The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.5K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Sixteen

92.3K 3.1K 1K
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

December 22th 2012
Chapter Fourteen -
Terrance Archibald

''I look like I have a muffin top.'' I muttered, examining my reflection in the mirror, my hands running over the growing bump. ''God, I'm gonna start looking like a fruitcake.''

''Then you'll be a cute looking fruitcake.''

''I'm being serious.''

''And I'm just saying.''

''Cloud!'' I exclaimed in exasperation, whirling around to face him with a glare, crossing my arms over my chest with a huff of annoyance. He sat on his bed, back against the wall with his laptop resting upon his bent knees while his dark blue eyes souly focused on the screen while his fingers clicked away on the keyboard.

''Terrance, you look absolutely fine.''

''I look fat!'' I retorted, motioning to my middle area that has become more noticeable in size. Sighing in frustration, I turned back around to face the mirror and returned to tugging on my jeans, trying to get the damn button done up.

Common, it's only an inch or so apart! I thought, a whine escaping low in my throat as I threw my hands up in the air, giving up on the pair of jeans that must of obviously shrunk in the dryer. Yeah, blame the dryer Mr. I-can-eat-an-entire-tub-of-cookie-dough-ice-cream-in-one-sitting.

''You're not fat, Rex. It just means the baby's growing, that's a good thing.''

''Yeah? Try telling my pants that.'' I growled through gritted teeth, roughly tugging my pants down which caused Cloud to sigh and not a moment later the sound of his laptop clicking shut. Well, gee, sorry for disrupting your internet time, prick.

''Why don't you wear a pair of joggers or a pair of those new pants Carmen helped you pick out? Those will fit, yeah?''

''That isn't the point!''

''Then what is?''

''I don't know!''

''Real informative.''

''Fuck you!'' I suddenly cried out angrily. I felt like a volcano ready to erupt at any given moment, my emotions were running too high and I just felt overwhelmed with everything. I turned on my heel to storm out of Cloud's bedroom but he caught me by the arm, reeling me back into his chest. I screamed in rage, writhing in his tightening grip while trying to kick him in the shin.

''Calm down, Rex.'' He murmured, his voice oozing concern which only made tears well up in my burning eyes as I ceased my body from moving, the only movement was the rapid raising and falling of my chest while I breathed heavily, trying to calm myself down. ''Look, I'm sorry. I was being an unhelpful ass and I didn't mean to upset you.''

I swallowed the lump in my throat, taking in a deep breath as Cloud whispered sweet nothings in my ear while rubbing his hands up and down my arms in a soothing manner but I felt anything but relaxed. I jerked out of Cloud's grip causing him to stumble back a good few steps as I departed from the bedroom; honestly not giving a damn that I only wore his sweater and a pair of his boxers.

I ignored him when he called my name, listening to his footsteps that were following after me but I didn't give him a chance to catch me as I turned and went into the upstairs bathroom, slamming door shut with a bang and flicked the lock. I took a seat on the toilet to try and calm myself down by taking in another deep breath only to let out a startled yelp as the white curtains to the bathtub were pulled back and there sat Wind but he wasn't naked nor was there any water pooling around him.

''Having a spat with my brother dearest?'' He started off casually while I continued to stare at him in disbelief. He seemed to realize my facial expression as he glanced down at himself and sighed, resting his arm over the side while glancing up at the ceiling. ''I like to sit in here and think...I feel safe in here.''

I frowned. ''How come?''

''I asked you a question first, Terry.''

''Don't call me that.'' I snapped before sighing in frustration as I ran my hand through my hair. ''I'm sorry. I'm not all that good of company right at this moment.''

''No shit, I mean I can tell but if it makes you feel better, I'm never good company.'' He replied with a snort, tilting his head as he listened to Cloud once again call out my name. ''So, are you gonna tell me what you two are so wound up about?''

Cloud hasn't touched me in days. I thought, my mood depressing, dumping an ice cold bucket of water over my flame of anger. Oh sure, he's kissed me but once either of us start to get really heated, he'd pull away or come up with an excuse to stop. I clasped my hands together as my eyes started to once again burn. It's because I am getting fat. Maybe I'm becoming more and more unattractive with each passing day and Cloud's starting to get appalled by my appearance.

''Is it because Araki couldn't define the gender of the baby?''

''Am I fat?'' I blurted, seeming to catch Wind off guard and ignoring his earlier question because I was still rather upset over that matter also. Cloud and I had been so excited to find out the gender but Araki couldn't get a proper view because the little person was too curled up and decided to stay that way through the entire appointment.

''Erm...well your stomach is getting bigger.'' Wind said which caused me to burst into tears, startling him as he sat up in a panic. ''W-well you're pregnant, you're gonna get big!'' I cried even harder as it seemed to dawn on me that I was gonna get big—I was gonna get way bigger.

I faintly heard Wind curse as he seemed to try and scramble out of the bathtub, throwing open the bathroom door and yelled for Cloud. A few moments later, Cloud appeared around the door frame, shoving Wind out of his way before getting down on his knees in front of me and taking my limp hands into his while I continued to cry.

''Rex?'' He asked but I didn't respond which caused him to turn a sharp glare in Wind's direction. ''What did you do?'' His tone even sharper which made Wind pause before he rushed out. ''I told him his stomach was getting bigger!''

''You're a fucking tool!''

''Well he's pregnant! It's not like he's gonna get any smaller!''

''Shut up and get out!'' Cloud commanded, his voice dark and Wind didn't stick around as he left and shut the door behind him. Cloud turned his attention back to me, his scowl softening into a soft frown as he brushed my fringe back and cupped the back of my neck in his hand. ''Terrance, talk to me, please. I hate see you this upset.''

''D-do you still love me?'' I managed to whimper out, making his frown deepen and his hold on my hand tighten.

''I've never stopped loving you,'' Cloud breathed without hesitation. ''What would make you think I don't love you?''

I sniffled, using my free hand to wipe away some stray tears. '' won' won't...''

''I won't what?''

''...Have sex with me.'' I uttered in embarrassment, taking my hand from his grip to bury against my face to hide the heating of my flushing cheeks. ''It's because I'm getting fat and I'm no longer slim and I'm moody and I've been eating a lot and--''

''Terrance, look at me.'' Cloud said cutting me off from my ramble. I lifted me head which caused more tears to streak down my cheeks, dripping off from my chin. ''You could be as big as a house and I'd still love you. You could go bald and I'd still love you,''

''Then why won't you--''

''Because I'm scared. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby. God forbid I loose either of you because of me. When you were spotting, I thought it was my fault from the night before because I was too rough...'' He trailed, guilt shimmering in his eyes which tugged at my heart strings and made me realize; I was selfish.

Cloud has always been there for me. He always put me before himself and made sure I was all fine and dandy even when I was upset with him. He took my mood swings in stride and comforted me when I was feeling down, feeding me words when I was upset and giving me strength when I was feeling weak.

But when he needed me to be there for him, I wasn't. I didn't bother to notice him drowning in guilt over the blood spotting which wasn't his or anyone's fault. It was just a cruel taunt that petrified both of us, making us believe we'd lost our baby.

''I don't want to hurt either of you.'' His words brought me back from my thoughts and I couldn't help but throw my arms around his neck to hold him close. I inhaled a shaky breath, burying my nose in his soft dark hair as I forced myself not to cry.

''I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot.'' I muttered. ''It isn't your fault Cloud. You heard what Araki said, it's common--''

''Knock, knock. Ma and I heard screaming earlier and she sent me up here to make sure everyone is still alive and well—and by everyone I think we all know she means Cloud.'' Starr's muffled voice interrupted me which had both Cloud and I raising our heads to stare at the door. ''Helloooo....Terrance? If you killed Cloud, I totally won't be mad and we can hide his body in the backyard--''

''I'm alive, Starr.'' Cloud deadpanned, his expression almost comical.

''Oh...well, that's a shame.'' I heard her mutter which had me biting into my bottom lip to keep from grinning at Cloud as his expression changed into a scowl. I listened to her retreating foot steps before nudging Cloud which had his attention returning to me, his eyes searching mine. I leaned forward and placed a peck on his lips, giving them a quick lick which didn't go unnoticed by him.

''Tease.'' He murmured a slow grin stretching across his lips. I chuckled, my hands cupping his neck to bring him forward in a gentle kiss, his tongue slipping into my mouth as his hands reached down to run along my bare thighs. I shivered, wrapping them around his waist and tightened my arms around his neck while he picked me up, his mouth still savoring my own.

Our kiss was quickly turning hungry as Cloud maneuvered his way towards the door, fumbling with the door handle which led out into the upstairs hallway. I pulled away from the feverish kiss, inhaling a deep breath as Cloud carried me back into his bedroom, kicking the door shut with his foot. Reattaching our lips, Cloud walked over towards the bed, laying me down while he hovered above, his hands trailing up my sides while mine threaded through his hair, giving a tug that caused him to groan sexily.

''Make love to me, Cloud.'' I breathed, my cheeks no doubt flaming cherry red from my plead. His eyes darkened while my blood boiled like running lava, fueling my lust for the man above me. ''Take me.'' I didn't give him enough time to find an excuse as I lowered my hand and caressed his stiffening cock through his jeans which caused him to inhale sharply, his eyes boring into mine.

''Fuck, Rex.'' Cloud murmured, his mouth opening in silent moan as I felt his member grow in length as his arousal heightened.

''I want you inside me.'' I whispered, dipping my hand down his pants to stroke my thumb over his leaking tip which had him clenching his teeth and tilting his head back while he struggled to breathe steadily. I quickened my strokes along his length, moving my free hand down to rub my own member that was straining through the fabric of my boxers. I arched my hips, releasing a moan that caught his attention as his hands came up and gripped my both of my wrists.

''I almost came.'' He husked. ''I want to do that inside you.''

Well, fuck just those words alone almost had me come undone. I tugged my boxers down, allowing my member to be freed from the confines of the fabric as Cloud hurriedly pulled his shirt off over his head, tossing it aside as he started undoing his pants. I licked my lips, my hands gripping the end of the sweater but I paused, becoming self-conscious but I shook my head and swallowed down my vicious thoughts and removed the item of clothing, tossing it away and leaving me totally nude.

''You're so beautiful, Rex. Don't forget that.'' Cloud murmured, grabbing the bottle of lube from his bedside drawer, squirting a good amount onto his digits before one by one inserting them into me. I threw my head back, my legs stretching outwards as he plunged his fingers in and out. I panted, my hands gripping onto his shoulder blades as he aligned himself before pushing in. I hissed, my fingers curling and my nails cutting into his skin as he filled me to the hilt.

Cloud stayed still inside me, leaning down to place kisses along my collarbone while rubbing his thumbs over my nipples causing them to harden from the attention. My head was swimming and my vision was becoming hazy as Cloud agonizingly slow, moved in and out, savoring my tight heat while I savored the fullness of him. I started rotating my hips, listening to Cloud growl low in his throat and hoping he'd quicken the pace and just pound into me but he continued thrusting slow, his hand rubbing my aching cock.

''Cloud...'' I breathed, feeling the familiar burn in my balls as they tightened and I inhaled sharply as I came, clenching myself around Cloud which finally succeeded in him picking up his pace. He thrust harder and faster, helping me ride out my mind blowing ecstasy while I writhed and moaned underneath him as he came with a grunt, spilling his seed inside of me.

(Another filler, le sigh)

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