to ask a question when the heart monitor interrupted him, its slow, continuous beeping turned loud and rapid as if by the snap of a finger. 

"Damnit.  Suction.  Suction!"  Sherlock demanded, ducking closer to the body and the methodical movements of his fingers turning frantic as he desperately tried to search for the cause of the rapidly declining health of the patient before him.

"Bleeder," Molly Hooper said, jerking forward to get a better look at Holmes' movements. 

"I can see that, I just need to know where," Sherlock hissed.  From further down the operating table John Watson watched, his eyes narrowing as the atmosphere turned from controlled to panicked.  He was about to sit up and step in when Hooper shot him a look telling him to stay down.

"Calm down and try not to hit another artery, would you?"  Molly Hooper snapped, her eyes scouring the body.  Sherlock glared at her.

"Back off and let me do my job, would you?"  Hooper didn't respond, instead working her way around the table so she was next to Sherlock.

"Let me take over," she whispered harshly.  Sherlock didn't look at her.

"I can find it."

"You are training to be a neurosurgeon.  We only brought you in here for your cautious hands.  Now let me do my job and find this bleeder."

Sherlock then did look up at the general surgeon, holding her stare with narrowed eyes for a moment longer before moving out of the way.  Hooper automatically snatched a a tool and began to search for the bleeder.  A few tense moments later she let a small, relieved sigh.

"I found it.  Clamp please.  Anderson, more suction," she ordered, her hands working with skilled precision. "There," she said, stepping back from the body, slightly out of breath, "fixed.  That wasn't so hard, was it, Holmes?"

Sherlock let out a small huff, the glower on his face apparent even through the scrub mask.  "Terrific job," he said with a small sneer, "now let me continue trying to remove this man's tumor." 

As Sherlock began to step forward Molly quickly stepped in front of him.  "Wait.  Do you really think we're continuing?  No way, it's too risky."

"What?"  Sherlock asked, an eyebrow raised, "I can do this.  Move."  He made a move to step forward but Molly held her ground, her eyes narrowed.

"Too.  Risky."

Sherlock's nostrils flared, "Doctor Hooper," he said through gritted teeth, "you can't pull me from my work to treat a patient that is not mine and then not let me do what you need me to do!  I am trying to do my job!" 

"With all due respect, Holmes, you cannot be serious.  You're letting your damn ego-"

"With all due respect, Hooper, my ego has nothing to do with this. I am the surgeon on duty and therefore have the power to overrule-"

"Actually," a voice interrupted from the other end of the room, "I am the head surgeon on duty here."  Molly and Sherlock's heads both swiveled to face John Watson as he slowly stood up.

Both Sherlock and Molly looked down, jaws clenched as the doctor made his way to them and stood with his arms crossed.

"You both are letting your egos get in the way of saving this man's life.  You both took an oath to do whatever you can to save the lives of those who need saving.  Bickering over this is not honoring your oath.  I am a fourth year, you two are second years.  What is going to happen is that we are going to close this man up for today."

Molly opened her mouth to thank John Watson but the fourth year head of general surgery interrupted, "that doesn't mean I am siding with you, Doctor Hooper.  What that means is you two are going to sort this out like civilized people while I confront the other Doctor Holmes about how to continue.  Alright?"

Sherlock and Molly replied, "yes sir," both with their eyes on the ground.  Watson gave a curt nod and jutted his chin towards the exit of the OR.

"Anderson, Donovan, close him up.  These two are going outside to sort their disagreements and I have a Chief of Surgery to see."

Sherlock and Molly exchanged low, threatening glances as they headed out of the OR, silently walking to an empty hallway with scowls on their faces.

"I could have finished that surgery.  You know that," Sherlock said, breaking their tense silence as they stood glaring at nothing in an empty hallway.

"You could have killed that man, Sherlock."

"He's going to die anyway if I don't remove that tumor!"

"Sherlock, think clearly.  Even you nicked an artery you couldn't see, mister steady hands.  You're meant to be a brain surgeon.  You don't belong elbow deep into one poor man's kidney."

Sherlock paused, eyeing Molly with a smirk.  "You think I'm meant to be a brain surgeon?"  The doe eyed doctor blinked, an eyebrow raised.

"What I think is that you shouldn't be taking risks like that in unfamiliar territory."

"You're being a scaremonger."

"You're being reckless!"

"You need to be more open to risks or else you're not going to get any useful work done."

Molly stepped closer to Sherlock, her eyes narrowed and voice lowered to a threatening whisper, "and you need to not let your audacious brain surgeon ego get in the way of what's really important; lives, Sherlock, human lives."

Sherlock stepped closer, his gaze tilted down at Molly, who reciprocated the raven-haired surgeons steady calmness with a fiery, more stubborn glower.  He could feel Molly's hot breath on his skin and he narrowed his eyes.  They stood, staring at each other for a moment before a small grin worked its way on Sherlock's lips.

"Come with me," he said abruptly, grabbing Molly's wrist and throwing open the door to the On-Call room that they stood in front of.  Molly let out a small yelp as she was tugged into the room, spun around, and backed up against the wall.

"Not again, Sherlock.  I thought we agreed-"

"I can't help myself," he whispered, the mischievous smile growing wider as he leaned down closer to Molly and pressed his lips harshly against hers, backing her against the wall completely. 

"Sherlock," Molly whispered harshly, pushing the raven haired second-year back and staring at him with an eyebrow raised.  "Agreement.  Honor your agreement."

Sherlock smirked, replying by leaning down and kissing the crook between her shoulder and neck, talking in between kisses, "but you, are, so hot, when, you're, frustrated with me," he let his breath trail up her neck and Molly couldn't help but bite her lip as the blue eyed doctor slipped his hands up her shirt.

Molly shivered, "honestly," she began, wrapping her arms around Sherlock's neck and rolling her eyes, "we're just as bad as all the other second-years."

"But we don't just know how to clean the OR room," Sherlock whispered back, causing both of them to erupt in a small fit of giggles.  Sherlock was about to lean down again when a voice outside the On-Call room made them both freeze.

"Do you know where Holmes and Hooper are?  The Chief has made his decision!"  Anderson's voice.  Sherlock and Molly made eye contact.

"Yeah?"  Donovan's, "I haven't seen them, what did he decide?"

"You'll have to come see for yourself.  Unless you want to slip into the On-Call room for a few minutes before we head over.  Say we've been looking for Hooper and Holmes while they've been 'settling their disagreements'."

Molly's eyes widened and Sherlock crinkled his nose as the long-haired doctor cringed, mouthing 'Anderson and Donovan?!  Ew!'  Sherlock stifled a laugh and pulled back from Molly with one last kiss on her forehead.

Molly was about to ask what he was doing when Sherlock suddenly flung open the door and walked out, followed by a frantic, embarrassed looking Molly.  Anderson and Donovan blinked in surprise.

"No need for that, disagreements have been settled.  Now if you don't mind we're going to go see what my cursed older brother has planned now.  Goodbye you two, have fun," Sherlock said, stealthily grabbing a horror-stricken Molly's wrist and pulling her down the hallway.

"I can not believe you just did that!"  Molly said once they were out of ear-shot from the two shocked doctors.

"Did what?  Call out Andseron and Donovan or blatantly pull you out of the On-Call room?"

"Both!  Did you see their faces!"  Sherlock grinned.

"I couldn't tell if they were more shocked, angry, or embarrassed," he said with a small laugh.  Molly shook her head, still giggling as they came upon the door to the Chiefs room.

"Are you ready?"  The curly haired doctor asked his companion.  Molly grinned, an eyebrow raised cockily as she began to pull open the door.

"May the best surgeon win."

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