The Honorable Stag | Robb Sta...

بواسطة robbaery

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" Sons are not their fathers." What if Robb Stark was born a Baratheon? The game changes. Perhaps even for... المزيد

000. introduction
00. playlist
01. Prologue
02. The Stag and The Rose
03. A Prince's Pride
04. The Queen's Secret
05. The Wedding of Gold
06. The North
07. Wolves in the Lion's Den
08. The Hand's Tourney
09. Highgarden and High Trouble
10. Blind Justice
11. The Death of a King
12. Sons of Fury
13. Four Kings
14. Plans, Love, and New Alliances
15. A Betrayal and A Betrothal
16. A Battle of Stags
18. A Thorn, A Trout, and the Huntsman
19. Treason, Alliances, and Family
20. Amends and Advice
21. A Huntress and A Weasel
22. Lessons and New Life
23. The Eye of the Storm
24. Family
25. Brother, Son, Uncle
26. A Hidden Thorn
27. The Farce
28. Champions
29. The Red Viper
30. Consequences
31. Weeds and Propositions
32. Sins
33. The Dragon, the Lion, the Wolf
34. Traitors
35. The Truth
36. Four Queens
37. The Pisswater Prince
38. Defeat and the Cold
39. Countermoves
40. Home
41. A Lion with Antlers
42. Winds of Winter
43. The Night Is Dark and Full of Terrors
44. Dragons and a Rose
45. What Is Dead May Never Die
46. Blood of Valyria
47. A Ray of Hope
48. A Howling Wilderness
49. Sacrifice
50. Epilogue Cast
51. Epilogue Cast (continued)
52. Epilogue Pt. I
53. Epilogue Pt. II
54. Epilogue Pt. III

17. Two Visits and A Wedding

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بواسطة robbaery

Tyrion/King's Landing
He layed in his bed for two weeks receiving one visit from a family member and it was Robb, though he only stayed for a couple of hours. His nephew had said something about his and the Queen's lions being sick for quite sometime and that he had to see if the kennelmaster had made progress on curing them.

Even though he didn't stay long, that visit meant everything to Tyrion. It meant that not all of his family despised him like his sister and father.
The former of the two had visited him and questioned him about his impending visit with his father. Cersei was a paranoid, mad wiman who tried to have her own kin killed. He was lucky that Pod was there to save his life.

Now he sat before the man who gave him life, waiting for him to at least say something to him, anything would do to wash away the deafening silence.

" The badge looks good on you. Almost as good as it did on me." he said to gain bo response as his father kept writing. " Are you enjoying your new position?"

" Am I enjoying my new position?" his father scoffed.

" I was quite happy as Hand of the King." Tyrion said wishing his father was still away fighting the Stark boy.

" Yes, I heard all about how happy you were." Tywin said folding the letter.
" You brought a whore into my bed."

" It wasn't your bed at the time." he shot back.

" I sent you here to advise the King. I gave you real power and you chose to spend your time as you always have. Bedding harrlots and drinking with thieves." his father said pressing his seal into the crimson wax on the letter.

" On occassion I drank with the harrlots..." he started as if to tell a story before being silenced.

" What do you want, Tyrion?" the Hand asked standing to pour himself some wine.

" Why does everyone assume I want something? Can't I just visit my beloved father, my beloved father, who didn't visit me once while I lay wounded in a bed." Tyrion said.

" Grand Maester Pycelle assured me that your wounds were not fatal." Tywin said bluntly.

" I helped Robb plan the defense of this city while you were holding court in the ruins of Harrenhal. I bled in the dirt for our family and yet no one, but my nephew has thanked me. Wha...what would I like? A little bloody gratitude would be a start." he said angrily.

" Jesters and children need applause. You are a Lannister. Do you think I demanded a garland of roses everytime I suffered a wound on the battlefield? Hmm?" his father stated.
" Now, I have Seven Kingdoms to look after. Three of which are in open rebellion, so I ask again what do you want?"

" What is mine by right. Jaime is your eldest son. Heir to all your lands and titles, but he is Kingsguard. When he put on the white cloak, he forsake a wife, children, and all inheritance." the Imp began. " Therefore giving up his claim to Casterly Rock. I am your son and lawful heir."

" You want Casterly Rock?" he questioned.

" It is mine by right." Tyrion firmly.

He had let his father belittle him for too long and now he wanted what was his. No one would run Casterly Rock better than him. His aunt Genna had once said that Jaime may have been the golden son, but Tyrion was Tywin's son through and through. Jaime had said himself he never wanted Casterly Rock so why shouldn't it be given to him?

" We will find you accommodations more suited to your name and for your accomplishments at the Battle of Blackwater Bay. In time, you will be granted a position befitting your talents so that you might further our family legacy and if you serve faithfully you will be rewarded with a suitable wife. But I would be consumed by maggots before mocking the family name and making you heir to Casterly Rock." his father spat venomously.

" Why?" Tyrion asked wondering what had made his father hate him so much.

" Why?! You ask that! You who killed your mother to come into the world!" he stood shouting. " You are an ill-made, spiteful little creature. Filled with envy, lust, and low-cunning. Mans laws give you the right to bear my name and wear my colors since I cannot prove that you are not mine and to teach me humility the gods make me watch you waddle around wearing that proud lion that was my father's sigil and his father's before him. Neither gods nor men will compell me to let you turn Casterly Rock into your whore house."

Tyrion got down from his chair and started walking towards the door. He would not listen to his father torture him any longer. His words cut deeper than any knife ever could.

" And one more thing." Tywin said stopping him for a moment. " The next whore I find in your bed, I'll hang."

Tyrion never knew his father to make an idle threat. He would have to be very careful with Shae now or she might end up like his first wife and he couldn't allow that to happen especially not by the hands of his father.

Robb/King's Landing
He had overslept again. He was up late with the kennelmaster discussing what had made Reyne and Lavender ill, some sort of flower in the gardens that they ate. He said they would be back to normal in a couple of days. He also attributed it to his grandfather being in the capital to run things.

Robb wasn't stupid enough to believe that his grandfather would tell him everything so he had enlisted other sources to get him information.

" Tell me of the Stark boy?" Robb asked sitting at his desk signing so trade agreements between the capital and the Dornish.

" My little birds tell me that the Stoic Wolf, as his men have taken to calling him, has reached Harrenhal and that your Uncle Ser Jaime has been released on Catelyn Stark's orders." Lord Varys said.

" Do you know where he is?" he asked hopefully.

" I am afraid I do not, Your Grace." the Spider said.

" Have you told this to my grandfather or mother?" Robb questioned.

" No, I have not. Truthfully, I only told you, Your Grace, because I feel like you are trustworthy. Don't prove me wrong." Varys said standing.

" I won't. Since you are here, do happen to know where the Queen is?" the King asked knowning if anyone knew,  he did.

" She left just moments ago. For the orphanage, I believe with her handmaids and Ser Arys." the Master of Whispers replied.

" Thank you, Lord Varys. Truly. I appreciate it very much." Robb said gratefully.

" It is my pleasure, Your Grace." the eunuch said bowing and leaving the room.

" Barristan, do you feel like a walk in the streets?" he asked smiling at the Lord Commander.

" Of course, Your Grace." the knight said.

They reached Flea Bottom with in half an hour and had some small folk point them in the direction of the orphanage. Robb had been wearing his crown so people had noticed him more than usual. He wanted his people to know that he wasn't snobbish and refused to be around them just because they were of low birth.

He and Barristan crept inside quietly as they neared he could hear Margaery speaking to the children but they stayed hidden in the shadows so they were not seen.

" He was a soilder, ma'am." a small boy said.

" Your Grace!" the septa of the house scolded her charge.

" Ma'am is fine." Margaery said calming any fear the woman had.

" He fought in the war. At Blackwater Bay when the ships came." the boy continued. " He never came back."

" And your mother?" his wife asked.

" She died when she had me." the boy said hanging his head. 

" Bad men wanted to come into the city and do terrible things, but your father stopped them." she said grabbing a wooden toy from one of her handmaids. " When you look at this knight, I want you to remember your father."

" He wasn't a knight. He was just a soilder." the boy said taking the toy.

" And what do knights swear to do? To protect the weak and uphold the good, your father did that. You should be proud of him." Margaery stated lookimg to another boy. " Was your father a soilder too?"

The boy nodded. Robb felt that he should make his prescence known.

" The Queen is right. You should all be proud of your fathers. With out them we wouldn't be standing here." he said walking towards them.

Margaery turned to him and smiled, but the children's mouths were all open in awe.

" Are you the King?" one little girl asked.

" Why yes I am, sweetheart and I wanted you all to know that from now we are going to take care of you. All of you." Robb said ruffling the little boy's hair as Margaery's handmaids handed out more toys to the children.

His mother and father would never have done this. To be honest with himself, Robb never would have done this had it not been for Margaery. She truly was the kindest person he knew.

They played with the children for a little while longer before having to leave. Margaery stopped the septa when the exited the door with Barristan and Arys.

" Come to us for whatever you need to clothe them, feed them, or house them. Directly to us." she said kissing one of the children's cheeks before they walked back towards the Keep.

As they walked back, Robb felt like he should sing. He didn't know why he had the urge to do so he just did so he began to sing a song that his mother would sing to him as a little boy.

" The Father's face is stern and strong,
he sits and judges right from wrong.

He weighs our lives, the short and long, and loves the little children.

The Mother gives the gift of life, and watches over every wife.
Her gentle smile ends all strife, and she loves her little children.

The Warrior stands before the foe,
protecting us where e'er we go.
With sword and shield and spear and bow, he guards the little children." Robb sang as the small folk they passed by started to clap and cheer.

" The Crone is very wise and old, and sees our fates as they unfold.
She lifts her lamp of shining gold to lead the little children.

The Smith, he labors day and night,
to put the world of men to right.
With hammer, plow, and fire bright, he builds for little children.

The Maiden dances through the sky, she lives in every lover's sigh.
Her smiles teach the birds to fly, and gives dreams to little children.

The Seven Gods who made us all, are listening if we should call.
So close your eyes, you shall not fall,
they see you, little children.

Just close your eyes, you shall not fall,
they see you, little children."  Robb finished.

" You are quite good, Your Grace." Barristan said.

Margaery beamed up at him in surprise.

" I didn't know you could sing." she said.

" I don't." he chuckled and she giggled along with him.

" Maybe you should start, Your Grace." Ser Arys suggested.

" Maybe I should." Robb said smiling as they entered the castle.

Robb hoped there would be much to sing about in coming months. Like the end of a war.

Robett/ The Riverlands
He could have taken his mother's advice, but he wanted to follow his heart.

He knew that if he married the Frey girl then he would regret it for the rest of his days and he didn't want that to weigh him down his entire life.

He had called upon the septon from the nearest castle to preform the ceremony with his squire, Olyvar, as a witness. Even though the boy was a Frey, he was loyal and a true friend said before Robett had asked that he boar no ill will toward him for marrying the woman he loved.

" In the Light of the Seven, I bind these two souls together as one for all eternity. Look upon one another and say the words." the septon said wrapping the piece of cloth around their hands.

" Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am hers...his and she...he is mine. From this day until the end of my days." they both said in unison before Robett pulled her into a passionate kiss sealing their union.

He had just pledged his life to this woman, but their was still another woman on his mind. He didn't love her, but he did want her to be happy so if he could then he would bring Margaery Tyrell the happiness that he felt at the moment.

Everyone deserved happiness in some way and Robett was glad he had found his by marrying Talisa instead of the Frey girl.

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