Sherlolly Oneshots

By FnchDrcy

56.4K 1.8K 3.5K

Oneshots following the ever confusing, adventure-bound, love-entangled lives (and alternate lives) of our fav... More

Well Hello There
Under the Stars
Star Wars AU - Part 1
Star Wars AU - Part 2
Star Wars AU - Part 3 (final)
Frozen to You
Elevator Talks (Teen!Lock - In 'Murca)
Violet Skies (Greaser!Lock)
Clever Girl
Texts (QotMP)
The Things I'll Do For You
To Be Human
An Orchestra for You (Neko!Lock)
JohnLock ❤️❤️❤️
Puppy Love
Testing 1, 2, 3 (Parent!Lock)
Dream a Little Dream
Fighting Demons
Gunshots (Western!Lock)
Bloody Americans P1
Bloody Americans P2
The Dapper Thief
Expecto Patronum (Potter!Lock)
A/N + Requests
Splatters (Teen!Lock)
Dance With Me
Done For P1
Done For P2
Oddballs, Otters, and Once Upon a Times
When the World Stops Spinning (Greaser/Teen!Lock)
The Call
An East Wind (Uni!Lock)
Wolf Man (Teen!Lock)
Little Monster (Victorian!Lock) P1
Little Monster (Victorian!Lock) P2
Pixie Dust (Supernatural AU)
Dancing Flames
Party Crashers
Welcome the Newlyweds
A/N ~ I am SO sorry
Amortentia (Potter!Lock)
The Meaning of a Ring
Of Body Parts and Blushes
The Captian (Pirate!Lock)
All You Had to Say
A Sea of Candles
The Icing on Top
Hallows Eve
X's and O's (Text!Lock)
Seven Minutes in Heaven (Teen!Lock)
Dark Pasts
Trick or Treat (Parent!Lock)
The On-Call Room (Doc!Lock)
All I Want For Christmas
Tagged Again
When the Clock Strikes Twelve (Teen!Lock)
The Coffee Bar (Teen!Lock)
Snowy Hearts
The Saplings
Don't Get Caught
The Mastermind (Uni!Lock)
The Dark Hours
Webbed Hands (Mermaid!Lock)
Blood Stained (Reverse!Lock)
Face Claims
'Til Death Do Us Part

Forbidden Feelings (Andriod!Lock)

623 26 26
By FnchDrcy

~~ System On ~~

"Sherlock? Sherlock? Can you hear me?"

Sherlock's eyes opened slowly, adjusting quickly to the blinding light that shone in his eyes.

"Perfect! I almost had to reboot you there," that voice. Molly. He made out her shape when the blinding light suddenly flicked off and Molly tucked the light into her pocket. She grinned broadly at Sherlock, her hair pulled back into a sloppy, loose braid and a dark smudge visible under her eye.

Molly pushed her chair to the side of the bed as Sherlock sat up slowly, the wheels smooth under the floor. She opened a small hatch on the back of his shoulder and tugged a few cables out, pushing them off of the bed before closing the hatch.

Sherlock watched her silently as she worked, his face emotionless. "See?" Molly said once she was done, crossing her arms over her chest and admiring her work. "Good as new! Can you do this for me?"

Molly opened and closes her fist and without a word Sherlock copied. He could hear the small little motors whirring as his hand moved, the clicks sharp when he fully opened my hand and when he tightly closed it though soon the sounds disappeared.

"Wonderful!" Molly clapped her hands together, "just keep doing that and tell me if you feel laggy at all, okay?" She didn't wait for Sherlock to answer, instead rolling to the other side of the bed and working on the wires that lead into his back. Molly talked quickly as she worked.

"That was quite the little adventure you put yourself through, sir. Had us all scared for a moment. But I didn't doubt you'd pull through without us having to reboot you completely," Molly scooted back over to face Sherlock, a goofy grin still written on her face, "but tell me. What the hell were you thinking when when you jumped off of that roof?"

Molly pulled out a small hammer and rapped Sherlock's knee with it. Almost immediately his knee jerked up, but it's wasn't human-like. He'd never be human-like. Molly looked up at Sherlock when he didn't answer and he took a deep breath, his first real breath upon waking up.

"I wanted to see if I could feel it." Molly dropped the hammer, taken aback. Shock was written over her face when she retrieved the tool and stared at him.

"Feel it? Sherlock that's crazy. We both know you can't." She said that last part quietly, as if she was afraid of his response. However Sherlock was quite used to it, he just apparently hadn't gotten over it completely.

"I just wanted to know."

"You were supposed to be past this phase," Molly's tone was hushed and serious, the grin wiped completely off of her face. Sherlock didn't answer, turning his face to the window. He probably shouldn't have told Molly this, but any other medic would have rebooted him immediately.

"Sherlock. You have to stop. We can't have you jumping off of things and standing in acid rain getting your face melted off without protection anymore. I thought you came to terms with the fact that-"

"That what," he cut her off sharply. Molly frowned, looking away. "That I'm just not human?"

"Sherlock you know that's not what I-"

"I know exactly what you meant." Sherlock drew his legs up to his chest, feeling the fabric of the pants against his skin. His artificial skin. Molly watched him with a sadness in her gaze. If only she really knew why Sherlock jumped.

"Nothing about me is real Molly. I don't even have feelings. I just need to feel something, anything."

"No you don't," Molly's reply came quickly and Sherlock was taken by surprise, "you don't want to feel like humans can. It becomes overbearing, like a weight."

Sherlock looked at the floor, not bothering to answer. She says these things, but he doubted she would say them if she didn't have feelings at all. Sherlock let out a frustrated huff. Not feeling wasn't his problem, however.

It was the one feeling he discovered he did have that troubled him.

"Please just stop trying to injure yourself, Sherlock. You're basically asking for a reboot, I don't want to do that," Molly didn't meet his gaze, instead fiddling with the hammer in her lap.

"I can't, Molly." Her gaze snapped up as Sherlock continued, "I have to know why I feel what I feel. I just think maybe if I can get myself feel other things maybe an explanation will become present."

Molly furrowed her eyebrows, "a-an explanation for what, Sherlock? What do you feel?"

Sherlock blinked in surprise, hardly even processing what he had said. "I- it's nothing."

"No- Sherlock," she put a hand on his shoulder, smiling softly. That damned smile, "it's okay. You can tell me."

Sherlock stared at Molly's hand, suppressing a shiver. He shouldn't tell her. But damn it did he want to. Sherlock closed his eyes.

"I feel... attraction. Or something of the sorts. Love, excitement whenever I'm around..." Sherlock's voice trailed off. Molly stared at him, her face shocked yet her eyes pressing him to continue.

Sherlock took a deep breath, feeling the gadgets inside of him whirring. He had no lungs, had no heart. And yet still, this feeling couldn't be artificial. Just couldn't.


Molly's hand slipped off of his shoulder and the two were emerged in silence. Sherlock stared at the floor, avoiding eye contact with his favorite medic. She'd helped him so many times, taught him to be as human as an android could be, and then he'd gone along and learned the most forbidden, useless feeling there was.

Now why had he gone and done that?


It was then when Sherlock realized Molly was crying. After that was when he realized he was too, his motors whirring furiously down his spine which was as close to sadness as an artificial thing could get.

"I have to reboot you," her voice sounded terrified and anguished at the same time. He hated it. Hated the words, hated the way she said the words.

Sherlock nodded, trying to calm down the noisy motors on his back, "I know."

"I don't want to."

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

Molly let out a choked sob and threw her arms over Sherlock, burying her face in his bare neck and her finger hovering over the dark button on his spine.

Sherlock pulled Molly away from him, smiling softly. "Thank you for teaching me," he wiped away a tear that slithered down her cheek. Molly pressed her face into his hand, releasing a shuddering breath, "I'll never forget feeling 'love', even when I'm rebooted. Remember that."

Molly squeezed her eyes shut as Sherlock leaned in, pressing his mouth to hers. She pressed the button and Sherlock went limp in her arms.

~~ System Down ~~

~~ System Rebooting ~~

~~ System Refreshed ~~

Molly let out a sob, squeezing Sherlock tightly into her. She couldn't hear his motors, no ticking or whirring. Then Sherlock went rigid and slowly he straightened up.

The eyes opened, the pupils shrinking and growing rapidly. But they weren't Sherlock's eyes, these were expressionless. Cold. Artificial.

Molly's voice hitched in her throat when the android did a quick sweep of the room, its eyes landing on Molly. There was a sharp, rapid ticking when the android took in how close Molly was to it and she silently slipped off, watching the android carefully.

"Hello," the android began. Molly felt her breath catch, "my name is Sherlock Droid 221B. How may I assist you today?"

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