From Stranger To Everything

By Cara______

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*** Getting To Know The Story Main Content. *** Ellie, the quite, shy and sweet nature girl has always been l... More

Part 1 : First Encounter
Part 2 : Butterflies Recognition, Check.
Part 3 : Spitfire?
Part 4 : Will This Feeling Ever Go Away?
Part 5 : You Leave Me Breathless
Part 6 : I think I Don't Understand the Attention You Gave Me
Part 7 : Clueless Type of Girl
Part 8 : Clumsy Adorable Girl
Part 9 : You Are Not My Rubbish Bin Baby
Part 10 : Green? That's Not My Favorite Color.
Part 11 : Just a Deer in the Headlight
Part 12 : A Scorching Kiss and the Shockwave
Part 13 : A Servant and the Princess
Part 14 : The Way You Made Me Feel or the Sensation?
Part 15 : Flynn Said "You Are My Charger"
Part 16 : Would you be mine?
Part 17 : Without a Doubt YES.
Part 18 : Are You Well Pleasured?
Part 19 : Her Love Was All She Knows
Part 20 : That Is the Love She Knows
Part 22 : Shove Your Motor Up Your Ass A**hole.
Part 23 : Filler Flynn
Part 24 : A Hidden Relationship
Part 25 : Where Teddy Has a Name <3
Part 26 : Morning Love.
Part 27 : A Seashell Couple Ring
Part 28 : Another Second To Live By
Part 29 : A Taboo
Part 30 : A Living Nightmare
Part 31 : Forget Me Not.
Part 32 : A Little Band To Remember
Part 33 : Delusional Reality
Part 34 : When the Pot Calling the Kettle Black
Part 35 : I Forgot How To Be Loved, By You.
Part 36 : Because We Weren't Brave Enough
Part 37 : The Little Star Under Our Feet
Part 38 : Blinding Fairytales
Part 39 : Be My Bride, If We Can.
Part 40 : When She Got a Taste of Bitterness
Part 41 : Merrily Never After
Part 42 : Little Bingo
Part 43 : Plot Twist
Last Part : It's Epilogue Time Ellie.
Author Note (^_^)v

Part 21 : Her Perfect Imperfection

10.5K 260 18
By Cara______

Flynn POV

I inhaled a big breath as Ellie snuggled adorably inside my arms. The aftermath of our little play whirled around my head and I smiled. I kissed her forehead and watched her closed her eyes in satisfaction then pressed her face closer into the crook of my neck. The feeling of wanting to be with her was so strong, it nearly knock me of my feet if I was standing right now. At the moment everything was perfect, she made me go crazy with lust and that was the first.

The weight of frustration that someone might found out about us tumbled down on both of my shoulder enough to crush me, but her taste alone brought an inner strength and confident back to the surface. I closed my eyes and breathed her unique scent in, suddenly all the worries puffed into smokes, forgotten.

"Let's tell mom. I can hide us no more" I tighten my hold on her, emotion trying to spill but I held them at bay.

"I'm afraid" Her small voice did the same thing to my inside, wanting to hide her away from every existent.

"Don't be, you had me"

"Mom love me because she think I was your friend, if she knows, I don't know what would happen" Yes, Ellie call my mom, Mom, and that was the cutest things ever watching them get along so well, better than me her own daughter. My mom obviously adored Ellie and so was Ellie to my mom.

"We should be worried about dad, he doesn't take crap well. He has somehow big reputation in the government. His only daughter being lesbian certainly gives a black spot to his work. He probably disowns me, and leaves me penniless." I chuckled humorlessly. Sure, my dad loved me, he was a sweet teddy bear for me they are loving parent, a bit strict but going down to humiliation my dad was harsh and unforgiving, even with me. That's why he was ranking high in his works.

"I won't do that to you, it's fine. Everything's fine. I won't make any fuse anymore. I'll do whatever you want, wherever you put me" Hearing her words tumbled out of her lips broke my heart. She's willing to stay behind my back, unnoticed. Just to be with me.

"I love you so much Ellie, sometime it hurts. I want to kiss you openly, tell everyone that you're mine." Being able to call her mine was my fate. Sometime I regret taking her, if I didn't flirt she would still be an innocent, happy go lucky girl then she would meet a nice boy, have date and normal life. No frown upon was direct at her. But the thought of her with some douchebag, touching her the way I did was too painful to even comprehend. Her perfect imperfection drew me in and I was head over heels for her. From the start I was just curious, she made me curious about her everything, made me wanting to get close. Then here I was, in love. Plain and simple.

"Please don't stop loving me. I don't know what to do without you" Her voice getting smaller, shaking and I felt the dampness at the corner of my neck. I smile, stop loving her? That was like self destruction or suicide mission.

"Give me times, wait for me. I want to make sure that I can feed our family well before he disowns me, I want three kids though" I teased, hoping to lighten up the heavy cloud surrounding us. Having her was enough.

"No, I won't do that to you. I don't want you to choose like that" She was sobbing quietly and my heart broke all over again, I swallowed the sudden lump forming in my throat. I dried her tears away and leaning down to kissed her lips, she kissed me back clinging to me in desperation. How could I throw her away when she was like this? She was too thoughtful for her own good, putting my family happiness in front of her, chose to stay behind my back.

"How many times are you going to cry baby?" I pulled away, cupping her face gently looking into her soft brown orbs they glazed with unshed tears and I want to smack myself. I brought her nothing but tears.

"I don't know, don't leave me"

"I won't. Just stay on my back, I won't let you walk with me. When the road get too hard, even when there was so much sharp rock, just stay on my back. Give me kiss when I'm tired so I'll have some more strength to walk for us. No matter what happen, just remember that I love you" I whispered, looking straight at her letting her know that I was serious. As a heart attack.

"Ummm" She nodded though her tears and I kissed them away.

"You know what I hate the most?" I smoothed her hair, pressing her soft torso tighter toward me.

"what?" she croaked cutely and I smiled at the wall. At night she was everywhere in my room, her scent lingering on my bed sheet, lulled me to sleep.

"Ellie cries" I said sincerely.

"I won't cry anymore then" She grinned and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I heard that a lot" I smirked at her then laughed when she covered my face with her small hand, giggling along with me.

"I want two or three kid" I hugged her waist toward me watching her eyes glowed with mirth.

"I'm not mama pig that can get you a dozen when I'm pregnant" She said sarcastically as she hit my chest.

"I always wonder why this small hand seems so strong hitting me" I grabbed her fist and stared at them musing out loud.

"Right, don't rubbed me the wrong way then" She glared at me and I gave into an impulse as I grabbed in a bone crushing hugged and squeezed her.

Ellie squealed and stomp on my shoulder and I let her go chuckling.

"Don't mess with fire, little girl." I smirked and flicked her nose and she huffed.

"ummm, can I get a puppy?" I grinned when she said that.

"Sure baby"

"I want the master bedroom with light violet color" I widen my eyes. Violet? Ellie's favorite.

"No negotiation at all?" Well if she wants that, I could give her that.

"No, the wall is light violet, ummm what do you want, it's gonna be our room after all" She grinned sheepishly and I couldn't help but smiling at her.

"Cream blue and gray" She scrunched her nose and I laughed.

"Well you get to decorate the master bedroom the way you want, I want the wine cellar" She gave me a look and I pecked her lips, cutting off any look from her. She knew I always want a wine cellar in my house after all.

"Can we stock some milk and chocolate too?" She asked innocently and I burst out laughing. Ellie looked genuinely perplexed for a moment, obviously not catching on why I was laughing but she grinned along.

"What?" Her eyes were on me and my lips stretched so far I thought I would tear them open.

"Who the hell stock milk in wine cellar Ellie? they call wine cellar for a reason, doesn't it?" Realization clicked and she pouted.

"well, why the hell not, I want milk to stock there also. it's our private cellar after all"

"You have your own kitchen to do as you please, don't mess with my wine cellar, if you stock milk in there they would ruin my badass room" I chuckled some more and she pouted.

"I'll have a round bed in the middle of the cellar, decorate them with a deep blood red, whenever we want to relax or away from YoYo. Sipping on wine, you'll get seduce over there a lot mama" I smirked watching her embarrassing face.

"Pervert" She smacked my forehead lightly and I grabbed her hand dropping a kiss inside her palm.

"because you're irresistible" I replied huskily watching her pupil dilated in lust.

"I won't let you work" Her eyes snapped to me and a little frown appeared.

"Why not?" I held in my ridiculously possessive side that afraid if she goes to work and some asshole may try to steal her away from me.

"Well, who going to be looking after our kids then?" I said and her eyes narrowed on mine and I cleared my throat awkwardly. Sometime she was like a damn lie detector, she would even know if I lie and said I already had breakfast.

"Spit it out, husband" She fingers covered my ear, ready to pull if I make one wrong move and I caved.

"Fine! I'm afraid some asshole looks at you, or even worse flirt and woo you. They'll be dead if they try to steal you away from me"

"so our kids are not the main concern at all then?" She teased and I grumbled.

"They are, too" I admitted then frowned when Ellie giggled openly at my expensed.

"I only have eyes for you. husband" Ellie flirted cheekily and I gripped her toward me in a tight embrace.

"You better, wife" I smirked and leaned down to kiss her tempting lips, unable to stop myself from tasting her. Damn, she'll be the dead of me.

I decided, no matter what, Ellie's mine.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow okay?"

"Will you call me tonight?" Her pleading eyes hooked me in and I nodded.

"Of course" I nodded without hesitation then leaned to claim her lips in a scorching kiss.


I walked Ellie to her class already then made my way to my only other class without her. Chemistry. I sighed, missing her already. I plopped myself down, ignoring a look from my classmate. Seth and his friend Dave sat down next to me. He's a nice guy with a nice built, her around 6'1 with dark crop short hair. Well, I have been noticed his sly glanced for a while, I knew he been up to no good. We chatted easily and he goofed around with his friend for a while before the class started. He helped me through chemistry and thank to him I haven't been so struggled with this subject.

"You gotta pay me some bubble tea for this!" Seth grinned and I raised my eyebrow at his insinuation, he thought I was some shallow chick obviously.

"You wish" I grinned back and smack his shoulder not so lightly and he winced then rubbed them furiously.

"Ouch, so how about lunch?" He said and I grinned, he didn't stop his effort then.

"Are you asking me out?" I asked deadpan and he gulped looking awkward.

"Ummm, what do you say then?" He rubbed the back of his head, clearly uncomfortable then plaster on a big smile for me. I couldn't help but grinned thought. I shook my head at him.

"We can have lunch if you want, not one on one thought. Hey Dave you come too okay?" Dave smirked then salute me mockingly. I rolled my eyes then see them off to Ellie class waiting for her. I tried to calm the butterflies whenever I got to see her again. I chuckled, she had no idea her husband was asked out on a date at the moment.

We both went back on track. Loving her made my life so much easier, healthier. I shook my head and grinned alone, as she walked out of her class then waved at me. My mouth watered at the sight, she had a black dress that end just above her knees, open neck and showing some of her cleavage when she bend down to picked her dropping book. I scowled as a guy checking her out, obviously saw what I saw. I grumbled then rushed toward her, hating her dress and her clumsiness right now. I grabbed her mid bending, and straighten her up then picked up her books for her, she smiled at me cheekily but I scowled at her.

"Stop wearing that dress to school" I muttered darkly, my frowned darken when I caught another guy looking at her longer than necessary. She didn't know though. Unconsciously I grabbed her hand and lace our finger together.

"What why?" Ellie asked, perplexed. Jeez, I hate her dress and love it at the same time.

"No reason. I don't like it" I lied, partly true.

"Eeeee, but I looked cute in this one" She pouted and that was the exact reason I hate it. Only my eyes could see how cute she was.

"No and that was final" I dragged her by her hand toward our last period together.

"Our joining hand look like a couple, not bestfriend" Ellie wiggling her eyebrow and I burst out laughing. Damn cheeky girl.


A/N Maybe you guys are confused. Wattpad delete one of my chapter and I don't know why. Anyway Enjoy.

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