A New Life With Demons {Book...

By LessMangles12Fanfics

669 3 1

(Sequel to My Guardian Demons) (Read that first before reading this book) (otherwise people are gonna get con... More

The Safe Place
Back Home
Reunited But Still Lost
Home & An A+ Project
Home Run And Punch!
New Abilities
Dance Like No Ones Watching
What Is Even Going On?
Can I Ask You Something?
Me Versus Sebastian
I Have The Urge To Kill You
Am I?
Stockholm Syndrome
Slushy Drunk
Bathing In My Own Blood
No Time
Practice By Fighting
The Fight Of Our Lives
The Wedding
The Wedding (2)
I Love You, Dark
My Mommy and Daddies
Am I A Bad Person?
Her Drawings
A Gift
An Adventure Of A Lifetime
Happy Valentine's Day
What About Her?
Prisoner (2)
The Story of DNA
I Need To Escape
Is It Really You?
A Small Experiment
You Belong To Me Now
Practice Makes Perfect
Someone Familiar
Home Again

Stopping By

9 0 0
By LessMangles12Fanfics

(Darkiplier's Perspective)

I woke up on this fancy couch and found myself in this big room, only with a fireplace to light the place up.

The furniture in this room was all fancy, golden and pink.

I looked over to my left and saw a table with a light pink cloth with two chairs on each end.

The chair was tall, had some arm rests and had pink cushions on the back and seat.

On the table was a kettle and a few different plates of snacks. The first one had chocolate covered strawberries, both in milk and white chocolate and lightly sprinkled with some nuts. The second one had three cupcakes, all of them had pink cupcake wrappers. One had white frosting with pink sprinkles, another one had chocolate frosting with white sprinkles, the last one had pink frosting with a cherry on top and nuts sprinkled on it.

The last plate had a small cake, on top of the cake was a big, pink mustache.

There was also two tea cups on the ends of the table as well, one at my end and the other on the empty end.

I got up from the couch and stood up.

"Hello there darling, or should I say..."


Now I know who this bastard was.

Wilfred Warfstache.


Then a look alike of Anti appeared. He threw a green chain at my direction and it was wrapped around my neck.

"Gah! Grr!"

Wilfred was standing next to him with a golden walking stick that had a mustache on the top.

"You really think you can do that, Darky," he asked, stroking his mustache.

"Grr! Ngh! Huh... What are you doing here... Gah... Where am I," I choked out.

"I thought you'd wanna drop on by for a visit. Isn't that right, DNAnti?"

"He certainly is, boss."


Is he supposed to be the "darker" side of Anti?

"You're finished Dark," Wilfred said.

"Why am I even here," I choked out.


"Grr... Let me go..."

"I said Think."

"Ha! I didn't know that you knew any other words..."

"Hehe, speaking of words..."

Wilfred paused, pulled out his golden revolver from his black holster, clicked it and pointed it at me.

"Any last ones," he finished.

"Luc said not to kill him until we have the human girl," DNAnti reminded him.

"I don't work for Lucifer anymore."

Wilfred walked over to him and hit him with the end of his gun in the head.

"Remember," he said, "You work for me now."

"For," DNA questioned, "You said that we work together, not treat me like a slave or some pet."


Wilfred put his gun away, turned his back from him, moved some hair out of his face, looked at me and said,

"Release your chain from his neck so he can breathe and put it away for now, we should give our 'visitor' a more 'proper' greeting."

"Of course, Wil."

DNA went over to me, loosened the chain around my neck and jerked his head in the direction where the table was.

I rubbed my neck as I walked over to the end where it was closer and sat down in the chair. DNA stood beside Wilfred and stared at me.

"I gotta admit," Wilfred said as he sat down, "That was pretty impressive of what you did."

"What do you want," I asked.

"Uh uh uh, only I ask the questions Darky."


I slumped in the chair and stared at him.

"I have overheard that you and Anti now watch and take care of a human now," he said.

"Yes," I said, "Her name is Sarah."

"Interesting, usually an ordinary demon would kill them right away."

"I would've done the same, but something about her made me feel like I couldn't."

"And why not?"

"She... I just... I couldn't leave her like how we found her... She was hurt, tired, and looked like she was escaping from something."

"But yet you didn't kill her."

"Don't even try to think about hurting or killing her. Sarah has been though some very bad things, her parents were killed in front of her eyes, she's been bullied, sexually abused..."


I stood up and slammed my fist onto the table.


That mustache man just still sat there, glaring in my red eyes. DNA was ready to throw his green chain and wrap it around my neck again, Wilfred put up his cane and stopped him.

"I got this," he told DNA.

"Stop pretending like you're something so important," I growled.

DNA cracked his green chain and threw it around my neck again. I grabbed it and only held onto it. He then pulled me towards him, punched my face and made the chain around my neck more tighter.

"Remember when your friend Anti went crazy," he said in a cold tone, "He was killing himself and you did nothing."

"I tried to stop him," I choked out.

"But then when you let his arm go, he had to slit his own throat."

"What did you do to him?"

"I injected a serum that would make a person or demon lose their sanity."

He pulled out a syringe with a glowing green fluid and pointed it at my neck.

"You could've stopped me," he said, "but you just watched... Now it's your turn..."

"DNA stop it," Wilfred demanded, "Or else I'll have to torture you."

"I can put up with your torture methods bitch."

"What if I told you that I had to use your own serum on you?"

"It's what keeps me alive."

"I've got something that you will surely horrify you."

Wilfred then pulled out another syringe, only it was filled with a glowing pink fluid.

"I'm warning you," he said to DNA, "Let him go and let us continue our conversation or else I'll have to turn you into a test monkey again for my serum."

DNA was shaking in fear by this serum. He put away his own green serum, let the chain release from my neck and stepped back.

"I thought so," Wilfred said as he put away his pink serum.

I rubbed my neck again and looked at him.

"I'm so sorry," he said, glaring at DNA, "You'll have to forgive him, he's a little... Unstable."

"It's... Fine," I replied, "I've put up with worse."

He escorted me back to my chair, then went back to his and picked up his cup.

"As you were saying before," he said as if nothing ever happened.

What? How is he acting like nothing is happening?

"Well," I continued, "Within that same day her school was on lock down, they got everyone out except for her."

"Lily Creek High, am I correct?"

"Um, yes. For three days I had to fight against who was one of my friends, thank goodness that he's gone forever."


"I had to betray him because of what I did."

"What about your friend? Sarah?"

"She was almost shot by her adopted Dad, Anti was able to stop him. But then the worse had to come..."

Wilfred sipped from his cup and set it down again.

"And that was?"

"The whole town formed an angry mob and burned the house down. We were able to escape with no injuries."

He just glared at me and gave me the "Tell me the truth" look.

"Okay, me and Anti didn't get hurt, but Sarah's right arm caught on fire because of a burning wooden plank and it was burnt very badly..."

"Did you ever look at the angry mob, specifically their eyes?"

"No, why?"

"I was only curious, Darky, only curious."

"Yeah, you were curious and don't call me that."

"Wilfred Warfstache don't take shit from nobody."

I grabbed the handle of my cup, stirred it a little and took a sip.

"I know I said that only I get to ask the questions," he said, "But you can go ahead and ask me some questions. Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you for doing that."

"Okay," I replied while unsure, "What are those serums? You're a doctor now?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! No, but the serums I can definitely tell you what they are. DNA?"

DNA pulled out his green serum and injected it into his arm.

"This serum you speak of," he began to say, "What is it that you want to know about?"

"You say that it's fuel for you," I say, "What is it like if others get injected with it?"

"Easy, it has many effects on one who gets infected. It can cause one to get violent and aggressive, their minds stop working and they get powerful hallucinations. Some test subjects experienced auditory hallucinations, even if it's just within an object."

"Test subjects?"

"We lure innocent humans to come with us by gaining their trust, then I make them suffer with amnesia so they won't get scared as easily or try to run away."

"Who are the test subjects that you lure in?"

"Mainly teenagers, both genders of course, but once in a while we lure in older humans as well. Again, mostly teenagers."

"Why, but more importantly, how?"

"Since this little town is full of trouble, we lure them in by coming with us for a new drug."

"Hmm, interesting."

"Any other questions regarding the serum, punk?"

"How about the pink serum?"

"Uhhh... I think that would be a question for Mr. Warfstache."

He stepped back and let Wilfred stand up, holding the syringe with the pink serum.

"I've never really tried it on anything yet," Wilfred answered, "This baby here is like DNA's green serum, only it's twice as strong and can stay within the human body longer."

"Why make one that's twice as strong when you have the original," I asked.

"Knock him out and bring him back to the lair."

"Wait what-"

Before I could say anything else, I was knocked in the head real hard and fell down to the floor.

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